H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E OCT. 27. 1921 The Curse of Dictation Brownsville Briefs When Karl Hapaburg, once an coup and attempted to seise the (Oregon Manufacturer) throne. He and hia wife are now Thr first Calapooia Valley fair, HALSEY ENTERPRISE to evil doers who commit crimes «mperor but now a man without a prisoners of the republic and the Since last May the typographi­ held this year, netted $115 profit, An independent— N O T neutral— uew l- under its disguise and in its name. ; country, made hie futile attempt officers of his army, some of whom cal union has besD backing a na­ which w ill be carried over as a paper, publiabed every Thuraday, Its supreme “ kleagle” declares to seize the Hungarian throne last were captured, are accused of tion-wide strike favoring a 44-hour nest egg for next year’s exhibition. by W m . H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . that all crimes committed are tbe •Pr*|ig, be was given refuge in week. A tax of 10 per cent is lev- Justice of the Peace A. 8. Ham- W. H . W h k k i . b r Editor. treason, while the rank and fib ed on tire weekly pay of every un- M u A A W h k k l k r B u iin e ii Manager work of unauthorized imitators, 1 Switzerland ou his express prom- mill, tbe first man to hold that have been turned loose, for thej on printer to maintain strike ben­ office for several years, has re­ and Local News Editor. yet in one instance at least tbe ise not to leave without permis­ only obeyed their officers’ orders. efits. a-----!——»— —■----------------— signed. Game wardens arrested a charter of a subordinate klan was sion. Under tbe delusion that be is In a town of 20,000 population man in the city without a warrant, Subscriptions, $1.50 a year in advance. still a monarch and that “divine But 100 of them were killed am taken awav for violation of law, Arrearages. $2 a year. J000 wounded. Their blood is oi ' where the scale is 142.50 a week which officials claim they had no Tranalent advertising, 25c an inch, per­ as announced by tbe central au­ right’* gives kings impunity for The prisoner con- the head of the “ royal” liar and tach union member sends in $4 25 right to do. manent, 20c. No diacount for time thority of the organization. being liars or otherwise immoral, >er week to the national strike fesssed violating the ga ne law and his underlings who drove them to or »pace *und, or about <17 00 per mouth was released on promising to pay Take away tbe spectacular joy he broke his word lagt week and l a " P a id -fo r P aragraph»," 5c aline. In addition to the above dues, a <25 fine to the justice. slaughter. Karl is a fair sample No advertising disguised as news. After- of parading in nightshirts and pi I- I escaped in an airplane He was each member has to pay bis terwarde he repented and Hamill of the would-be autocrat wh< Phone 205 ' greeted by an army of 10,000 men lowslips and there will not be much monthly and international union quit in disgust. left to attract members. The who had been prepared for the cares not for the lives of other men lues, amounting to about a dollar H A L S E Y , Linn Co , Ore.. Oct. 27, 1921 Rev. J. W. Craig is 77 years old, a week on top of strike assess kleagles and wizards and imps arid ments, making a total of about but has the contract to carry the other official hobgoblins who ab­ BUGABOOS $5 25 a week that each workman mails between the postoffice and sorb the fees will probably stay on puts up for maintaining a gigantic tbe depot and is tbe city recorder. tbe job as long as impressionable organization which at the present He has been a Methodist preacher The constitution of the United dupes can be found who will pun- time is fighting chiefly to reduce for 59 years. States wisely forbids federal relig­ output on the theory of creating gle up $10 for tbe privilege of wear­ The Times was fuller of local ions legislation. It provides for more jobs. news last week than usual. It an­ ing tbe sheet and pillowcase and that religious liberty which the The opposite result has taken nounces, teo, four special editions 16 or 17 for the 90c worth of mus­ pilgrim fathers sought and which place. The cost of printing has to come in the next few weeks, the lin they are made of, and th it may iteen driven so high that it is only first to feature thia week's anniver­ their successors, the puritans, d< • be a considerable time, for it done where absolutely necessary. sary celebration at the Brownsville etroyed and banished as long ss said that "there is a new fool bom The original program of labor Presbyterian church. And it is they held sway. The pilgrims, unions to get better working, liv­ lustily pushing tbe community every minute,’’ but the ghostly about 100 in number, came from ing and wage conditions for their building project toward success. klans will he suppressed if they Hollaud in the Mayflower in 1620, members was good. The present The community building plans constantly violate the law. If they curse of the union is its propaganda were indorsed last week by the and settled on Plymouth bay. A do not break the law they will do to constantly limit production, in ­ decade afterwards, the puritans, a chamber of commerce and by a no harm to outsiders, nor any good crease wages and shorten hours mass meeting Friday night at thousand of them, came from Eng­ beyond reason. to anybody. which Revs. McClain and Wood- land and settled at Boston. Tbe In the case above cited the print­ worth voiced their opposition. It two colonies were always antng- er’s wage is really <36 25 a week, is reported that tbe latter nearly GAMBLERS DESPERATE instead of <42.50. The public is had a coliison with Jesse Hinman onistic and tbe Boston bigots used taxed the difference of <5.25 a week of the Times and the American every effort to prevent Roger Will­ The graindealers’ combination, to maintain an organization whicji Legion on the subject. The Polly- iams and the pilgrims from build which spent a quarter of a million would deny any man the right to anna club of young matrons who iog, at Plymouth, the first Bap­ dollars trying to defeat the recent work at the printing trade unless want a gymnasium for their chil­ tist church in America. When the legislation for the relief of the he held a card in the organization dren reaffirmed their contribution puritans caught Mr. Holmes, who farmers of the country, now pro- It is no wonder that all liues of of $200 to the cause, half of which industry are repudiating tbe was paid down. had organized tbe church, they pises to organize for “ self-protec­ closed-shop idea with its growing tied him to the Boston whipping tion” at Wasbiugton, which means (Correspondence) dictation, power and expense which post and he was “ whipped by to prevent further legislation to it saddles onto employer, employe Io a private letter J. L. Bow­ strong man with thirty strokes so c irb the raiding of the country and the public. man, president of the Brownsville that for weeks he could only get by forciog farmers to sell their Woolen Mill company, writes one rest upon his knees and elbows.” crops at rediculously low prices at Shedd Shots of our citizens that mill machinery The pilgrims maintained that harvest time so that the "respect- Harry Koousman is down from suitable to install in the local mill tbe civil authorities had no right able” speculators and gamblers eastern Oregon for a few days’ vis- buildings, “ after some new build­ it with his brother-in-law, W. Y. ings have beeu added,’’ is under to make religious or Sunday laws. mty continue to roll in wealth. investigation and may be secured Shearer. Church and state are divorced in a short time. Two Brownsville- The failure of tbe federal reserve Tbe infant son of Ray Duncan ites while in the BrownsvilleWoolen in the United States, as far as the binks to fiuance farmers who wish and wife, who has been suffering Mill store in Portland a few days central government is concerned, to hold crops till the market is fa- from iufantile paralysis, was taken ago were assured that the mills at and every effort to have the decree v irable, and the cheerful loaning to Albany Sunday to undergo an Brownsville will be operated soon. set aside has thus far failed. operation for obstruction of the Let us hope these predictions will of bank funds to grain dealers so There are laws in restraint of re­ they can buy those crops and hold bowels. be verified. ligious liberty in some of the states them for the rise, led to co-opera­ Mrs. Argile Kendall baa been Serie Dougherty, son of Mr. and The constitution of New Hamp­ tive financing by the Harm Bureau sick uuder the doctor’s care for sev­ Mrs. R. P. Dougherty, Halsey, re­ eral days. shire prohibits Roman Catholics aud to federal legislation that it is turned to Brownsville Wednesday from bolding office, unless it has hoped may remove some of the George A. Dannen is a proud after spending the snmraerin east­ Serie boy these days. He took his Dur ern and northern Oregon. been amended in recent yeais. handicaps under which the food of hopes to laud a job for the winter bam heifer to the Albany fair and Washington prohibits the reading the country is produced, hence the Copyri got a twenty-dollar check as first in this vicinity. of the Bible in the public schools. rage of the gamblers. money. Three Brownsville pastors drive To be woll d ressed is an asset. Y o u r c lo th ­ Some slates prohibit ordinary work Portland banks loaned <1,000 - cars. The car is certainly a great Mrs. J. W. Sprenger had her ing can be an asse t to y o u w ith o u t a n y e x tra on Suuday, which amounts to re­ 000 to tbe Oregon Graingrowers' tonsils removed, aud at last re­ aid to them in getting around cost. W h e n we sell you an o v erco at o r a s u it ligious persecution of the Jew or Co-Operative association to finance among their parishioners. While ports she was not doing so well. we have it p ro p erly fitted to y o u by an e x ­ the Haturday-observing Christian its 10,090 members in holding and the car no doubt takes some away from the regular Sunday services p e rt tailor. It m u st fit and p lease y o u . U n­ or the Friday-observiug Moham­ marketing tbeir crop. S M A LL HOMES FOR MANSIONS it is not altogether an unmixed less we can re n d e r th is e x p e rt service to y o u medan, by compelling them to re­ evil. o u r 56 y e a rs o f selling m en ’s c lo th in g m ea n s main idle two days a week while Many N e w England Pratentieus D w ell­ INTOLERENCE REBUKED In anticipation of the anniver­ ings Are Being Divided Into cotupetiug with Sunday-observer n o th in g M odem Houses. sary celebration held Tuesday the William de Mille writes to Rev. in their secular oallings. ladies of the Presbyterian congre­ The store that gives Years ago there was an organ- G. A Breiglet of Los Angeles: Pittsfield. M as s — Rome of New gation met and thoroughly cleaned Ena,and'« tine old mansions are be the church building and put every­ square deal to every "As a student of the Bible, I i z e d “ God-iu-the constitution” In« sawed apart to make modem deny your right to foicibly inter­ thing in apple-pie order. customer movement, but it failed. Yet an homes One bit o f cross-cut saw pret the scripture to me and pre­ organisation has now been formed handiwork here was the successful W. C Templeton lost one of his A L B A N Y O R E G O N vent my practicing my own un­ division o f a twenty-room house Into work horses from some unknown in New York to fight the constitu­ derstanding of it. tw o apartm ent dwellings. One of the trouble. The animal was sick but tionality of the law which bars tbe sections was moved to a new site. He follows his rebuke of those short time. Bible from the schools of the state The old W hitehead mansion of who arrogate to themselves the au­ On the site of the large barn 27 rooms Is to be tom down and of Washiugtou. The people of thority to dictate how others shall made into many small houses. Its burned some weeks ago in North Washington, like thoge of the three huge chlmmeys alone are said Brownsville Mr. Crume is build­ i lierpret the Bible with the fol­ Philippines, are deemed inospable to contain brick enough to build two ing a new harn, not so large as tbe lowing sarcasm: modest homes. of self-government, and govern­ first one, yet quite commodious. W e have a complete stock of the Thousands of mansions like this One of your supporters said re­ ment there must, if these meddlers Edwin Sawyer, accompanied by were built In New England years ago cently: "The (notion picture men National Mazda Electric Lamps at the can have their way, have some have taken away our Sun day with his mother and tbe nurse who had when m aterials and labor were In charge of his case in the Corvallis expensive Increasing cost of main powers that are not 1 derived from out our consent or approval.” standard prices. W hen in need of a tensnce has caused many to he sold. hospital, Miss Bodine, was brought the consent of ths governed.” Are we so strong, then, that in home a few days ago It was a new supply see us. Oregou has repealed her Sunday a few ahdrt years all the doctrine hard fight to save his arm. and at Bushy T all Enrlehts Caddis. laws, so the bugaboo of nnn-ob you gentlemen have been at such Brookville.-—Leslie Reynolds, a cad­ one time it seemed scarcely possi­ pains to impart can be swept aside die of the Carleton Place Golf club, ble to save his life, but he seems ssrvance of church rules on Sun­ by the simple desire to see a mo­ C ro ss cP- a few days ago. while searching for to be getting along nicely now and day is scaring the self-appointid tion picture? Jf so you gentlemen lost halls, saw a squirrel enter a hol­ wilt probably soon recover. assistants of the Almighty as it hays done your work very badly. low log. H e Investigated and discov­ Otin Stratton opened a fruit did puritan witch burners hun­ ered that the animal had secreted 41 halls In the log Search of other hid­ house in the Hume building, South dreds of years ago. There were medical experts who ing places In the locality resulted In Brownsville, last week to dispose the location of more than 50 halls. The Roman Catholic church is examined Btumfield aud pro­ of his surplus apples and pears af­ ter shipping three cars of apples to another bugaboo against which nounced him undoubtedly insane, better markets. much money, ink and hot air have and others, quite as well attested | .VrzZ C sZ o /e a rjc t i n s u r a n c e Mr. and Mrs. Knuth, Plainview, been launched ever since it was experts, who were equally positive Pair of Pliers visited Friday with William Wash­ that he was saue. They all be­ ousted from tbe position in which Routs Holdup Man burn and wife. The ladies are lt ng to the highly ethical medical it was the chief religious persecu sisters. Philadelphia.— One attempted organization which will furnish tor. holdup foiled w ith a pair of Dr. and Mrs. O H. Kent and swift witnesses for the defense if S W E E T S T O Now another bugaboo arises pliers, another holdnp In which H. A. Wilson autoed to Albany the robber found his victim whose proponents inveigh against one of their members it sued for ¡Thursday. A sister of Mr». l^.nt without money and a third that malpractice or for the proeecution T H E S W E E T had just arrived from California to that church. It ia a case of resulted In a highwayman ob­ visit her mother and sister, who bugaboo against bugaboo, but none if anybody else ie. There are just taining SA4 summed np one The age of the g irl doesn't coant , live in Albany. night's banditry. the less real is the terror they in­ ae black sheep in that profession when it comes to caadv ; b ig and little , as there are among ministers or When J M Sloan». a fo rh lre . By appointment of Jthe council they all love it Tbe candies that we spire in the ignorant aud timid, driver, stopped to repair his car editors. Henry Blakely is filling the office sell are made of pure unadulterated su­ Ths K. K K. bugaboo has two men attempted to hold him of marshal and street superintend­ gar and flavorings, and consequently no up Sloane pointed a pair of thrown many otherwise sane peo­ ent, his duties being to keep the Senator Stanfield has just bought matter how much is eaten there can be pliers at the bandits, who fled ple into fits, including editors and $1.000,000 worth of sheep. populace and streets in order, no harm ful effect. Take home a bos Swift T heir flight la believed to have knowing that it is the purest candy lawmakers. It violate« the laws A Co. loaned him tbe money Mr. been hastened by the fact that Agitation of a better high school made. flloane had h it coat off and a of the land when it peiades in Stanfield was not an enthusiaatio for Brownsville by uniting e-veral d riv e r'! badge worn on his vest districts adjacent to town has been mask in puhlio without police su­ supportar of the blit to Investigate was plainly visible started and the chamber of c cm pervision, and it eats an example and regulate ths packers' combine. tCoatiaqed on pap j; PAGE 2 _______ SUITS and OVERCOATS I J. W MOORE CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. I