Linn Cattle Lead tored to P o rtla n d F rid ay via Al- bany. where they took in the countv f*ir It was a trip ot bueme.-a aud pleasure com bined. T hey returned the first of th e week. More The new eouthside garage re- ports business opening up nicely. ! ___________ _____ • those of oue nerd are afflicted with tuberculosis. The poster also shows two children —one healthy, one diseased—aud the point Is brought out that tuberculous Breeders of Registered Stock than in anv Other County in Oregon. ' aad established himself tn the affee- I lions of a community. Its a way of adupliug him. So Mr Giwen had been adopted Into many fa»»ta* from Beardstown to Springfield. He was everybody’s “Uncle ltowlln. He had a moat unusual circumference and the slreugih to carry IL HI« niddjr Cheeks and curling locks and klmlly dark eyes and large head were deta a of importance. Under all were a heart with the love of men, a mind of un­ A Story o f the Builders usual understanding and a hand skilled in ull the arts of the Kentucky o f Democracy pioneer. He could grill « v e n is o n steak and roast a grouse aud broil a chicken tu a way which had filled the countryside with fond recollections of Ids hospitality; he could kindle a fire with a bow and string, a ptne »tkk and some shaving»; he could make Copyright. Irving BoehsUsr anything from a splint broom to a rocking horse with his Jack-knife. Abe Lincoln was one of the ijmuy men who SYNOP9IS. mew and loved him. C H A P T E R I.—S a m so n and Sarah T r a y ­ On H warm, bright afternoon early lor w ith th eir tw o child ren. Josia h anu U September, Bowlin Green wag going B etsey tra v el by * a < » n iron» their homv in \ •»rireunes Vt. to th e W est, th e lal.u around the pasture to put his fence- n of p l.iity T heir ¿ . . t m a t l o n j . t h e Louu repair, when he come upon young Mr. try o f the B angam on , In Illinois. Lincoln. The latter sat In the shade C H A P T E R II.—At ,f , tree on the hillside. He looked m eet a party o f Im m igrants, »m on « then a you th n a in e l John M cN eil, w ho alec •terribly peaked.” as Uncle Bowlin d ecid es to s o to aas said ln a letter. All of the p arty suffer from fe v *r^ ague. S a r a h '. m lnlatraU ona “Why, Abe, where have you been? of a youth. H arry N eed le». In th e 1»» ,e usked ’T h e whole village Is atacea of fever, and he accoinpantee th« T r a i le r . T hey reach N aw u,"' t a r r i Samson Traylor was here last AManfor the Ages The Holloway building on the the soil. But there Is. according to Linn County Breeders Wuth side, occupied by the Rauch garden specialists of the tu tted blacksmith shop, has been rerooied (Albany Democrat) Stales Department of Agriculture, a Farm ers rep o rt the soil here­ Linn has mor -breeders of regis­ still better plan and one that can be abouts in unusually fine cood tion tered stock than any other county put in practice after the season for sowing rye or barley Is loug past. That for fall seeding and a great deal 01 io the stale. better piau is to plow or spade the eraiu is going in in such good shape Among them are D. F . Burger garden in the fall or as early In the *, to promise well for next y ear’s | of Dever, whose Percherons won By Irving Bachelier the grand prize in competition with crop. the tied horses in the west; R. L A trucker in backing up to Coolex , A C o ’s store struck th e city d rin k ­ B u rk h irt, who holds world cham ­ ing fou n tain , sh a tte rin g it into pion Jerseys in his herds; R. C. many pieces. It has been suffi­ Burkh irt of Lebanon, who raises ciently repaired to enable th e pass­ (Shire horses; J. C. Brown A Son erby to slake his th irst. It Will be of Sbedd, who specialize on J e r­ seys; Ge >rge L- Lines, with A J replaced by a new one. C. C. Jerseys, Henry Stew art, Je r­ Tubercular-Free Cattle. While it did not carry off tne seys; George A. McCart of H arris­ animals may transmit the disease to first prize, the Brownsville exhibit burg, who is encouraging the Hoi. children who drink the mUk produced. at the A lbany fair was a very cred­ stein-Fi isian strain of cattle; W il­ The poster Is a strong appeal for itable one and attracted a great ier Blackburn ot Scio, with short­ healthy cattle, and it Is to be used ex­ deal of atten tio n . • W. J. Moore, horn cattle; F. H Porter, H alsev. tensively In the tuberculosis eradica­ who had charge of the display w ith red polled cattle; J. B- Cor­ tion campaign being carried on by the brought home with him the th ird n ett, Shedd, shorthorn ca ttle ; department. prize aud gave this portion of the F ran k Cochran, Brownsville; C. F. and are w elcom ed by you n g A be U n Careful experiments In practical light lookin’ for ye.” t -» county some good advertising. Tne Sargent, Scio, red polled; Lesli« work have shown that tuberculosis coin. ••I'm like a deer that’s been hurt, e x h ib it included grains, grasses, Cade, Jerseys; Charles Schm idt Az C H A P T E R I I I —A m on g th e T r a y lo r , cannot be detected to any great extenl aid the young man. “I took to the ac q u a in ta n c e s a r . U n c o !” • ’ ’ “’"‘J* among animals by physical examina­ first fruits, and vegetables from 111 gens Brownsville; Vaughn & Jack k e la o and hla p retty dau ghter Him .voods. Wanted to be alone. You s«b tions. The most reliable method Is the IS y e a r , of age. whole valley. I had a lot of thinking do—the kin wuuie Calapooia ------ ------- -- .Downing, Lyons, Shropshire a n . tuberculin test applied by a .trained thinking that every man m us: do T h ru the D avenport real estate p or8et „heep. Ed Sehoel, Chester CH A I T E R IV —S am son d ecid es to lo at N ew Salem , and b egin s building for himself. I’ve got the brush cleared agency E arl S ta n a rd purchased white hogg; E C McClain, Leba- Thia Boy Began Gardening Operations operator. Tuberculin, while regarded c h a t . t- houee I » d by J a c k A rm stron g us the most accurate diagnostic „way. at last, so 1 can see through. I row dies a ttem p t to Oreak UP ‘ •’’“Jpr 1. « week or two of sleep, said Mr. Now. what have ,ou gained by that a tte n tiv e to Ann R u tled ge. ' ¿ t i c o l n l e j n was delightfully passed in games yearling bull, second and Plan? Well, In addition to fertilizing love w ith Ann, but h a s never had en ou gh Lincoln, as he rose nnd started down cou rage to tell her eo. and social am enities, ending with th ird ; calf, second; cow, 4 years old the ground.4*id putting It In better ►he long hill with his frleud. the usual “ e a ts,” of which there or over, first; two-year-old heifer, physical condition, this: The garden Some time later ltowlln Green gave C H A P T E R V I. - T raylor h elp s tw o .la v e« , w ho had run aw a y from »1. Ixm •_ Samson this brief account of wbat iiu t iip r t h e i was an abundanc. first and second; senior yearling can be planted earlier In the spring to escap e. K llphalet H iggs, ow ner o f the follow in g them , a tte m p ts to beat happened In and about tlie cabin The m any friends hereabouts of heifer, first and second; junior than If It had been left bare or plant­ y o u r s e lf. .’Oi* eus, heeta, let­ came I went up the 'udder to bed. He CH APTER V III.—B lm c o n fs » « » to has a wide circle of friends wh breeder’s calf herd, first; ex h ih it- tuce and onion sets con be planted as H arry th at .h e lo v e . B ig g . and **}• was »till usleep when I eaine down In youth I. d le c o n .o l.t.^ ld n r °ln the morning. I went out and did my will ioin in best wishes for the fu­ ors’s young herd, first; get of sir«, early In the spring as the ground can up«.!« a. se a t In the le g isla tu r e . H e an a chores. Then I cut two venison ture. The newly-weds will reside first and second; produce or datn. be worked. If plowing or s i d in g the Harry volu n teer for the B lack H aw k war. steaks, each about the size o’ my band. and le a v e N ew Salem . -round has been deferred till spring, first aud second. in Sweet Home. 1 work done prom ptly and Hiid a half moon of bacon. I pounded G e.rge A M cCart of H a r m „ delay of ns much as three weeks Is The Brow nsville high school foot­ the venison to pulp with u Utile »«It reasonably. Phone No. 20». likely to occur after these crops should ball team went to Corvallis Friday burg took fourth and fifth prizes have been planted—which means, re- and bacon mixed In. I put It on the kt ,n Holstein hull calves. ano played the high school boys broiler and over a bed o’ hickory coals. su sta in him In hla g rief. luclng It to money measure, that you G o rg e Dannen of Shedd tom there, the soore being 41 to 0 in will go on buying vegetables for at C H A P T E R X — L in coln , d efeated In hl« I got the coffee Into the pot and up first prize for a two-year-old short- (cast that long after you might have next to the fire and some potatoes in a n c lH a .v for the .le«’o.'a’ “ roL fo rm s favor of C orvallis. B erry In . inlD w ith Bill the ashes. I busted a bird with bacon G L A S S E S F IT T E ,een bringing them In nice and fresh B lx g . « n d s » S » o g to Mrs. A. S H am ill, who has lioru heifer, iae. bu t th e N ew S alem strips and put It Into the roaster and John Quimbv of Hal««v, 1 BY been q u ite sick for some days, is on senior shorthorn yearling helf-r. rom your own garden If you had done set it back o’ the broiling bed. Then , little work In the fall or early g r a d u a t e reported som ew hat improved- K atherine Pugh of the school winter. CHAPTER XI.-IJBcoln. now !»•»- I made some biscuits and put era O P T O M E T R IS T inaeter d e . l d « to run a g a in for tn e Into the oven. I tell you. In u Iltl e Banker H enry Thom pson h is club at Shedd took third on junior le g isla tu r e A nn R u tled g e le openly I « 5 . w ith Joh n M cN eil. H e le a v e s for while the smell o' that fireplace would been m aking quite extensive im shorthorn yearling heifer. P R IV A T E o f f ic e PUTTING PLOW AWAY IN FALL hie hom e In th e E ast. Pron' l., l1'!?o m i c - huve 'woke the dead—hopestl Abe provensents in the hue resident R. A. Tem pleton of Halsey *on turn soon and m arry Ann. L incoln •< F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S began to stir. In a minute I heard e sp ts bis d e fe a t m a n fu lly N o wordI property he recently purchase, 18 first prizes and 1 second on Chev­ Excellent Plan to Apply Good Coat of in< from M cN eil. A nn c o n fe s se s to Abe P R IC E S r e a s o n a b l e him call! , , h i t hie real nam e la M cN a.nar, and her Axle Grease and Cover With from the Moyer estate w he f .« r s th a t he w ill not return L incoln iot sheep. , . . . •‘ •Say. Uncle Bowlin, Im goln to M. FR EN C H & SONS Thin, Dry Dust. In h l. d eep love en d e a v o r s to reasaura com pleted according to presen ■ C P Kizer of H arrisburg got get up an' eut you out o' house and her th ough he -sh a r e s her m isg iv in g s ALBANY OREG. plan s it will make Mr and M third prize on wether lam bs <>’ home. I'm hungry and I feel Uke a ncoin X . h l. .e a t In t h . le g lu r e . When you put yonr plow swny for middle wool breed-, but on Oxford Thom pson a delightful home. new man. W hut time Is It l C H A P T R R X II .—A nn h ears from Mu rhe season, put a good eoat of axle N a m ^ r b u t h l. tetter ' « / N d Downs he took several blue riboons “ ‘It'll be nine o’clock by the time W hat is more perfect than rrea«e on the point and moldboard nnd con vin ced he d o « not love her Hhe tei s you're washed anil dressed,' I say» m d bis ram was the cham pion. Abe of her doubt, and ha con feeeee hie ■over the grease with a good covering O ctober day ? •• ‘Well. I declare,' says be, 'I’ve had lo v e and a sk s her to m arry him Ann Irene Quimby of Halsey won d eclares sh e d o e . oot y e t love him- h The school budget for the yea second on junior shorthorn heifer )f drt dust. This will cause the axle about sixteen hours o' solid sleep. The w ill try to. W ith ttiat prom ise •reuse to stfC where the grease Slone s e ts ou t tor V an d alia and h is le g isla tiv e world looks better to me this morn­ as fixed by the board a few even vould drv out. nnd will save a lot of calf. d u ties ings ago am ounts to nearly » 0. ing.' . courins when plow time comes. CHAPTER X I I I .—in sp ired by E lijah "At the table 1 told him a story and T his includes the taking up lx iv e jo y . T raylor a r ra n g es on hie farmi a got a little laugh out of him. lie nearly »3000 w orth of bonds and PREPAREGARDEN N O W sheep — AS SCAVENGERS hiding p lace for runaw ay Apples F. M. GRAY, Drayman. « - ss\K=dB stayed with me three wacks, chorlng around the place and Inking It easy, Plow or Spade Ground and Cover With Care Are Essential to lie read all the books I had, until you Feed and Coarse Manure to Put It in Bet­ • lop r Flock for --- Mutton—Ani- and Doc Allen came with the law velop S S S ? » - malt Keep Down Weeds. ter Physical Condition for books. Then he pitched Into them. I CUUI ’ atteudin Spring Planting. think he has changed a good deal sines la tte r p a rt of the wees Sheep possess great ability to reno- Ann died. He talks a lot about God conference in th e interest of secur at« the soil, keep down all kinds of by th e U n ited S ta te s Depart- and the hereafter.” imr a man for the pastorate here. , 7 u r r / i r e r / ä i / e s m ent o f A gricu lture. ln October young Mr. Lincoln re­ eed that would otherwise often be T heir interview with the d istin to consume odds and ends turned to his surveying, nnd In the The man who makes a veeds and superintendent was quite satis a - care no more for w rk stories like those we used to hesr in slig h test touch of tne W ILD K Y LODGE NO. ßß. O clean up Ton wouldn t ex. use a Posier Used in Tuberculosis atudy or friendship. He wandered lovenly kept house. Well, slovenl the lumber camp, and no end of Pow' m an. Regular m eeting next Balorda» Eradication Campaign. In the woods and up«" ’be prairies erful talk. In which the names of God , X "n the garden Is hardly m»re to T h e county la ir at Albanir Many feared that he would and the Savior were roughly handled. tolerated flood housekeeping In Ughi. _________ „ „ . C i . . . 0 .« ‘ A few of the stateamen got drunk, and Mae hla reason our citizens th ith e r Friday. T har, waa a wise and merry hearted after the dinner was over two ef them pi)K SALE merely because a slovenly garden Cartful Experimanta Hava Demon- atrated That Dlaeaae Cannot Ba «an who Uved a m,le <* ** ,rm" ,h* Jumpeil on the table and danced down n ‘winter 1» the most First elsa» eecond hand It looked like old limes to » aUlage. Hla name was Bowlin Green Detected to Any Great Extent the whole length of It, shattering Sam e a .y e r behind th e ’ hlng in man’s perversion "f nature^ JS U a u s e the success of next years day. wbeq one of middle ag< plates and cupa and sau.ers and by Fhyaical Exam inaient. glassea. Nobody seemed to be able egetables depends on “ ■ l’ r^ ______ to atop them. I bear that they bad to Most of the diseases and Insect pests rpyapared by th e U n ited S tatae D epart- ment o f A gricu ltu re.) | pay several hundred dollara for the (hat affect garden crops B y * over Unlike moa« <>'»'«'• Infectious dix damage done. You will be apt to think vlnter In the remains of the past sea cnant tuberculotiis haa an inaldloua that there Is too much liberty here In » ’ • 10 d"ub’ * ,h '° Lincoln, who all his life has associated e y e s t r a in t .hould not be allowed to I. b.™ whether hla animal» are affected, the) with rough tongued, drinking men, over winter. Oronnd exixwed to^beat s the Cause ol Many udd. Thio point la brought out elea how he managed to hold his own , , , rains will Peddle and wash and ILLS human |y In » two-colored potter published , . u . f Pork Veal and M utton. See U ” course and keep his talk and habits M giiat loss of plant food Is sure to re- b; lbe department, on which ta A o w . L" , V C ’ H ighest prices paid lor Beef. Pork, > eai an « .olt, A very good P>«" >« * ** two herds of dairy cattle. From all ,O , -1 1 . H .IW J p i » “ i f » B ' " " ’ " 1« r B “ ” 3 ” 51' d ean "•Why, the fact Is, said he, I :i garden In some green cmp. such . . (ippearsnces the animale of hoth_herd, aaaodsted with the people who lived m-e healthy, but a» a matter of fac of tli« time, hut I, i « X» rv.aa lf la l.i t S st. t W. , j j y m m d j n j L A l l l l i ---- i— ------- ; } „3 W Albany. Albany- Phone * * * * * * * * * * * * * in te re st. tlon on ih < “U nderground R ailroad c n i P T K R X IV .—Ann arfreea to m arry A b . b m bar h e a lth U w recked T hree r u n .w a y s l a v « seek T ra y lo r's help In « .p in g T h ey belon g to B i n s *nd he " m ? . In pu rsuit o f them T h r ea ten ed w ith arrest for Inciting the raid on T ray lor he fleea. One o f tn e fu g itiv e s 1» B lm In d l.x u l» e Bhe h a s fled from her huar ban d’s cru elty De- O p to m eirLst. ‘ ALBANY. STRONG APPEAL MADE FOR HEALTHY CATTLE I. O. O. F. X .... " - t i x «•»'•? GW' a»“ MAYBERRY & M c K inney 1 5 l iv e s t o c k b u y e r s