HALSEY ENTERPRISE NO. 8 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. OCT 27, l«>21 VOL. X Jots andTittles which time the lessou will be con­ H O L L E Y B R ID E W ID O W i “Beauty is a fading flower.“ Beauty tinued by Mrs. Laubner, assisted soon departs from the form and spirit bv Mrs. Templeton. J o sep h C ro ck er’s S o n -in -la w Methodist: of men and women who Indulge in the Sunday School, 10. Intoxicating cup. (d) Wisdom is K ille d in A c c id e n t Preaching, 11. turned aside (v. 7). “They have erred S h o r t S to r ie s o f H a p p e n in g s in L inn C ou n ty G en erally through wine and strong drink.” As Junior League, 8, Joseph Crocker and family of a consequence they were groping in Intermediate League, 6:30. an d in H a lse y P a r tic u la r ly Holley, above Brownsville, this darkness instead of walking in the Epworth League, 6:80. I morning received a telegram from light of the Lord. Preaching, 7:30. II. The Lord’s Promise to the Rem­ Mr. and M's. Clarence Cameron their daughter, Mrs. Daisy Crocker Mrs. G. W. Laubner was an Al­ Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. nant (w . 5, 8). Burlingame of Greaham, elating and Mise Lura Chambers of Al­ bany visitor Monday. Oat of this awful darkness shines that her husband had been kil e l bany were callers at W. A. Cum­ Christian: R. L. Wiriniford returned Fri­ mings' Ancona farm Sunday for a Refugee Noblemen in Turkey Are laet night by au electric train a ray of brightness, for following the Sunday School, 10. destruction of the proud city the Lord day evening from a business trip chicken dinner. while in his car on his way home Perfectly Willing to Marry Preaching, 11. of Hosts is promised for a crown of to Salem. from the school of which he was Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mayberry for Money. glory to the remnant of His people. Endeavjr, 6:30. principal. The Crocker family On account of Mrs. E. J. Har­ motored to the Alsea country last This pointed forward to the coming Preaching, -7:80. had to walk a mile before they rington's health »he and husband of the Savior (Zech. 8:13). Their Saturday. Mrs. McKinney trav­ Lester Jones, Minister. could reach their car, because the hopes w-ere partially fulfilled at the cut short their visit here and went eled with them to Albany, where recent rains had made the roads first coming of the Savior, but the home. she visited, her husband following so bad, and then had to drive thru real fulfillment shall be when drunk­ on Sunday and the two returning An $11,298 gradiug contract at enness. pride and all unrighteousness Many Refugee Rueeian Women Have Brownsville to Halsey iti order to shall disappear before the glaring Murder creek, Linn county, has to Halsey together. get the noon train for Portland. M arried T urks In Order to Get light of the Sun of Righteousness been let by the state highway com­ Mrs. J. C. Bramwell spent Mon­ Two daughters and a son accom­ Tem porary Homes— S till Retain (Mai. 4:2; I Pet. 5:4). day in Albany and incidentally panied them on their sad journey. mission. • T heir Politeness and Court say. III. The Sinfulness of Judah called on Mrs. Nellie Taylor, for­ Daisy Crocker was married last Monday’sAlbany Democrat had a (vv. 7-10). merly of Halsey but now a resi­ July to L. A. Burlingame of Fair- Conatantlnople.—The arranging of 1. Drunkenness (v. 7). Judah had column of news uuder a Scio head dent of Albany They recently moved to marriages between Russian princes view. also erred through strong drink. Even which the Enterprise had the and well-to-do Amerieau women la the Gresham. their priests and prophets had fallen weakness to print the week before L. C Merriam, railroad section latest scheme advauqed here by an Mr. Burlingame, 31 years of age, through the blighting effects of wine.. as Halsey news. boss, and family are about to oc­ Ingenious Russian to get a livelihood had been principal of the school at It was a violation of God’s law for a cupy the Mrs. Nellie Tavlor house for workless, penniless refugees living Orient for two years. Mrs. Bur­ Miss Mona Bond returned Sun­ next to the Methodist church. priest to take wine before entering Halsey Christian Church on American and other charity. lingame was a teacher at Rockwood. the tabernacle. The drunkards of day from Jerome, Ariiona, where It la argued that the American wom­ Mr. Burlingame had been driv­ both Judah and Ephraim are de­ she had a position in the schools N. W. Windom, who lived in S u n d a y S c h o o l L esson nounced. The message is a fitting one Mias Bond was called home by the Brownsville 21 years ago, has been an would. In addition to the title, make ing Miss Bertha Spencer, 21, a good business bargain, since the (B y R E V . P. B FIT Z W A T ER . D. D - for this day. for the Scriptures de­ illness of her mother, Mrs. M- C. visiting the C. B 'r vcer home for T ea ch er o f E n glish B ible In the Moody exiled Russian noblemen all have teacher in the Lusted school, and B ible In stitu te o f C hicago.) clare that no drunkard shall enter the the week end and left on Monday’a large estates which they hope to re­ Miss Grace Fieldhouse, who is the Bond. (©. 1>21, W estern N ew sp ap er U nion.) kingdom (I Cor. 5:11; 8:10). cover when private property Is re­ principal of the same school, to train in Haleey for Eugene 2. Vnnamable filth (v. 8). This de­ Fred Tavlor of Corvallis, who stored and Bolshevik Russia la no and from the school. Miss Spen­ scription shows a condition which is LESSON FOR OCTOBER 30 Mrs. Ida Maxwell \o l Albany more. had been visiting a few days at the cer was killed. Miss Fieldhouse deplorable indeed. Filth and drunk­ Many Russians have open ratnda on was taken to a hospital with frac­ J. C. Standish home in this city, spent the week end with her enness go hand in hand. 8 T R O N G D R IN K IN A N A T IO N 'S Mrs. daughter and husband, Mr. and the marriage question. Many of the tures of both legs, a broken hip 3. Mockery (vv. 9, 10). In addition returned homo Tuesday. L IF E — W O R L D 'S T E M P E R . refugee Russian women have niarrrled md possibly a fractured skull. Taylor, who accompanied him, re­ Mrs. Jess Safley. to their drunkenness and filth they A N C E SU N D A Y . Turks since their arrival here, In or­ scornfully mock God’s prophets. These mained for a longer visit. Mr. Mr. and Mrs D. Horton, s der to get temporary hornet. The Jar recovery is doubtful. priests had become so hardened by Burlingame was a cripple, one leg L E S S O N T E X T - I m 28:1-13. pair of “ honeymooners’’ from Rid­ Russian men have followed suit. Many Everett Robinson, at one time a their drunken debauchery that they G O L D E N T E X T —W oe unto him th a t having been amputated just below g lveU i h is neighb or d r in k —Hab. 2:15. set at naught Isaiah's instructions resident of this vicinity, was in­ dle, Oregon, were arrivals in Hal­ of the older ones have married Greek he kuee. The accident occurred R E F E R E N C E M A T E R IA L —laa. 5:11-1». and scorned God's messengers. They stantly killed at the Balderree sey Tuesday, coming from Browns­ women. while on the way home, about one a , 23. A m o» 4:1, 2. And Age Has Ito Waddlnga. ville, where they had been guests PR IM AR Y - TOPIC—S tory of the R ech- questioned their authority and gave logging camp, near Independence, mile east of Gresham. Mr. Bur­ 'Youth has Ita follies, agw Its stupid­ back the answer of ridicule as if to Monday, when a block which was for a short time of Mrs. Thomas a b ltes. J U N IO R T O PIC —T h e F a ith fu l R echab- say, “We are teachers, what do you Harrison, who is sunt to the bride. ities,” said a Russian general, no long­ lingame died from injury to hia attached to a guide pulled out and ltea. ¡lead. His skull was fractured- mean to teach us? Are we babes that the line struck him. Mr. Robin­ They had traveled over the Wil­ er young, when Inviting a friend to hie I’he heavy electric train and the IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D SE N IO R TOPIC have Just been weaned? You come wedding. —E n fo r c in g P rohibition. son spent a considerable part of lamette valley viaiting friends and to us with your line upon line, line The difficulty of locating these ight automobile met at the cross- Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O PIC relatives. They went from here to —W orld Prohibition . upon line.” They were not only un­ last year near Halstv and has many American wives across the seas Is not ng and the motor car was hurled Cottage Grove on the way home. Funeral services willing to receive the message, but friends here. one to stump the Imaginative Russian and dragged more than a hundred I. God’s Judgment Upon Israel tired of the way In which it was de­ will lie at Falls City, where hie mind, which readily adapts Itaelf to lest. Mrs. Hugh Ijeeper left on Tues­ It is not known whether the (vv. 1-4). Wednesday morn­ day morning's train for Shedd, to the lighter branches of commerce, and auto stalled at the orossing or not. livered. Not being willing to receive parents reside 1. The sin for which Israel was the message, they complain of the ing F. W. Robinson, an uncle, remain for several days. has succeeded here with cafes, beauty Judged (v. 1). It was drunkenness, manner In which It Is delivered. The Miss Grace Robinson, Mies Lois parlors, manicure and tea shops, con­ which seems to have been a national doctrine of salvation by blood alone Hampton and Arthur Thompson cert halls and public grounds. Life Insurance Mrs. C. A. Davis and Mise Davie sin. (See Isa. 5:11, 12; 7:5: Amos Is not a very popular ou e; the preach The first and only bathing pavilion u n o ia W u,». uur,u,rp„„,.. cousins left h ereto attend the of Turner were guests at the home In his letter of advice to employes 2:8, 8, 12; 4:1: 6, 6.) Samaria's posi­ Ing of the cross Is foolishness to some ' of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Leeper last near here has been established at >f the Southern Pacific Mr. Sproule tion was an enviable one. The whole (I Cor. 1:18-21: 2:14). tunerai. Floria beach, on the Marmora sea, by nation was proud of her. The crown In looking over the advertising week and are now visiting at Shedd a group of Georgian princesses, -ays of insurance: IV. Judah's Punishment, (vv. ------ 11-13). of pride whose glorious beauty had If, because of refusal to go out Thp prophet replies to these drunken columns we note that Ringo carrion Mrs. Davis is the aunt of Mrs. through the loan of American Red been so marked was fading through scoffers that their very drunken ques­ Leeper and it was thirty years since Cross tents. m strike when it is called, em­ the blighting effects of drunkenness. tions should be answered by the Lord everyting to cleanse the teeth and she had visited the Leepers. ployes have to resign their nietn- Man Are Out of Luck. 2. The Instrument by which the In Judgment. God tool repeatedly of­ make the breath pure and whole­ tersbips in labor organizations or some. Then last week he told us The condition of Russian men refu W A. Carey received a telegram punishment was effected (v. 2). It was fered them rest, but they had as re­ ire expelled from them, thus los- to be by the strong hand of the Assy­ peatedly refused It. Their scorn and in advertising all about rouges that his father, B. I. Carey, was gees here la bad, as there are few In ng their insurance carried thru rians. The Imagery of this verse contempt are answered with the bit­ and complexion remedies, skin seriously ill at Cottage Grove and duetriea or factories to provide work shows that this destruction was to be terest sarcasm. The bloody conqueror creams and “ eich.” This week be Mrs. Freeman Robinson, a daugh­ Recently the French government cut he organization, you need not hes­ off Its food rations to several thou itate on that point. The company sudden, swjft and Irresistible. would come upon them and cause dilates on hair tonics and helps of ter, went at once and returned with sand men. though still feeding a cer­ Some of the evils wrought by drunk­ them to be snared and taken. all kinds to benefit the scalp. If her father Tuesday. It is hoped tain number of children, women and will in such cases assume this in­ surance, and carry it on at iatos no enness : people would only try eome of that the gentleman will soon re­ old men. (a) Strength Is wasted by It (v. I). higher than are now charged you God W aits. these things there would be no ex­ spond to medical treatment It Is hard for them to get pasaporta "Are overcome with wine.” Man s bv the organizations, The com­ Patiently, nobly, magnanimously, cuse for homely people in the world to go to other countries. Serbia has manifold strength, physical, mental God waits; waits for the man who Mrs. E V. Ferguson and in­ accepted some 20,000, but her leniency pany will do so under conditions at all. What is more beautiful and spiritual, Is soon mastered by Is a fool to find out his own folly; fant of Salem were Tuesday ar­ living your insurance such per­ strong drink, (b) Honor brought into watts for the heart which has tried to than a clear, healthy ski», a fin« rivals and were met at the station to refugees Is finding Its limit. Prince Golltay, who formerly held manence that your thrift in behalf the dust. “Shall be trodden under find pleasure In everything else to find set of white tAeth and a fine head Go up, thou b y G R. Walker, at whose home Immense estates near Kiev, and may if those for whom you wish to pro­ feet” ( w . 1, 3). Just as this proud out that everything else disappoints of healthy hair. recover them, among hundreds of oth vide may be taken care of as you Mrs Ferguson will visit. city was humbled through tntemper and to come back to Him. the foun- bald head! era, la attempting to earn a living by ance. so does oes drunkenness drunkenness: bring twwn d^wn | , wholesome pleasure, the Mrs. C. H Koontz and daughter utilizing his knowledge of precious intended. G. R. Walton, Mrs L. E. Wal­ Into the » dust .thoee high In edffea- we„ gprlnf of al, ,lfe fl, for a man to stones o f which he once had a large ton and J. C. Walton were passen­ were Albany shoppers Tuesday. lonal, social and business elrc e J c h a r le s Kingsley. Monday night and Tuesday and collection. gers to Albany today. c) It despoils .b e e u t i (vy. _L_ 4). Such men often lose their clothing Wednesday we enjoyed our first Mrs. 8. E. Cole and gtandeon of taste of winter rains, altho it is and baggage to rapacious landlords W e H ave Brownsville returned on this morn­ who serve them tn default of the pay i ovely and warm. EVERY THING ment of room rent, but the Hussion ing's train from Silverton, where (Continued on page 5) aristocrats never lose their politeness | O ptical rs. Cole had been visiting her and courtesy In adversity. daughter. She also visited a son The Study Club EY E STR A IN They still kiss the hands of th e □ Portland and on Sunday thev la the Cause of Many Mrs. T. I. Marks was hostess for women, after the manner of their „11 together took in the Columbia country. Often cheerful and cour­ HUM AX ILLS highway and other places of inter­ the Women’s Study club last ageous In the face of poverty, they If your eye» give you trouble or est. S. E Cole motored over from Thursday afternoon. Sixteeu mem «hare their last money with friends your glasses are annoying Brownsville and they went home bers responded to rollcall bv a SEE US. We can Relieve You Church Announcements RUSS PRINCES ASK U.S. BRIDES HOPE TO 6ET BACK ESTATES J. 1 *Di Beautiful Ginghams i verse each from her favorite poet. together. B a n c r o ft O p tic a l C o. It was decided to give a chicken Emmett Howard, Mr Vitus and George )13 1st St. W. Alliany, Phone ri ----- — Maxwell went to Albany ., *r pie dinner Friday at the McCully Mr. Dickey of Junction (Jity had on this morning s train. George , ' b ¡|di proceeds to be used for a %%%%%*%%%%% a * * ' * business in H»l»ey Wednesday. keeping bach,” as hme, written five years after the visit to We invite your banking business Mias Grets Case of Dever reached the Oregon country by Lewis and Brownsville last Friday for several Clark and refers to the Columbia C H KOONTZ, Pres. ~ D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. weeks' employment at the William river as the Oregon. . B. M. BOND, Cashier Mrs. Stafford ssng “ Oregon, Pents home. • a stats song by J. Norman Water- J. C. Heinrich, who lived near Peoria, left lor McCleayr, Wash, boose of Eugene, and “Out Where thia morning. He expects to be the West Begins,” Chapman-Thil- leo. Mrs. English washer accom­ employed there. T he First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon Everyone is buying ginirham. the all-year fabrii-. Mrs. L. V. v. Chance went to >'■ A1 - • panist. The decorations were autumn than «vor now that it has established ft^selt bsny today to visit her mother, leaves with red and bronze dahlias more than ever now i n .it hanri-ome are the who reside, at that pl.es, and zinnias. Each member re­ ‘W H E R E S A V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ among genteel materials. So _ in s tin c tiv e ly Last Saturday Mr. ami Mrs. L ceived a golden chrysanthemum new patterns m ginghams that they are instin ti . y Chance and gidney Smith mo- and a question pertinent toQreg-n la a good place to deposit your savings. 4 perceut Interest on savings her napkin. The hostess was recognized as appropriate for wear on dress occa- tored u Corvallis to take in the in account» that run three mouth», sis mouth» or a year. Interest paid in serving by Mrs. Laub­ vnt thev are atrain surprisingly inexpensive, football game. Mrs. Chance says assisted •ctni-ati finally. sions, yet tney are ag l • th ere seemed to he more cars out ner, Cool, washable dress ginghams are here in abun The next meeting will be at the than she bad seen at one time be- home of Mrs. Moore, Nov. 3, at ance to celebrate National Gingham \\ eek. Jort ¡B a long time. t HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $34,000 ’ At Prices Very Interesting M. V. KOONTZ CO. »