PAG E 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E ng Hugh Leeper and L. W. By- erley and wives. R. B Mayberry and family were Albany visitors Sunday. T. J. Skirvin shipped a car of vetch to San Francisco. J. M Hawkins was transacting business in this vicinity Tuesday. R. L. Winniford had businrs calling bim to Harrisburg the first of the week. Miss Rena Walker journeyed to Harrisburg Wednesday to have her eyes attended to and get new glasses. W. H- Beene and wife visited their aunt, Mrs. Joseph Qulliford, and cousin, Mrs. Will Gordon, at Eugene one day last week. N O V . 10, 19a One cf the Filkins boys who were listed as draft evaders from 'bis county served in the Canadian forces in the war and the other has not been heard from for years and m a y be dead, so the st gma of de- «ertion ought not to attach to them. E. B- McKinney and family apod Sunday with relatives near Welle station, R. B. Mayberry and wife re­ turned Friday morning from a bur­ ied trip to Portland. Mrs. M. E. Miller from Harris­ burg visited at the home of Mrt E. C. Allen Wednesday. » Ed Ward of Albanv was seei here on the streets Wednesday He was a former resident here FRIDAY FARMERS RIALTO “THE OLI) NEST” A CU LilUlI W aterpower LLOYD in “ By the Sea W aves.” NEST’ f L y ceu m C ourse : ¡! 11 * 75c, $1.10, $1.50 • n ! ! Si Fire, theft, collision, property damage and » personal liability. Protect yourself against; i loss. C. P. STAFFORD, A gent.: i s c w i i at n r w i •!! i p a wj Black Stallion Colt Two-year-old. W h ite spot in forehead. W ent astray about four months ago. H. R. S U IK E R , Route 2 Tangent. The delivery window of the Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. no. and 12.30 to 12:36 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. m. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS wood, 13.00; inapleaud oak, $3.50, delivered Halsey. Brownsville Warehouses; Chas. Sterling. Apples— Boxes of delicious Jon­ athans and Spitzenbergs, $1. (J. W. Mornhinweg. If you know au item of news phone it to No. 205. For rent or for sale —Houses and (arms in vicinity of Halsey. W. J. Ribelin. TAXI “*■ Brownsville V call w ill bring me to Halsey in :0 minutes 15 or DEAN TYCER Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsvili - k , O regon A. Peterson “ Old papers, 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and _______ •rid ay. Trespass notices ready printed it the Enterprise office. In Bmall ots, ten cents each. For Posts. sale—Cedar shakes and Load lots delivered. Brownsville Warehouses. Sh“ Fine Shoes a Speciality 501 Lyon st., Albany, Oregon. Shoe R epair Shop Two door« north of the hotel Am prepared to do all kinds oi «hoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- nteed. JEWETT the COBBLER. I. 0 . 0 . F. ] I him toward the great task of his life. Hannah Armstrong, who had foxed hla trousers In New Salem, and the venerable Doctor Allen and the Brim- steads, and Aleck Ferguson, bent with age, and H a rry Needles and Bim and th eir four handsome children, and my Mr. and Mrs. Clive Stafford cel­ fath er and mother, and Betsey, my ebrated their 10th wedding anni. maiden sister, and E ll Frendenherg versary Wednesday by indulging were there In the crowd to bid him in a fine family dinner, Mr. and good-by. Mr*. D. F. Deau dining with them. A quartet sang M r. Lincoln asked May they eujoy many more anni- hla friends and neighbors to pray for his success. H e was moved by the veraaries and each time a fine sight of them and could not have said dinner. In the evening Mr and much I f he had tried The hell rang Mrs Stafford were pleaaautly sur­ The train started. H e waved his hand prised by the appearance of Mr. and was gone. Not many o f us who and Mrs. Laubner, Dr. and Mrs stood trying to see through our tears Marks and Mr. and Mrs. J. W were again to look upon him. The Drinkard and the evening was years of preparation were ended and spent at five hundred. those of sacrifice had begun. Now. we are at the foot of the last Mrs. C. T. Cook was hostess at h ill. F o r a long tim e I had seen it the parsonage last Tuesday even­ looming tn the distance. Those days He bowed and left the room and ing when Intermediate Leaguers It filled my heart w ith a great fear | visited many delegations, and every­ enjoyed a social such as they slot e Now. how beautiful, how lonely It can enjoy. Games of magic and where expressed his convictions In seems! Oh, but w hat a vineyard on otherwise filled the major part of this form ula. Backed by hts trem en­ that very fru itfu l h ill! I speak low dous personality gnd Influence, the when I think of It. H a rry Needles the time and these were followed simple words were Impressive. I doubt by the “ besteat punch, cake ami not they turned scores of men from and I were on our way to Washington that fate fu l night of April 14. 1865. salads that ever wux.’’ These young Seward to the great son o f Illinois. W e reached there at an early hour In people are live wires and Mrs. G Then— the campaign w ith Its crowds the morning. We made our way W Mornhinweg as their leader Its enthusiasm. Its Vesuvian m utter through the crowded streets to the lit­ knows just how to work those wires Ings, There was a curious touch of tle house opposite Ford's theater An “ He Belongs to the Ages." for a groat and good time. Some humor and history In Its banners. Here officer who knew me cleared a way tor of ns old people are sorry we can't are three of th e m : us to the door. Reporters, statesmen, fare and his hardships In many a long, be Intermediates. and their fam ilies were wesry way. “Menard County for the T a ll eltlien s massed In the street w aiting w ith tear- Sucker.” t T he doctor put his ear against the Those who complain of the mov. stained face« for the end. Some of breast of the dying man. T here was “W e are for old Abe the Giant Ing picture« could do much to rem­ K ille r ” them were sobbing as we passed We a moment In which we could hear the edy the evils they complain of if were adm itted without delay A min­ voices In the street. T h e doctor rose "Link on to Lincoln." they would greet such elevating and s a id : “He la gone." Then— those last days In Springfield. ister and the doctor sat by the bedside playa as “The Old N*ek,** which He came to the ofllre the afternoon T he la tte r held an «»pen wretch in his Secretary Stanton, who mo.-e than cornea to the Rialto tomorrow, with before he le ft and threw him self on hand. I could hear It ticking the last once had spoken ligh tly of him. came full and profitable houses and the lounge and talked o f bygone days j moments tn an age of history W hat to the bedside and tenderly closed the a silence as the greet soul of my friend eves of his master, s a y in g : withhold patronage from those with Herndon. “Now, he belongs to the ages." “ Billy, how long have we been to- was “breaking camp to go home." shows of which they disapprove Friend« of the fam ily and members of We went ont of the door. The sound That Is the way to reform the getherT” he asked. the cabinet were In the room Throe h “Sixteen years." of mourning was In the streets. A movies, not by making profitah’e the open door o f a room beyond 1 1 "Never a cross word " doxen bells w-ere toiling. On the cor­ Jobs for a lot of favorites of the “Neves." saw Mre. Lincoln and the chlldien and ner o f Tenth street a quartet o f ne­ politicians as censors. Usually “ Keep the old sign h in gin g A lit- : others. W e looked at our friend lying groes waa singing that wonderful the censors are a greater evil them­ tie thing lik e the election of a Brest- ! on the bed H I« kindly face v, s- pale p ra y e r: selves than the shows upon wtrch dent should make no change In the and haggard. H e breathed fain tly and "Swing low. sweet harlot, cornin’ they exercise their alleged judg­ firm of Lincoln and Herndon. I f I at long In te rv e la H is end was near for to carry me home." live. I'm coming back tome tim e and ment. “Poor A be!” H a rry whispered as he One of them, whoee rich, deep bee« then w e ll go right on w ith the prae- i looked down at him. “ H e has had to thrilled me and all who heard It. was Mrs W H. Dedman and child tlce of the la w a t I f nothing had hap . die on the cross " R.vger W entw orth, the fugitive, who of Portland returned to their home pened " | T o meet of these others Lincoln waa bad come to oer house w ith Bim. In Wednesday alter a lengthy visit Theo— th a t Monday morning In the greet statesman T o H a rry he was the darkness of the night, long before with Mrs Dedman’s parents, W Springfield, a t eight «'clock, oe the I the beloved Abe, who bad shared bis ( T H E E N D .) C. Cooley and Wile of Brownsville, L O S T -R E W A R D ! Dress < Autom obile Insurance H . B S U IK E R , R 2, TangeuL Phone 19F13 Sad OLD He South No, 23, 11:31 a. m. ■ 15, 12:24 p. m. 17, 5.49 p. m, . A ll in good condition, Phone sentiment or melodrama the most beautiful and the » it MRS. C. 5. F U L L E . Route 2, Hal«ey. Admittance Here 5 Cents most sacred of aid theme§—ajmother's love. a Line It draws aside the curtain from the soul of the F O R S A L E or trade— Cue o( the best Chicken dinner every Sunday at American home. It is so real, so genuine, that 255 - acre D a i r y Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents. IX PTtlti well improved, in the many will be moved to tears, througehwhich the I I? < 3,1 1IIS, W illam ette valley, for For Sale—Year-old fir slab smaller place or some business. Tw elve sunshine of laughter will break. room fancy house, I f interested w rite block wood, $2.50 per tier; fir block “ THE Charles Howe of Brownsville passed through here Wednesday on his way to the slock show in Portland. Mr. Howe is one of the leading merchants of Brownsville end in addition to that he runs one of the largest and finest chicken ranches in the country and is suc­ cessful along that line. TrUCk W ashing M achine 1 t«rkn UvU|r Korl complete w ith mat- A picture that presents without false llUll es, an<| springs, full HAROLD The Missionary society of the Melhodist church met with Mrs C. T. Cook at the parsonage last Friday afternoon with 14 members and one guest present. M'w. Foote became a member. Mrs. J C Standish was leader and a moat interesting afternoon was put in. F G R S A L E -p o r J HOME The steam roller has finished Dr. Garnjobst is making im­ provements about his place in the flattening down the crushed rock Also way of a woodshed and a wash in the road between here and Shedd. house and a few minor additions. Mayberry & McKinney shipped J. C. Bramwell, our energetic a carload of hoge to Salem Wednes mail carrier, played “ hookey’ day. Wednesday and hied away to Har- Albert Miller and wife of Eugene resburg to visit with his daughter, vere this week guests at the home Elast, W est, Hom e.s best who dwells there. of Mrs. Miller’s son, Karl Bram­ L'nn county has been spending well. D o n ’t miss seeing all the money she could raise and Mrs O. W. Perry left for Sa­ more too, and no county exhibit was gent to the livestbck show. lem Wednesday after a visit with Well, let’s economize and be ready Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNeal of H ilsey. for the next chance. J, W. Manrose, formerly a resi­ Joseph Weber, who resides 1 e- dent of this city, accompanied by tw >n here and Brownsville, left his son-in-law, Mr. Dofckstadter, for tn eastern trip last Tuesday came up from Portland Sunday He goes to Pontiac, III , and later and brought a new anvil for bis to Iowa, where he has relatives. d The next number of the j blacksmith shop,which John Salash leases from bim. A Man for the Ages The nine high schools in Alba­ (Concluded) ny, Halsey, Harrisburg, Browns- yille, Lebanon, Scio, Mill City. I come now to the last step In the - * Shedd and Tangent turn out pu­ career of my friend and beloved mas d pils of such grade that their cre­ ter. I t was the Republican conven .[ will he given TUESDAY, NOV. 15. It will* j dentials are accepted as entitles tlon o f I860 In Chicago. I was a ¡1 be a real show. Don't miss it. Season tickets < the heareis to admission to the delegate, The New Yorkers came In w hite heaver hate, enthusiastic for ¡1 can still be had tor the remaining three shows ‘ U. of O. Seward, their favorite son. H e wax The Senior league of the Meth­ the man we dreaded most Many In d at Clark’s. * odist church held its regular meet the great crowd were wearing hla col­ Ing last Tuesday evening and the ors. The deJegatlons were In earnest birds were whispering to one an­ seaslon the night before the balloting other on Wednesday morning. Hogan. T he hotel corridors were "The leaguers have something up thronged w ith excited men. M y fa ­ ther had become a man of wealth and wwww*«* «VINRNMSHNMeMflMMSMM« » * * * * * « * ♦ « » g * * * * * * * * * * * their sleeves; there’s going to b great Influence In Illinois. I was with something doing pretty quick now.” him when he went into the meeting of We wonder what? I the Michigan delegates and talked to them. He told how he came Weat In a wagon and aaw the «p in t of Am er­ ica In the w ater floods of Niagara and saw again the spirit of America In the life o f the boy, Abe Lincoln, then flowing toward Its manhood. When he sat down, the Honorable Dennis Flanagan arose and told of meeting the T ra y lo r party at the F a lla when he w aa.driving an ox-team. In a tall heaver h a t ; how he had remembered their good advice and cookies and Jerked venison. “Gent,emeu," he said, “I am wUllhg to take the word o f a man wknse name la hallowed by my dearest recollec­ tion«. And believing what he has said of Abraham Lincoln. I am fo r him on the second ballot,” The green Irish lad, whom I remem­ ber dimly, had become a great p o liti­ cal chieftain and hla words had much effect. There waa a s tir among the delegates. I turned and «aw- the tall form of Horace Greeley entering the door. Hla big, fu ll face looked rather serious. He wore gold-bowed specta­ cles a as smooth ah*ven save for the silken, white, throat Heard that came out from under hla collar. Hla head waa bald on top w ith soft, sil­ vered locks over each ear. They called on him to apeak. He «topped forw ard and said slowly tn a high-pitched draw I : “Gentlemen thia is my speech: On your second ballot vote fo r Abraham Lincoln of Illinois." - North No. 18, 12:04 p. m 24, 4.34 p. m. 14. 5:27 p. in. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS Rupert H u gh es’ H eart-gripping Story of HALSEY RAILROAD TIME accumulation oi articles no longer needed, or succeeded by better ones, which somebody would like to obtain. An advertisement the size of this, costing 25c, m ig ht find a buyer and covert „what is f t row only trash into good WILDEY LODGE NO. 05. Regular meeting next Saturda night. W . J. R ibelin Office 1st door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. Dealer in Real Estate. Handles Town and Country Property G ive h im a call and see if he can 6» you up. C JA N IT A R Y Barker Shop and Baths First-class work guarnteed KARL BRAMWELL. BA R BER SH O P Electric Haircutting. Maaaag'tti and Shampooing. Cleaning and Preaeing. E. C . M IL L E R M'fT ARCH1ECORNELU8 W ATCHMAKER & Jeweler C A M IL L A KENYON The talented author of “Spanish Doubloons” says of herself: "I was born in San Francisco with a family background of the early days. Ill health kept me from school much of the time and threw me on my books as my only resource. Ap­ parently I lacked all feminist pro­ clivities, for I scorned girl«’ book» and instead, reveled in tales of ad­ venture. 'Tor eea etorlee, particularly with a buccaneering flavor, I had and have an abiding love. Perhaps this ix be­ cause I was Irought up on a tale— whether truth or legend I am not clear— o f an ancestor, a «oldier of fortune, who when business was sleek, eked out a living as a freeboot­ er, though of course after the fashion of a perfect gentleman. I sometimes think that the soul of the old adventurer may have ensconced itself by mistake in my earthly frame.” This paper will carry “Spanish Doubloons” as a aerial. It is a charm­ ing tale of adventure and romance in which the principal characteri are women, and contain! rare humor. Woman’s wit is sue* ccsstully pitted against E xpert workmanship. Watches and man’s in this fascinating clocks a specialty. HALSEY O R E G O N taleoi love and adventure, beginning of which F. M. GRAY the will appear in the next issue of the Enterprise. Draym an. Tell your neighbor that All work done promptly and for $1.50 in advance he can get the Enterprise for reasonably. Phone No. 269. a year, containing several C .C . B R Y A N T of these most entrancing stories, any one of which ATTORNEY AT LAW 201 New First Nal’l Bank Bld’g would cost as much or more in book form, and Albany, Oregon. he will also get all the local news fifty-two times W R I G H T & P O O L E in the year. L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S Subscribers wanting the H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON whole story should start Phone 35 rhooe 15 now. We cannot promise Branches at Brownsville. W m T Templeton. Mgr to supply back numbers Halsey Pfioos jm , Frank Kirk. Mgr I later on.