Hurry looked into Bltn's eyes. 'They put out In the livery stable of “The campaign will he over In a the City hotel and at the desk of the latter asked about the price of board. ‘ year and I need you b a d ly .th e Colo (Continued,from page 1) It was three dollars a day and no 1 nel urged. “I can not say no to the call of my politeness In the offer. Eddie Sawyer’s arm U getting “It's purty steep,” said Samson. ■ country," Harry answered. "I w|U better. | Join your regiment at Beardstown on •‘But I’m too hungry for argnment or The county fair was a success, delay and 1 guess we can stand It to I Its way down the river." 1 That night Harry and Blm stood by bo nabobs for a day or so.” with 27.000 admittances. The hotel elerk had a Register of the gate talking, .after Mrs. Kelso had Mr. and Mrs B L. Winniford the Residents of the City of Chicago gone Into the house. were Albany visitors Friday. “Blm. I love you more than ever," wherein they found the name and ad­ Taxpayers’ .budget meeting to­ dress of John Kelso They went out said the boy. “Abe says yon can get to find the house Storekeepers tried a divorce. I have brought the papers night at the city council chamber. to stop them as they passed along the for you to sign. They will make you The Lynch-Lowell road feud FtrPFt with offers of land at bargains free. I have done It for your sake. near Harnaburg has been patched You will be under no obligation. I which would make them millionaires up. In a week. In proceeding along the want you to be free to marry whom plank sidewalks they were often as­ you will. I would be the happiest Farm Bureau workers expect to cending or descending steps to another man in the world If you were to turoll 60 perceut of the tanners of A testo requinte choose me. I haven't the wealth of level. the county. which tr some of the city men. 1 can only On La Salle street ithey found the uvurcmVEdiM O. W. Frum expects to t>e run­ home of Jack Kelso. It was a rough offer you m.v love.” ^uaro-ntced/ “Be careful and, please, let go of ning machinery in hia new ware­ hoarded small house, a story and a my hand,” she said. “I’m not going half high It had a little porch and house next week, dooryard enclosed by an unpalnted to sty a word of love to you. I am Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bilyeu. who not free yet. We couldn’t marry if picket fence. Bint, In a handsome, f t ftlD rtg, Stores’ we wanted to. I wish you to he under live near here, were Albany visit­ blue silk gown, came running out to no sense of obligation to me. Many ors during the fair. meet them. ■ i things may happen In a year. I am "If you don't'mind I’m going to kiss Brownsville cars brought the glad you are going to see more of the you.” she said to> Harry “ homeseekers” from that city thru world before you settle down. It wtil ‘Td mind If you didn’t,” said the Halsey to Harrisburg. help you to be sure to know yourselt young man as ha embraced her. ' a little better and to be sure of what Forest Ranger Elliott has com­ “We must be careful not to get the you want to do." pleted his plumbing job at Moose habit." she laughed "I think that I know myself fairly "I’d enjoy being careless for once." CARE OF NEW SILK HOSIERY Lake and it holds water agaiu. well,” he answered. “There are so said Harry. many better men who want to marry Irene and Ruth Quimby were “Women can be extravagant with Stockings of the Finer Quality Should you! I shall go away with a great prizewinners in the homemaking everything but carelessness." she In­ Bo Carefully Waohed as Soon fear In me.” and canning at the comity lair. sisted. “Do you like this gownT” as Taken Off. “There are no better men,” she an­ “It la lovely—like yourself." County fair authorities plan ex swered. “When you get hack we shall “Then perhaps you will be willing see what comes of our little romance. The way you treat silk stockings tensive building and other im ­ to take me to the party tonight My Meanwhile I'm going to pray for you.” has a lot more to do with the way provements before another year. mother will chaperon us.” they wear than has their original “And I for you." he said as he fol­ “With these clothes that have lust lowed her Into the house, where the One concessionaire at the county price—usually. Sometimes, of course, been hauled out of a saddle bag?” older people sat waiting for them. they are Just such a poor quality That fair whs ordered off the grounds they aren't worth taking care of. But for sw in d lin g b oys in a so -ca lled said Harry with a look of alarm. Harry gave the papers to Him to he usually care tells more with silk stock­ “Even rags could not hide the beau­ signed and attested and forwarded game > f chance. ings than It does with almost anything ty of him," said Kelso as he came to Mr. Stuart In Springfield down from the porch to greet them. .1. C. Walton’s answ r to his else. On their way to the hotel Samson To begin with never let silk stock w ife’s cross-complaint m the di- “And look at her," he went on “Was said to Harry: Ings lie soiled for s week. They rot, there ever a fairer maid In spite of t,rce court says that she deserted 'I don’t believe Blm Is going to he once moisture has permeated them. all her troubles? See the red In her car. Zd away by any of these high­ Him because of his ill health. The thing to do Is to wash them out cheeks and the diamond glow of youth flyers. She’s getting to he a very as soon as you take them off. Of and health In her eyes. Ton should sensible person. Poor Jack has caught Of the 12 high school d istrict* course, this Is usually too much trou­ .n the county tbo clerk* of only the plague He has Invested In land. ee the young men sighing and gultar- ble. Nevertheless, It Is the thing to tour have *ent in their report* lor Thinks it will make him rich. He's do. And, of course, they shouldn't be ng around her." 1919-1920 whj,ch would euahle het In poor health, too—kidney trouble— “You’ll hear me tuning up," Harry worn more than a day at a time—no and Blm has a b a h v with all the rest oouutv superintendent to give them more than a day without washing, leclared. ■ a beautiful boy. I went upstairs and their ehare of the tuition fund. “That is father's way of comforting that means. saw him asleep In his cred'" books Furthermore, It Is said by a woman ny widowhood," said Blm. “He has C. N. Larkin, proprietor of a who wears her silk stockings longer nade a wonderful beauty mask and like her. Hair as yellow ns gold, light than most of us do that they should ten-cent store at Harrisburg, ba* )ften he claps it on me and whistles complexion, blue eyes, handsome as be washed In cold water, and that no disappeared, though hie bustm»* ip a band of sighing lovers. As a a picture.” That night, In the office of the City soap should be used. This seems rath­ , ppear* to be prosperous. »<”»c sork of the Imagination 1 am a great H'allace Reid and Gloria Swanton is the Paramount Picture, "The A gate», hotel, they found Mr. Lionel Davis in er strenuous treatment. But In her year* ago he dropped out of sight luccess." o/ Anatol." A Cecil B. DrMille Production. case, at least. It works out well, and n (he name way and was gonei » “The look of you sets my heart aflra the midst of a group of excited specu­ lators Mu some way he had got serose perhaps It la the beat way to do ouple of year*. It seem* a habit. igaln," the boy exclaimed. Another woman who la never trou­ “Come—take mother and me to the the prairies and was selling his land Blanch, 16-monthe-old, daughter bled with rune In the legs of her silk pnrty at Mrs. Klnzles," said Blm. “A and accepting every offer on the plea stockings finds that stitching a narrow ,f William Mackie and wife of Al­ very grand young man was coming to that he was going Into the grain busi­ PRODUCTION piece of black silk Inside the stocking bany, »cored 100 at the county take us In a wonderful carriage, but ness in St. Louis and had to leave at the top prevents the runs from com (air baby show; Delman D., •’ he's half an hour late now. We won’t Chlcngo next day. He choked the ing. The garter fastening goes through nonthe, son of W. E Smith and market with bargains. The buyers wait for him." the extra thickness made by this silk wife of Jefferson, Bcored 98. So the three set out together afoot began to back off Mr. Davis closed A P a ram o u n t P ictu re which, by the way. should be thin ( * for Mrs. Klnzle’s, while Samson sat his carpet bag and left. ¿Ult-nnd so does not pierce the fabric “It was a kind of horse stea lln , The yellow Shepherd dog adver­ down for a visit with Jack Kelso. of the stocking. The Klnzles' house was of brick said Samson ns they were going to tised last week by a Corvallis man and larger and more pretentious than bed “He got news down there on t he a* lost came to Harry Breseler with an all- star cast including any In Chicago Its lawn, veranda main road by pony expiess on Its way and evidently decided to make him USE FOR REMNANTS OF VOILE and parlor were crowded with peopl1 to St. Louis. Ill bet there's been a W allace Reid its new master. Shep would wait Gloria Sw anson panic In the East. He s awake and In a curious variety of costumes. Also Scraps of Fabrica May Ba Effectively for hours for Harry whenever the Elliott D exter Bebe Daniels Nearly all the festive company wore the others are still dreamlu. Developed Into Drtaacr Scarf latter waa at work and was always Harold Lloyd in diamonds. They scintillated on fin­ Monte Blue W an d a Hawley and Pincushion. (Continued) on the running board of his amo gers. some of which were knotted with T heodore R oberts A gnes A vres when he ueed that. Harry an- “ The F lirt” to ll; they glowed on shirt bosoms and If you »re fortunate to have any wered the advertisement Saturday. T heodore Kolsoff Polly Moran The Time May Come. morning as well as evening gowns; pieces of voile you can utilize them Mr and Mr*. Hall came from Cor­ “Dis world Is gineter be all right." R aym ond H atton J u lia Eave on necks and ears, which should have by making a beautiful dreaaer scarf been spared the emphasis of jewels -aid Uncle Eben. “Jes' as soon as ile and pincushion at very little cost. For vallis Saturday evening and the Col. Zachary Taylor, who had Just crowd cheers a kind word or a gem In accordance with our policy of giving our patrons the best in matron pic­ the cover take a piece of voile and dog was a* overjoyed to *ee them arrived from Florida and was pres­ rrous action de same as It does a ture, we have booked thr, super special On account of Us extra c,»t and our measure for a four-inch hem on all a* they were to get him back. A ently returning with a regiment of re­ tom e run." Ittle one-inch advertisement did four aides Pull about four threads contract with .he producers mat this picture must not lie ” cruits for the Seminole war, was each way and hemstitch. Edge this the trick. our prices for this night will be A D U L T S , S O , C H IL D R E N 2 5 _________ at Mrs Ktnzle's party He remem with a crochet lace or any lace that The Shedd Shorthorn club, com­ bered Harry and took him In hand < Eor sale. yon Wish. The center may he etn posed of Irene Quimby and Dellie and Introduced him to many of his hroldcred and. of comae, looks betfe G ather th em ■ od Clifford Cornutt, will go to friends as the best scout in the Black If done ao. You can use tiny wreaths a.bnX’a t ” V Hawk war, and. in spite of his dress yourself. live stock one In each corner. Do It In the colors Pacific International the young man became one of the orch ard a t the terry , rla i- to match the room. »how. Next paste a lining of thin allk of lions of the evening ris b u rg O m . m o r k i s The Lane county fair was not After refreshments the men went any desired shade to the under tide outside to smoke, and talk—some with and finish with small stitches and Ui< advertised in Harrisburg this vear, withont any injurious efiects, for it is cover is finished The pincushion m«' ami as a result the attendance pipes—of canalt/rallroads and corner all made of the purest materials and is be made In any desired shape an< from the latter city wa* very slim, Amor A. Tussing fresh every day. The purity and fresh lined with the same material as used in contrast with the large delega­ ness of our cofectionery has always been for the cover Edge the cushion wilt tions in previous years. I he Linn LAWYER AND NOTARY out strong point and it lias always lace to match the scarf or with ac county fair was advertised in Hal­ found ready favor with rhe candy eating Inch wide »«tin ribbon put on with s sey and there were time* last week B rownsvii . i k , O kkoon public Just try a box and be convinced ruffle Hemstitch nnd embroider and »hen this burg looked like the de­ you have a pretty set. serted village, so many-people were It is the best candy made. • Practical Shoe a the fair. Had Sighed Over Calf’s Hale. R ep airin g. The Linn County Goat club, My first love affair came to a cli­ with six goats on exhibition at the max when my sweetheart discovered Fine ilmt he hod been carrying a “lock" Portland show, ha* a chance to of the cair» tall next to hla heart for vm $3« in cash prizes, as it ie thot ,___ m _____ __ _ ________________ __________ — Dress Shoes a Speciality several rnontha, under the Illusion that tiers will be no competitor». It was a lock of my hair. He had Mr». O. W. McNeil received Insisted upon having a lock of my 501 Lyon St . Albany, Oregon, ord Sunday of the death of her hair, but I, having none to spare, and ither, R'W . McCall, at Gifford, finding that the color matched exactly of my red calf, aubatltutad that. 1 lain», where he had resided for Mr. and II answered the purpose very well the la'«t thirty year». ; ............................................................... III ill a small boy gave the secret away. Mr» McNeil left Monday to take Two door» oorth of the hotel Then I was denounced as a true daugh­ •barge of tlie body and interment ter of Eve I— Exchange. nil prepared to do all kinds of wilt be made at Palouse City, Jots and Tittles National Mazda Electric Lamps at the ? standard prices. W hen in need of a new supply see us. C/V955 cP- 'White P0ROIA peroxo(rean\ Ringo’s Drug Store F R ID A Y C ecil B. D e M ille ’s “ THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL” The Beauty Picture DeLuxe ! ApplPS A Child May Eat O ur Candy A. Peterson CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. ’ f j i e a l E s ta te a n ti « /n a u ra n ee Shoe Repair Shop -hoe repairing Harvest is Over Satisfaction guar­ anteed. JEWETT the COBBLER. W R IG H T & P O O L E Harry Looked l"te B'tn’a Eyea Ma, while the younger people wen» anclng and being proudly surveyed y their mothers As H a m and the ladlea were leav. ng Col. Taylor came to them and I ICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS HARRISBURG LEBANON Phone » 15 Brunches at Brownsville. Wro T Templeton. Mgr phone 4 C .C . B R Y A N T atto rney a t LA W Bldg. | V ' W. . S J. Ribelin - X L/.Z.I Pl / 11 am Office 1st door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. Now is th e tim e to begin a n o th e r year by gel- . tin g new im plem ents, such as < Dealer 5 l.H.C. Tillage ToolsgTractors Frank Kirk, M r £ “Young man. I am the voice »1 ,l’ 2)1 New First Nat'l Bank »untry 1 call yoa to Florida. W ill Albauy, Oregon. mu w)th u? next week? i° $ . ....... .....- 5 Halsey J. W. MOORE N o . is th e tim e to u se th e* ., Give us a cal ft >r yoU T til 11 1100(1». { G.W. Mornhinweg i J i m p l e m e n t S to r e ’ in Real Estate. Handles Town and Country Property Give him a call and see if be can 6a you up. • BARBER SHOP Electric Haircntting, Massaging and Hhampooing. Cleaning and Pressing. E. C . M IL L E R /ash,, where other member» of tie family are buried. Mr. and McNeil expect to return to J r * .---- Islsev in about ten day*. D r. E. W Barnum, accompa­ nied by C. P. Stafford, drove to v any Friday afternoon and at- -uded the races at the county fair. Johnny Standish arrived 8unday ven in g from Montana, where he ,a resided for several year*, and will attend high school here this winter. Mr Standish spent the spring and summer riding the range and working on ranches in and near Glacier National park, and ia covered with a goodly coat of tan. 1