N<»V. 3. I«CI H AI.SHY KNTKKPKLSK , PAGE .5 of the new moon In spring." He be­ Ivins u. tee county and the state. same old pace. We would not time till wife and held him at tfie village pump while the aggrieved woman gave gan to seek and study refinement of Samson and Baker and Logan anil felt tug uc.d of speeding up. It waa thought, of manner, of dress, of ex­ Browning agree with me that you are vour misfortune that brought Blm Into ilehiand." Harry answered. "Bim must him a sound thrashing. So thia phaae of Imperialism-was cured In Spring- pression. He knew that he needed the man for the place. the store. I f she wants to retire and name a near day. I only need a week Mary, but had the feeling that she field by “hair off the same dog,” as "As for myself, I am going to be marry you, I rather think she is en­ to get some clothes and go up to M11- (Continued from page 1) was not for him. Lincoln put It. married In a year or so. I shall have titled to do It. I don't want any more ' waukea on a little matter of business ” Mrs. E. Brandon returned Sat. to give all my time to the practice of fooling around about this matter. A woman who lived near the Ed One evening,; while E D. Raker was "I don't know whether w ell glee him urday morning hum 1’otlUnd, the law. I am now in partnership Sarah and I couldn't stand I t She's a week or not" «aid Blm playfully. speaking In the crowded village court­ wards' honae had a small, hairy where she viaited her son. with Stephen T. Logan and am slowly -ept me awake nights (liking about "A great many things may happen to room above Lincoln's office and was poodle dog. One day, as Abe and Mury clearing my conscience of debt. I i t The thing has worried us plenty. him In a week," rudely Interrupted and In danger of were walking along the street, they Mr». T. P. Patton left on Satur­ have done what I could for the state We rebel and demand action before SMnult. the long legs of Honest Abe met this woman, who asked If they day’» train for a visit with her (To be continued) and for Sangamon county. It hasn't anything else happens. We feel as If a iddenly appeared through a scuttle had seen her dog. daughter. Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker “I wouldn't wonder If some one down been much. I want you to take up we had some rights In this case." hole in the celling above the platform Mrs. Bali Boot! was a passenger of Corvallis. “I concede them and second vour io Salem Saturday. He leaped upon It and seizing a stone the street had got him tied to the end the burden. If you can, until I get free W. N. Price of Jefferson was a • water pitcher defied any one to inter­ of a pole and la using him to swab off of my debts, at least. By and by I fere with the right of free speech in I his windows," said Abe Lincoln with may jump Into the ring again." Halsey visitor Monday, taking Harry was glad to obey the turn NO TICE OF SCHOOL ELECTIO N TO INCREASE T A X MORE T H A N SIX irain for Junction City. a worthy cause. a good-natured laugh. “I'll try to PER CENT OVER TH A T OF PREVIOUS YEAR So tt will be seen that there were ! find him for you.” roons. Soon after the arrival of Mr. C. E. Johnson of Plainview zestful moments In these sundry vfndi- i Mary enjoyed fun and thia and like Lincoln’s letter his doctor gave the Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School-District No. -11 of Linn cations of the principles of Democracy laities of the young legislator added young man what he called "an honor­ County, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at the passed through here Monday on in the prairie capital. a certain zest to their friendship. able discharge.” The magic of youth ichool house on the 2<>th day of November, 1921,. at two o'clock in the after bis way to Junction City. About this time Miss Mary Todd, the Women are like children in their love and its courage and of good air had noon, to vote on the question of increasing the amouut of the tax levy in said Mrs. J. A. Robertson of Portland wrought a change of which the ahle District for the year 1921 by more than six per cent over the amount of such daughter of a Kentucky banker, ar­ of humor. and Mrs. Harrv Park of Browns, The diminutive Douglas saw In Miss doctor had had little hope In the be­ levy for the year immediately preceding. rived In Springfield to visit her sister, It is necessary to raise this additional amount by special levy for the ful ville left on Monday’s train for Mrs. Nlnlan W. Edwards. She was a Todd an asset of much value and hte ginning. Portlaud. Mrs. Robertson had In his travels through the great for­ lowing reasons; fashionably dressed, good-looking girl attentions began to be assiduous. Mary 1st—Ueneral school expenses. been a guest at the Park home for of blue-gray eyes and dark hair. wns Indifferent to his lofty manner est Harry had met David Parish and 2nd—Pay off outstanding warrants. “Well. Mary, haven't you found the and sonorous vocalism. Abe Lincoln Stepheu Van Renssalaer, at whose a week. Mr.' Park accompanied Dated this 25th day of October, 1921. homes on the shore of the St. Law­ ‘ Attest: fortunate young man yetT" Mr. Ed­ liked her better for that. them to Halsey. She encouraged the visits of the lat­ rence he had spent many a happy B. M. BOND, District Clerk. wards playfully asked the day of her D. TAYLOR, Chairman Board of Director* Mrs. Paul Anderson and son coming. ter and Invited his confidence. The summer day. Three years had passed William of Crawfordsville were pas­ "You know, my husband la going fact filled him with a great Joy. They since that fateful morning on the prai­ sengers to their new home in Port­ to be President of the United States went about together. In the Edwards rie. Through the winters h , had lived land Monday morning. They had and I hoped that I would find him In parlor he modestly told her of his In a comfortable hunter's camp on the Springfield,*' Mary answered In a like work and his life plan. She differed shore of Lake Placid. Summers he Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 41 of Linn lived at Crawfordsville but a short vein. with him on certain subjects which had wandered with a guide and canoe County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at time. “There’s great fishing here," said were unfortunately fundamental. He through the lakes and rivers of the school house on the 26th day of November, 1921, at 2 o ’clock in the afternoon F. W. Leonard came over from Mr. Edwards. “I know the very man did not love her aa he had roved Ann. wilderness hunting and fishing and for the purpose of ^iscussiug the budget hereinafter set out with the levyiug Brownsville last Monday morning you are looking for. He has come up But her personality pleased and fas­ reading the law books whlph ha had board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the and took train for Independence, from the ranks and Is now the most cinated the young legislator. One borrowed from Judge Fine of Ogdens- fiscal year beginning on June'20, 1921, and ending June 30, 1922, is estimated where he runs a shoe repairing shop. popular member of the legislature. He evening under the spell of It he asked burg. Each summer he worked dqwn in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the can make a stirring speech and they her to be his wife. She consented. the Oswegatohle to that point fo^ a county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district He goes home to Brownsville to visit with his new friends. The his­ tax, and all other moneys of the district: say he is going to be the President of Then he began to think It over. spend his Sundays. tory of every week had been written It was like Lincoln In his relations the United States. He’s wise and BUDGET— E S T IM A TE D E X P E N D ITU R E S Mrs. Louis Howe of Brownsville witty and straight as a string, but a with women to get the cart before the t and tell her marriage,” said Samson. “We've been ao. hut don’t put It In a letter.” Miss Beulah Minaou of Alban i Lincoln went to see her that eve­ rassllng down at our house to keep arrived laat Saturday for a wee ning and returned to his friend In a Josiah from running off and getting end with her brother. I married. He's engaged already.” more cheerful mood. This original estimate is made in compliance with section 2.11-A of the school “Engaged I To whom?" Harry asked "Did yon tell h e rF Speed aaked. The Linn county echool club laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the nnit coets of the several services, “To Annabel Brimstead. She's a material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, stock judging team, composed of “Yea. I told her." little older than he la. Shff laughed the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the “What happened?” Dellia and Clifford Corriutt of Shedd “She buret out crying and I threw at him and promised to mariy him bbdget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. ("&ix and Ruth and Irene Quimby of my arms around her and kissed her us soon aa he waa nominated for Pres monthe of the current y e a r ” means six months at the last school year.) Halsey, attended special judging E X P K N D IT U R E8 and that settled It. We are going to ldent by all hla friends. She would classes at O. A. C. Saturday. now vote for him hemelf. He has be married.” What an Illustration of the human­ become a good athlete and the beat xpen a n d Expenditures for three There are 4034 motor vehicle« ity and chivalry of Honest Abe was scholar In school. He has every budget ii'lge allowance for fiscal years next pre- in Linn county. boy and girl In the rillagA working six months of Iasi ceding the last school in the proceeding! Î school year rear •Tm sure you'll get along all right for him evenings and Satugfiaya." V« a The Albany Democrat twenty- “What are they doing F Harry f ïT ? M s 1 together." said 8peed. "Your spirit five years ago said: Flour is 91.10, 1 - M M asked. ta Jealoua of any one likely to get In k * IT E M the highest in years. 10 äs ■ Deeply Impressed by Her Talk and Its way. But she won't. She'll fall "Making those newfangled things l a * Fine Manners. « I In line and do what she can to help they call ludfera. You can build a Rena Walker returned to echool 1 1 fire In a second with 'em. They cut ? 0 E l £ 3 Tuesday, after suffering with a deeply Impressed by her talk and flhe yon.” ■ ” Now, a little before thia time. Henry splinters out of soft wood, dip their 2-S é .S f manners and general comeliness. He 1920 '21 Ì919 VÌ 1918 '19 hard case of poison oak. 1921 '22 Brimstead and other creditors of Davis ends In brimstone— which Joe learned felt her grace and charm and spoke how to make— and put them In a hot had gone to Chicago In the matter^of Personal service Kenneth Croes returned Satur­ of it with enthusiasm. But to hint 1600.— 1140 — 900 — the satisfaction of their Judgment oven until the brimstone la baked Teacher—Prineipal . . . ____ day from his mother’» home at and to her there seemed to be an llti- 9 1 Kl — 810— 3125.— against him. Henry had driven a Then a scratch will bring a flame Aast. Principal...... ......... ....... Payette, Idajio. passable gulf between them. She 900 — 690.— 660 — wagon acrosa the prairies snd, return­ Joe puts them up In bundles and sella 7th and 8th Gradea_______ changed her mind about that, how­ 900. Sí 6111 cut and dip a thou­ It was while they were there that 720- 460 — 4.50— J a n ito r ...... . saw his face lighted by the candle of Pollyanna Club basket' social for Harry had come tlown to Chicago out sand spJlnteiS an (lour. I tell you, Clerk..................... ..................... 6.60 10.— 6.60 hts spirit. It was a handsome face the benefit of the community build* of the woods In a condition of health Annabel la In danger.” In those moments "of high elation. 6 9 6 5 - 85076 60 14806.60 K72Í0.- >4600.- >4710__ ing fund. He took a lucifer out of hla pocket Total— Personal Services . . . which had alarmed hla physician. The Hardship and malarial poison had latter had put him on a steamboat and and scratched it on the bottnm of hla Material and Supplies lined and sallowed bis skin. The Purniture (dexkx. etc .)_____ > 50.-1 » roo —i » Itti - I» l<0. Mr». D. F Dean and Mra. C. P. sent him East. He was bound for the boot. The party looked with wonder 400 — fXK).— IÛ 0 .- ion - shadows of loneliness and sorrow were Supplie* (chalk e tc .)-------. . . Stafford were Albany visitor» laat mountain country In northern New at Its flame which quickly consumed Library book» ................... . . . 125- in Its sculpturing. But when his eyes Friday. the slender thread of pine in hla fin­ 10 - 10.— 10.— 10.— glowed with passion one saw not the York. gers. 2 5 - Blm and her mother returned to Playground equipment rough mask which the life of the Mr». C. K Jonqa and Mrs. F. M “I have always thought that Joe 100 — ♦0 — SO 50.— Chicago on the stage the former to pioneer had given him. His form lost Miller of Jefferaon were Friday ar­ 364— 37o — .37o — 37o - Fuel...........................— — wonld make a whale of a man.” said Its awkwardness; hla face took on a take a place In the store as the repre­ Harry. 25 — 14 41 lo rival». to spend the week end with 6 ta t • « w»« * * sentative of Samson's Interest. noble and Impressive beauty. To 22 5c 22 Je 22 So 22 5c . «.«.awaww- Mr». Lizzie Reeee of this place. “We all seem to he threatened with WfttCT. w Harry was three years In the wild­ IS — 15 - lo — 1.5 - quote his own words to the boy. Josiah Pottage and stationery. . . . . . erness trying to regain hla health. Immediate and overwhelming happi­ Traylor, bis character was speaking Dean Tyoer waa in Halaey Fri­ Success came to him In the Inst year ness,'' Blm exclaimed. Total—Material and snpplies > 1136 5c »1166 91 8 674 Ic 6 677 So » 612 So > 627 So day morning from Brownsville. as well as his lipa. Mary had the In “The only thing In the way of min» of hla banishment. Maintenance and Repair» sight to recognise his power. She felt 2oo — ISo — So — 5o ■ Toward the end of It he received n Is the national debt that I have accu­ School building and ground» The committee o^ the children’s the strength of hla spirit. She agreed letter from Mr. Lincoln. It was w rit­ mulated,” Harry remarked. farm home met in Albany last with her frienda that here was a man » 15o — » I S o - » 5oo - > 200 - » So­ > So— “I knew he'd think of something.” Total— maintenance A repair» Thursday with Mr». WallaceUnruh, of great promise. She felt the need ten soon after that curious climax In IN D E B TE D N E S S «aid Blm ruefully " If I wanted to the courting of Mary Todd. In this l a t i — lo45 — • state welfare worker, who is to of him. -ÎOOO — lo4fi - abolish the noble Institution of mar­ V»rrauts»nd mlere»t thereon Total—Indebtedne»»............. > Jooc — 1045 — lo45 — IMS — To one who loved beauty and re­ letter he said: take charge of the campaign to riage I'd make him chairman of the "I am serving my Inst term In the Insurance spected women as he did, the grace raise the balance of the $125,000 .10 — Jo — Hmldtng,furniture A fixture» I learn that you are In ways and means committee.” and refinement of this young lady had legislature j necessary to complete the plans of “Harry, your credit ta stiu good Total— Inaurane» . . . . . . . . — 3o — Jo — better health and I hope that you will a singular appeal, coupled, as tt was, the committee; 160,000 is prom­ with me. and I'm prosperous," Samson with the urge of his strong, masculine have the strength and Inclination to began. " I want you to know that Grand Total »113.11.50 »74 JB. 51 1657.5.7Q>9OI2.5o >5742..5c|>SSl7..4O ised from the Portland chest fund return soon and be a candidate for nature. It was a revelation. He was I, B M Bond, do hereby certify that the shove estimate of eapeoditnrea for providing the balance* is raised in Blm'a energy and skill are mostly re­ like a young poet going out Into the my seat In the house. 8ama»n will sponsible for my sneceee. I guess we the year 1921.1922 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget al­ the counties of the state. Linn, not do It. being ao busy with large open and seeing for the first time the lowance for aia months of the current yeat and the expenditures for the three You am young You have owe more to your alckneas than you're fiscal rears next preceding the current year aa shown above have been compiled Benton and Hood River counties mysterious beauty of the mountains affairs won distinction In the service of your aware of. I f It hadn’t been for that from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. have raised their pro rata of funda $r delicate, ^ lB eurT* country. Tou ha'* studied the prob we would b* plodding aljng qt yje M POND, p)»Vlct Clerk. aaked lor and many other counties Job and Tittles Notice of School Meeting Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet, School District No. 41 If if g s-s. è ä 3 M l l l l l l F