PAG B 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E N O V . 10, 1921 THE APPRECIATIVE HALSEY HALSEY ENTERPRISE Of Interest to Men Who Shave that of tbs movie promotors who L»st year the Meneley lyceum are reputed to be becking him con­ people sent out a bum subetitute tinues to eecure the disappearance for the first number on its program of witnesses end to “ diecover” ex­ in towns in this part of the slate Safety Razors (A perts reedy to swear that no cnm>' and thus queered the course and Gillette wae committed his trial will not 1-ft the guarantors of their charges $1 to r u i hi s i i amount to much anywhere elee. with a deficit to meet. In Subscriptions, » I SO a year in advance Ever-Keady$l But this paper regrets and apol­ t wns the sponsors bad about »30 Arrearages, »2 a year. Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per­ ogizes for publishing one story apiece to pay for showing a public G em .......... $1 manent, 20c. No discount for time that the prospectors for "expert” spirit. or space Ever - Ready, Aut- testimony gave out, to the detri­ In “ Paid-for Paragraphs,” Sc aline. As a result several towns which Strop, Gem and Gil­ N o advertising disguised as news. ment of the girl’s reputation This had the course then are without ii lette blades. Phone 206 was to the effect that Virginia had this season. Genco and Torrey Razors. a child nine years ago which wae This year the first number to he H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. Nov. 3, 1921 Lather Brushes. still living. Another version by given here drew a full house and After-Shave Lu»urv dispels that one of their experts was that thv made a hit, the majority of those soapy feeling and imparts joy to iliild died years ago. AUTOS AND ROAD TAXES the face. 50c who attended pronouncing it well Prosecutor Brady declares that worth its cost. There were some Face Creams, Lotions The 9,000,000 automobiles of al lie physician* who performed the who were not pleased, of course. and Talcum Powders. kinds io this country constitute' utopsy say that the girl had never Otherwise tliere would have been one of the clubs to escape whoe >een a mother, and they ought to a miracle. blows the heads of the big railroai now. Another claim of the ex- But in some of the towns where a A . aay.» Z unions called off the threatens pe ts is that she died from an ail­ press and peop'e were soured by oountry-wide strike. ment of long standing. Theautop- last year's disappointment the Even if they ceuld have tied U| ly (bowed that she was in a condi- grouch has not yet disappeared the majority of the railroads the tou of vigorous health. and unfavorable newspaper criti­ could not have tied up these mote You can buy plenty of expert cisms of this same entertainment oars. Never again can a strike o estimony for use In any case, and are published. all the union railroad men brio» he longest purse will secure the Halsey hasn't been peeved by the hardships upon the mass of th irgest grist of it. past shortcomings of the company people which have been threatentd and Halsey isn't backward about from this cause in the past. Th> paying for that of which it ap­ A8 TO HKJH COST autos are here and always will b> proves. If coming entertainments The same club that threatens in the series are as satisfactory as We ate charged all the traffic the prospective strikers is felt b this first one the guarantors wi 1 Kryptok T he m ost pop- the railroad companies. Thei vill bear, and the traffic will bear u la r bifocal, not have to pay dearly for bring­ invisible business has been extensively cu all we are willing to pay. Shoes Bifocals c o m m e r c ia lly , ing them within reach of the peo­ into by auto touring cars an< vomeu’sclothing,confectionery and p ro f e s s io n a lly ple of this little city. trucks, and the only logical re nany other articles remain at or PV eglH SS and with tin» iear the peak level, because peo dress for them is in increase w earing public. It is also Suit brought by the Chicago u n q u estio n ab ly tru e th a t freight and passenger fates or re pie do not refuse to pay these The case of confectionery board of trade to have the act for­ duotions of wages and other outgo prices. K ryptnks a ie th e best bi­ Such an increase, however, eul is well stated in "By-Products of bidding gambling on grain futures focal. down the volume o, their bukines the Press,'* in Monday’s Oregonian, declared unconstitutional has been dismissed by Judge Landis ami ap­ and gives so much more to tb> thus: autos. A California correspondent re­ pealed. First blood for the farm­ Just now the situation has an ports that while waiting for the ers. other angle. The leaders of th boat at the Ferry station in San O p t e n t e i r ist. Francisco he bought a few walnut The Oregon Dairymen’s league, strike movement among railroai A L B A N Y O fte n creams. This variety of candy is threatened with disruption, has employes had much to say abou one of the easiest kidds to make— H a ro ld A lh ro . M a n u fa c tu rin g o p tic ia n . th>< 12 per cent cut from the 192(> simply roll up a hall of ‘‘fondant’* weathered the storm by granting peak not having been reflected ii between your palms, stick a nut home rule to Clatsop county, which had rebelled, with the probability lower rates. The companies re on each side, and there you are This being so, and California that the same course will be fol­ plied thst very material reduction being'k state where English wal­ G L A S S E S FITTED had been made in rates on man) nuts grow, and sugar costing be­ lowed in other countie». BY coin modi ties and that part of th tween 5 and 6 cents a pound, a G R A D U A T E correspondent wishes to know hpw The grange may he deca lent in 12 per cent out had been allowed O PTO M ETRIST the manufacturer figured out his Linn county, but one o f the official by the commissioners on acooum price of »1.50 a pound. An inves P R IV A T E O F F IC E of other burdens the roads wen tigator making the rounds of the scalps it demanded now hangs F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S from its belt'. oarrying. New York candy shops found, ac­ P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E But there is a good deal of un­ cording to his published figures, C. H. Koontz and daughter re­ necessary outcry against the auto that the prices charged the con­ F. M. F r e n c h & S o n s ALBANY OREG. on the public roads, and the un sumer represented from 1400 to turned Mondav evening from Port­ 2750 per cent advance on the cost land, where Mias Koontz was hav jnst and misleading charge is made of ingredients. ing some dental work done. that truoks are using the roads an ) not paying anything towards their upkeep. So far is this from being true that the secretary of state's reports show that between Jan. 1 IN and Sept. 15 last the receipts from auto lioenses were »2,319,307. Of this, after theeost of collection was deducted, two-thirds went to the stats highway commission and tb- remaindsr to the counties for road purposes. Added to this, the trucks pay, for road purposes, a special tax on every gallon of gas­ oline they use. When the people were asked the last time to vote for more road bonds they were assured by the highway commission that the bonds would not add a cent to their taxes because the auto licenses and ex­ tra gasoline tax would take care of all the road bonds, principal A b independent— N O T neutral— uewa- peper. published every Thursday, by W it H . A A. A. W H E E L E R Wm. H. W h m i .« » Editor. M bs . A A. W h k m l k s Business Manager and Local News Editor. I Ringo's Drug Store a a a l z Tfteadé Newest Fall and Winter Arrivals SU ITSsO V ER C O A TS For Men and Young Men FOR and interest. If, then, the special taxes levied on motor vehicles are paying for au »SO,000,000 state road program and tor halt as much for road work in the counties, what ground it there for the charge that their competition with railratd comp,in­ let who must maintain their own roads is unfair? Times have changed. The auto trucks will do more and more busi- nees, and they are entitled to suob roads aa their business demand'. The railroads, doing less buaiorss than formerly, must have higher compensation, and we cau no more do without them than without the motor vehicles. WE APOLOGIZE The Enterprise is not disposed to try the Fatty Arbuckle case in it* columns, aud if hi* money and THANKSGIVING We are displaying the most Attract­ ive new styles and extraor­ dinary values at $16.50, $24.75, $27.50, $34.74, $37.50 The Overcoats For Men and Young Men For Men and Young Men OU will appreciate the style and value displayed in these high-grade Suits for Fall and Winter wear— embracing the newest, smartest models for young men and the more conservative styles for men in all walks of life. An ex­ tensive showing now in stock in neat pat­ terns and stylis co lo n —grays, browns, greens, black and mixtures; plaids, checks and stripes Also blue serges E R E you w ill fiud a m ost note­ w orthy assortm ent of fin e ly ta ilo re d single and double breasted coals fo r n v ii of a ll ages— nobby lie lle d u lste re tte s w ith <• in ve rtib le c o lla rs fo r yo u n g men and the p o p u la r C h e ste rfie ld and o th e r neat m odels for men of conservative and sem i- conservative tnetes— kerseys, m eltons, c h in - c h i l l , « tweeds; in brow n, green, heather, H • a n an t g ra y . Our Unalterable Policy — One Pi ice to Every I »ody Buying Most We Buy for Izess (enney po. P penney J . U. I •w I p nenney pi U 'u<Ä T e“ J. b. I ALBANY, OREGON HALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on tim e certificates of deposit We invite your banking business II. KOONTZ, Pres? " t T t AYLOR, Vice-Pres B. M. BOND, Cashier Linn County at the Fair D. F. Burge oi Albany was iwurded championship on a Per- ' -herou mare at the Portland exhi­ bition, and first prize ou 3-year- ; old stallions of the same breed. C. R Weber of Brownsville got second and third on his big Per- I cheron yearling stallions. On 3. year-old mares Burge took first and fourth, and on yearling mares first Burge also got first on two Per- obérons of any age or sex and on , a stable of five. Brownsville Woolen mills, which probably means Mr. Bowman of the so-called Brownsville woolen mills store, got third on 2-year-old j Dorset ram. F. C Needham of Albany took first on Dorset ewe , I imh, second on flock, first on flock j bred by exiiibitor, ou four lambs, either sex, on four lambs bred by exhibitor, on get of sire aud ou produce of ewe. In Aigora goats S. F Zysset ot Scio won reserve championship and first on yearling bucks. Harrisburg Local Elects Officers The Harrisburg local of the Or- egon Dairyn e i’s league held its annual election of officers Nov. 3 with the following results: Presi­ dent, C. R. Evans; vice-president, J. M- Pbilpott; secretary-treasurer, Jay Scott; directors, O. E. David­ son, Roscoe Huston, Glen W. Ea­ vis, A. L. Owen aud A V. Hent- ges. After the election considerable lime was given to the discus­ sion of the various subjects rela­ tive to the success of the organiza­ tion and a more wholesome feeling toward the lesgue developed thau was previously believed to exist. At a conference of the newly elected officers directly after the adjournment of the regular meet­ ing it was decided to hold a busi­ ness meeting on the last Saturday afternoon of each month. Some Home Canning The Lion county cauuing oluh have canned this season 1,1184 quarts of fruit, 279 quarts of veg­ etables, and 79 quarts of other products such as jellies, jams, pick­ les and preserves. Mabie Robinson of the Charity Canning club leads the list with 289 quarts of fruit, 474 quarts of vegetables and 12 quarts of other products. Irene Quimby of Halsey is sec­ ond with 178 quarts of fruit. 82 of vegetables and 184 quarts of other products. Rachel Betts of the Lebanon club is third with 150 quarts of fruit, 20 quarts of vegetables. . This canning was all done by the one-period cold-pack method. The total value cf this canning amounts to $608,25. T r u a Slue" aad U.e -Blu«, Ml'bon." T he expression t r u i th .e Is handed ■loan from the Scotch C rcecanlers of i he Seventeenth century, who chose blue as their emblem In opposition to the ro ya l red. T he Covcubuters were a group bound t y a series of covenants • • uphold the Preshyaterlau forms and doctrines of faith. Thus true blue waa applied o rigin ally to a ioyal Presby. tenon. The blue ribbon, always the tow ard of the winner in u race or con­ t e s t , originated In the use of a blue rlbbou as the distinguishing badge of ’ lie Knights of the G arter, an ordet founded by Edw ard I I I . A w fu l Moment. Anxious to get to church on time, as an Interesting sermon on gambling was scheduled. I bustled around get­ ting ready. Opening a bureau drawer I grabbed what I thought was my prayer book and ruahed over to the church. Marching down the aisle I accidentally dropped my muff, and, loi Instead of my prayer book, a deck of cards came tum bling out and scattered In all directions! To make matters worse, the back of. the cards bore the ad of a prominent brew ery !— G rit. L ite ra l Youth. The young man always took every­ thing lite ra lly . H e was moat serious In his wooing. “ M ay I kiss you, June?” he aaked. "M other’s In the drawing room," she answered. “Oh, that's all right. Your fath er can kiss her,” he replied. C aterpillars W atch for Enemies. T he c aterpillar knows that there Is aafety In numbers, nnd whole com­ panies may he found feeding side by side while keeping a sharp lookout fo r th eir bird enemies; but when a ca te rp illa r Is by him self he scarcely dares to move for f e a r 'o f attracting attention. — — afe - SECOND H A N D 2 good sets Heavy Work H arness for sale 1 set heavy Hack Harness 1 set single buggy Harness 1 Clipper Fanning Mill, in first-class shape, for sale. Have you a good milch cow to trade for new m achinery? See me ior new farm implements. G. W. Mornhinweg Implement Store W e have a complete stock of the jjj National Mazda Electric Lamps at the standard prices. W hen in need of a new supply see us. ro ss -The Suits Y HALSEY STATE BANK b Selling Most We Sell for Izoss & WÁite J. W MOORE e a t (s s t a t e a n d i n s u r a n c e MAYBERRY & M c K inney L IV E S T O C K B U Y E R S Highest prices paid for Beef. Pork. Veal and Muttoo. See U* Before you eell. H»l*ey phone 170. Brownaville phone 37c51.