Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 13, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    ia o . w EY
k I-~
IX 1921
W A N is NO O tk E o
b„-c« cl ILe arm oi H Henning,
who was pickiug blackberries Yes, ,
> Tbe Sherwood N®w» pro'eats this is the open season, and there
against tbe law which requires a is a new fool born every minute.
farmer, after pheasants have been
raised at bis expense in hie grain
fields, to pay $3 for a license be­
fore he can g ill one for food and
French Court« May Reverse De­
"W h a t is the matter with the
cision of 43 Years Ago.
farmers anyway? Why don’t they
agitate tbe damnable injustice and
outrage thru grange and F irm Bu­ Chemist Convicted of M u rd e rin g W ife
reau and elect a legislature tli.t
by A d m in isterin g A rsenic Asks fo r
will repeal tbe unju.-t law and
Rehearing o f Case.
abolish tbe game warden dukes
and let them earn a living by hon­
P a ris — Modern scientific
est toil?
with regard to arsenical poison may
that they b«7e thus oi^de lue bad
Now comes a wiser scientist than
the usual and he has discovered
that there are chromoaones in us.
Think of it! Chromoaones! Nona of
us had suspected that we were thus
Subscriptions, »1.50 a year in advance eu lowed. This advanced scientist
Arrearages, »2 a year.
Transient advertising 25c an inch, per­ takes the-e wonderful belongings
manent. 20c. No discount for time of ours and classifies them, and
or space
then be discards those of them
In "Eaid-for Paragraph»,” 5c a lin e
No advertising disguised as news
which tend to evil and presto!
Phone 205
we are all to tbe good and our
children will be born good and
H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore. Oct. 11. 1921
wise and free from total or any
Warern Ashworth of Yaquina
other degree df depravity.
Hurrah lor the doctor! and h u i- found a dead pe lean on tbe beach
rah for the good cbrOrnosons! and and sent it to a Portland taxider-
[ mist to have the skin stuffed and
The Spokane medical society has anathema to the e u l ones!
The absurd game law
excommunicated persons who have
At tbe Carnegie Institute at Cold mounted.
of a pelican
been licenced by the slate to fit Springs, N. Y ' , experts have jug.
spectacles but not to tieat eyes
gled the chromoaones in chickens
The society also censured one until they have pioduoed one with
Dr. Talbot for delivering profes­ skin as black as ink, or a liar bar W u rth 's [>e ie n and caused him tu
sional lectures to Spokane optom­ been sending out news-from there ■ be arrested and fined. Could there
If these fellows keep on they
ri^ culou'
«“ tbe
Perhaps they want to
copyright all medical knowledge will change tbe leopard's spots and
and forbid its use by anybody who tbe Ethiopian’» skin and the color
does not pay them for the right.
line and racial questions will cease
The Albany H erjld apparently
A news article lauding facilities to disturb politics apd diplomacy.
think» that the reaeon why the
provided at a clinic brought down
boomerang hurled by Brownsville
wrathful denunciation by the so­
pastors at the community build,
ciety, tho nobody was found re­
Many evidences are daily com. ing project came hack and stunned
sponsible for this “ advertising.”
ing to hand of the increased ap­
Questioning the “ ethical” ortho, plication of church advertising, them was that they were trying to
doxy of the state association, tbe but seldem do we see a full, seveu- enforce man-made law against
Spokane institution threatened to column page display, such as ap- dancing on a whole community
withdraw and go it alone and to peared in tbe September '20th is- instaad of oo the organizations by
sue of ihe Roseville ( I I I . , I iraes- anq ,or whiCh it was made.
appropriate a fund of «4000 or Citizen.
The oedksion was the , ..
— who in these latter d a y s
- fellow
«5000 that had been raised for tbe . . . . . .
An independent— N O T neutral— news­
paper. published every Thursday,
b r W m . H . * A. A W H E E L E R .
W . H. W a u M t a Editor.
M as. A A. W H U H taa Business M anager
and Local News Editor.
fiftie th a n n iv e rs a ry ,
home co m in g
“ I bus saith tbe Lord'
coHservation of the public health and rally day of the Roeevtlle •»»»»:
The ad con. finds skeptics who doubt bis in-
and devote it to propaganda Christian church.
tamed a cut of the church edifice «pjration.
»gainst contract pub'ic services by
and of S A. Cook, pastor and
______ , ________
the physicians.
sp-aker of the day; a program, a
¡vein, a m o v ie director at L >«
The Spokane authorities an­ history of the organization and
nounced that they would investi­ various Scriptural quotations and Ang-l-s, gave a party on the Ar-
The whole was displayed buckle plan Saturday night, but
gate (hequestion and named a date texts.
in highly attractive typography be di,| better tha„ Arbuek|e b
when the super-ethical medicos
and excellent taate; a notice to the . .
, .
. , ,
? , *
° f .C” *S,ng
might present their case, but in ­ world that the town has a m in i. h' ,
vestigation was just what the latter ter and church organization bent the death of an innocent girl. H -
did not want. They were like the upon c h i rying the gospel to de- was found dead in his rooms with
man "who hsfe'h the light, netlhtr sired ends by tbe most eff d ive t wo girls, one of them his acknowl-
As an evidence that the ej ged raigtress
cometh to the light.”
eff >rt was not to l>e n-mfined rim -
Du ing the 12 months preceding ply to the anniversary occasion,
the employment of the Drs Mount I tnc ad closed w'th the following
Investigation shows that Ledoux
f o r t h - Hswlev Pulp & Paper com displayed line:
“ The above » « tv - whostag-d auctionsfof unemployed
1 ices to be continued by intensive men at Boston and elsewhere, is
pany the commission paid the doc­
gospel preaching each night at
supported by a hard working wife
tors of Oregon City on behalf of r :3t).’’— Publishers’ A u xiliar y
and his children.
Hs's tbe righ'
biinred employe» of that company
Reference was made in the En­
more than «IF 00. I he commission terprise last week to the success­ timber o'i which to make a walking
is now paying a flat .»alary of ful neaepaper advertising (lone by delegate to go around on a salarv
calling shikes among those who
32').» for this work.
the First Christian church of Eu­
have jobs.
The commission has not received gene
In that cHy people are not
a single oomplamt lioui anv em snrptiaad wnen they see a “ full,
Football is a alow sport com­
p oye since the above atrangeuieiil seven.column’' church advertise­
The death
was made, against the care end ment. They are accustomed to it.
at Fort
treatment being given by the Drs
the first
The only complaint has
football fatality of the s-ison,
c ons from the opposing doctors.
The United Sta'ee G rsin C to v -
Ethics am ethics,
ers report that tfi.000 mem ersbip where»« dozens of men have al­
blank4 have been signed.
1 his is ready been killer! for deer.
an inciease of 1603, the largest
weekly increase yet reported
Ixi 'is Siversoo, hunting grouse
total ol 442 elevator« bave affiliated
near Astoria Rnndiv, «hot into
Medical and other science bei with the organizstipH.
progressed at fast in the last hall
Th» grsin gamblers' orginiz ition moving bushes oi l hr ike both
century a« mechanical knowledge mike« two rather inconsistent
Previous to that tune men lived slateme ts regarding th» first,
The first i«
like Mathusaleh, hundreds of years, named organisation.
without knowing that they bad an tb it it is full of fa u lt, and unprac-
ap|>endix, <>T bad tonsils, ar sde ticeble and the »ec.pt I that the
no ds, th.it ought to be cut out, oi grain dealers must unite to a nun
that on land and sea and in the in the fight to overrnAie it.
air there lurked microbes and the
germ« thereof ready to pounce upon
tn-re man at tbe first opportunity
The O A. C has developed a
end return him to the clay he new French prune of t«ice the or-
came from.
d in 'ry elle
Wilson Popenoe, in-
Noar we have learned that then vetligating fruita in Colombia lor
are microbee and bacilli and mi the development of agriculture,
otococoi miugliug within oar very announces that he ha« found lh*ie
being, and thal leucocytes and a giant wild blackberry that sur­
phagouitee roam through us from passes th" loganberry.
As he ia
toenail to topknot and that the th» same man who brought front
battles which their armies tighr Guate os «¡th« sv»c<>do, now t"
within ug have caused the human popular among California fruits,
body t« eclipse Armageddon sa » bis announcement •• received with
interest by horticulturists.
field of slaughter.
And science isn't satisfied yei j
- • • • - ------
with all the things it has done
Senator Newberry heal Henry
to «•-
Ford for his office by »l»ft.(X>0 at
We have thought ourselves su- least, as has been proved hefori
perior to those savage» who im ' the Inveetlgators, in violation of
prove their race by killing weak th» law of Michigan.
He escaped
lings, cripples and imbecilee befor* punishment on the ground tha>
they are eld enough to propagate, ihe law wee not valid, though h-
we hare propoeed to sterilise them was SO fearful that it might huh.
and leave them the privilege ol water that he falsified the report»
enjoying the pleasures or miserie* in an attempt to conceal much i f
If his party wet*
of life during th» time slotted them the slush fund
by nature, and our doctors have in the m inority he would bw un
opaiated upon the skulls and «eated. hut it i»n‘t and he isn't
b ltiu s of perverts and proclaimed That ia party politics.
The Baptist church services were
abandoned Sunday evening and
the pasfor, Rev. Mr. Woodworth,
and his people visited with their
brethren of the Presbyterian church
and listened to an excellent ser­
mon by the pastor, Rev. a . M.
McClain. The new parsior of the
Methodist church not having ar-
rived yet, that congregation was al­
so largely represented in the serv­
I t is pleasant for brethren
thus to dwell together in unity.
cause the Fiench courts to reverse a
life sentence passed 43 years ego on
a chemist named Danval, who was
found guilty of having murdered hts
Danval. who. owing to a press agita­
tion. was released 19 years ago. has .
now filed a petition asking for per­
mission to bring his case before the
supreme court of appeal
The Dan
val case was one of tbe most famous
poison trials In the annals of French
crim inal law. In 187^ M Danval was
This young Japanese woman la com­
a prosperous chemist w ith an estab­
ing to America to observe those things
lishment In the Rue Mauberg.
which w ill prove of Interest and bene­
cused of having poisoned his wife, he
fit to the ladies back In her uafive
was brought to tria l before the Seine
land. She Is Miss S. Inouye. a grad­
ai-slze court, and on May 10. 1878. con­
uate of the Joshi Dalgala, and a
demned to deportation for life
daughter o f Prof. H. Inouye of that
Famous experts appeared both for
the prosecution and the defense. aDd
the whole of medical Jurisprudence
"W atch Your Step."
concerning the qualities of arsenic, as
W altons, C al.— H e re a fte r when W.
they were then known, was argued
before the court for many days. The N. Noel of this place starts to m ilk
government experts found traces of bis cow he w ill a a y : "W atch your
arsenic In Mme. Danval'» body which » te p !’’
M r. Noel sat quietly down ou his
to one m illigram
(.01549 grain). This, It was argued, stool last evening to m ilk the fam ily
proved that arsenic had been admin­ cow, neglecting to make tills rem ark.
istered with crim inal Intent. A toxi­ As he proceeded with the Job the cow.
cologist for the defense, however. apparently becoming tired of standing
maintained that one m illigram was a still, sought to change her position,
perfectly normal amount o f arsenic to and In doing so placed one bf her feet
find in the human body. I t was polnt- firm ly upon the foot o f the milker. An
ed out that the green curtains sur­ X ray examination disclosed that M r.
rounding Mine. Danval's bed had beeo Noel had suffered several broken bones
colored with an arsenical dye and con­ In hie foot.
tained an ounce of pure arsenic.
Cancer of the Toe-Nail.
M Danval was sent to the penal
One of the rarest diseases known la
settlement of New Caledonia. He was
cancer o f the nail, only four cases be­
living there, com paratively fret?, w ith
his fam ily, when, In 1902. the ord«r ing on record. T he most recent one
Is described by Dr. Carlos Chagas of
came for hlg release.
the medical college o f Bello Bello
The French government toxicologist
Horizonte, B razil. I t Is that of a la­
ha» just issued a new textbook for
borer, aged sixty, who had It on the
consultation a t crim inal trla la In
nail of his right great toe. T he toe
which It la declared that the presence
of so small a quantity as one m illi­ was amputated and the man. appar­
gram of arsenic in the human body la ently cured, dlsnppenred. T h e toe was
negligible and ought not to be takefi examined microscopically and con­
firmed th- d 'e -n — I .
as Incrim inating evidence In a charge
of murder.
I t Is on this new ruling th a t M
Danval appeals.
New York Health Spot Is
Ghetto. 3.300 to a Block
New York.— New York city ’s
healthiest district ts not In
F ifth avenue. Riverside park.
Oram ercy park, nor any of the
other select residential quar
ters. hut In the heart of the
Ohetto, w ith Its swarming thou­
The beard of health
proved It w ith statistics.
In sanitary district No. 12.
comprising ten square blocks
on the lower East side, w ith a
population of 83.878. or more
than 8.800 persons to a block,
the m ortality rate was 6.44 per
1,000. against the city's average
o f 12 39
3 Union Suitsat 1.50 $4.50
6 prs. Socks
2 Work Shirts at .75 1.50
Leather Gloves
3 Overalls at 1.50
Canvas Gloves
- 2.00
Just recently we sold a customer ot
ours the above bill of goods for 18.20.
A year ago the same bill would have cost
Mrs. Arthur McClain, mother of
the Presbyterian pastor, who is
visiting at the manse, had tbe mis­
fortune to fa 11 part way down the
front stepe at the church Sunday
euening after the service and re­
ceived some painful, tho it is thot
at this time not serious, injuries.
Her arm and hip and knee ou one
side were somewhat bruised. Mrs.
KcClain is considerably beyond
the three-acore-and-ten period and
consequently will not recover as
rapidly as would a younger per sop.
Currin Isom, son of M r. and
Mrs. Crock Isom, left Monday
morning for Washington stare,
where he has secured a position
for the winter.
Oreo Stratton has a fine crop of
apples this year in hia orchard on
the Calapooia east of town. He
has already shipped about two car­
loads of the earlier varietiee. Mr.
Stratton’s fruit ranch has furnished
work for quite a lot of people and
also brot no small amouutof mon­
ey into the community.
This beautiful October weather
is proving an asset to this commu­
nity as it is to every other in toe
One of our citizens who ar­
rived from Iowa last summer was
so disgusted with the unusually
wet fall and winter that followed
that he had decided to return, hut
now will remain and has arranged
to put in ten acres of small fruit iu
the spring and try the fruit busi­
ness in Oregon. Nothing the mat­
ter with Oregon!
M r and Mrs. “ B illy ” Cochran
of Ashland were the gueste of Mr,
and Mrs Ed 8tortz Sunday, driv­
ing to Eugene in the evening.
There is a rumor that the Coch­
Brownsville Briefs
rans are arranging to move to Al­
Prof. Baker, principal of th» bany soon.
high «chool, teaches a Presbyterian
Some of the dairymen hereabouts,
Stindav-sr hoo> class.
who last year filled their silos with
Rev. T. H Downs goes to a pas­ sunflower ensilage, are not using
the sunflower this year. Their ex­
torate at Sutherlin.
perience last year was not satis­
George Tetzie got a six-point factory.
buck near town the oth *r day.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sawyer, ac­
by Mrs. W C Cooley
Tbe repainting of thp Baptist
and Ed Sawyer and son Harry,
church is being completed.
drove to Corvallis Sunday to see
Trov Putman struch a horse and Edwin Sawyer, who is in a hos­
the hors» «truck him, nearly knock­ pital there, suffering from a severe
attack of blood poisoning resulting
ing ont his eye.
from an injury received a few days
Although Edwin was hur­
Th» high school is giving a ago.
ried to the hospital as soon as the
course in the Bible. |
dangerous nature of tbe wound
was discovered the infection bad
so spread thsough the arm that the
Dr. 0 H. Kent and familv bave case has been a very stubborn one
moved into the O«horn property. for the hospital experts to handle
and at thje writing (M onday) tbe
lad ie oot yet wholly out of danger.
To afford the necessary drainage
several tubes have been inserted in
the arm, and every ingenuity of
mdern surgery is being employed
•o counteract tbe effects of the
Mrs. Sawyer is with Ed­
win at the hospital;
3 Union Suits at 3.00 $9.00
6 prs. Socks
2 Work Shirts at 1.50 3.00
Leather Gloves
3 Overalls at 3.25
Canvas Gloves
- 3.00
I he store with a square deal for every
near the Baptist church, the resi­
dence where they had been living
having been sold.
Tbe new loca­
tion ie near the doctor’s office, and
in that respect will be quite con­
The illness of Mrs. Andy K irk,
mentioned in a previous letter, has
proved much more serious than a?
first supposed and her present con­
dition is giving her family and
friends much anxiety. Her daugh­
ter, Prof Weber’s wife who had
been with her previously, is here
• gain assisting to take care of her
mother, and the other members of
tbe Weber family were over from
Harrisburg Sunday to spend the
Miss Glenda Rosa returned Sun­
day from a week-end visit with her
uncle and aunt. Prof and Mrs.
Weber, and their fam ily at H a r­
Rev. A. M McClain received a
fin» White leghorn cockerel byex-
prees from Rev. Mr
Woodburn, Saturday
The bird is from one of the be»t
'trains in tbe country, the orig-
in il setting of egg« which were the
foundation of M r Mocelle's flock,
costing «30.
Mr. McClain has
quite a flock of highly bred pallets.
Mr. and Mrs. H ultz, living on
the Ketlewell farm south of Browns­
ville. welcomed a son to their home
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hume and
Mr, god J(r». George Huaae » « •