HALSEY ENTERPRISE An independent—N O T neutral—newn- paper. published every Thursday, by W a . H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . W, H . W aaxi-B B Editor. M bs . A A. W h m k l k b Buaineas Manager and Local News Editor. a ' More and more farmers are re­ The biological survey of the de- fusing to pay a 13 license fee for 1 partment of agriculture is afraid. the privilege of eatiDg a pheasant women have protested agaiust any The eseaya ou "Sunset,” by if hunters’ licenses are not restrict- Arbuckle films being shown unless bigh-school students, which are ed, ‘‘the extinction of big game, or a deer that has lived oa their hie innocence can be proved, and published elsewhere, if original, especially, is inevitable. ’ And crops, and more and more of them prcducer9 are now putting the show poetic; imagination and a WoulJ that be a calamity ? Would are posting notices warning those following clause into coutracts: knowledge of the language indicat- we be better off if the giant sloth' ‘‘sportsmen’’ who are so supercili­ ously superior to ‘‘pot hunters" “ The actor agrees to conduct ing a considerable amount of read- and the dinosaurus and the bum-1 not to trespass on their farms. log. To be clashed as niigiual a ph teguuip roamed the earth? hirusslf with due regard to public conventions and morals and agrees composition does not need to con- Game pre-ervation costs more than | This discourages the buying of that he will not do auything tend­ sist entirely of phrases never used it’s worth. We can raise meat more licenses and threatens the income ing to degrade him in society, or cheaply and kill it more humanely, of the expensive * ‘dukes’’ and com­ bring him into public hatred, con­ before- That would be practically «« or tbose’who must kill something missions and deputies the legisla­ tempt, scorn or ridicule, or tend­ impossible. A stranger sat in church aud as to be happy may run automobiles ture has been so fond of multi­ ing to shock, insult or offend the community, or tending to the pre. the first phrase came (rum the or join in football games or boxing plying. judice of the company or the mo­ preacher’s mouth, after the intro­ matches. tion pictuie industry.” Last week was "tire prevention duction to the sernTou, called out week,” and a good drenching rein Now comes a Chicago drummer "Etnlrson 1’’ Another terse sen- The coroners of Oregon are hold- made it a success. Many people, who says Virginia left a child inn*’ teuee anil be cried: Jonathan # „tate convention in Portland however, would eave themselves years old. She must have been Edwards!" Still another and h e |_ N o tfo r the purpose of discussing much loss and sorrow if thiy said: "Swedenborg!" { wavs and means of drumming up about 16 years old when it was "Put that man out!” said th e' more business, we hope.-E ugene would have 52 fire prevention b iru. He says sue supported the weeks a year, instead of 1. (Joe- . . Guard. youngster generously. Such an preacher. . week-a-year fire prevention resem­ "Original, By —!” said the in- Nor for the increasing of prices, experience may be a reason for her bles one-day-a-week religion, which h iving been so careful always to terrupter. There is surely no reason for that. But it wasn't. It had probably jb e cost of living is said to be claims one day a week as tbe iave an elderly chaperone with her Lord’s day and leaves the other liter she entered the movies. Now been used many more times than, tfigh, but the cost of dying is six to the devil. there is a chance for those phar­ the others. ) higher. isees, rnoetly feminine, who eujoy A 122,000 contract has l>een let striking a woman when she is for a road from Reedsport to Bran­ down. Virgsnia Rappe is down. dy Bar. Lots of fellows in Oregoi She can never atnke back. Hit have been longing for a road to her, ye cowards ! the latter place ever since the state went dry. What’s in a name? Senator Kenyon has introduced Philander C. Knox, diplomatis a bill to enable the president to and statesman, is dead, aged 68 take over the coal mines and oper­ He was a native of Brownsville, ate them in case they are tied up but not of Linn county. He was by a strike and the community is born in Brownsville, Pa. likely to suffer, and another to limit the profit that may Ire made on coal between the mine and the PUBLIC KISSING ON WANE consumer. If there are as many unemployed men as is claimed, People of Asia M inor Chango Age- Old Custom of Showing Affec­ and if they are as desirous of work tion, Esteem or Rovoronce. as is represented, some of them may yet dig coai. They may uol Angora.— The age-old cuatoin of men publicly kissing other men aa a be «killed miners, but probably m ark of affection, esteem or rever­ they can learn. Time was when ence, ta passing In Aala M inor. there were no skilled miners Aa In the French arm y, high officer« or generals of the T u rk nationalist Somebody must have begun to army kiss men whom they decorate or learn without a skilled instructor. wish to commend. Gen. lamet Pasha, Besides, not all the skilled men Tl ie National Industrial Conference board In reviewing Infantry, often walks up to some « ta lw a rt soldier, slaps him will strike. Some mav teach new has just completed a nation-wide survey of the on the shoulder and kisses him on men to mine. both cheek« as a m ark of public ap HALSEY ENTERPRISE PACK t ■ ----------------- -- ■ ----------------------- ~ Subscriptions, »I SO a year in advance Arrearages. »2 a year. Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per* iiunent, 20c. No discount for tiuie o r apace In •• Paid for Paragraph«, 5c aline. No advertising disguised as news Phone 205 HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore. Oct. 20, 1921 JUSTICE TO THE DEAD OCT. 20, 1921 ORIGINALITY j The Enterprise did not have a prospect of street sales such as led the city dailies to devote pages to the filthy details of the Arbuckle case. Moreover, to have put the stuff in type would have coat more money in the haud-set rural news- paper office than in the offices of those dailies. These facte may de tract from any credit we rnigb claim for not having given spar to the unsavory stuff. But the management of this pa per ha» an additional reason foi the course it has pursued. U e be­ lieve we have a class of patrom who would rather read wholesom» current news of worth-while events than the nauseous mase of words referred to. But there ie evidence of a propa­ ganda designed to lessen the public abhorrence of Arbuckle aud bis mode of life. This was shown in the kist-ee with which that sweet ch eru b was greeted on his arrival at Los Angeles after hie experi­ ence in the San Francisco jail. It has been charged that the femi­ nine kissert were paid as the clac- qiiers nt a theater are paid. An Other ev.d'‘nceul the propaganda b the campaign lliat has been car tied on regarding the dead girl’s ohm soler. She is not here to de­ fend her name, therefore the five general items entering into the average charges against her call for com family budget—food, shelter, clothiug, fuel and The decree of the league of na­ merit by unpiejudiced observers tio n « for the enforcement of the who have not, likelier, been stilled light. The report shows a drop in clothing lemand of the people of Silesia, by death. prices of 3H per e m it, in food 32 per cent, rent 7 First, it ie asked, if she was a instead of allotting the whole re­ pr. ct. increase, fuel and light 8 pr. ct. increase gion to Germany because a major­ go xl g ir l why did «lie attend such during the period from July, 1020, to July, 1921. a party? We have Arbuckle’s ity of the vote was in her favor, We have clothing prices that will suit you: statement that she was induced to carries the rule of consent of the go there to consult an artist about governed farther ami allots to Ger­ a vostume. She had never bien many those portion« where the at any of Iris previous orgies, tbo majority vote was for Germany and to Poland those lesser ones urged to attend. wLeie the vote fnvors her. And She was known to have always •gain Germany threaten« not to been accotupabied to rehearsal* and "honestly fii'fill her engagements elsewhere by an elderly chaperone, to the allies" unless she has her j and it seems probable that she did »l for any decent audience, regard­ when it cornea to candv : big anrl little , less of whether he killed the girl ¡ has left the case liecatise he don they all lore it. The candies that we not want to soil hit hands with it or not. sell are made of pure unadulterated au - for leas than 125, (MM) and Fa ty gar and flavorings, and consequently no m atter how much is eaten there can be wants to pay only •5000, Judge It Brtiinfield, the Roeebnrg den­ no harmful efleet. Take home a box Lasaros might be retained iu the tist accused ol murder, aud mem­ know ing that it it the purest candy case. He has shown himself a ber« of hia family are at defective made. first-class pleader of tlie fleshv mentally a» those members testi­ fied at the trial, they all ought to comedian's cause. Twenty-five thousand California ' be stertlued under the Oregon law. Clothing Prices Show Greatest Drop Clothing prices have shown the greatest decline since the peak prices of July, 1920, at which time the tide turned and prices of all commodities sought lower levels. S u it s $16.50 to $ 4 5 S CLOTH ) J. W MOORE /ÀVzz/ C SWEETS TO THE SWEET CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. proval. The correspondent has seen a high officer kneel and kiss the hand« of Gen. Mouhldlnne Bey, the form er teacher of the younger officer. But In general, as a custom of the people, of friends meeting und etn- h ra c ln g _ jfte r long separation, kiss­ ing Is a thing of the past. Can’t Read Latter. O xford, Ind.— Mrs. Josie Steele of Ihla place, when the W orld w ar was III progress, knitted socks fo r the Bed Cross. In one p air she Inclosed a card with the Inscription: “K n it hy Mrs. Josie Steele. O xford, Ind. Siae 11." Recently ahe received a letter from Poland, w ritten in the Polish language hut addressed In English to "K n it hy Mrs. Josie Steele. Slxe 11. O xford, Ind., D. 8. A." She tins not found any one who can read the letter. $490 Purae In Coat Wagon. Greensburg. Pa.— F o r four days a pocketbook containing $400 was car­ ried around the ern ntry attached to the running re a r of a coal wagon be­ longing to Frank Shirey of Ligonier The pocketbook was the property of John Ounter of th r* place, who laid It on the wagon while paying Slvrey for a load of coal. Fnnr day« a fte r the transaction Shirey discovered the purse while hitching up hla team, and returned It to the owner. , O unter had missed the money, hut could not remember where he had laid It. Strange Beast. Detroit, Mich.— A little animal, at flrst thought to he the “missing lin k " was captured recently In the wooded nortlon of Berkeley. Cal. I t had it face like a man. a tall like that o f s squirrel, hands resembling those of a human being and Jabbered a distinc­ tive lingo It la about a foot tall and dark brown. F nlveralty « t C alifornia scientist« w ill he asked to define Its specie« The Search f o i God. T h e search of men for God has been an age-long search, throughout the centuries men have groped In d ark­ ness w ith the cry. "Show ua God," the deepest hunger of the heart, and the deepest perplexity of the mind. When Phillips Brooks was called In to give some religious Instruction to Helen K ellar. spending her life In darkness and Isolation, «he greeted him w ith one sentence slowly spelled ont "Please tell me something that yon know about God."— Wesleyan Christian Advocate. A Sons« of Fitnaaa. Fogg remarks that the world seem quite right to him until reenrement" begins the college Instead of ending I t — Boston won't "mnt- term Tran- ~ r» r They Must Help Themselves (Wall Street Journal.) All the money in the savings ba oka will not provide for tbe un­ employed. If it were withdrawn and given them today, its with­ drawal would cause more unem­ ployment in other direction*. There is no sudden cure. •There is no cure whatever which does not involve co-operation by the pa­ tient. He must change his habits.I He must quit lying to himself about his standard of living. He| must quit lying to his employer about his capabilities. He must quit lyiDg about tbe work he turns ■ut. Our public department* must quit encouraging him to lie. To tell the unemployed they can be helped by splitting the day's work oetween two applicants for em­ ployment is a cruel jest on con­ sumer and producer alike. No Income Guaranteed Since September I, 1920, no rail­ road could receive what it did not earn. Since that time the railroads have failed to earn a 6-per-cent return by 1518,000,- 000 and have lost that sum for­ ever. A decrease in operating expenses sufficient to make possible a gen­ eral reduction in rates can be se­ cured only by further substantial reductions in railroad operating expenses—-including the altoliliou of war-time rules and working coa­ litions so that the amount of work per day of each railroad employe will be something near what it was before the war. RIGHT TIME TO CUT TIMBER Olseaaa and Insects Do Not Attack Wood O ut ""of Doors During W in te r W eather. T im b e r cut In late fa ll and w inter seasons more slowly and w ith less checking than during the w arm er months, and when proper storage or handling Is Impracticable, w inter cut­ ting Is beat. Fungi and Insecta do not ■ittack wood out of doors In cold weather, and by the tim e warm weath­ er arrives the wood Is partly seasoned ind somewhat less susceptible to a t­ tack. It is for these reasons that win­ ter cutting Is ndvantagcous, and not on account o f smaller amount of mois­ ture or sap In the wood In w inter, as the popular belief has It. T here Is practically no difference In moisture content o f green wood In w inter and summer. MAKE LITTLE FARM REPAIRS Hamm er, Some Nalla and Faw Boards W ilt W o rk Wondara In Kaaplng Yard In Order. A hammer, some nails and a few hoards tacked up at odd momenta will work wonders In keeping the fences, «ate« and sheds about the farm yard In good order. W hy not charge the hoys w ith keeping things In order and encourage them to do n little carpen­ try when farm work la slack! What iov Is there who doesn't delight In islng tools? Pardido River. The Perdido river Is a small river md bay on the western border of Florida, separating It from Alabama. The word Is Spanish and means “lost." The Women’s Vigilant commit­ tee of Han Francisco demands the permanent elimination of Arbuckle fi ma from the stage on the ground that, irrespective of what may have been hia conduct in the Rappe case, he has l>een shown to be an immorkl character and •hould not be allowed on tho screen. Oregon The early morning sunbeams, Tbe roaes in full bloom, The jovial little breezes, To scatter sweet perfume, vVill please the heart and comfort The traveler on his way Gong ou scenic highways Upon a pleasant day. The great, tall firs and cedars, The oak and mistletoe. The scrub and vine and holly, All blend together so To please tbe eye and gladden The traveler on his way Along our ecenic highways | Upon a pleasant day. The snowcapped peakeof mountains The sparkling waterfalls, The deep ravines and gorges And all the rocky walls Will thrill the heart with pleasure Of the traveler on hia way ■ Along our scenic highways Upon a pleasant day. The half has not been written, And tbe pen cannot describe The different scenes of beauty Along tbe mountain side. It all stands there in splendor, And the traveler’s bound to say — i "There is no place like Oregon, Upon a pleasant day.” • 0 , R. W alfiv.