t 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . Church Announcements M ethodist: Sunday School, 10. P reaching, 11. Ju n io r League, 8, Interm ediate League, 6:30. E pw orth League, 6:80. P reaching, 7:30. P ray er m eeting, T hu rsd ay , 8. Christian: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. E ndeavor, 6:30. P reaching, 7:30. L ester Jones, M inister Halsey C h ristian Church Sunday School Lesson (By __________________ REV. P. B. FITZWATER. D. D.. T« eachar of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (©. 1921 Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 23 P A U L'S L A S T J O U R N E Y TO JER U SALEM . LESfeON T E X T —A cts 20:1-21:7. GOLDEN T E X T —Let us not be weary In w ell d oin g; for in due season we shall reap If we faint n o t —Gal. «:». R E F E R E N C E MATERIAL - Rom. IS: 2-16, 21-23: Il Tin». 4:19-21. PRIMARY TOPIC—How Paul's Friends Showed Their Love. JUNIO R TOPIC—Paul and Hie Friends. INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —Paul and HI» Friends YOUNG PEO PLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Paul Review« Hie W nlstry. I. Paul's Visit to Greece and Mllo- tu a (20:1-8). Tw o Incidents marked this t r ip : 1. The Jews laid wait for him (vv. 1-5). This plot obliged him to retrace his steps through Macedonia Instead of a more rapid sea voyage. 2. Fellowshlping the Disciples at Troas (vv. 6-18). H e met with them around the table of the Lord and spoke words of encouragement. While preaching here, Eutychus, In a deep sleep, fell from a window and was killed. Paul restored his life, thus giving to the disciples a sign of divine power which was greatly needed at that time. II. Paul's Farew ell to the Efiheelan Elders (20;17-38).? H is object in this address Is to Im press upon them th eir responsibility. 1. Review of his three years’ min­ istry ( w . 18-21). T (1 ) The spirit of m inistry (v. 19). H e was humble, tender and faith fu l In spite of the many trials which befell him. (2) The faithfulness o f his ministry (vv. 20, 21) H e made known unto them every­ thing which was of profit, taught them both tn public and 1n private He neglected no clasa, ¿lews or Greeks. H e was Imp artlaLJn a ll, his ministry. TJ NO. 7 OCT 20, 1»21 bushels thia season; io Oregon, (0 H a n g (3) The theme of his ministry (v. 21). 2 , 500,000 bu»bele. Repentance and faith. This is the pro eminent note In the message of true ministers today, Brumfield, the Roseburg dent- »77,180.59 and O regon »11^,42. .51, jgt wa8 | asi evening convicted of 2. The present state of things (vv. as th e ir respective sharer from ihe m urder in the first degree for k ill­ 22-27). Having reviewed his ministry, he now points out the present slate national foresta. ing Dennis Russell and trying to of things. (1) His immediate pur­ pass the body off as his ow n so pose was to go to Jerusalem (v. 22). th a t bis wife m ight collect the in ­ trip to spend three weeks with her dau g h ­ (2) Bonds and afflictions were lying L. W. Byerley made surance on his life. across his path (v. 23). Despite these Salein Tuesday. ter, Mrs. A gnes Sawyer. he went forward with undaunted cour Merle Cummings was a H alsey Mies Sophia H einrichs speut to­ age. He knew that God was leading iAtke Creek Farm Bureau American Sailors Witness Exhi­ visitor W ednesday. him, so he went forward. (8) uts day in Albany. J. S. M cM ahan shipped a c a r­ fixed purpose (v. 24). He was deter- I c H Koontz and wife returned Friday evening the Lake creek bition of Portugal’s Sport mined to complete his ministry at p ortland> load of hogs and sheep to Portland com m unity club held its first of a whatever cost—even giving up his life _ series of F arm Bureau meetings. W ednesday. (4) His consciousness of obligation dla- M rs . H e n r y E n g lis h le ft lor t u - More a Display of Good Horseman­ A tairly good crow d attended and M ayberry & M cKinney loaded charged ( w . 25-27). Knowing that gene T ue s d a y evening lor a sh o rt ship and Skillful Fainta Than Cru«l were particularly interested. a car of hogs and sheep for ship­ they should see his face no more, he s ta y . Sport aa in Spain. C. R- E vans, chairm an, opened called them to record that he had not A 9-pound girl was born to Mr. ment to Salem W ednesday. the meeting with an address se t­ shunned to declare the whole counsel Lisbon.— Sallora of the American and Mrs. H arry Sprenger, near E. C. M iller killed five Chinas ting out the objectives which he of God; therefore was free from the and the first two geese of the sea­ warship« who were entertained In thia believed a tta in a b le in the locality Shedd, Oct, 15. blood of all men. city when the American squadron vis­ 3. His charge to the elders (vv. 28- Marie Propst m arried Jesse W , son in one hour W ednesday. ited Portugal the other day, saw a and ending by m aking an appeal 85). (1, The ground o f (v. 28). The Q o ln a t t h e ’ c o u n ty Seat Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. E- E. Russell and Portuguese bullfight and lustily to the members to “ hold fa st.’’ flock for which they must care was and ,)OW ghe-g G.O1U- Mr, H ill, d istrib u to r for the child came from A lbany W ednes­ cheered for one of the bulls. purchased by the precious blood of M "line Plow com pany, was the A Portuguese bullfight le more a __ day for the d a y . Mr. Russell is Between showery days we are one of the railroad operator«, lie display of splendid horsemanship and ' principal speaker for th e evening. Jesus, and they had received their commission from the Lord. (2) The having some of the most lovely glateg skillfu l feints than a cruel eport, such p|e explained the a ttitu d e of the Impending evils (vv. 29, 30). False ones ever experienced. ' „ „ , . . as the Spanish bullfight. There la no I com pany entirely, and easily suc- teachers would arise from their own The county gives »100 tow ard Mrs. E. E Gormley and graud- hloo4|shed. The bulls are merely ceedt)d jn w inning the whole audi- number. Grievous wolves would de­ the expense of bovs’ and g ir l s ’ club child^arrived from H arrisburg on teased b, the bullfighters and others, gnce vour the flock. The most deadly foes e x h ib its St the Portland fair. W ednesdajrtram . M ts^borm . who pierce th e l,-h id « . w ith their tor- R jg thg |# n to o o n tin U 9 fhege o f the church are those ministers and e # IV J IIW VI vewsa m » ••• v . — dart«. The horns — ley had been w summoned Monday raentlng of - .... the bulla p variation of n ro . __________ sn „ -o . .,( h . . l i t . . . . c , v . r . . i w i n , i » . . h . r h . n . t h a t I m eetings with a variation oi pro­ Sunday school teachers who are un­ D arrell Bryan of C orvallis was ou account of the illness of h e r lit- are covered with leather balls, so that gram for th e e n u re w inter and faithful to their trust. (3) Incentives they can do no great damage and the the guest of his sister, Mrs G. T. granddaughter. to faithfulness ( w . 31-35). H is own K itchen, the first of the week. I " " ,? ’ ’,,," D" . , j . Proof o t the skill of the horseman spring m onths, example of watching night and day . , . | Mrs. W. R A nderson and grand- |g never to let bis horse get touched for three years is held up before th e m ; A certificate of judgm ent tor daughter, Mis» Sylva W hite, were thnin. The Study Club his unselfish service, laboring with his $308 io the case of the H alsey bank two arriv als on W ednesday’s tra in A fte r that a group of peasants own hands night and day that he might igainst W illiam H abu has been fro„, Salem. They visited G rand- wearing green-and-red caps advance An enjoyable meetin'g of the be free from suspicion of selfishness. filed. ma K nott, m other of Mrs. John into ilia ring and each tries Io throw W om en’s Study club waa held last II I . Paul Tarrying Seven Days at himself on the bull, either between his Thursday afternoon a t the home Last Friday an auto truck took Bramwell. Tyre (21:1-8). horns or on his neck, and to d in g j^rs. F. W . Robinson and her there despite the frantic attempts of of Mrs. G. W. L aubner, when His point of destination was Jerusa­ 3200 pounds of freight from L. W. j each member responded to roll- lem. H e was pressing onward thither Byeiley’s residence to A lbauy in father, B. I. Carey, have returned the animal. I f one succeeds tn cling­ with all speed, but on account of the 70 m inutes. from W ashington and Idaho. ing on, the other peasants rush up call with an interesting account of unloading of the ship he was obliged Mrs J J . Corcoran and graud- where they speut the last two and hang onto the bull unGI he ie her vacation in verse. An outline of Oregon history to wait at T yre for seven days. Dur- child returned Tuesday from Port- weeks visaing relatives, reduced to Impotence. Ipg this delay he searched out the dis­ The American boys cheered all this was read and approved for this handsom e sam ple of English w ith great enthusiasm, but the real y e a r’s work and the lesson for the ciples who lived in that city. W hile land, where she had visited her w alnuts, grown on the W- W. Po- outbreak came when oDe bull leaped next m eeting was assigned to Mrs. here certain disciples said that Paul daughter. should not go to Jerusalem. The In­ ‘ Roland Marks was home from land trees, was brought to our a fte r one of h it tormentors over a Moore and Mrs. L aubner from formation which these disciples re­ 0 . A. C. for the week eud aud office this m orning by T. H illm an wooden partition aud Into a group of Prof. H orner’a “ Oregon H isto ry .” ceived by the Spirit was douhtlesa the Mr bullfighters, scattering them right and A com m ittee was appointed to of the tim e in field of P oland’s neighborhood. same us that given to Agabus (vv. 10. spent part Poland lias several kusnels of tl*e left. meet w ith the business men to 11). Agabus told exactly what the w ith gun aud dog. Itos re of laughter filled the enor­ same kind on his trees near Shedd plan a cam paign for the lyceum mous circus and a thundering cheer Spirit said, which sets right what . cu, H.v ----- - ------------- , ~ t .. - r. i -i k the Tyrian disciples seeiqed to say. , es,dent of this place, w as up from M r s .S -E .C o le a n d g ra n d d a u g h - and ertee of “bull, bull, bull" burst course the first num lter to be given Nov. 2. The same Spirit which showed to these a h , bi )V early Saturday m orning te r o f B r o w n s v ille le ft fo r o ilv e r - from the throats of the Americans. Mrs. F oote, Mrs. W alton and The bullfighters fled In disorder dlsclples that suffering awaited l'aul. * > few p h „ a((antg. , ton, via H alsoy, W ednesday morn The revealed unto him the same suffering ? b » r 1Ug visit a daughter for several while tha am phitheater resounded Mrs. English were guests and sent him forw ard Into it. ! Charles Mercer of E u g e n e was a dayB Mr. Cole accom panied them w ith the laughter and cheers o f the hostess was assisted in serving by Americans IV . Paul Tarrying in Philip’» House guest at the D. I. Isom home south ag {ar a(t jjalsey. Mrs. M arks. Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly GOBS APPLAUD (vv. 7-14). BULL of town the last of the week, while Resuming their Journey, they paused Le g u n n e il a little for pheabauts, I 1 here was another m eeting oi briefly at Ptolemais to greet the breth- , 6 I the signers for the lyceum course ren ihere, a fte r which they went to H. J. Seeck of Portland was re. yyedneaday evening and it waa d e- Cnesarea. Here they took up their uewing acquaintances in th is city cjded to the drive for the tickets today and fin'sh abode with Philip, who had so success­ ih e firs t of fbe w eek and try in g bis ggje oj fully wrought In the early days of the luck at hunting the pheasant. up th at work as oon as possible church. A. J. Heibel and fam ily left H al­ The reserved seats will be on sale V. Paul at Jerusalem (vv. 15-17). at C la rk ’s confectionery early in The brethren at Jerusalem gladly re­ sey W ednesday by train for Salem ti/v isit a friend there on their way the week. ceived them. Paul s lodging place waa to their new home at W alla W alla, j jja b e ll Robinson, the 13-year- w ith an old disciple.“ -----— ------=------- Mrs Eliza B randcu left on Tucg. old daughter of Mr. and M rs . F. The club m eets at th e home of Mrs. M arks today. W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G Near Him. We come too near H im when we search Into His counsels. The sun and the Are say of themselves. Come not too near. How much more the Light which nous can attain unto?— Bishop B alL O ptical E Y E S T R A IN la the Cause of M any H U M A N IL L S If your eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying S E E V S . We can Relieve You will W. Robinson, won first prize a t the L inn county fair in both bome- m aking and sewing, and also sec- ond prize in canning. She is a Another On« Heard From. m ember of three C harity grange Bancroft Optical Co. The Birm ingham Age-Hernld reports J1J 1st St. W. Albany. Phone clubs. E d n a , the 10-year-old that an Alabama man baa 'a cane to daughter, is also a member of the match every ault. We have a cane, too. sewing club. —Arkansas Gazette. H C. Seym our, state club leader, Friday of n e x t week will be has forwarded the charters for the Frances W illard day, w ith read­ H alsey C anning club and the A n­ The Halaey ings, essays aud songs in Qregon gora club a t Scio club is made up of girls living