slaughterhouse and la paying them a ; of all kingly oppreeslons and they pro­ NiiV. 10. 1WI v b iM iu .i ■ u|n>i g now HALSEY KN 1KRPRISB PAGE 8 me uow of »hat the famous bronze good Income They moved here aome posed to ao frame the conatltutlon founder tn Paris said of the death time ago. He looks after the reser that no roan shonld hold the power of Keep Them All Busy. mask, that It «'as the moat beautiful Inventor Well Rewu.aod, ▼otr. Mr». Lukins is » famous cook, bringing thia oppression upon us** H a lf the world Is busy devising rem­ head and face he had ever seen. What For hls Invention of babbitt metal, a a . you will zee. We can stay here The next year he .tumped Maaaa- shall I say of hla words rave that edies for this and that, while the other soft, anti friction alloy used for hear­ (Continued from page 1) a . long a . we want to. We shWl And ehusett. for “Zach” Taylor and heard It seemed to me that the voice of God half la busy Inventing antidotes for ings, Isaac Babbitt received a reward everything we need la the welf. the Gov Seward deliver h l. remarkable was In them? The reporters forgot tba remedies.—Nashville Tennessean. Tomorrow ia armistice day. Let’» of *20,000 from congress. chimney, the butt ry and the cellar I speech on slavery, which contained have peace ou earth. to report. It la a lost speech. There And here Is the wedding supper all this striking utterance: Is no record of It. I suppose It was Only 7 per cent of the county ready for ua and 1 as hungry as a "Congress has no power to Inhibit scribbled with a pencil on scraps of bear." taxes are delinquent. paper and on the backs of envelopes any duty commanded by God on Mount "In the words of Mrs. Lukina I t Is Sinai or by His Son on the Mount of at sundry times, agreeably with hls A Masonic lodge was formed at very ropasetlc,' and I begin to feel Olives.” habit, and committed to memory. So M ill City Saturday night. that I have made some progress In the On his return home Lincoln con­ this great speech, called by aome the study of Him Kelso. Come, let’s have Mrs L, C Merriam left for A l­ Dohlest effort of hls life, was never fessed that we had soon to deal with our supper." bany Saturday to spend the day. printed. I remember one sentence, re­ that question. "Not until you have broiled a piece lating to the Nebraska bill. I was In hla office when Herndon Both parties wore denied decrees of venison. It will take a lot of food said: "Let us use ballots, not bullets, ! by the court in the Walton divorce to satisfy me. I ’U get the cream and against the weapons of violence, which "I tell yon that slavery must be butter out of tne well and make a rooted out.” case. are those of kingcraft. Their fruits pot of coffee. Hurry up, Harry. Pm are the dying bed of the fearless Sum­ "What makes you think soT’ Mr The county budget is being con­ starving.” ner. the ruins of the Free State hotel, Lincoln asked structed and au attemut made to Darkness fell opon the busy lovers the smoking timbers of the Herald of | "I feel It In my boaes,” was Hern •etreoch. and soon the firelight and the gfow of Freedom, the governor of Kansas I don's answer. Mrs. E. E. Gormley and grand­ many candles filled the homely cabin chained to a stake like a horse-thief.” ; A at he used to speak with with flickering shadows and a soft, In June, 1858, he took the longest ’ child left for Hairiaburg Saturday respect of "Bill Herndon’s bone phll beautiful color. step of all. The Republican state con- j This it not cheap Aluminum ware, but to spend Suuday. osophy.r ventlon had endorsed him for the Uni­ "Supper Is ready," she said, whert County Commissioner Butler, Hls term In congress having ended, ted States senate. It was then that the venison steak had been deposited he came back to the law In partner­ after seventeen years’ service, has on the platter. he wrote on envelope« and scraps ship with William H. Herndon—a man reeigwed, effective Jan, 7. of paper at odd moments, when hls I “Bim, I love you not as most men of character and sound Judgment mind was off duty, the speech begin­ love,” he said as they stood a moment Earl Menear, from the south 5 0 0 useful articlra, such as C U P S , S T R A IN E R S . Those days Lincoln wore black trou­ ning: by the side of the table. “Prom the fork of the Sanliam, got bounties sers, coat and stock, a walstcoast of S A L T A N D P E P P E R S H A K E R S , etc, etc., "A house divided against Itself must bottom of my heart I do respflbt you on six bobcats and a coyote last faU. Our government can not long | for your honor and good faith and satin and a Wellington high hat. He week. was wont to carry hls papers In his endure part slave and part free. when I think of that and of all you Mary had wrought a great have suffered for my sake, I bow my hat. I was among the dozen friends is to 2 ; This iB the editor’s birthday. change In hls external appearance. whom he read that speech In the State head and ask God to make me worthy He is modest about statiug bis age, They used to call him “a dead square of such a helper.” house library. One said of those first but he became a voter fifty years lawyer.” I remember that once Hern sentences: “It Is s fool utterance." They sat down to this unusual wed­ ago today. don had drawn up a fictitious plea Another: “It Is ahead of Its time." ding feast, and as we leave them the founded on a shrewd assumption. Lin­ Mark Uibson, brother of C. B. Another declared that it would drive windows of the little cabin fling their coln carefuly examined the papers. Gibson of this place, arrived Iroin away the Democrats who had lately light far out upon the level plain “Is It founded on fact?" he asked. Joined the party. Herndon and I were tiugeue Saturday moruiug for a we hear the sound of merry laughter "No,” Herndon answered. the only ones who approved It, abort visit. and of the tall grasses rustling and Lincoln scratched hls head thought- Lincoln had come to another fork In reeling joyously In the breeze. The Mr. McW illiam s,|taking a stitch the road. For a moment I wondered moon In mid-heaven and the Innum- fuly and asked: ahead of time, has been laying which way he would go. “Billy, hadn’t we better withdraw merable host around it seem to know Teakettles including Tea Ball new and meudiug sidewalk around Immediately he rose and said with what is passing on the edge of the that plea? You know,it’s a sham and and Spring), Teapots Colonial, i be poetoftice. an emphasis that silenced opposition: Grand Prairie and to be well pleased. generally that’s another name for a shape "Friends, this thing has been held Surely there Is nothing thgt finds a lie. Don’t let It go on record. The Mrs. R. I I . Cornelius, wife of American Kettles back long enough. The time has come quicker echo In the great heart of the cursed thing may come staring us in our genial depot ageut, and her Double Boilers world than human happluessl the face long after this suit has been when these sentiments should be ut­ taleuted son Clarence, spent Sat­ Drip Pans forgotten.” tered, and If It Is decreed that 1 shall urday in Albany. Saueepan Sets go down because of this speech, then On the whole he was not so com CHAPTER XXV. munlcatlve as he had been In hls young let me go down linked to the truth.” Mrs. J, W- Bressler left Satur­ H ls * conscience prevailed. The manhood. He suffered days of deprez day morning for Portland, where Being a Brief Memoir by the Honor- slon when he said little. Often, in speech was delivered. Douglas, the she will visit her daughter aud her able and Venerable Man Known In good company, he seemed to be think Democratic candidate, came on from mother for several weeks. These Pages as Josiah Traylor, Who Ing of things in no way connected Washington to answer IL That led 1OOO Saw the Great Procesaion of Events Joseph Davidson Morse, U years, with the talk. Mary called him a to Lincoln's challenge to a Joint de­ Between Andrew Jaokson and Wood- rather “shut-mouthed man.' fell off a woodpile last Friday while bate. I was with him through that row Wilson and Especially the Mak­ at school aud broke his left arm. Herndon uaed to say that the only long campaign. Douglas was the more ing and the End of Lincoln. thing he had against Lincoln was hl.- finished orator. Lincoln siibke as he Dr. Marks was called audiagiviug spilt rails. Hls conscience was hit habit of coming In mornings and It his attention. Now, as I have done often sitting In the chimney corner at the day’s sprawling on the lounge and reading beetle. He drove hls arguments deep Mrs. M. A. Kump and daughter Into the souls of hls hearer». The end, I look back at my youth and aloud from the newspaper. Niua left Saturday for Junction great thing about him wag hls con­ The people of the town loved him manhood and tell, with one eye upon City to spend the week end with science. Unless hls theme were big One day, as we »’ere walking along the clock, of those years of fulfillment Mrs. K um p’s brother, who lives the street together, we came upon a enough to give It play In noble words In the progress of our beloved pilgrim. about seveu miles west of that city. he could he as commonplace as any girl dressed up and crying In front There are fohr and twenty of diem 415-421 W EST F IR S T ST., ALB A N Y, ORB. one. He »as built for a tool of God that I shall try to review In as many of her father’s door. Mr». George Maxwell returned In tremendous moral Issues. He was “What's the matter?” Lincoln asked minutes. At this distance I see only to her home Saturday morning “I want to take the train and the the high places—one looming above iroin a trip to Tacoma, where she «•agon hasn't come for my trunk,” said another like steps In a stair»aft. had been caring for her daughter, she. The years of building and sentiment who had undergone an operation« Lincoln went In and got the trunk ended on the fourth of November, George has quit baching. 1842, when he and Mary Todd were and carried It to the station on hls Joined In marriage. Now, like one hav­ back, with people laughing and throw­ Say, you sponging skinflint, ing taken uoteAif the storm clouds, he ing Jokes at him as he strode along aien’t you ashamed to borrow your When I think of him, hls chivalry and strengthens the structure. unighbor’s paper every week, when Mary tried to teach him fine man­ kindness come first to mind. be frequently wants to refer to it? He read much, but hls days of book ners. It was a difficult undertaking. Us a white man aud offer to pay study were nearly ended. Hls learn Often, as might have been expected, him half the subscription price. Ing was now got mostly In the school she lost her patience. Mary was an excellent girl, but rather klndlesome of experience. Herndon says, and 1 Mrs. A. H. Quimby aud daugh­ We have a fine assortment of Boston all- leather bags, 13, 14 and 15- and pragmatic. Like mqst of the prai­ think It Is true, that he never read ters Ruth and Irene were passen­ inch, from $2.75 to $5 05. to the end of a law book those days. rie folk, for Instance, Abe Lincoln had gers to Albany Saturday. Tbe T C rT,II7,l? <22 F irit street. been accustomed to reach for the but­ The study of authorities was left to ALBANY irla were to join Mr. and M is­ the junior partner. Hls reading was ter with his own knife, and to find t i Davidson Sunday and mo­ rest In attitudes extremely Indolent mostly outside the law. Hls knowl­ tor to Portland to take their part and unbecoming. He enjoyed sprawl­ edge of science was derived from in the Live Stock exposition. Chambers' Vestiges of the Natural ing on the floor In his shirt-sleeves and slippers with a pillow under his History of Creation. H. C. Davis of this city left He was still afraid of the Abolition head and a book In hls hand. "He had Monday morning in his car for Al­ Movement In 1852 and left town to a liking for ample accommodation, not bany, where he will store it while avoid a convention of its adherents. fully satisfied by a bed or a lounge. he is absent on a lengthy trip. A t He thought the effort to resist by Mary undertook to turn him Into new Milwaukee, Wis., he will make an ways and naturally there was Irrita­ force the laws of Kansas was criminal extended visit with his son, Dr. tion In the house, but I think they got and would hurt the cause of freedom. IN SAVING BEG IN EA R LY Carl H. Davis, and fam ily, then "Let us have peace and revolutionize along very well together for all that. Compound interest exerts the strongest effect on money which has through the ballot box,” he urged. be will go to his daughter, Mrs. Mary grew fond of him and proud beeu in the bank the longest time. In 1854. a little quarrel In New York Jesse Bond, of Grand Forks, N. D ., of hls great talents and was a devoted Two dollars a week w ill amount to $575.80 ia five years to $1,275.20 wife. Tor years she did the work of began to weave the thread of destiny. for a visit. ia ten years and to $£. 169.68 in twenty yearn if depoaited with thia the house and bora him children. He Seward, Weed and Greeley had wielded Those announced ae draft evad­ strong bank. milked the cow and took care of the decisive power In the party councils ers from Linn county were lohn 4 of that state. Seward was a high- horse when he was at home. headed, popular Idol. Hls plans and Hs Was Built for a Tool of Qod In Batteat, Floyd Filkins and Thomas Annabel and I, having Just been Greenwell of Albany, Earl W ili­ Tremendous Moral Issues. married, went with him to Washing­ hls triumphant progress absorbed hls thought. Weed was dazzled by the am Swift of Harrisburg, Arthur ton on our wedding tour In 1847. He splendor of this great star. Neither awkwsrd-snd diffident In beginning a was taking hls seat In congress that Filkins of Tangent, Albert Wold gave a thought to their able colleague speech. Often hla hands were locked year. We were with him there when of Lebanon and Howard Griggs of behind him. He gesticulated more he met Webster. Lincoln »as deeply —a poor man struggling to build up M ill City. If they haven’t got with hls head than hla hand». He a great newspaper An office, with Impressed by the quiet dignity of the out of the reach of arrest during stood square-toed always. He never fair pay, would have been a help In great man. We went together to hear the year or two the government walked about on the platform. He Emerson lecture. It was a motley au­ those days. But he got no recognition has been promising to pubish the dience— business men, fashionable of hls needs and talents and services. «cored his points with the long, bony, list they are slower than snails. ladles and gentlemen, statesmen, politi­ Suddenly he .wrote a letter to Weed index finger of hls right hand. Some­ times he would hang a hand on the Our stock of Tires and Tubes is always fresh and complete. W ill cians, women with their knitting and tn which he said: Mrs, Raleigh Templeton spent “The firm of Seward. Weed and lapel of hls coat as If to rest It. Per­ make special bargain prices on some of the larger sizes. lion-hunters. The tall, awkward ora several days in Eugene last week spiration dripped from hls face. His tor ascended the platform, took off Greeley la hereby dissolved by the res­ Our line of winter accessories includes Tire Chains, Windshield voice, high pitched at first, mellowed having her eyes tested. Mr. Tem ­ ignation of Its Junior member.” hls top coat and drew a manuscript Clqaners, Spotlights, Top Patching material, Top Dreaainga and Automo­ pleton is in Portland exhibiting bis When Greeley had grown In power Into a pleasant sound. from hls pocket. He had a narrow, bile Paints. One sentence In Lincoln's speech at stock. H" took twelve first prizes sloping forehead, a prominent nose, and wisdom until hla name was known Ottawa thrust "The Little Giant" of and honored from ocean to ocean, they at the state fair and six second gray eyes and a skin of singular trans- tried to make peace with him, but Illinois out of hls way forever. It was parency. Hls voice was rich and mel- prizee at the Linn county fair, and this pregnant query: in vela. | low, but not strong. Lincoln listened two grand champion prizes on one "Can the people of a United States Theo suddenly a new party and a. with rapt attention to hls talk about ewe and one ram. H" left here new Lincoln were born on the same territory In any lawful way and Democracy. It was a memorable Thursday of last week with one against the wish of any citizen of the day In 1856, at a great meeting In night. He spoke of It often. Such lozen bead of Cheviot sheep which Bloomington. Illinois. There hla aonl United States exclude slavery from contact with the great spirits of that are on exhibition at the exposition Its limy« prior to the formation of a was to come Into Its stateliest man time, of which he studiously availed this week. sloo out of It* lower vaulted past. state constitution?” himself In Washington, was of great Tor him the fulness of time had ar­ He knew that Dongles would an­ value to the statesman from Ullnols. Harold Stevenson and wife of rived. He was prepared for It. Hla swer yen and that, doing so. be would Hla experiences on the floor were In Brownsville were Sunday visitors Intellect had also reached the fulness alienate the South and destroy hls no way Important to him, but since in Halsey, coming over with Mrs. of Its power. Now hls great right chance to be President two years later. 1014 I have thought often of what he C. W. Standish in her car and re­ upon opening a bos of these delicious hand was ready for the thunderbolts That la exactly what came tn para said there, regarding Polk’s invasion turning with her that same even, of Mexico, unauthorised by congress which hla spirit had been slowly forg­ "The Little Giant’«" answer was the candies f The woaderfal assortment ing. Mrs. Standish was visiting ing. God called him In tbe volt es of famou« ’Freejiort Heresy.” He was as it w as: various flavors and tempting appearance her foster father and other friends the crowd. He was quick to answer. elected to the senate, but was no long­ "The provision of the Constitution of these “ lump» of delight“ win to us here and the Stevensons were we), giving the war making power to con­ He went up the steps to the platform. er possible as a candidate for the all lovers of good sweets and judges of come guests in I saw, at be came forward, that he presidency. their parents' gress was dictated, as I understand It, confectionery excellence: Try them homes. Mrs. Stevenson is one of by the following reasons Kings had had taken tba cross upon him. Oh, (Continued on page 6) always been involving and Impoverish­ It was a memorable thing to see the once and aee if we exaggerate the per­ the Brownsville teachers and H ar­ smothered flame of hla spirit leaping ing their people In wars, pretending fection of these goods. old ia a live druggist of that city. generally that the good of the people Into hla face. Hla hands were on hls J. J. Corcoran of thi» city «pent hipe. He seemed to grow taller «a he was the object This our convention C. 8. Shedd and wife of Albany in taking io UE-Iyrstoud to be the moat oppressive advanced. Tha jo tf of N® rçmlads ,he spent Tuesday of this week visit« Jots and Tittles X X ’ ONE DAY SALE SA TUR DAY, NOVEM BER 12T H Brand W a re Every piece guaranteed for 20 yrs. THE ‘tic W O R L D 'S BEST ONE CENT EACH Stew Pans, Kettles, Fry Pans, etc., etc., at this sale only lc 59c T h e B ijf V a lu e « Special, $1.59 More than miss it. articles in this sale. Don’t SA TUR DAY, NOV. 1 2 th , A ll" D ay BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH The Albany Furniture Exchange For Thanksgiving, large Aluminum Turkey Roasters at #3, and will also want delicious coffee, made in a fine Nickel Percolator Coffeepot, sold at $5.75. Aluminum Percolator Coffeepots, six and eight cups, at from $5.25 to $C.25. E • L. Ollrr, i T he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon “WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE” per cent and no worry Specializes in prompt and efficient automobile re- ______ pairing. Trouble calls given prompt attention at any time or place. HALSEY GARAGE, FOOTE BROS., Props. W ho W ouldn't Smile Happily the lives took »ho», CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY.