PAG R 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE NOV. 3, 1921 plague bad spent Itself and that Blm break when he and H arry rode ta * had gone to a detention camp outside point on the prairie "something more the etty of Chicago. He was not per­ than a mile from the city limits.” mitted to see her, the regulations hav­ There he tella ua they met Davla and ing become very atrlet. In the city be one friend of the latter and two sur­ went to the store of Ell Fredenbery geons. It te evident, too. that great The merchant received him with en secrecy had been observed In the plan tbusfasm. Chicago had begun to re and Its execution and that, until some cover from the panic. Trade wan time after the last act, Lincoln knew nothing of the later developments In . lively. Harry spent tha aftarnoon with Mrs. the drama of Dane1 downfall. For Kelso and Blm'a baby boty. He wrote the rest of the deplorahie scene the Mz historian must content himself with a very tender letter to Blm that day Story o f the Builder» the naked details In the diary of • He told her that he had come to Chi cago to live so that he might be near puritan pioneer. o f Democracy ••I went because there was no escape her and ready to help her If she need ed help "The same old love Is In m.v from It and with the shadow of God’s j heart that made me want you for my wrath in my soul.” Samson writes. “The sun rose as we halted our borsee. 1 wife long ago. that has filled my let tert and sustained me in many an tVe paced the Held The two men took hour of peril,” he wrote. " If you their places twenty yards apart The pistols rang out at the command to I really think that you muet marry Da 0o»yrlo on this trip will be free and that wonderful vu».u. child. i I u named him Ne- with Joe, Some of hla beat thoughts to heal Biggs m e e t. B lm K elso, w ith . iu c u u iiu i- y- the practice of the law, which had be­ rame when he was talking with Joe his treatment is different wtiom Harry Needlaa has fe lle n in love, henilah for his grandfather. We call l» g * • • • • gun to turn his Interest from the a f­ and some of hla merriest moments .U IS®8 to r B lm s hand, b u t her him u im Nlm N lm and a n d sometimes K o m e tlm e s ‘Mr. ‘M r Nimble' N im b le ' Address; 336 Boston block, Minne fa th e r refuses hts c o n s e n t Biggs r s - fairs of state. But the pot of political when he was playing with “Mr. Nim­ because he Is so lively. I'm homesick turns to St. Louts. spoils, Minn. science boiled before the fireplace tn ble." He confessed that It wag the to see him and you. I am going to CHAPTBR V III.-B tm confesses to tha rear of Joshua Speed's store every latter that reminded blm that he had H a r r y th a t th e loves Biggs, end the Dixon to teach and earn money for youth Is disconsolate. Lincoln decides to mother and the baby. Don't tell any­ evening that Lincoln and hla associ­ better be looking for a wife. Arbuckle itt Scrapped seek s seat In the leg isla tu re . H e and ates were tn Springfield. The wit and But Lincoln waa only one of many l l a r r y volu nteer fo r the B lack H a w k w a r. one where I am and above all don't wisdom which bubbled Into its vapors remarkable personalities Itt Springfield The San Erancisco Bulletin and le a v e N e w Salem come to see me until In good heart I and the heat that surrounded It were chronicles the interesting report who had discovered themselves and C H A P T E R I X - B l g g e comes hack to can ask you to come. the talk of the town. Many came were seeking to be discovered. Sun­ "God bless you! that, motion picture magnates ar< the v illa g e and he e nd B lm elope H a r r y learns o f It on hie w a y home from the to witness the process and presently dry Individuals were lifting their heads " B ill." wn-bful of establishing the fat ex 'w a r * Lin c o ln 's advice and philosophy It was moved, for a time, to more above the crowd, but not wltb the sustain him In hie g rie f In a few weeks the suit came on. cornelians innocence, ami at accommodating quarters. Before a modesty and self-distrust of Honest Davis' defense, as given in the an­ C H A P T E R X —U n c o ln . defeated In hie even now in conference to preparr candidacy fo r the legislatu re, form s e crowd of people In the Presbvterlsr- Abe. "Steve" Douglas, whom Samson swer. alleged that the notes were to hie defense. This, you say, is tru> p a rtn e rs h ip w ith " B ill" B e rry in the church, Lincoln, Logan. Baker and had referred to as “ that little rooeter business Blgge sends a gang to he paid nut of thp proceeds of the (relernalism f The facts are tbsi grocery «trnwnlng for the Whigs, mid Douglas. of a man," pnt on the stilts of a brave hu m T r a y lo r 's house, but the N e w 6 elem sale of lots and that In consequence The Two Men Toek Their Places. men e re w arned end th e raid e rs w orsted something lik e - $2,000,000 is in Calhoun, Lamhorn and Tnomaa far and ponderous vigor. His five-foot of the collapse of the boom there had help me. Btm arrived when Harry the Democrats, having assiduously, vetted in Arbuckle pictures, ano CHAPTER X I. - L in c o ln , _____________ no w poet- | been no such proceeds stature and hla hundred pounds of As to the un- was on» of hts head and didn't know prepared for the trial, debated the aster, decides decid to run a g a in fo r the there is more than a suspicion the' m weight did not lit the part of Achille*. legislature. Ann R u tle d g e I t openly In 1 derstnndlng upon which the notes these friends of E atty's are urged lev» w ith John M c N e il. H e le a v e * for were drawn, there was a direct lasue het. She was determined to stay and burning Issues of the time. The effort But he would have no other. He blus­ do the nursing, but I wouldn't let her h l* home In th e E a s t prom ising to re ­ of each filled an evening and Lincoln's tered much with a spear too heavy for Io his aid by the hazardous predic turn eoon and m a rry A nn Lin co ln a c ­ of veracity for which Abe Lincoln She did not look strong. I leaned her a i.ent of so much money. Their cept* h l* d *fe a t m a n fu lly . N o w o rd coni­ was exceedingly well prepared. His the money to pay the debt to Davis speech gave him new hope of himself. hla hands. Lincoln used to call him ine from M c N o ll, A nn c o n fe *» ** to A b * solicitude may be natural but it ie th a t h l* r *a l n a m * I* M c N a m a r, and her cross-examination was as merciless and persuaded her to go hack to her Wise mdn began to have great confi­ a kind of popgun. te a r* th a t he w ill not re tu rn . Lincoln ss sunlight “falling round a helpless dence In his future. He had taken Thia free-for-all Jonat of Individual­ ill-advised. However thoroughly In work In Dixon. She went and was l* d **p love endeavor* to reassure the style of Webster for his model. ism—one of the first frulte of freedom her h " 'th o u g h he ehiirei her mi*gi\in«*’ i thing.” It was kindly and polite In the whitewash may be applied to Lincoln wine hla »«at in tha leclslature. rather heartbroken about It. He no longer used the broad humor In the West—gave to the life of the lit­ wins his seat In the legislature. , (Onp but relentless In Its searching Arbuckle's jewel reputation, the "The surgeon said that Harry would which had characterized hla efforts on tle village a rich flavor of comedy. When It ended, the weight of Davla' C H A P T E R X I I —A n n hears fro m M c ­ public w ill never again permit itself N a m a r but hla la tte r ie cold and ehe ia live If lung fever didn't set In. It A study of the best 1 The great talents of Douglas had not character had been accurately estab­ set In, but he pulled through. He the stump. to laugh with or at him . H i* convinced he does not love h e r 8he telle speeches of the great New Englander 1 been developed. Hla character was as In his masterly summing up Abe of her doubt and he confesses hie lished. hints are ju n k .—Portland O re­ love and aake her to m a rry him Anr. Mr. Lincoln presented every circum­ mended slowly. I had some fear of had made him question Its valne In yet ahlftv and shapeless. Some of declares she docs not yet love him . but arrejt. but the eonsplraey of silence gonian. a public address. Dignity, clear rea­ the leading citizens openly distrusted M il tr y to W ith th a t prom ise Lincoln stance In favor of the defendant's po­ kept the facts under cover. I t was sets out fo r V a n d a lia and h it leg isla tiv e sition. With rewnrkable Insight he partly due. I guess, to the friendship soning and Impressiveness were the him. Lincoln never liked this little duties chief aims of his new method, the lat­ men. In opposing whom he waa to anticipated the arguments of his at­ of John Wentworth for me and Hon Figures just obtained at the de­ CHAPTER X I I I —In sp ired by E lija h ter of which Is aptly Illustrated by come to the fulness o f hla power on partment of agriculture at W ash­ L o vejo y. T ra y lo r arranges on his fa rm a torney. He presented them fairly and est Abe. He kept It out of the paper» this passage from his speech In reply the platform. I t la evident that Lin­ generously to the court and Jury. Ac- | There were no complaints and the ru hiding place for run a «’e y slaves a eta ington show that farmers' co-oper tlon on the “ U nderground R a j 1 road. to Douglas In the debate mentioned: coln regarded him as an able advocate' cording to Samson the opposing law- , mors soon fell Into silence. stive organizations last year did a C H A P T E R X I V . —Ann agrees to m a rry “I f I ever feel the soul w ithin me of small sincerity looking chiefly for yers admitted tn a private talk that business of » ,{,5,, 14,660, as against Abe, but her h e a lth le w recked Th ree "The boy, ‘Mr. Nimble,’ Is a enn elevate and expand to those dimen­ personal advancement. Lincoln had thought of presumptions n a w a y slaves seek T r a y lo iis help tn nlng little man. When he began to ge * little more than »60,000,000 in ru escaping T h ey belong to Rtinrs and he In favor of Davis which had not oc­ sions not wholly unworthy of Its Al­ There la a passage In the diary better. Harry loved to p ity with hltr> comes In p u rs u it of them Threaten ed 1919 The figure« for 1921, it is mighty Architect. It Is when I con­ which Illustrate» the character of Dou­ w ith a rre s t fo r in citin g the raid on T r a y ­ curred to them. Therein lay the char- ' and listen to his talks about fairies claimed, w ill show another tremen­ lor. he flees One of the fu g itiv e s is Blm actertstlc of Mr Lincoln's method In a template the cause of my country de­ glas and Lincoln'» knowledge of I t The young man waa able to leave hts serted by all the world besides, and The passage relates to a day In the in dtegulee She hae fled frd m her hue- dous increase. lawsuit. i band’» c r ie lt y bed. by and by, btn he didn't get over I standing up boldly and alone and famous debates of 1858. Lincoln had "It was a safe thing for him to do, C H A P T E R X V - ____ hla weakness and pallor. He had no hurling defiance at her victorious op­ not reached Havana In time to hear D y in g . Ann R utledge for he never took a case In which Jus­ < all» for Abe and he bids her fa re w e ll Lest year 'O'*oounty agricultural appetite. I sent him with Nnckles Into pressors. Here without contemplating the speech of his opponent. A great a t her bedside F o llo w in g her demise tice was not clearly on hla aide," Sam- | • gents assisted in organising co­ »•»tied eadnee» descend« on him. H e Is the Wisconsin woods to live In the son writes. " If he had been deceived open. Then I took the^small boy to consequences before high heaven and crowd had come by train and In operative enterprises. This was 61 no longer "A b«,' but A b rah am IJncoln in the face of the world I swear eter­ wagons. Taking advantage of his ab­ as to the merits of a case he would C H A P T E R X V I- O v e r c o m in g his dee Dixon with me In the saddle. Btm bad nal fidelity to the Just cause, as I per cent of the total number of pendency. U n c o ln retu rn s to his w ork sence, Douglas had called Lincoln "a drop It. With the sword of Justice In ’ Juat got back to her work. She told A bolition sentim ent te c ry s ta lis ln g and •get ta in the field The huaiues* deem It. of the land of my life, my liar, a coward and a aneak." and de­ hla hand he was Invincible.” he th ro w s hlm «elf in to the m ovem ent. me that Eltphalet Biggs had been done through theae organization«, liberty and my love." clared that he was going to fight him. A Judgment was rendered In favor there. He had heard of the boy and CHAPTER X V T I -T r a y lo r sells his Lincoln heard of thia and said In In these perfervld utterances one «• stated, amounted to $375,714,. fa rm a r d moves to R prlngfleld Lincoln of the plaintiffs for the full amount of wished to see him and demanded to 660 and the saving thru the co. plane tt secure a divorce for B ’.m in their claim with costs. The character know where he waa. * Tor fear that may find little to admire save a great hls speech: order ♦K»’ th e m av « v q Xcadjee “1 shall not fight with Judge Doug­ spirit seeking to express Itself and of Lionel Davla had been sufficiently whofh she ha» a lw a y s re a lly lox ed operative form was »21.152.77« revealed. Even the credulous Mre | Biggs would try to get possession of lacking as yet the refinement of tqate las. A fight could prove nothing at N a m a r retu rn s to N ew Salem, too late. 'Mr. Nimble' I took him with me to equal to hla undertaking. He was Issue In this campaign. It might prove Kelso turned against him. Mr L in ­ C H A P T E R X V I I L —T r a y lo r and H a r r y U p to September 15, 1921, in Needle» visit the "boom " c ity of Chicago, coln's skill as a lawyer was recognized Springfield In the saddle. no heaven-born genius “sprung In full that he la a more muscular man than ‘‘I learn that Davla has recovered panoply from the head of Jove." H e I, or that I am a more muscular man w here Btm now the m o th e r o f a son. is Ltnn county there were registered livin g w ith her paren ts She has her In the north as well as in the middle hla health and left the city. A man IK motor vehicledeele.a, _’24chauf. divorce. H e r n leaves fo r the Seminole counties. From that day forth no can not do business without friends was Just one of the slow, common than he. but thia subject ia not men­ w ar. A n unscrupulous, rich speculator folk, with a passion for Justice 'and tioned In either platform. Again, he letire, 0486 motor vehicle operators Lionel P a v la de»1r< ilree to m a rry B lm . bu» man enjoyed a like popularity tn Taze­ and after the trial Chicago waa no human rights, slowly feeling his way and I are really very good friends and she repulse« h m well county. W motorcyoles, 8ti<)() passenger cars, plaee for him,” upward. Hla spirit was growing. when we are together he would no \ Ruined by the panic When Samson and Harry Needles o ambulance« and henraeo, 1 bu< o f ‘H . Kelso K dies and Blm and her Strong In Its love and knowledge of more think of fighting me than of left the courthouse, there seemed to or stage, 80 Commercial cars of less m other are left pennlles» D av is preeee» CHAPTER XXIII. common men and of the things neces­ fighting hls wife. Therefore, when the hts suit, and. made desperate by the he no obstacle between the young man then one ton capacity. 247 trucks news o f H a r r y s death. B im alm oot make» sary to their welfare. It was beginning Judge talked about fighting, he was and the consummation of his wishes. up h e r m ind to m a rry him of (tom one to five tons oa parity Cnfortunately, as they were going Whleh Preetnta the Pleasant Comedy to seek and know "the divine power not giving vent to any 111 feeling, but or a total of 4034 licensed passeit- I C H A P T E R X X U n c o ln is a d m itte d to down the steps Davla. who blamed at Individualism In tha Naw Capital, of words." Every moment of leisure, wa* trying to excite—well, let ua say. the bar T ra y lo r as e rta in s th a t the re and tha Courtship at Lincoln and he gave to the study of Webster and enthusiasm against me on the part of ger and commercial motor vehicles rt o f H a r r y 's death te false H e hurries Samson for hla trouhlea. flung an In­ C hicago D a \t s baa swindled B rim Mary Todd. Burke and Byron and Shakespeare and hls ludlenee." sult at the atnrdy Vermonter. Sam­ stead, a frie n d of T ra y lo r's . In real es- Burna He had begun to study the Justice accomplished her ends now II ell the men, women and chi,. tate deals, »nd T r a y lo r seeks io collect son, who had then arrived at years o f Samson, with "Mr. Nimble" on a the money flin a ilp o i breakp out at 2 r«n in the United State* could Honey C reek, and B lm goes there ee a firm discretion, was little disturbed by pad stuffed with straw In front of art of Irving and W alter Scott and of and then with comic display» of vlo the anger of a man so discredited hurry by the seething crater of nurse him Jogged across the pratrlee and a new w riter of the name of Dickens. lence In the prairie capital. One night But Harry, on the sound of the hate­ waded the creeks and sloughs on his There were four men who slept with Abe Lincoln and certain of hls friends r .R X X I - L in c o ln at A prlngfleld Mount \ eeuvjua at the rate of e n C te H r* A R In T to h l* life w o rk H a r r v K *odl” Kn leva, and a anm exceeding twenty thousand has little knowledge M r Nimble the 15,000 lives lost annually in dollars. not the type of man for such a chron­ wanted to pick alt the flower» and tins manner would approxim ate1 W ith the papers In h it pocket Harry icle. The diary speaks of hts part In splash hl* bare feet la every streaaa. America*! estimated Jatalitiee bv went oq to tbo Honey Creek eettle- It with shame and sorrow sad re- In the evening be woald talk to the We U uv a PM A? 4*1 (Ue each ^ear. j L ^ ty f * ft* {” uad - t an‘ J M K by e*ty Rtaytag wlt> them. Coming to ALBANY Dr. Mellenthin A Successful Specialist for th e p ast 15 Years. A Man for the Ages A DOES NOT USE SURGERY W ill be at By Irving Bachelier ALBANY H O T E L F U R N IT U R E Ranges Fkugs Kitchen Cabinets Dining-room Sets Heaters Beds Linoleum Congoleum N E W A N D S E C O N D -H A N D % $ w ’S w Mz Mz Mz 1 W hite Sewing Machines M o n d a y , N o v . 14 A ll things necessary for a cozy home Call and investigate goods and prices O N E DAY ONLY E. L. S T IF F 422 F IR S T STR EET A LB A N Y M *e»eeM«MswsMtww«NN»Ne^Meee*eMMnMMiMMMMqp Automobile Insurance Fire, th e ft, collision, p ro p e rty dam ag e and p ersonal liability. P ro te c t y o u rse lf a g ain st loss. C. P. STAFFORD,