O L I. .7. 1921 tnat the voice of the peo|ilv In an; one my sword. I havs had enough of PAGE 5 HAI.SKV EN TE R P R IS E generation may or may not be In- war.” spired. but that the voice of the best He had ridden across country from men of all ages. expressing their sense the boat landing and, arriving so late, I of Justice and of right, In the law. Is had left his horse at a livery stable. Spreading Over Place Where Loss of L ie in Industries Almost (Continued from page 1) | and inuat be the voice of God. Tiie “I'm lucky to find you and Abe and I spirit and body of Its decrees are as Joe all up and waiting for me," he Turks and Armenians Fought. H allow een night n ext M onday. Equal to That of War. I Indestructible as the throne of Heaven said as he shook their hands. “How's Miss Georgia Weber of Browns­ I You can overthrow them but until mother?" ville warn to Corvallis Friday via their power Is re-established, as surely An Average of 25 Peraone Ars Dying American L o n of L ife In France Was “I'm well," Sarah called from the | it will be, you will live in savagery.” Halsey. D aily in Streets of Aisxandro- top of the stairway. “I'll be down In 48,000 Men, During Same Period “You do not deny the right of revo- a minute.” pol From Cholera and of Tim e Industries W. F, Moore of Brownsville I lutlon." For an hour or more they sat by Hunger. Took 35.000. spent part of last week at Scio vis­ “No, hut I can see no excuse for It the fireside while Harry told of his iting old friends. ■ in America. It has remained for us adventures in the great swamps of Constantinople.—Cholera Is spread- Washington.— Some very Interesting I to add to the body of the law the idea southern Florida. Mrs. Jennie Schildmeyeyer and j I ng throughout that part of Armenia statistics have been prepared und I that men are created free and eqpal “I ’ve done my share of the fight­ i which was the scene of the war be­ daughters of Brownsville were Hal­ public recently showing the tre­ I The lack of the saving principle In the ing,” he said at length. “I'm going tween the Turks and Armenians last made sey visitors Saturday. mendous loss in human life in the | codes of the world has heeu the great north tomorrow to find Bim and her winter, according to a dispatch from nation's industrial plants. I cause of Injustice ugd oppression.” Mrs. J. W. Sprenger of Shedd mother.” Tltlis. forwarded by Paxton Hibben of These figures indicate that these ap­ Honest Ahe rose and walked up and had her tonsils removed last Thurs­ “I shall want you to serve a com­ Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Hibben is a palling conditions coutluue day by day I down the room In silence for a mo plaint on one Lionel Davis," said Mr. member of the group of representa- at a rate almost equal to the sacrifice day while in Albany. ■ went. Then he added: | fives of the Near East relief and re­ of American soldiers during the war. Lincoln. Mesdames C. P. Stafford and J. “Choate phrased It well when he “I have one of my own to serve on cently visited Armenia before starting In the nineteen months of our partici­ W. Driukard were Albany visitois I said: We should beware of awaking him,” northward through Russia to Mos­ Harry answered. “But I hope pation in the war we lost approxi­ the tremendous divinities of change Friday of last week. that our caae can be settled out of cow. He writes that the cholera Is mately 48,000 men, while a total of T -from their loug sleep. Let us think court." Linn county property is np- due to lack of foodstuffs and the con- 35,000 were killed in factories during of that when we consider what we praised for taxation at about 1,000,. 1 think that 1 11 go with you as far ! senla through the winter. They youth of 76 who recently took Mrs. times." stated that the government Was try- life. Geneva Harmiston, ten years i ing desperately to obtain grain from “1 want to be a great orator," the Hence the problem becomes one Sea Otter Bites hoy exclaimed with engaging frank Persia, but that the Persian govern­ not to be solved alone by those directly vouuger, as a bride. The ceremony Fish Off Hook ness. ment was becoming alarmed at the engaged In Industry, but a share of it occurred at her home in that city. exportation of foodstuffs and had rests on the shoulders of every cltlzeu “Then you must remember that N. R Windom of Harrisburg London.—O. S. Jay was fish­ character Is the biggest part of It,” ordered an embargo, thus Cutting off of the country. More Intensive thrift was an arrive in Halsey last Sat­ ing for sea trout In I.ake Ddlnas. the only near-by source of supply." Honest Abe declared. “Great thoughts thought and practice In the lives of all near Mount Snowden, when a big urday morning on his way to , ■ ome out of a great character and citizens of the country will be reflected otter seized a fish which he had ’ only out of that. They will come Brownsville to be a guest at the in better safeguards for those engaged FINDS RARE MOSAIC WORK hooked, bit a piece out of the even If .you have little learning and In the various trades and crafts of C. B. Tycer home. sea trout and, after diving, dis­ none of the graces which altract the Industry. American Student Diacovara Maater- Gladys, daughter of Mr. and appeared. On the following eve eye. But you must have a character pieca In Forgotten Cathedral 8oma Mrs. Charles Enger Of Brownsville, nlng the same angler saw the that Is ever speaking, even when your Miles From Roma. LADY BLACKSMITH was a Saturday morning arrival otter swimming near the shore lips are silent. It must allow in your in Halsey on her way home for a of the lake, and making a cast life and fill the spaces between your Rome.— An American young map, with hid trout rod he hooked the week end. Miss Enger is a student words. It will help you to choose and Harry Sternfeld of Pittsburgh, winner otter in the neck. The animal LAWYER AND NOTARY charge them with the love of great at the U. of O., Eugene. of the “Prix de Paris,” student of the fought hard to free itself and things that carry conviction. American academy here, has discov­ Dean Tycer, garage man of Jumped Into the air during Its ”1 remember, when I was a boy over B rownsville , O regon ered a masterpiece of Cosmodl mosa­ Brownsville, a returned soldier bov, struggle, which lasted nearly ten In Gentryville, a shaggy, plain-dressed ics embellishing a great facade of a was a very busy man at the depot minutes. Finally the otter broke man rode up to the door one day. He medieval cathedral. It Is several miles from the hook and swam away. Saturday morning, loading his car had a cheerful, kindly face. His char­ from Rome, a Clvlta Castellans, a with Southern Pucitio passengers acter began to speak to us before he place for centuries forgotten, where opened his mouth to ask for a drink for Brownsville. the genius of Cosmodl and his sons CARS MUST BE WELL COOLED of water. s hut commonplace because of fam il­ Frank Vanetta, a former Hal- Fine “ ‘I don’t know who you are,' my iarity. Refrlgerater Should Be Allowed to seyan, but now of Portland, left father said. ‘But I'd like it awful The design was executed In 1210 and last Saturday morning for home Rost on Biding at Least 24 Houra well If you'd light and talk to us.' He shows the Influence of the Byzantine Before Loading. with the prettiest bunch of ten did and we didn't know till he had school. The whole of the facade is pheasants (the limit) that he had gone that he was the governor of the rich In color and glittering with gold­ 501 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon, The careful shipper and packer shot on the Collins farm. state. A good character shines like a en fragments of stone which- has stood should ask the railroad to set the re­ candle on a dark night. You can't the test of 700 years. The immense Miss Eleanor Schildrnoyer, • frigerator car on hit siding at least 24 mistake it. A, firefly can't hold his | detail In the design staggers one. The hours before he expects Oo load, for no daughter of Mrs. Jennie Schild- light long enough to compete with It. top of the loggia Is one mats of mosa­ I man who works to prevent decay ever meyer of Brownsville, passed thru “Webster said in the Knapp tr ia l: ic done with variegated colors. Stern­ loads his poultry Into a car having a Halsey Saturday morning on her ‘There Is no evil that we cannot feld says the work Is “a dream ; the Two doors north of the hotel high temperature. Examine the car to way to Salida, Oregon, where she either face or fly from but the con­ best example of outside decorative see that when the doors are closed.nut sciousness of duty disregarded.' Am prepared to do all kinds of mosaics I know of.” a ray of light enters. See that the drain will teach school. “A great truth like that mak.s won­ -hoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- ' pipes are In working order; and when Miss Ancie Hughes and her fa. derful music on the lips of a sincere the car has been Iced and salted for ther, H. W- Hugheeof Brownsville, SEEKS TO PATENT U. S. FLAG inleed. man. An orator must be a lover and 24 hours take, the temperature about discoverer of such unwritten laws.” left via Halsey Saturday for Alba­ four feet from the floor midway be­ British Firm Dtnlad Application for It was nearing midnight when they ny, where Miss Hughes hoped to Mrs Ashby, wife of an ex sergeant tween the doors. I f It Is below 40 de­ Trademark In South heard footsteps on the board walk in find a position in one of the stores major, haa started a shoeing and grees Fahrenheit you may load your America. front of the house. In a moment blacksmlth'a buafness near I-eather- chilled birds with safety. during the holidays. Harry Needles entered in cavalry uni­ LIC ENSED F U N ER A L DIRECTO RS | Buenos Aires. Argentina.—Com­ form with fine top boots and silver Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pruitt and plaint has often been made by manu­ HARRISBURG LEBANON spurs, elect as a young Indian brave child of Scio took possession of the facturers and others that on enter­ and bronze'd by tropic suns. Phone 35 Phone 15 A. J. Heibel farm last Wednesday ing South America for the purpose of "Hello!" he said as he took his Rranches at under a lease and will operate it. selling their products they found that belt and clanking saber. “I hang up Brownsville, Wm T Templeton, Mgr : some enterprising person had appro­ The first entertainment of the Meneley System De Luxe Entertainment The Heibels left for Walla Walla alsey, Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr priated their trademark and patent Coarse wifi be held In Halsey Nov. 2. It will be a musical entertain meat of the about a week ago. rights, thus being able to prevent the highest order given by the Eugene Page Trio. K. J. Harrington and wife left use of the manufacturer's own brands The citizens’ committee promoting these entertainments met st the council for their home in Salem last Sat­ without "adjustment." Probably the most curious esse of chamber Friday evening and elected B. S, Clark assistant chairman and J. W urday morning after several days’ visit at the home of a brother, W. WILDEY LODGE NO. 6-5, • such an attempt to appropriate a de­ Moore assistant secretary to co-operate with the Ladies' Study club. These entertainments are not given as a tuoney-nisking proposition, and the A. Carey, and sister, Mrs. F. W. Regular meeting next Saturday sign was made here recently when an committee has set the following prices to cover expenses only; English firm applied for patrwit rights Robinson. night. on the American flag. It was denied. CHOLERA KILLS MANY FACTORY TOLL HEAVY I I I Jots and 1 ittles Bring out t h e life* of your hair. Do not bo content with just ordinary hair when you can have beautiful hair. Among other tonics and dressings we have the following: Danderine Wildroot Dandruff Re- llerpicide [mover Ayer’s Hair Vigor W eyeth’s ¡Sage a«sed the Scriptural age limit of three score years and ten. 1 A- *- Adults, season tickets. Students above 6th grade Children of school age Adults single tickets Children “ “ 4 shows << « « W e << <4 <4 « $2.00 1.50 1.00 60 30 • Tu kits for these high class entertainments will be on sale Thursday at Clark's confectionery, Reserve seats will be 50c extra for season lickeL L5c extra for single tickets. Most of the towns of the valley have held Chantauquas during the summer which as entertainments, are but very little if any better than the shows coming to Halsev this winter, and most of you know what you have to pay to attend a Chautauqua. I t is to be hoped that the people of this community will show their appreciation of the committee's efforts to have something doing in Halsey.*' If this venture succeeds well, we might have a Chautauqua next summer. ARCHIE CORNELIUS Expert workmanship. Watchmaker and Jeweler Witches and clocks a specialty. Halsey, Oregon. On account of the cost the Lane county court wants to dispense with the building of a bridge at Harrisburg in conjunction with this county, maintain the ferry there and route the east-side Pacific highway hy way of Coburg. Some of the moil beautiful dress skirt«, pleated and otnerwise, are on display in the windows of the Koontz store. Also shoes and up. to-date novelties, such as hand­ bags, lace cap and many other pretty things that women love. A handsome show window Is an asset to your town and gives a truthful impression of the stock and quality of the goods, and the pride and good taste of the window dresser does the rest. Let us find more ' than one window filled with attract.