Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 10, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    open and spend the night at the hone
on the farther shore with some seventy
of a friend of hers In a tettlemen
feet of deep and rapid water between
known as Plain’s End, Harry having
him and the travelers.
expressed a wish to get out on the
"That man looka like Stephen
A number of oar Hslseyitee were
prairies in the saddle after his long
Nuekles," said Harry.
term of travel on a steamboat
viewers of the football game in
" It Is Stephen Nuekles," Blm an­
“Are you sure that you can stand
Portland last week, among them I
James McMahan and wife, Jess
"Howdy, Steve!” the young soldier
" I ! I could kill a bear with my
Cross, Rolio Templeton and James
hands and carry him home on my
M c W illia m s .
"Howdy, boy!" said the old minis­
back and eat him for dinner," the
ter. "That ar creek la b’llln’ over. I
young man boasted.
reckon you’ll have to swim the hosses ”
Iligh School Essays
“I’ve got enough of the wild West
S tory o f the Builders
They tried, but Blm’s horse refused
“ A n A utum nal T hu n d erto rm ,’’
to go beyond good footing.
o f Dem ocracy
bears, i f there's nothing better.” said
w ritten by Ercel Sneed, Oct 26,
“You kin light at that ar house an’
Blm. "I didn't know but you’d been
in forty minutee, with no prepara.
spend the night but the folks have
spoiled in the home of those eastern
gone erway,” the minister called
millionaires. I f you’re willing to take
One evening there was a wonder­
“'I guess you’ll have to marry ns
what comes and make the best of It.
ful snnset.
Under the eun’s light
right here and now,” H arry proposed
I ll give you a day that you will re­
billowy clouds took the form of
“Night Is coming and that house la
member. You will have to put up with
Oeprrl»«. t m s * Sacft.tlw
our only refuge."
mighty castles b uilt upon rocks
a very simple hospitality, but I
"Poor boy! There seems to be no
Grotesque figures, such as fierj
wouldn’t wonder if you’d enjoy It.”
8YNO PW 8.
eecape t o r you!” Blm exclaimed with
" W e will leave here day after to­
dragons and serpents, writhed theii
a sigh. ““Do you really and honestly
way across the azure sky, impelled . ? H A .p T E R 1 -B an n o n and S arah T r a y - morrow. Our horses will be at tbe
want to marry me? I f there's any
door at eight o’clock In the morning.
t?r; w ' l *> th e ir tw o children , Joetah and
by a strong evening breeze.
B etaey. tra v e l by wsgoa from th e ir home
doubt about it I ’ll leave the horses
B ut soon the scene changed. Tb> '» Vergennes. V t to the W est, the land We shall take some luncheon and
with you and swim the creek. You
of p le n ty . T h e ir ie e iin a d o n la the C oun­
reach our destination late in the after­
sun sank behind the horizon. Tht try o f the Sangam on, in Illin ois.
could put .them ln.the bam and swim
noon and return next day. It will
castles were
with me or spend the night ln the
give us a good long visit with each
C H H - T B E I L —A t N ia g a ra F a lla they
clouds again. The touch of magic
V p a r t y o f im m ig ra n ts , am ong them
other and you’li know me better be­
i - J ! 2 u th . nam ed John M c N e il, who also fore we get back.”
was gone.
" It ’s a cool evening and the creek
, .5® * ° 10 tha B anaam on country.
Black clouds rolled serose th* * * * n1 _tha -®a r t y suffer from fever and
‘“I want to know you as well as I
la very wet,” he answered. "I'm go­
Sarah e m in is tra tio n * save the Hie
A gentle patter ot rain was eaua.
love you,” he said. " I suppose It wUI
ing to take this matter in my own
a youth. H a r r y Needles.
In the I h im
° * I?,ye r' and he accom panies the
- law— one never gets
be like studying
heard on the roofs overhead, hut
th™u* h, w\ h “
He called to the minister. “Steve,
the patter soon changed to a cease-
I ve found myself a rather abstruse
this Is the luckiest moment of my life
less roar. I t grew darker.
A sud­ ° ,n-
c h a pt e r in
a ____ . subject— as bad as Coke, of which Abe
snd you are Just the man of all others
den flash of lightulng lit the en.
t ,lk 90 much with my father,
I would have chosen for Its most Im­
tire heavens.
A low rumble was ■Irst acquaintances era U n c o ln a niends u8e<,
1» yaa ra o f £2» hia p r* ' ,y d» u g h te r B lm ' she declared.
"I shall bs glad If It
portant Job.
Dan you stand right
heard, growing more distinct eacl
| doesn't discourage you
where you are and marry us?”
second, and ending in a deafening
C H A P T E R I V . —Samson decides to to-
"The mystery of woman can not be
“You bet, I kin, suh," the minister
r a
• ° IVed hy lnteIlect««1 Processes.” the
crescendo that seemed to be tbe hto* t o » ? W i ! S ' V W
answered. “T v e often said I could
“It was my great day of fulfillment,
"We nsust hurry. If we get there
voices of the angry elements.
rowdies a tte m p t to break up the proceed-
J ° u n g man remarked.
marry any one half a mile erway If
all the dearer because I had come hack before dark." said the girl
thraehee A rm s tro n g Young
Toward the west a sheet of lig h t­ n«e Lincoln
the only help and mine has been
they would only talk as loud as I kin.
\ eedle* »trikes B ap M c N o ll. of
ning revealed the shadowy formi- A e A rm s tro n g crowd, and ll c N o l l th r e a t­ moatly telescopic. We have managed
ens vengeance.
out of those year« shadowed with direction. Its’ easy to get lost down I ’ve got the good book right hese ln
to keep ourselves separated by a great
of trees and houses in startling
my pocket, suh. My oT woman Is
distance even when we were near loneliness and despair,” he writes. In the great prairie.”
f t w days la te r H a r r y ,
Fiery swords darted
cornin’. She'll be hyab ln a minute
"The best part of It, I assure you,
i * ° nJ?• Is , a tta c k e d by M c N o ll and his each other.
They heard a cat-bird singing In fer to witness the perceedln’s.”
across the sky from the east, and <aog, and would have been ro u g h ly used
was the face I loved and that musical a near thicket as they left their camp.
at a star with a very limited parallax
off hie assailan ts w ith
Mrs. Nuekles made her appearance
were answered with tongues ol had not B lm ii driven
voice ringing like a bell In merry
John hAchfeU tbe T ra y lo rs
It reminded Blm of her favorite bal­
flame from the north and west. ?,la * a ra R alla “ “ju s in ta n c e . Is m a rk e d ly the naked eye.”
laughter and ln the songs which had lad and she sang It with the spirit of on the river bank In a short time.
Uiv2n2 i* k
A n 2 A utledge. U n c e in Is In
Then the minister shouted: “We’ll
More crashes of thunder added ° ve w ith A nn. but has never had enough
"You will have little to look at on stirred my heart ln the days of Its o ld :
begin by readln' the nineteenth chap­
bar so.
th eir voicee to the clamor.
thlR holiday but me and the prairies,” tender youth. You—the dear and gen­
ter of Matthew."
tle mother of my later boyhood—are "My sweetheart, come along—
C H A P T E R V I. -
was the battle uf the firmaments
said Blm.
T r a y lo r helps tw o
He shouted the chapter and the us­
etavae. who
Don’t you hear the glad song
from Bt Louie.
“I think the prairies will be neg
, ? . T 1 „ E,,lphaJi ’ Blggi ow ner of the
ual queries, knelt and prayed and pro­
fo llo w in g them a tte m p ts to beat
lected. I shall wear my cavalry uni
“ Autum nal Night at the Sea- b ro k *n *y' ° r a n ° ln a B<h' haa h l* a rm
Don't you hear the fond tale of the nounced them man and wife.
form and try to get a pair of the best er tone of the love which has endured
The young man and woman walked
sweet nightingale
•bore,” by Leone Palmer:
horses ln Chicago for the trip."
« through all these years of stern trial.
to the cabin and put their horses ln
The golden sun dipped behind ,„C1» A V T n?1 V II .- W s lM n g fo r his a rm
We talked of our plans as we sat Aa she sings In the valleys below?
heal. B lass masts B lm Kelso, w ith
As she sings ln the valleys below?"
whom B a r r y N eedU s has fa lle n In lav“
tbe mountains and vent ite depart­ lo.
I have a handsome pair of black among the feme and mosses ln the
ing rays over the blue aky and . *Laa asks fo r B lm 's hand, but her young horses from Ohio— real high cool shade sweetened by the Incense
They went on, shoulder-deep In the
t u m r u ^ ' L c u l i * ° ° n~ nL
steppers. It Is to be my party. You of burning fagots, over that repast to tall grass on the lower stretches of
across tbe reflecting eea.
will have to take what comes and which we shall be returning often for the prairie. Here and there It gave
the shining waters changed in ti
V IIL -S im
refreshment In poorer days. We had Harry the Impression that he wns
black aa darkness crept upon them, H a r r y th a t she loves Ulgge. and the make the best of It."
thought of you and of tbe man ao swimming his horse ln “noisy, vivid
youth Is disconsolate. Lincoln decides to
The day of their Journey arrived—
covering everything with its shad­ •cek
a seat In the legislatu re. H e and
well beloved of you and ua In all these green water." They startled a herd
a warm, bright, cloudless day in Sep
in*dr r L 2 v i U MM r fS r, the B1<ol‘ H a w k w a r.
owy blauket.
and leave N ew Salem.
temher, 1841. The long story of those pinna. We shall live ln Springfield of deer and a number of wild horses.
Presently the stars peeped thru
so that we may be near you and him When they lost sight of the woods
— Biggs comes back to
the curteiu of dark and tbe moon the v illa g e and J X he
nod our friend, Honest Abe.”
an d B lm slops H a r r y
at Plain’s End the young man, with
looked oautioualy over the eastern
i f " ’ . 0 , i * °in hla " ay home from the
It Is a long letter presenting minute hla cavalry training, was able to ride
sustain W m T n W j ' r f e T . * n<1 phlloaophy
mountains. The lighthouse beacon
details tn the history of that sent!
standing on his saddle until he had It
shone gloriously over tbe sombre —^ ? , ^ P T E 'R X - U n c o ln , defeated In his
mental Journey and allusion to mat­ located.
ters which have no part in this record
waters and extended its obeerv candidacy fo r the legislatu re, form e a
It reminded him of riding In the
P a r'o e rah lp w ith
"Bill " B e rry In the
Its substance being fully ln the con
welcome to tbe home-coming ships
Everglades and he told of M b adven
« ro c e rj business
Biggs sends a gang to
sciousness of the writer, he tenderly turea there as they went on, but very
l . r.n T r a y lo r s house but tbs N e w Salem
men a re w arned and the raid e rs worsted.
folds It up and returns It to the pack
modestly He said not a word of his
—r i i A P T ?JR .. X I —Lincoln ,
age—yellow and brittle and faded and heroic flght the day that he snd sixty
'uxeter, decides to run again fo r the
having that curious fragrance of pa
of his comrades were cut off and sur
Z i 1* a l iU.L* T i nn R u tl*dge Is openly in
! * ? * ,,w R h John M c N e il
H e leaves foi
pera that have lain for scores of years rounded In the "land of the grassy
ln 5 ^ * East, prom ising to re
In the gloom and silence of a locked waters.” But Blm had heard the »ta i,
5 nd ffta rry Ann
U n c o ln oa-
mahogany drawer. So alive are these from other lips.
k ^ <’u ‘ i , .!n a r ft,,ly
N o »O rd com-
M ,<- Nal1' A n n confesses to Abe
letters with the passion of youth In
Late in the afternoon the woods
f M r . h th .r.eai, nan? i U M c N a m a r, and her
long forgotten years that the writer loomed ln front of them, scarcely a
' hf w U T ' ra ,u rn
U n c o ln
h ..
.1,2 C '? v* fh a v a v o rs to reassure
ties the old ribbon snd returns them mile off. Near the end of the prairie
t in e n f i
»hares her m isgivings
to their tomb with a feeling of sad­ they came to a road which led them
U n c o ln wins his seat In the leg isla tu re
ness. finding a singular pathos In the past the door of a lonely cabin. It
C H A P T E R X I I —A n n hears from M e-
contrast of their look and their con
J lit i T iY . a 'a hJ’ 1 ,tte r ’• cold and «be Is
seemed to be deserted, hut Its win­
A h i - i r k - ? * / 0*?. not i ov* ber
She tells
tents. They are turning to dost, but dows were clean and a faint collimn
love aiidh « . A hbt’ 5 nd he c on,c’ »cs his
the soul of them has gone Into this of smoke rose from Its chimney. There
love and asks h e r to m a rry him
w lil“ trv t n ' W i r h 0«.1 / * * love hlm hu'
little history.
were hollyhocks and sunflowers in Its
w in tr> to
ith th a t prom t m Lincoln
d u u . i “ ' fOr V a n d a ,la * nd bis logtslaUve
The young man and woman mounted small and cleanly dooryard. A morn­
their horaes and resumed their Jour­ ing-glory vine had been trained around
X I I I —In sp ired by E lija h
ney. It was after two o’clock. Tho the windows.
hid'ln,»Oyni.T/ . aysOr * " * " • • • on his fa rm a
Orand Prairie lay ahead of them The
“Broad creek Is Just beyond," said “We’ll Begin by Reading the Nine­
niding place fo r runaw ay slaves a s ta ­
settlement of Plain’s End was twenty- Blm “I don’t know how the crossing
tion on th e "VndergTound R a ilro a d "
teenth Chapter of Matthew."
one miles away on Its farther aide. will be."
. L 2 ' X
—A nn agrees to m a rry
Abe but her h e a lth is wrecked
Th ree
Ita barn, where they found an abun­
They could Just see Its tall oak trees
They came presently to the creek,
ru n a w a y a la ie a seek T ra y lo r's h a ir - t o
dance of hay and oats. They rapped
ln the dim distance.
J ' 1' n?
T h ey belong to Blags and he
unexpectedly swollen
A man stood
*n Pu rsult of them
at the cabin door, but got no response
S e h Y s S i , ' ° o ‘" “' ‘ ’ •PR 'he raid o i? T ra y d
Office H^ure 10 a m to 4 p. ni
They lifted Its latch and entered.
or he flee» One o f the fu g itiv e s la R irr
i r . n ^ ^ e u y 8'“
" " "•
A table stood tn the middle of the
room, set for two. On Its cover of
The Long Story Was Told as They
, e i i V Ar n 7 I » L X V 7 I ?Tl’ ’? ' Ann R u ’ lsdk*
spotless white linen were plates and
Rode Along.
k? e J
,n J ,
b,d’ ber f e r . w . l l
cups and saucers and a big platter
F n llo w ln s her d e m is e a
No Charge for Exam ination.
settled sadness descends on him
It s Is
of roasted prairie chickens and a great
rears of separation was told as they
no longer At,e. • but "A b ra h a m U n c o ln '
frosted cake and preserves and Jellies
rode along Biggs had been killed In
C H A P T E R X V I —O vercom ing his des
and potato salad and a pie and a
Hr Mellenthin is a regular graduate
a drunken brawl at Alton. Davis had
U n $ * ln ro tu n ie tn hla w o rk
hottie of currant wine, A clock was
in medicine and surgery and is licensed ! A bolition sentim ent is c rystalts.ng and gone to the far West—a thoroughlv
he th ro w s him self In to the m ovem ent
ticking on the shelf. There were live
discredited man. Henry Brlmstead
bv the state of Oregon. He visits pro I
embers in the fireplace and wood ln
fesstonally the most important town* ¿ ¿ H A P T E B X V I I - T r a y l o r sells his had got his new plow on the market
Y 11
“ > SprlngdeM Lincoln
the box. and venison hanging ln the
and cities and offers to all who call on I plans to secure a divorce for Btm In and was prospering beyond all his
q K n t th a t whe fhhv tr.^rrv H a r r v
Ell had become a merchant
this trip consultation and examinaUca ' Whom she has a lw a y s rs s llv lo \e d
The young soldier looked about him
free except the ex,tense of treatment [ N s m s r nsturns tc N s * Salem, too la te
and smiled.
, k.
I N- di’ V ^ , h r ’^ ^ y ? ; : ,ndCh ^ 7 o’ '1on*
to break down prejudice
"This is wonderful 1" he exclaimed.
According to his method of tre.tme. t ,7 X 7 -T L
,ha mo,h" •’ •
ta igninst
------- tho Jewa
’ ------- in tho
* democracy
“To whom are we Indebted T*
b« doe. not operste for chronic append
h’ r —
L._ the West
“You don’t think I ’d bring you out
Samson T ra jlo r was get
here on the plains snd marry you and
lotis. gall stones, ulcers of the stomach
ting wealth and a reputation for good
i î î r î i p ^ h ! ’? - •- — v
not treat you well." Blm laughed. “I
He had made the plan ot.
ton til a or adenoid*.
warned« yon that you'd have to take
- R u ,n * d by the panic
He has to hit credit many wonderful s r H«cr
what came and that the hospitality
bad proved himself a wise and far
Of sr
K elso diss a n d Rhn and her
results in diseases of the stomach, liver, S ì « m ara. « Y ’ £ ” !sn,,el * Dav1’ rreeeec seeing miin. Sarah's friends had been
would he simple."
m s suit, snd, m ade deeperate by the
bowtie, blood, skin nerves, heart, kid
' ; nl .
• dM t1’ B lm » Im osi m aker
Ut In Sprtngfleld for a visit.
"It's a noble and benevolent con­
nevs bed wetting, bladder, catarrh, up her m ln 4 to m a rry him
had Invested money in the business
spiracy that has turned this cabin Into
weak lungs, rheumatism sciatica, leg I
X X - U n r e i n it a dm itted to
,,l' r bro,*w r had decided to bring his
s paradise and brought all this hap­
the to
r ascertains
h. r.
family W
est a
n d settle
. » » . i . i . e_______
piness upon me," he said as he kissed
2 f r. H a T r r a y y ’s lo death
’ a ’ f a H . ' th
’ f a ia t t hurrlea
ulcers and rectal ailments
In $an<araon
Iwv- “I thought It strange that Mr.
If you have heen ailing (or any length 2 — a h r a 1", ^n a i ' * , h M swindled B rim I eounty.
* Friend of T ra y lo r • In r * - ' * -
Nuekles should be on hand at the
Agents of the store were traveling
of tuue and do not get any better, do la ta daala. and T ra y lo r aeaka to col laet
right moment.”
t ha m onav
Sm aA kx» b ra a te out at
Wisconsin Illinois snd Indians
o ffe rs all the comforts of modern travel.
not fail to call, as improper measures n iT J’r
* 1m •* * * ^ • re * • * I selling Its goods to country dealers
"The creek was a harder thing to
Convenient schedules, observation cars and excellent meals
rather than disease are very often the
They carried with them the pr.vgrcrs-
manage!" she answered with a smile
C H A R T E R X X I - U n c a l n a , Im rin e fle l.l
ate other features of the Shasta Route
cause of long standing trouble.
I told my messenger to see that the
Ive snd enlightened spirit of the city
an t e r . Into hla I l f , work
H .r r V
''m aa hom a and at one» taaka Bint
and the news. Every« here they In­
gste of the reservoir was opened at
Remember above dale, that examina-
X X I I - U n c o ln wtna R rtm -
four o'clock. So. you see. you hadj
sisted upon s high standard of heu-
on this trip « ill be free and that ■taaii
a autt * t * 'n a t
tho roughly
eaty In business. A man who had ne
to marry or swim. Now Tve made a
dlacradtttn< the »peculator
his treatment it different
Aa an out-
coma, ■ H
a r r y r.wntiag an insult
hla contract was struck
clean breast of I t I felt sure some-!
tn Tray- I r”
P*c’ for
rr”’ "la
Boston block. Minne
whk'h off ” »*
T h ,> «Pi-egd the every-
thing would happen before you got
both fra ’ wAuidi,
spoils, Minn
day religion of the counting room.
Peek from Milwaukee. I was plum
- . L ’l APT. K ,L X X , , t - U n r e i n m a a t. M a ry
They were a .welcome unifying and
superstitious about It."
red o and a tta r s a ,r a n g , v .n irte h ln wins
civilising force In the middle eeuntry.
H a r r y N .a d la a . fn llo w ln s a carina
P * young man shook with laughtei
A S u re Reminder.
o f racop oraihm ra tu ra s to '" h Iroso tho r
said. "Ton are the new woman
/ Perhaps the most original sugee* '
t a s te r a d t a h e a lth
For ticket« and infomation ask agents or write
The lover» stopped in a grove at
Hen f„ r , •r, lntniJ„ . . w, g th<t
of the democracy of the West."
noon and fed their homes and Harry
f M r fh ,t 1 shon’<1 be
little hoy whose grandmother had for- !
built a tire and made a broach of
sn old woman before I got to be M rs
R o tte n his birthday present the year
W h,**< Osoerlbaa a Pleasant Hallday green sticks on which ha broiled heef
he'ora. Hhe wtshad to know what sha I
• Pratty
Pretty Stratagem
“Whose honse le this?" he asked ln
eotild do In order that t h e ahonld n<R
A letter from H arry to Barth Tray­
Two days later Blm suggested that
• moment
•erget It again
Geueril Padtonger Agent
“You might put your l they should take a day s rids la the lor tells of tbe beauty of the day.
" It 1« the borne of M r and M r *
» » • » la upside dgwu," said the boy.
IV ter Lukins
T brtr land near Chi-
2J? 15.52? 5»fd for a cattle
where they w ill reside.
A Man for
the Ages
By Irving Bachelier
K iig s
Kitchen Cabinets Linoleum
Dining-room Sets Congoleum
W h ite Sewing Machines
A l l things necessary for a cozy home
Call and investigate goods and prices
E. L. S T IF F •
Coming to
Dr. Mellenthin
Successful Specialist
for th e past 15 Years.
Y\ ill be at
M o n d a y , N o v . 14
la k e
th e
Scenic Shasta Route
TO •
Sunny Southern
Through Sleeping Car Service
S a c r a m e n t o —S a n F r a n c i s c o
A n g e le s
Round Trip
Winter Excursion Tickets
Reduced Fare.
Southern Pacicfic Lines