U A L S K I B M K K l'K IS U u < i. ij, u .i ago »he settled on a 640-acre farm h . t e c t i R A IL R O A D I IM E at C ia w fu id o v iile - where tho f • II»* proposes to dp some cartooning Sudtell. M r. Heibel expects to ily resided u n til about 11 years • j North South here leave for W a lla W a lla, Wash., ago,when they moved to C a lifo rn ia No. 1«, 12:04 p. m. No, 23, 11:31 a. 24, 4 34 p. m. • 15, 12:24 p. W. A. Ringo and wife were soon. The lady has been spending five 14. 5:27 p. m. 17, 5.49 p. B row nsville motorist» Sunday. weeks in this lo c a lity seeking out Tbe d is tric t convention of the W J Lane of Brownsville, jew- Rebekahs took place in Lebanon old-tim e friends. M rs. M c K in 'e y SUNDAY MAIL HOURS eler, and wife were Halsey visitors Wednesday and q uite a num ber ol states that »he is perfectly d e lig h t, Halsey members were in atten­ ed w ith C a lifo rn ia and would nut Sunday. The delivery window of tbe She men- H 'ls e y poatoffice is open Sundays dance, some of whom were Mes­ change for a n yth in g . W C. B a ncro ft of th is place was dames R obnett, C la k , Moore, j tions a great many names of the grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 13:20 an Albany visito r last week, ta k ­ Adda Ringo, Lou T avlo r, G ray, | pe iple of th irty years ago and is to 12:35 and 5:15 to 6.30 p. m. ing in the fair. Salasdi and Miss M ary Sm ith. a very interesting convernation il . She le ft at 10 Monday nigh M r. and Mrs. J W D rin k a rd Mrs M Maban took a load over i tst s' d Dr. and Mrs T I Marks en- ___ ith _ her, whose names we failed i for her Irume in n a tio n a l C ity , a j suburb of San Diego. j ved a d a \’a outing at the M oKer- to get ctie> m ill on the Calapooia Sunday The tim e ly observance of little o r tre s p a s s in g a llo w e d o n _ ,. . ! N. T. Sneed recently received' n.ere was an average of one , he wrapper of a parcel post pack 1 V ivian F rtiiu p ro b ib ly saved tie marriage w n jth l)oU fro iI/ P o rt|ttl„ , J J. Corcoran home Irotu destruc- ” a day in th is countv in a aae ge w u a „ ill September and three divorces were ! pOstoffi«e issuing record. The knew what those contents were we fr^uu an upstairB window. through eight Dr. T I M arks and T. A. H o­ m ight venture a guess as to whether fire had burned q u ilts and a mattress and bad ver relum ed the last of the week those rats were two-legged. caught the curtains I t was prob­ from a saeceMful h u n tin g tr ip in Mrs R A. M c K in le y of San ably caused by the little gramlsou Red Man Excels at Ability to Do the Lake Creek country west of Diego was in Albany Monday even­ B illy K irk , throw ing a lighted Junction. Sustained Thinking. ing and stated th a t th irty years match on the bed. Governor Ol'.oD says the L in n county fa ir is not surpassed by Professor of Psychology Who Has Bssn that o f any comity in the state, Making Tests Gives Result! of While others say it was equal to the Hia Investigations. slate fair NO HUNTING” the Gray Farm INDIAN MIND ALERT ARISTOCRATS OF Admittance Here a Line RUSSIA PEDDLERS t-A iu -r u K UAKAGKAPHS Once Haughty Officers of Old Regime Are Now Penniless in Turkish Capital. ONE TRAGEDY OF GREAT WAR 5 Cents W o rk wanted —A n y k in d common lab or. G. B. Gage G. W. Shaw ’s. g ’ Carbon paper fo r sale. of at E n te r, prise office. Chicken d in n e r every Sunday at H otel Brow nsville. 50 cents. For Sale— Year-old fiir slab Every 8treet In Constantinople Is block wood, >2.50 per tie r; fir block wood, $3 00; m aple and oak, >3 50 Crowded W ith Refugees From Rus­ delivered Halsey. Brow nsv.lU sia— Wives and Daughter« In Warehouses. Chas. Sterling. Menial Occupation*. Remember the Enterprise has a Constantinople.— When Russia was a mighty nation under her czars It was phone a t last— No. 205. the Slav dream to march Into Constan­ tinople. Read tbe R ia lto advertisement Well, the Russians In their thou­ sands have reached this city, but their on page 5. Seidorn do the people presence means not a triumph, but one of a sm all city get a chance to see of the great tragedies of the aftermath one o f Cecil B. de M ille ’ s elegant productions. I t w ill cost 50 oenis of the war. The allies, and especially France, for aoults; and w ill be w orth it. backed and financed a number of at­ Twelve popular movie stare are in ­ tempts on the part of Russlai • to cluded in tbe cast. break down the Bolshevist government Of 5643 cattle tested in this Austin. Tex.— For the last three and substitute one that would do busi­ Call phone 205 and give us your county only 1!) reacted. Dr. I.o, years Dr. T. R. Garth, professor of ness with western Europe. news items. The last of these mercenltry armies psychology of the University of Texas, der has gone, but C ounty Agent S a tu rd a y e v e n in g , O c t . 2 2 , C i t y H a l l was the one led by General Wrangel, has been making tests of the mental Heyman w ill piovide teuta for capacity of the Indian, the negro and who at one time was master of the A Wonderful Picture more cattle on request. the Caucasian. These investigations Crimea. “ The Affairs of A n a to l,” a Cecil October 25 and 26 the state high But Just as soon as the Bolsheviks have brought to light the fact, he savs, B. D eM tlle production for Para- secured peace with Poland, they wav coin mission w ill consider im ­ that lhe American Indian has as alert provements on 121 miles o f road, a mind as white people. He recently smashed Wrangel to smithereens. Th« m ount, which w ill be shown at including the grading and gravel­ spent some time among the Indians of Crimea witnessed one of the greatest the R ia lto theatre F rid a y, is a w onderful picture. I t has an a ll- New Mexico and Oklahoma, carrying scrambles in history. ing of a mile at “ Murder creek, Soldiers and their leaders, civilians star cast headed w ith W allace on his tests. L in n couuty.” In Oklahoma, Doctor Garth visited and their wives and families, clamored Reid and G lo ria Swanson, and in Mr. and Mr» C. C. Jackson from the Chllocco Indian Training school, for ships to take them away before p o in t o f beauty of setting and this locality were in attendance at which is supported by the government, the avenging Bolsheviks came In. splendor of photography, it cannot The vessels which were finally sup­ MANURE SHOWS GREAT VALUE and which offers Instruction to In­ the L in n c ju n ty fair last week t.iig^iurn^lim np'inied'b' be surpassed. plied for the refugees were jammed M r Ja k«on was fo im e rlv sheriff dian children through the tenth grade beyond human endurance. p.ous ra in fa ll, visited here WMr, AppMH c l^ Ftol-. ,t ,n. of this county hut is now engaged He also visited an Indian school In Al­ night, a rare occurrence at Ibis cre, 8ed yie|d Threefold_ Filled With Refugees. I f you know an item of news buquerque, N. M„ which has Indian in raising horses. tim e of the year Thousand« of the survivors of this phone i t to No. 205. students from both New Mexico and Phosphorus Helps. Have you noticed the glorious page of recent history were brought to Arizona. M rs C. I’. Stafford, one of the sunsets in the past, two weeks or “In all I tested about 1,000 Indians, Constantinople. Old papers, 5c a bundle at Ihe Due to the cool weather of the more? The wonderful colors in Enterprise force, returned fio m a spring and the freeze which occurred something over half of whom were Every street In Constantinople Is Enterprise office. crowded with them. Near this city the heavens and on the earth? week's vacation i.np to Portland early In the seasou. the Iowa agrlcul full-blood, the rest ranging from one- The lu xu rie n t foliage on vine and F iid a y of last wee*, where she vis­ tural experiment station has had an eighth to fifteen sixteenths Indian,” he you may see broad-faced Mongolians D r. E. W. B a rn u m , dentist, at tree? A ll eo b ea u tifu l—reds ited the Porters and Mrs. D >»<-, opportunity to show the value of com­ said. "Some of the Indians are very and Kalmuck Tartars, who were once Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and promising and have great possibili­ in Wrarigel's army, working on” the F rid ay. browns and yellows everywhere? and tbe Drydens and Mrs. H >od mon barnyard ninnure on clover. It M r. Stuff >rd lius been found that where manure ties. Heretofore the average of the railway tracks. This presages winter, w ith perrhap in Oregon C ity. Trespass notices | ready printed In the city Itself the Russians hav« rain and dark days, hut we cun joined her in A lb a n y and Ito k in was added to the field» only once In Indian for intelligence rating has been largely turned to peddling. at Ihe E nterprise office. In sm all below that of the white. But the In­ ihe county fa ir, and they came the rotation the stand has been In enjoy the beauty . f f i l l while it Their wives and sisters and daugh­ lots, ten cents each. M r*. Stafford creased three times over the plots dian exeels both the white and negro ters have taken to waiting In little res­ lasts and recall its beauty at w ill borne together In mental fatigue, that Is, ability to where no manure was used. looks as if she had had a tin« tim e, later on The ahlias, too, are n taurants or washing dishes or scrub­ For sale— Cedar shakes and Eight tons per acre were added to continue longer at any given mental m iss of glory and one cannot hel| took in I lie theaters and listened bing floors or doing family washing. process.” the manured plots and here the leaf Posts. Load lots delivered. b u t think an exhibit with p-emt t > some rare music and did a tin y Many have been forced by sheer In the color preference test which surface and root development are B ro w n sville Warehouses. want Into Immorality. uuia would he quite w orth while bit o ’ shopping. heavier and better. Where phosphorus Doctor Garth conducted, out of a And there are thousands who have put Halsey o t oe map a» a llora group of 100 Indian students, 38 pre­ was added at the same time ns ma­ center M ' y n dI ferred red first, 22 preferred blue no visible means of support. They sell For rent or for sale— Houses and High School Notes nure. plants are even more vigorous first, while green, orange, yellow, pur­ nothing They do not work. They sim­ farms in v ic in ity of Halsey. and have a greater height. ply walk the streets aimlessly. A train of five load scrapers and School was closed F iid a y in or ple and white occupied middle or end W J. R ibe lin . Many of them have shirts, hut no grader, hauled hy a big tractor, der th a t the students m ig h t positions In the scale of preference. Amo.'/g CflRE F0R LATE VEGETABLES pant Friday night on First street the L in n county fa ir "I have tried this color teat among coats I f you see them with coats but­ toned up to the neck, you may know T «• outfit be1 >«ged to Waahbur college students." said Doctor Garth those w inning prizes at tbe f ir Barber shop— K a rl A. B ra m ­ that they have neither shirt ncr un­ Late Pro» «•♦» Nothing More "and blue Is the color preferred first. A I (all of Lebanon ami had beet was Irene Q uim by, who won first t o Store well propnetor. Suits cleaued and dershirt underneath. In this blazing Is Required Than Use of Psychologists consider the selection of U-....1 in fu lfillin g th eir contract t i'l the calf club , second p lie in hot oriental weather many of them go pressed. L a u n d ry sent M ondays. Existing Facilities. blue as a sign of Intelligence When cut u 6-per-cent grade from Ih tlie open das«, and tb iid priz in about with great, long, heavy cossack I tried the riddle teat, I thought surely e i»t foot o, Low Pass mount an c , o iii og d u b , ami was also a metn- coats whose collars and sleeves are The storing of late vegetables Is Come to C. E. Sunday Night to the summit. Another firm ha b r of the judging vlj.-s which won often profitable for 'hose who grow the Indians would find a stumbling trimmed with thick astrachan. block, hut they anawered readily, and The C hristian Endeavors ebout completed a sim ila r gradeot hist prize. Shift for Themselves. them in sufficient quantities for mar after the test was over one of the In ­ Do announcement make th west Stile, which, when com ketlnc giving tbe gro • er the direct dian girls came up to ask me a rid Men who were once officers In the Cecil M avberry o f the seventh benefit of the winter price. To care die.” pleted, w ill give an easy outlet to czar's army and later in Wrangel’s T ha t a tr ip around the world N ext Sunday n ig h t t hew ’ll make. tbe railroad at Junction C ity fo grade wen first prize for her fa il for the surplus vegetables In many Out of the general mental tests force« «till go about with their epau­ cases requires nothing more than the which Doctor Garth has conducted has lets on shoulders. Often one has a the products of the g.eat tra ct of nook. They in v ite you a ll to jo in them use of existing facilities In the form grown the problem of studying the wicked-looking Russian officer's dagger rich a llu v ia l laud around T ria n g l As they on th e ir journey go, at his aide. of a storage room In the basement I be Girls* (»lee club was o ig an . psychology of Indian personality, ac­ I ike This road w ill he a part of I t would seem that with this great And sta rt w ith them at 6:80 i. 'd for the year M onday, after of a dwelling or under an outbuilding cording to which certain traits of t lie ita te highway from Fiorenc From the C. E. rooms, you know. or to build an outdoor cellar of wood character found In the Indian are com Influx of one time soldlera of adven the tueting of t h e g i r l s ' voices to e.istem Oregon. Some new music has been pur or masonry. If permanent facilities pared with the same traits found In tnre. made desperate by want, there )Ve*ll v is it New Y o rk , Tokio are not avalluhle. late root crops can I he whites In the mental tests which would be a great increase of petty Lin n county (needer* have just chased ami practicing w ill And m any another station be kept In outdoor pits or hanks, re­ he conducted on the recent trip. Doc crimes But the 2,500 Turkish police »old 64 d a iry cattle which wer place each Monday. W h ile the C. E. room J. B. have held crime In check. quiring no cash outlay except for la­ tor Garth used the form lsaued by the »hipped to Crook county buvers Is at last our destination. bor. For a considerable period the French National Research council which Is Toe seller» were V ictor Yates authorities undertook to feed the 100 - C hristian Endeavor topic Octo. very much interested In this work. No More Walk« Hoedd, 6, (J. W Large, Rrowns 000 Russian refugees, the only stlpula < aptnln Mild strode fiom the mod The American Association of Science 1 er 16. “ Lessons From Patriot« o f * l k 6. It c. Archibald. Tang-n' Help From the Neighbors. II lumber» nr.1 will. R vnllev of angrv also has assigned to Doctor Garth a tlon being that they should seek work the Past and Pressut’ ’ — Neh. 4: H i ’. C lark, Tangent, 4, R ooih» mid a light grip on hl« rutlnss Then are few things more tantallz to make themselves self supporting research fund and given other aid as Leader, W ilm e tta Forster. Sloop, Tangent. 2; I E Gard, e But work was the very thing that the 1-14 / ond»''- lip (lgc| |,ned (o (l|t |)ellten. ng io a man than to go home with evidence of interest In the work The lesson w ill he given in the great majority of them did not want. II «Gey, 2; M rs. Caldwell, Tange.,i uni. "It s Impossible for a man to something on Ids mind he wants to They seemed to think the allies were form of a railroad trip 4: Vt heeler Brother-. Plainview. 4 b e a pilule In these extortionary times ‘ •old shoot and find company visiting JAP FARM TENANTS COMBINE under some sort of obligation to main­ There w ill lie a big debate, “ Re- 'here and he obliged to art agreeable Mrs. Lena Anderson. Plainview Dne enn’i even afford a plsnk I” T h a t patriotism in the lluvensiilte (Kan ) Review tain them In idleness. The result was ‘olved, 5, B Fox. Brownsville, 5 ; E B 41« Association« Organised In Japan that the French felt compelled to with I nited States is im p ro v in g ,’ ’ Gtoshong, Holley, 7; W A Sin for Protection of Common draw al, assistance and allow them to rev. Hullev. 1, E E Aubrey, Tar Interests. shift for themselves.— Milton Brenner, Seem«d Only Explanation. «ent 4; J W. Cbamher«, A ’banv In Chtcago Post. '5 Ihur had seen the various ped- Tokyo.— With th * remarkable awak h J C Clay, Shedd, 1; Rev lers come through the alley with enlng among Japanese Industrial work­ I Stanley Van W in kle, Shedd, 1 rs«a and " agons pulling their wares. ers. there has recently been notlceah'e Ray W righ t, Brownsville, 3 ; jae Final Choice. 5" when the scissors grinder appeared In Japan a growing tendency among Wifey (showing new bonnet to hub- cne day carrying the bulky ma. bine Bowers, Brownsville. 2; Carl M il tenant farmers to form combinations — T t» milliner thought that flow­ ler, Albany, 2 for the protection of their common ers were the most becoming to me on his hack there seemed to he but one explanation possible to th^ lad. Interests as ago’nst the landlords Mt. a ml Mrs B L W inniford ano I have always adored feathers, R anges H e a te rs ili This Is another evidence of »he so we finally eompromlsed hy putting When the man came near enough W il­ accompanied by A bur asked sympathetically: “Mister, Is P. GoodbtOK * K ' i Bs Beds $ swift social development In Japan on some fruit. »peni the week end w ith relative your horse dead?” along western Ideas at (.orane. Lan countV, and r> At the end of March. 1921. such turned w ith a supply of venison le ts L in o le u m * comhlnatlona of tenant farmers nnm ....................................... .................. On Tuesday they left for th e hered flfl. with an sggregate member plae- near Salem. where they ex ship of 48 587 During 1920 408 cases D in in g - r o o m S e ts C o n g o le u m W a tc h m a k e r a n d of dispute Involving 5 285 landlord? pe' ted to piek th«lr w inter apple sud 34.000 tenant farmers were re­ J e w e le r A rth u r Ponte («carrying hia arc ported in a sling as the result of bell) The most frequent cause was de­ Expert workmanship. " »tehee and clocks a specialty kicked by „ Ford on W»dne«dai mand for lower rent. Hslsey. Oregon It is hope I the 1 'ijurv w ill m f& ’e « «hie to work again in a few day«. Rather than pay the price Bek c l for a bed st Al»e. on« of our esti­ mable Odd Follow» is »«i,| to b«v • spent a night in a ba'h tub. Ho <• '• that for economy? The auction e»la of A I H ihe •st Tuesday w»s • decided success Ix th fin au cia llv and otherwise A lu g a crowd was in attendance and the weather was propitious and h« U d ap excel,eul auctioneer iu Ben “---------- J $ I w u W h i t e S e w in g M a c h in e s X A l l th in g s ne cessary fo r a to z v h o m e X C a ll and in v e s tig a te goods and p ric e s E. L, S T IF F 422 FIRST STUFET ALBANY ARCHIE CORNELIUS f " All-Woman Jury Tries Casa. 9umr«ll. M ias— Mississippi'« first all woman Jury rendered a verdict In Justice of the peace court here In favor of the defendant in litigation be­ tween Mrs Raaay Reed and Mrs. T.aura Speed involving ownership nf « co» and calf The constable refused fo summon the women a« Jurors a* directed and the court appointed a •nhstltnte to carry ont hia orders. Belated Juetle*. It ha* always seemed to ns an In- Ì • ‘‘"a"« «»t 1 credit for the eguali}- original. virtues, which ° are 1 I « s » , . a ............... - ........ i When in need of repair service, just 4 drive into H.iscv Oarage and let us »■tvise you as to your needs Good line of Ford repairs and other Accessories always on hand. Still have a few large sizes of tires at a bargain Halsey Garage. Foote Bros. Props.