9 HALSE r ENTERPRISE T --------- 1 VOL. X H A L S E Y . L IN N COUNTY, O R E G O N . Church Announcements NO. 6 (4) Philanthropy ofThe most gener­ ous sort, causing one to surrender the postmaster does not rake the all earthly goods for the sake of the trouble either to notify the mercan­ Mrs. E lva Estes Bristow is v isit­ tile house or send the suit hark Then poor Is praiseworthy, but unless actu­ ated by love is valueless before God. when the house kicks, and begins to ing at the Geo. Daqnen home. (5) Heroic devotion which leads to Rood the customer with letters asking H er husband, Rev. A. B. Bristow, for a remittance for the brown solt, is pastor a t Paso Robles, Cal. martyrdom is profitless unless backed by love. too. the customer tears up the letter* The sm all son of Rayiuon Dun­ 2. The Attributes of Love (vv. 4-T). end the postmaster pays no attention can was taken down with infantile to letters to him." ( I ) It Is long-suffering and kind. W aller Fox speut the week end' 2 j miles from H alsey on route 2 Glover said that the department paralysis Suuday while playing in (2) It is free from envy. Those Some time ago be had a slight had been able to Clear up the 50.000 the yard. who love are entirely free from the io A lbany. delayed case» partly because It had spirit engendered because of the su­ R R. Watson of Albany was a stroke of what appeared to be p ar­ waived Mrs. L enna C ornett Is sick with the old rules requiring many alysis, and from which he has not perior worth and success of others. ' visitor here M onday. a bad cold and pneum onia is affidavits as to the cost of articles al­ (3) It is free from boasting and fullv recovered. Mrs. Edw ards feared. M ayberry & M cKinney shipped has been nursing and caring for leged to be lost. vanity. Love strives to do good to all and Is not careful to seek their admira­ a carload of hogs to Salem W ednes­ him for some tim e. Missionary Society tion and applause. day. z W illiam D avidson, wife aud (4) It is decorous. Love is always The W om en’s Foreign Mission­ Mrs. M unkers of Brownsville daughter, Mrs. C lara McCoy, all polite and mannerly; knows how to be­ ary Society met with Mrs. D . S left for A lbany, via H alsey, on of Brownsville, were Albany shop­ have at all times. M cW illiams Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday. pers Monday. (5) It Is unselfish. It Is always Mrs. W illiam W ahl gave a vety seeking the good of others and is for­ Mr. aud Mrs. W. A Carey and Kern Isom left Monday for interesting paper on Ja p a n and getful of self. d iu g u ier motorJfi to Aloauy >n W ashington, where he will be em- Best Results Are Obtained by Korea. (6) It does not give way to passion. W dnesday. ployed, and Frank Isom made a The work for the year was out­ Continuous Grazing. It does not allow Itself to be aroused lined and gives promise of a very W alter Sm ith, carpenter, is seri­ trip to Portland- to resentment. It Is not quick tem­ active and prosperous year. ously ill with a severe cold, at his (Continued on page 5) pered Experiments Conducted St Different The names of Mrs, George M orn­ (7) It takes no delight In evil; does home on H street. Stations Show T hat Pastures Are hinweg and Mrs. F annie S larr were — — — — Ä . . . — I — — — —I not Impute evil motives to others; Is Mrs. R I. Edw ards was a H al- Being U tilized io O ne-Half added to the m em bership roll. 06085166 not suspicious. It Is forgiving. Love sev vi.-itor M onday, on her way to T heir Capacity. A com m ittee was a p p o in t'd with has no sympathy with that which Is She hl to visit friends. Mrs. M ornhinw eg as ch airm an to evil, hut sympathizes with that whi'-h (P repared by th e U n tied S la te s Depart­ ig true; has a common joy with it. C. G. Morris of Y oncalla has entertain the Epw orth league on m ent o f A gricu ltu re.) (8) It tieareth all things. It wraps been assigned to the pastorate of For every lt)U acres of other crops the evening of Oct. 81, Itself In the gracious mantle of love ilie Brow nsville M ethodist church, on farms In the United States, say ex­ and shuts all evil out. perts of the United States Department Quail H unters, Look O ut R. A. N aden, m anager of the (9) Love Is trustful; It looks Into of Agriculture, there are 91.5 acres of Minor Post Offices Cause Trouble The state game commission that Standard oil com pany at H arris­ the future with confidence. pasture, of which about one-third Is listed as "Improved pasture," Corn met September 12 took no action (10) Love Is hopeful; It seizes the burg, was a Halsey guest Tuesday. for Department by Slack­ Is the only crop that exceeds In acre­ in regard to closing th e season on things of the future and brings them Mrs. L. C. Edw ards left for her ness of Methods. Bob W hite quail, and as it stands age Improved pasture. into the present, appropriating them home in P ortland last M onday, af- for Its use. Some years ago uu ample series of the season is open from October 16 er visiting her sons Johu of H al- However, th e sei • ( I I ) Love Is firm. It Is free from experiments on typical blue grass pas­ to October 31. vacillation. It Intelligently sets its -ey and Ray of Brownsville. ture was conducted by the department tim ent among the farm ers, alinoat attention to things that are right and co-operatively with the Virginia ex­ to a m an, is against ki ling q u a il. M r*. Ruby WitZ’g, niece of Mrs. with unvarying strength holds fast. periment station. These experiments So it will he well for hunters to Philo S ta rr and Mr3. K. B Pen- 3. The Permanence of Love (vv. 8- land, and child left for her home Poatmastsrs Refuse to Answer De­ showed clearly that heavy pasturing take notice to not kill them on partm ent Correspondence and •esulted In twice the returns that light 13). (1) It outlasts prophecy. Proph­ in Oregon City last week. any farm in th e Hal»ey vicinity. pasturing as generally practiced gives. ecy In the Scriptures ineuns both a Threaten to Quit Whan Called A Friend of Bob W hite. Mondav, while in A lbany, Rev. Furthermore, after heavy pasturing foretelling of events and the teaching to Task by Officials. the pastures were In much better con­ if the Word of God. Prophecy as pre­ r. H Ih w n s of Brownsville stated Alternate grazing showed no diction shall be fulfilled; prophecy as th at he and his wifs had returned Washington.— Some of the trials of dition. High 8lgn o f A rt. leaching shall he brought to an end In from Forest Grove and he expected the Post Office department with manv advantage over continuous grazing. "See that picture on the outside of that day when teaching Is not needed to locate in S utherlin soon, The results show clearly that pastures my paint box!" suld Gertrude, the Mrs. of the fourth class postmasters of the (Heb. 8:11 ; Jer 91 :3d). country, who refuse to answer official In general are being utilised only to student artist. ’’Well, that's my In­ Downs had visited in Salem. (2, It outlasts speaking with correspondence, anti who otherwise one-half their productivity, and that troduction to any other student who's Rev. C. T. Cook, pastor of the conduct themselves In a perhaps too this light pasturing Is to their detri­ trying to become famuus along the longues. The raee once spoke the same language, but as a judgment for local Methodist ch u rch , returned high handed fashion, are revealed by ment. Comparable results were later lines of Rosa Bonheur aud huppeus to sin and rebellion God brought confu­ from Forest Grove Monday after a W. Irving Glover, third assistant post­ obtained In North Dakota and In Utah. know about the Idea. There's no sion -end caused the peffple % spein,*“ yerv* ln iere8t1(jg m eeting a t th a t master general. The prejudice against heavy pastur­ special picture painted on the box, If many tongues. The day Is coming place. Those fourth class postmasters. It ing Is due partly to the desire of the you know whut I mean, hut just some­ We are pleased to note when the redemption wrought by Je­ that Mr. Cook will rem ain here, appears, hMve been In part responsible farmer to avoid the possibility of a thing that will let the fellow tollers In sus Christ shall have been accom­ where he is certainly appreciated. for the delay In adjusting the 50,000 shortage of pasture aud partly to the oils know the other Is striving also to plished in all its fullness; all nations claims for lost and damaged parcels. dea that heavy pu storing Is Injurious reach artistic heights. In this way shall be brought back to one tongue. Mrs. H. A. Welier and Child of But more than that, they continually to the grass. Sacrificing half the many acquaintances are made and a (3) It outlasts knowledge. The H arrisburg returned to her home act aa If they didn't care a rap wheth­ nlue of the pastures Is u much more helpful exchange of Ideas results. We nowledge we now have Is only rela­ Tuesday after visiting at the home er they held their Jobs or not. ■stir Insurance than a reserve of hay meet students who know of the Idea tive. but the day Is coming when this nt her m other in Brow nsville, where Care Little About Jobe. * or silage, and besides the old grass almost everywhere." relative knowledge shall be done away The trouble is that they really do In humid regions Is eaten by animals th at lady has been ill for some by the coming In of a wider and nobler not. Glover Intimated, and they often only to prevent starvation. Over- time. Intelligence; the twilight shall he lost tell the department offlclala as much grazing of a creeping grass that will In maturity, for al Christ's coming we Tomorrow evening at the Lake In Juat about that many words. They Injure the stand Is pot possible as shall see Him face to face and shall Creek schoolhouse H. J. Hill will are under civil service, and often they long as there Is sufficient to fill the W e H ave ¿ be like Him. Love will always abide, i explain under the auspices of the are the only men In their towns who animals' stomachs; on bunch grasses ^ E V E R Y T H IN G for God Is love. Karin Bureau, the co-operative a r ­ will and can act as postmasters. Most it Is quite otherwise, as these can be O ptical often they run small stores, and If destroyed by over-grazing. rangem ent under which members the department In Washington gets ----------------------------- Gates in a Roman Camp. of the bureau are t« save niQney in E Y E S T R A IN “all het up" over their failure to an The "praetorian gate” was the Dame the purchase of farm m achiuery. Is the Cause of .Many swer correspondence, the postmasters Many Wear the Ribbon. of the front gg'e in a Roman camp. HU M A N IL L S Acorrilng to a current Item, In Apples are cheaper. A fter page threaten to give up the post office It wa> always the gate that faced the Frunce nearly 1,000,000 men are en­ If your eyes give you trouble or enetii}. Every Roman camp had four 3 had l»een printed this week we work. your glasses are annoying That threat usually "works," for It titled to wear the ribbon of the ga es. The "decuman gate" was op- received word from Mr. Morris o, SER US. We can Relieve You 'e g t o n of Honor, or one In every fifty poslte to the praetorian gate, and was H arrisburg that be had cut the Is better to have some sort of pos» of Inhabitants. Long ago Mark Twain the farthest from the enemy. The price to 25c a hox from 50c. The lice than none at alt. “Why. some of them pay no atten aid that “few escape It."— Arkansas gates on the right and left sides of Ist St. W. Albany. I ’ll.: corrected advertisem ent apjiears on tlon to us at all," said Glover, with a ( Annette. the eamp were called respectively the page 5. • smile of despair. “One of them re porta principalis dextra and the porta principalis sinistra J. G. Luckey and a man hamed cently was asked to All out a question Anderson of Crawfordsville m issid nalre showing reasons as to this and In connection with a lost parcel. th e ir tra in in Brownsville Tuesday that "'H e ll, no; hell, yes; hell, no; hell mottling by at>out three rtlinuter ye«,' was the way he sent the ques­ -nd walked to H alsey, where they tionnaire hack to ns," continued Gio took tra in for Portland. ver. with some feeling "Then, he The building o, K ing Solom on’s continued, 'If you don't like It, take tem ple was exemplified one even­ your --------- poet office out of my store.’ ing the first of this week when the “This Is a sample of the thing we Booster and B araca ju n io r «lasses have to put up with,” continued the of the M E. Sunday school lined third assistant postmaster general up as the wood was being sawed “One postmaster actually tore out a’ the church and with a line of the partitions used to mark off the wheelbarrows the w inter's fuel took post office from the rest of his store a hasty flighttow ard shelter. The and threw them out Into the street Booster teacher was there with a together with all the postal appn V W /V fine bunch of sandwiches and coco «, ratns. “When the malls arrived the men after which some nice games were on the train saw that they eonld no' played ill the league room. deliver the letters and other matter L. W. Byerley. Linn Norton, to an office out In the street, so re Alvia Leeper and L. A. M21, W estern N ew sp a p er U nion.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 16 PAUL O CT 13, 1<»21 W R IT E S T O T H E C H R IS ­ T IA N S A T C O R IN T H . __ _ * LESSON T E X T —I Cor. 1:10, 11; 13:1-13. GOLDEN T E X T — And now abidetb faith, hope, c h a r ity , th e se th ree, but the greatest of th ese is c h a r it y .—I Cor. 13. R E F E R E N C E M A T E R IA L - John 13 M. 35: Rom. 12:9-10. PRIM ARY T O PIC —H o w to S h ow Our Love. JU N IO R T O PIC —W h a t L ove Does. IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D SE N IO R TOPIC —A le t t e r to th e C hurch a t Corinth YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC —Some P roblem s o f a n E arly Church. I. Party Spirit In the Corinthian Church (I :1O, 11). In this church rival faction» were contending against each other. Some were for Paul, some for Apolloa, some for Peter. a.;d some for Chrtat. The cause of this condition was failure Io see that the membership composing His body cannot be divided. By one Spirit all were baptized into the on body (12:13). II. Love the More Excellent Way ( I Cor. 13:1-13). All of the Spirit's gifts are good hut the most valuable of all Is love Not all can preach or Interpret tongue», but all can have the gift of love. Love In this chapter Is the more excellent way of chapter 12:31 (1) The Pre-eminence of Love (vv. 1-3). It transcends (1) speaking with tongues. For men to p< -sess the lofti­ est eloquence and be lacking In love Is to be as booming brass and clank­ ing cymbal, (2) The gift of prophecy— the ability to unfold mysteries. To be able to penetrate the mysteries of nature and providence Is good, but to love Is bet­ ter. (3) Faith of the most vigorous kind, even such as to remove mountains. Is of less value than love. POSTAL CHIEFS DON’T TAKE JOB SERIOUSLY Bancroft Optical Co. Beautiful Ginghams 1 Ai CHERRO FLOUR & C E R E A L S | ♦ QUALITY PRODUCTS W Carried exclusively and recommended by 2 M. V. KOONTZ & CO., Halsey ♦ m THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your banking business H. KOONTZ, P res? ir T A YLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BONI), Cashier At Prices Very Interesting Everyone is buying gingham, the all-year fabric, tmore than ever row that it has established among genteel materials. So handsome are the new patterns in ginghams that they are instinctively recognized hs appropriate for wear on dress occa­ sions, yet they are again surprisingly inexpensive. Cool, washable dress ginghams are here in abund­ ance to celebrate National Gingham \\ eek. M. V, KOONTZ CO. The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Ray Edward» of Browaiviile, lives ' ÍSib t o fetMS «-fit