Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 03, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    NOV. 3, ¡921
The new grade over the low pass
Form of le a d , that was supposed once
to show rapid changes, was found, un­ between Junction City and Lake
der the new environment to be one creek is too soft for use thia win-
of the most persistent of characters. , ter.
The state highway conimis-
Blondes Are Disappearing.
(sion announces that it will be
"Another prevalent notion that finds
paved next summer, but that
no support in the results of these In­
vestigations, Is that of any physical promise is taken with a grain of
difference between the old Americans ¡►alt, like other promises of the
It a crushed rock
of the northeast, the Yankees, and commission.
those of the South; there la no dif­ base is laid there next year that
ference of any Importance. The peo­ will be a start.
ple of the South are not darker, the
The earliest peas marketed in
Yankees are not taller. The only re­
gional differences In the old Amer­ several Willamette valley towus
ican stock are such aa are due to dif­ are grown from fall-sown seed.
ferent ancestry
Scotch, Seeding should be done now, for
Huguenot, etc.) But the whole strain the peas should be well up before
shows a plain tendency towards dark­ the continuous cold rains occur.
ening of hair and diminution of Alaska is a good variety for fall
sowing, according to O A. C. The
"The main characteristics of the
should be fertilized with
old Americans are, first of all, a tall
stature. They are, If we disregard manure and drained naturally to
a few small groupa, the tallest of -bed exceesive moisture.
whites, averaging 5 feet 8 Inches In
the men, and 5 feet 4 inches In the
George B. Dorris’ 18-year old
women. This superiority Is In part Barcelona filbert trees near Eu-
a distinctly American acquisition.
geue produced nuts at the rate of
"They are mostly relatively ’spare'
In early adnlt life, with rather a ten­ 3600 pounds an acre this year.
dency to overweight later ou. In this His 14-year-old trees gave 8500
connection there appears one serious pounds and 8-year-old trees 800
He says there
feature— many of the younger women pounds per acre.
are behind their due standard. Their are trees in England 150 years old
chest, their muscles, are relatively not that are growing good crops.
as well developed as are those of the
men. The men. In the average, are
In every way a fine lot.
Tha non-
working women, many of them, are
physically somewhat neglected, which
calls for an Improvement. Naturally
this does not apply to the farm girl
Regular meeting next Saturday
or the athletic girl.
"But the American woman shows a
superior head. The size of her head
Is somewhat above what It usually
la In relation to the average head of
the male, and it la also perceptibly
Office 1st door south of school house
above that indicated by her stature.
Halsey, Oregon.
As the size of head means a corre­
sponding size of brain, we have here
a highly favorable condition.
Handles Town and Country Property.
"The form of the head In the old Give him a call and see if he can fix
American stock differs widely, accord­ you up.
ing to parentage.
Face Shows Progress.
“A much greater progress In A m «
lcanlzatlon' Is shown by the face. This
has lost the prominence of the check
Haircutting, Massaging
bones and that of the angles of the Electric
lower Jaw; and In the well-nourished
and Shampooing.
approaches a characteristic straight-
Cleaning and Pressing.
sided, rather high oval.
“The nose Is variable, with tendency
to convex (aquiline) In mules, and
hands, feet, mouth, ears, are not
large, but also not small.
"Only healthy men and women be­
201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld’g,
years of life and at least three gen­
erations American born on each par­
Albany, Oregon.
ental side, were included In the study,
and the majority of the subjects were
examined under standardized condi­
tions and with best Instruments as .LIC EN SED F U N E R A L DIRECTO RS
well as care at the U. S. national
museum," Doctor Hrdltcka explained.
Phone 35
Phone 15
"They Included unselected Individual.«
Branches at
from all walks of life and all occupa
Win T Templeton, Mgr.
lions. The length of the study was Brownsville,
Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr.
caused by the unexpected rarity of slsey
those who could fill the requirements.
The studies extended to a total of 700
persons, hut to obtain so many It was
found necessary to make trips to parts
of New England as well as southward.
A particularly Interesting group was
obtained among the mountaineers of
Tennessee and neighboring regions."
higher they hold their heads in
Y o u r W in te r U n d e rw e a r
A b independent—NOT neutral—news­ church and society, the more ready
paper published every Thursday,
by W m . H .& A. A. W H EELER .
H. W hkki . xb Editor.
nt. A A. WHKW.KB Business Manager
and Local New* Editor.
Subacnptiona, >1.50 a year in advance
Arrearages, >2 a year.
Tranaient advertising. 25c an inch, per
nianent. 20c. No discount for tiuie
or space
In “ Paid-for Paragraphs, " 5c a line
No advertising disguised as news.
Phone 205
HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. Nov. 3, 1921
they appear to be to Uttar the words
that will push some unfortunate
down, down.
Many an innocent,
pure-minded girl has felt the ating
4 their carelesa talk as poignantly
as did this Indian girl.
And if the victim has taken a
misstep, bow far is the average
professed Ohristaan from following
the example of him who said:
“ Neither do I condemn thee.’’
Instead of being willing to for­
give an offender “ until seventy
times seven,” there is an unwill­
ingness to forgive even ones, and
a pffinenesa to magnify and multi­
ply the first evil report until it ic
as far from the truth as pole from
pole and the tattler as far from
Christianity as S»t>n from heaven.
No other handicap on the church
is as great as the unruly tongues
of its members.
j M
Although Candidate Hardin)
announced in his campaign tha
U n io n S u its
he believed In “ government bj
party,” President Harding har
jguy your winter underwear now for comfort’s sake. If you
like cottou we have some splendid weights. Priced in Union
shown himself even more free t<
suits a t ................................................................. $1.50 and $2.25
consult men of the opposition party,
Wool Mixed Union Suits .......................................... $3 to $4.25
which inferentially he would have
Heavy pure wool Union Suits priced at ...................................... $5
excluded from a hand in such
Men’s two-piece Underwear, per garment ........... 7-)t to $3.50
government, than Mr. Wilson was
Splendid Raincoats for dress wear priced at ..................... $7.50
“ The duke of York, with 20.000
He has not, aa did his predecessor,
asked especial support of his own men, marehed up the h ill—and
party in carrying through hie then mafehed down again.’’ The
The store that givea
strike of all the railroad men in
square deal to every
He acts aa though be were presi­ the United States against a cut in
dent, not of the republican party, wages of 12 per cent has failed to
but of the American government. materialise—called off by the
That ia the way Mr. Wilson chiefs. They dodged an awful
acted, too, notwithstanding occa- soiashup.
eional utterences which reminded
ua that he was still a member of
A couple of Italians have been
years, of the physical and physiologi­
convicted of murder in Massachu­
bia party.
cal features of the oldest and moat
The petty political leaders of the setts. but an appeal has been taken
American element In the population
of thia country.
Doctor Hrdltcka
republican party find it difficult to the supreme court.
They are
made the first snnouncement of thia
or impossible to keep the president revolutionary propagandists and
fundamental study In a paper given
in leash.
their fellows in France, Italy and
before the second International con­
I gress of eugenics at the American
He pleases them by his aloofness elsewhere are threatening venge­
toward the league of nat ions, which ance sgainst the United States Study of Old American Stock museum of natural history here.
“There Is no American type of
representatives if they are exe­
Shows Heredity Is Still in
includes nearly all the other gov­ cuted. The fools do not know that
either man or woman as yet; but
ernments of the world and which the United States government has
there Is an approach to such a type
In physiognomy, stature, build, pig­
ia summarily and effectually set­ no more power to interfere with
mentation and In other directions,”
tling suoh threatening questions as
Doctor Hrdltcka said. "Heredity la
RESULT OF EIGHT-YEAR STUDY still moat In evidence, but ls ho long­
that which caused a miniature war setts law than the ex-kaiser has.
er absolute. The old Americans are
in Silesia, but be has offended
to an Important degree still the Eng­
some of them hy acknowledging
Intermarriage of Old Stock With More lish, Scotch, or Dutch of their ances­
its existence and providing repre-
Recent Elemente In Population,
j try, but In part they are already
, §
something new, common, acquired In
sentativaa of America at some of
Leaves Little Hope for Truly
this land; they are American. Were
National Type.
its discussions.
It possible for this stock to breed ex­
The managers of the party
New York.—To determine whether clusively among themselves for sev­
deemed it good partisan policy to
there Is In this country an approach eral more centuries they, according to
We have on sale all
to an American type of man and wom­ all Indications, would produce as dis­
wink at the nullification of the po­
th e leading m agazines
an, the Smithsonian Institution, with tinct a national type as have the va­
litical lights of the negroes in the
Dr. Ales Hrdltcka, curator of the di- j rious older European nations. But
and story papers. If
south, hoping thus to sprit the
vision of physlcnl anthropology In the Intermarriage with more recent ele­
U. S. national museum, In charge, has ments of the population Is so common,
yon like to read com e
“ solid south’' and harvest some
carrying on an extensive Inves­ that no hope can be entertained for
Votes. Mr. Hard|ug had the cour­
in and pick o u t y o u r
tigation, which has covered eight , any rapid progress In this direction.
age laat week to go to the very oe li­
favorite before som e­
ter o( the section and declare that,
on e else gets it.
while social equality of the races
W e also take sub­
ia impossible, there must be polit­
First-class repairing our specialty.
tio n s to r all m ag­
ical and economical equality
We have a good stock of Tires. These
azines and new spa­
this he calla for a different condi-
Tires are fresh stock and we can make
frotn that which exists, for the
pers at p u b lish e rs’
attractive prices on them.
political rights of the negroes in a
prices. See us before
Good lino o f accessories, in clu d in g T op
large part of the south exis no­
and A uto P ain ts.
placing y o u r or-,
where except on paper, and he it)
ow ner, if von a re co n tem p latin g
grievously handicapped in b is ' der.
having y o u r c ar o v e rh a u led o r trad in g it in fo r
struggle for economic equality.
a new tine we ean b e ol serv ice to you.
I. O. 0 . F.
W. J. Ribelin
•- - - -
C. C . B R Y A N T
Envoy Is Wall Paid for Job That
Doesn't Exist, Aeoordlng to
Prince Furotenberg.
P ro p s .
Commenting on the suicide of sn
Indian girl at Klamath Falls who
left a note saying
“ No parents,
no friends, everybody talk about
me,” the Portlaud journal says:
Black Stallion Colt
H. B. Suiker, T angent.
R oute 2.
Her words are the strongest re­
buke to the human family we have
Aver read outside the lids of the
P h o n e 19CÔ
‘‘Everybody talk about
me.'’ Many pure souls with sym­
Brow nsville
pathetic hearts have sought the
grave and freedom from ecanditl A call will bring nieto Halsey in 15 or
mongers by the suicide route, 20 minutes
rather than fight the cruelties of
This Indian girl
wanted to he good, had no friends
Amor A. Tussi ng
because of her race, and both par.
Snts were dead.
She had, no
doubt, been taught that the milk
<4 human kindness was freely be­
B rownsville , O rboon
stowed upon the children of God
by those professing Christianity,
and she had a right to expect it,
but instead it was gall.
Many other pure girls have heed J
dragged down to shame and death’
because of scandal mongers and the
eagernasa of professed Christiane U
listen and repeat. Let these word- Dress Shoes a Speciality
be forever embossed on your mind
“ Everybody talk about me’’—
501 Lyon at, Alliany, Oregon.
somebody’s daughter, somebody's
sister, end change the scene to the
way it should be, “ Even a* ye
have done it unto the least of these,
my brethren (and eietera), ye have
Two doors north ol the hotel
also done nnto me.’’
prepared to do all kinds of
in Halsey, and in every other
Satisfaction guar­
town, are victims of the idle gos­
sip. And tha belter the irrespon­
sible talkers think they are, the JEWETT the COBBLER.
W e
c o m p le te
N a tio n a l M a z d a E le c t r ic
s ta n d a rd
p ric e s .
W hen
s to c k
Lam ps
o f th e
th e
of a
n e w s u p p ly see us.
L ra ss if-
) I'/iite
Helen Caldwell of Detroit,
Mich., left her hnsbeftd, John,
150 times during their married
life from 1007 to 1021, John told
Judge Harry J. Dingeman He
asserted his wife was fond of
dancing; that, on coming home
from work at midnight, he would
find her little boy sitting on the
front steps waiting for him ami
that his wife would come in la­
ter, saying the had been to a
dance. He was given a decree.
S /^ e a t (¿ s ta te a n d , 7 , n su ra n c e
A. Peterson E X “ “
Shoe Repair Shop
• ■» »»»•• i » i *
The popularity of would
Kryptok Glasses not be
in cre asin g as stead ily an d
rapidly as it is if K ry p to k s
did n o t ^ive to bifocal p a ­
tien ts g re a te r satisfactio n
th an a n y o th e r bifocals.
Constantinople.—One of the stories
which men tell one another here to
illustrate the confused diplomatic sit­
uation tn central Europe Is attributed
to Prince Furstenberg. He was ap­
pointed aa a diplomatic representative
of the old Austrian government to the
Ukraine, which then was ruled by
Hetman Skorpadsky.
Describing his diplomatic status to
friends In Kiev, the prince said: “1 j
am the representative of a govern
ment that has ceased to exist and
am accredited to one that never ex-
Isted. The most extraordinary part
of It Is that I am paid for performing
the duties of thia position that I do
not hold.”
O ptom etrist.
Harold Albro.
Manufacturing optcian.
Left Husband 150 Times
in 14 Years' Wedded Life
The age of the girl doesn't count
when It comes to ogndv . big and little,
they al, love it. The candies that we
sell are made of pure unadulterated su­
gar and flavorings, and consequently no
matter how much ia eaten there can be
no harmful effect. Take home a boa
knowing that it ia the purest candy
E. C . M IL L E R
Ringo’s Drugstore
All work done promptly and
reasonably. Phone No. 269.
.......... .
Italy Electrifies RallreeSa.
Rome—The Italian state railway«
are bit by bit being electrified. Every
now and then the government under-
takee to add 800 or 400 miles of elec
trificatlon to the system. By the end of
1022. there will be more than 2.000
miles of electrified state railways In
Italy Thia Is expected te reduce the
coal consumption of the railroads by
about one-third.
FARMERS ”“¡£¿£3
articles no longer needed, or succeeded
by better ones, which somebody would
like to obtain. An advertisement the
s i« of this, costing 25c, might find a
buyer and covert what is f ’ i C I J
now ooh trash into good
V x Y O il