Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 20, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    OCT. 20, 1921
If she has known the person for bnt
of th e ir Brownsvil .'e property ant.
had bought the F ra n k Cameron
farm near H o lle y.
They w ill re­
main in B row nsville u n til sprin»
on account of the children goini
to school.
and at fu ll »peed can tu rn out
tXJOO printed and folded »heets per
B oth Eugene paper« have
Duplex presses, and John Bennett,
the expert m achinist of the Regis­
ter, came down and helped set up
the new press at Albany.
J. C. Bramwell and wife »pen*
last Saturday in Albany.
D r D. G. B ari um of thia c ity
stood an his frm t poroh the other
evening and w ched someone car­
ry off a tire th y had appropriated
from the doct> r ’s car.
The next
day he sent out strong w arning
notices and later the tire waa found
in his fro n t y a rd .— H arrisburg
Cor. A lbany H erald.
B illy Well» of A lpine passes
th ru Halsey Monday on his wa>*
to A lb an y.
Almost everyone we meet boasts
of having indulged in China pheas­
ant and venison.
O f Roy Lawrence, whose wife i
Miss Geraldine Cook visited at cne o f the Brow nsville school teach
Junction C ity over the week end. ere, the Lebanon C rite rio n say*
a guest of Miss Lois Young.
Miss Mary Laweuce and Mrs. V iv
Eleven cars of dairy cattle have ian Shaffer and little son Edgar o
been shipped out of L in n county in Salem passed through Lebano
the past two months and buyer- Tuesday en route to B row nsvil'
to v is it th e ir brother, Roy La»
are after more.
rence, who is c ritic a lly i ll at h
H . J. Farwell of Shedd is pres­ home in th a t c ity , w ith little ho|
ident and George D rill It a rd of being eutertained for his recover
Rrownsville secretary of the L in n -
Messrs. Bressler, Cornelius. Joh
Benton county I O. O F.
Bram w ell and W hite enjoyed
Judge Bilyeu says the roads i ‘‘ t Chiua phe„ ant feoV
Mond a
L in n county are equal in length ,
when th
to four parallel roads from P o rt 1 - -
Woodmen entertained.
s short time.
Converses W ith T w o at Once.
Through this strange means of con­
versation, W lle tta may carry on a
conversation w ith two people at the
same time simply by placing any fin­
ger or one hand on the vocal cords
and telling by the vibrations Just what
la being said before the words are
actually spoken.
She Is of normal build fo r a girl of
sixteen years, robust and has a
healthy color In her cheeks. Unless
one studied her eyes they would not
land to San Francisco.
Mrs. Louis Howe end son <
Brownsville, accompanied by M
E Householder of Portland,
brother o f Mrs Howe, who ha
been v isitin g her, Isft on the nort
hound tra in Tuesday, Mrs. Ho»
going to A lb a n y and her broth
Among the items quoted by last returning to his borne.
Sunday’s Albany Democrat bom
its issue of 50 years previous was
the statement that Halsey con­
tained 25 homes.
Preparations are on fo r an in ­
teresting program to he given at
the ’ ’pie social” next Saturday
nig ht.
A constellation number is
being rehearsed by the In te rm e d i­
ate Leaguers.
Miss Cleona Sm ith spent the
week end at home w ith her father,
who has been on the a ilin g list,
and returned to her school in
Brownsville Monday.
Develops System of Conversing
The Karl Bramwell fa m ily cele­
With Others Not Equaled Even
brated K arl's birthday, which oc­
by Helen Keller.
curred Monday, try a fine dinner
no Sunday at the home o f his
mother iu Rugetie.
Tom and Ernest Hover and J. P.
H un te r returned Sunday night
from a hunting trip near G rants By Placing H s r Fingers on Vocal
Cords of a Person She Can T all
Pass w ith » e v i.il deer, one weigh­
W hat Is Being Bald Before
ing 150 pounds.
t hey report a
Words Are Actually Spoken.
fine tim e, hot say the rain made
the roads pre tty had.
Rev. C. T C »<>k was summoned
on Monbay to go to Junction C ity
preach a
funeral sermon
Wednesday over John Ladens,
who died there Monday, aged near­
ly 80.
The only relative Ladene
leaves is a daughter.
Dr. 11 E. Ruff, 81 years old, a
v t ran of the c iv il war, died at bis
home at Junction C ity last T h u rf-
dav and Rev. C. T. Cook of H al-
ssv conducted the funeral there
Saturday, Dr Ruff had given up
Jiis nr set ice several years ago as
stfvanctng years told on him .
Guy Bramwell and wife were
gversts of th eir parents here Sat- i
u tda y and stated they had disp-.ised
Wta.— Overcoming ttie
handicap o f both blindness and deaf
lies? In a manner which has aston­
ished all medical authorities who have
heard of It, Mias W'lletra Huggins, six
teen years old, a student of the WIs
eonsln School for the Blind at Janes
vide, I ihs learned to listen to the con
versatlon of others through the me­
dium of placing a finger on the vocal
cords of the person with whom she Is
Denied the power to see or hear,
thia girl has Required through prac­
tice sense^ so keen, so accurate and
so marvelous that she Is believed to
have a system of understanding which
has nexer t een equaled even by Helen
Keller, famous hltnd girl.
W lle tla through some strange and
unexplainable sense ran tell who Is in
a room with her or In adjoining room.
W iletta
Huggins Gonveising
a Friend.
W in
readily note her great affliction as she
walks w ith as steady a gait as a nor
mal person would. Upon entering a
room where there are visitors she will
w alk w ithout falterin g up to J. T
Hooper, superintendent » f the school
W lle tta Is unable herself to under
stand or explain the reason for her
strange method of hearing.
It Just
came to h er; this is her only explnmi
tlon. She has been at the school foi
six years.
May Develop New Method.
During her first year at school Wu
etta was not a very diligent student
and was especially backward In study­
ing the point system o f reading. She
mastered the rending system, how­
ever, knowing that it was only a m at*
ter of time when she would be unahlt
to see.
The achievements of W lle tta Hue
gins are attracting such wide attentloi
that one of the large women's nmg.i
zincs of the country contains an Inter
view with her and a story of her sue
cess. It Is the opinion of psychologist-
that a new method of teaching the
deaf »111 be developed as a result of
the tests which have been inude on
W lletta Huggins.
W om an’s Heel Gets
Tangled in Plane
London — A woman's heel, be­
caused the
„ reck of an nlrplaue Hnd the
loss of three lives at Fort Mel
bourne. Australia, according to
a Central News dispatch from
Melbourne to the London Pally-
News. H G Ross, an aviator,
took Miss Jessie Dorman and a
young man for a flight.
Dorman's heel became Jammed
between the rudder bar and the
wooden bar. and the pilot was
unable to turn his machine,
which crashed heavily, all three
occupartts h e lm killed
W e have just re c e iv e d a s h ip m e n t o f th is
M oral: T ake a Chance.
T he man who tries his best w ill not
always win, hut he w ill win oftener
than the man who doesn't try except
when he knows he w ilf w in.— Boston
The im provem ent o f the road t>
'h e ce neterv has b-en completed
\ o u r c h o ic e o f fin is h —
Raymond Fox dislocated b i­
rig h t arm in a gentle game of foo'-
riced at
B ro w n , M a h o g a n y ,
Fum ed
G o ld e n
O ak
I rim m in g s N ic k e l P la te d .
E q u ip p e d w it h A l l - W o o d
O val
I one
B r u n s w ic k
A m p lif ie r ,
D o u b le - S p r in g
M o t o r , T w e lv e - in c h T u r n ­
ta b le , A u t o m a t ic S to p , T o n e
M o d if ie r a n d
A lb u m s fo r filin g re c o rd s .
S o ld o n th e e a s y -p a y m e n t p la n
Brownsville Briefs
churches dismissed th eir r«gulw
services Sunday
u nited w ith the M ethodist people
in a welcome to th e ir new pastor
Rev. C. T. M orris, who with hi«
fa m ilv arrived the eveuing before
Good lino o f accessories, in clu d in g Top
from Yoncalla.
Tbe two visiting
D ressings and A uto P ain ts.
pastors assisted in the service,
Mr. Ford owner, if yon a re c o n tem p latin g
did the re tirin g M ethodist pastor,
hav ing y o u r car o v erh au led o r tra d in g it in fo r
Rev. T. H. Downs, who had not
vet gone to his new work at Suth­
a new o n e we can be ot service to you.
e rlin and W ilb u r.
The servies
was a plea«ant one th ru ou t, aod
the uew pastor gave evidence that
he w ill be a w orthy helper in the
fig h t of the chorcbee against all
Mrs. Forbes owns a cottage at N e w ­ first experience in teaching, bai- form s o f e vil in the community.
port and enjoys entertaining he ebarge of the U nion Point school,
Instead of the regular services
friends who vis it the coast.
Sic is said to be m aking a fine succes*- Sunday evening the Presbyterian
of her work.
was much bei efited by tbe outing
C h ristia n Endeavor sooiety in <
F irst class repairing our specialty.
We have a good stock of Tires.
Tires sre fresh stock and we can make
attractive prices on them.
M'S. M cKay is here fio m Cali
form a visiting her parents, M r. an 1
Mrs. Wells, and a sister, Mrs.
Loomis, liv in g on what was the
Otis Taylor fr u it ranch near town
which they purchased last spring
80 well pleased is M rs M cKsv
w ith what she has seen of this v a l­
ley that she hopes some day that
she and her husband may become
Oren S tratton has his th ird car
>f apples from bis orchard this
fa ll ready to ship.
Since i t ta k e
about 750 boxes to f ill a car these
shipments represent about 2200
He expects to get more
than 12 a box, possibly 12 25.
There w ill be several hundred box­
es in addition for the local trade,
beside in fe rio r grades and culls.
son of
Loomis, died at the fa m ily home
near town Tuesday n ig h t
death was very sudden, few hav­
ing heard of his illness, which wa«
of but a few days’ duration.
was about 20 years of age and of
unusually well-developed physique,
w ith every promise of a'long life of
usefulness. He was one of the dc
pendable assistants in p u ttin g in
the pavement just a few weeks ago
D r. Howard of C orvallis was called
in consultation w ith D r. W altz,
b u t w ith th e ir s k ill, aided bv the
help of trained nurse, was u n a v a il­
Funeral services were held
in the Presbyterian church T hurs­
day afternoon, conducted by the
pastor, Rev. A M M cC lain, as­
sisted by Rev. W. P. Elm ore, aud
interm ent followed in tbe Masonic
A stranger was here Tuesday to
interview Loeb, the sa w m ill man,
aud was greatly surprised to learn
that he had closed his m ill and
gone elsewhere several m onths ago.
Mrs. George M cK inn ey returned body attended tbe Christian En­
Saturday evening fro m a v is it of deavor meeting at the Christian
several days w ith P ortland friends. church, retu rning a v is it the latter
society had paid them some weeks
John Gross and H enrv Moran • go. I t ir good to see the young
were numbered among the sick, people w orking and fellowshiping
but both are reported im proved.
together in »uch C hristian bar.
H . A W ilson and w ife arrived
The latest report from Edwin
home from Hood R ive r Saturday
They bad spent severe Sawyer is to the effect th a t he nisy
weeks p ickin g and packing apple**. be able to return home this week.
A large crop is being harvested and
The program ! are o ut and final
a great rnauy pickers are on th-- olans about completed for the cele­
ground. The W ilsons returned vi< b ra tio n of the 25th anniversary of
the Colum bia scenic highway b\ the dedicatian of the Brownsville
auto bus and were delighted w ith Presbyterian church next Tuesday,
the grandeur of the tr ip
Oct. 25.
A great tim e is antici­
23, 11:31 a. m
15, 12:24 p. m.
17, 5,49 p, nj.
The delivery window of the
Miss M y rtle Mvera of JefferBon
came F rid a y to care for her aunt, Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
Mrs. Laura Ambrose, who is very >rom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20
ro 12:35 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. m.
i l l a t her home on M ain street.
Mrs. D a rre ll Sawyer came in
Saturday eveuing
W a ll*
W a lla w ith her tw o c h ild re n . Th>
Stwyera w ill make Brow nsville
th e ir fu tu re home.
^¿RiV. M r. Rorabaugh, the well,
known Am erican Sunday school
m issionary, was here Sunday and
organized a Sunday school at thv
U nion P oint school house. T b e rr
hud been a p a rtia lly organize
school there for some tim e, bu.
M r. Rorabaugh completed the or
ganizalion and provided equip­
Rev M 8. W oodw orth m
the Baptist church preaches at the
same place.
The B aptist and
Preebyteri n
In his second siege in a P o rt­
land hospital w ith his broken le>
piece of bon” from his shin ««-
grafted into W illia m Howe’» wound
nd recovery is hoped for.
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
W o rk wanted — A n y kind of
common labor.
G. B. Gage, at
G. W. Shaw’s.
Carbon paper for sale.
prise office.
Chicken d in n e r every Sunday at
Hotel Brow nsville. 50 cents.
For Sale— Year-old
fiir slab
block wood, $2.50 per tie r; fi: block
•vood, 13 00; maple and oak, $3.50,
lelivered Halsey.
Warehouses. Chas. Sterling.
Remember the Enterprise has a
phone a t last— No. 205.
H art’s Best Picture
W h a t ia said to be the best
picture made by W illia m S Hart
to date, * O’M a lle y of the Mount­
ed,” which w ill be shown at tbe
R ia lto F rid a y , presents him as a
member of the Canadian mouotsd
police who, w hile jn pursuit of a
m urderer, fa lls in love w ith ths
■iister of liia q ua rry.
Eva N ovak heads an unusually
--apable supporting company which
W illis ,
A ntrim
Short, A lfre d A llen , B e rt Bprotte
and others.
Call phone 205 and give us your
news items.
Barber shop—K a rl A . Bram­
well proprietor. 8uite cleaned and
pressed. L a u n d ry sent Mondays.
I f you know an item
phone i t to No. 205.
of news
For rent or fo r sale—Houses aud
farms in v ic in ity of Halsey.
W J. R ibelin.
Old papers, 5c a bundle at the
Enterprise office.
Dr. E. W. C aruum , dentist, at
Hotel Halsey eve ry Tuesday aud
W e submit for your approval the F riday.
‘ good bad man ot the screen ” in anew
Trespass notices ready printed
ph otoplay of the red-coated horsemen
at the Enterprise office. In small
who nde (or the law on Canada's w ild
lots, ten cents each.
Sense of the fr u it men in thi*
v ic in ity are experiencing d iffic u lt'
in securing apple boxes.
S tra tto n last week had to go to
Salem to procure a supply.
fro ntier
Perry S u lliva n , liv in g on the
B ro w n «ville-H ilsey road, about s
m ile from tow n, is out on ertnebe-
after being la id up something lik*
eight weeks w ith an injured foo'
ami ankle.
In some manner he
got his fo o t between the water tank
and wagon wheel, cracking the heel
and tearing loose some of the lig a ­
ments about the ankle 1 It was a
very p a in fu l in ju ry and w ill not be
fu lly healed fo r some tim e
M o . R B Forbes of ths D un­
lap D rug company returned tb -
la tte r part of the week from a stay
of several months at Newport
R P. D ougherty and wife, of No. 18, 12:04 p. m.
24, 4.34 p. m.
Halsey ave., who w ent to Hood
14. 5:27 p. m.
River several Weeks ago to pick
apples, were expected home this
The B row nsville and Scio foot-
Ed Jones, fo rm e rly of the fir *i
b il l teams m et on the B row nsville
of M cHargue & Jones, who con
g rid iro n F rid a y afternoon, the
ducted the south side feed stoie a
game resulting in fa v o r of tbe
year o r tw o ago, but more recentl-
home team, 31 to 7.
was connected w ith the Fish r
The popping of guns in every flo u rin g and feed m ills, C orvallis
direction S aturday heralded the has ju s t moved to a farm about 10
opening of the season on pheasants miles south of the la tte r place and
The birds seem quite p le n tifu l w ill engage in agricultue.
The farm ers no doubt have fed
H u ro ld B lakely, son of M r. ano
them w ell, so th a t they are in
H en ry B lakely, south M ain
prim e order for the c ity and town
street, is here from P ortland visit*
nim rods to shoot and c a rry horns
ing his parents.
w ith them.
Not a very profitable
M r. and M rs. Alexander am'
d ivision of resnlts, so fa r as the
little eon, accompanied by M rs
farm er is concerned
A great deal of d iffic u lty is being Mary Hume, of Sellwood, came up
experienced in B ro w n sville getting F rid a y to v is it at Joseph Hume'-
carriers for tbe P ortland dailies for a few days w hile Mr A lexan­
der tries his iuck a t pheasant shoot,
and many subscribers ate having
M rs M ary Hum e, widow of
th e ir papers sent through the mails. ing
the late Peter Hume, was a Iona
Miss Anna W arm oth, on Blakely tim e resident in this co m m un ity
av-oue, is very sick
Mrs. W ill aud has many friends here who an
Te n p k to n cares for her d u rin g the always glad to meet her.
day. H er niece. Mis» L illie W a r­ owne tbe fine farm im ra ed 'a ie l)
m oth, a teacher in the school, is west of town on the Brownsville-
w ith her except in school hours
Halsev road whioh has been based
The exterior of the Baptist church several years bv James Ferrell.
has been beautified w ith a liberal
W illia m Baker, son of Prof Ba­
coat of white p a in t. Local artists ker, has been compelled to miss
d id the work and the job reflects school several d rye on account o r
cred it on th e ir s k ill.
an attack of flu.
M'S» Ruth Beatty, who. as her
The ch ild re n of Mrs. A ndy K iik
have nearly a ll been called horn-
by tbe serious illness of th eii
WilliamS. Hart
and a strong sapporting cast including
Eva Novak
Eva bb/at «an MU hip S flar. «
*0 kiaiiev of tr.e Mounted. '
A Pàiàmoum, Picuuç
of the
sale—Cedar shakes end
Load lots delivered
B ro w n sville Warehouses
R u tter W ra p p e rs
< ailing Cards
articles no longer needed, or sneceede.1
hy better ones which somebody wonld
like to obtain. An advertisement tbe
sue of this, costing 25c, m
ight find B
buyer and covert what is
osly trash into good
C ash