PAGE S nlted them before they w ere In hall The little village was very quiet HALSEY e n t e r p r is e OCT. 6, I f 21 |r r dl«t(in''e and waved h er hand and those hot summer days The sorrow bnrried to w ard -th em w ith a happy of the pretty maiden had touched the Ed Stortx ha. sold the Albany Egg Dance Once Popular in Sue'***«. W hen in need of repair service, just hearts of the simple ktndly folk who face. The egg dunce, now confined ch'efly I ice plant. 1 d rive into Halsey Garage and let us 1 ••Where are you g o ln g r’ th e aaked lived there. For a year or more there to Spain, among the people of Valeo advise you as to your needs. “To see you u< ] To u r fa th e r and had been a tender note in their voices Ernest Kutsch of Shedd has been cia. was a once popular diversion in when they spoke of Ann. They had mother," »aid H arry. England. Scotland. Holland and othei ill with pneumonia. Good line of Ford repairs and other accessories always on hand. ■> learned with great gludness of her en A »ad look came Into h e r eyea. parts of Europe. A number of eggs gagement to marry Abe. The whole Still have a few large sizes of tires at a bargain. I. E W im er of Crawfordsville “U I had a atone I would throw It were arranged In a prescribed forn •ominunity were aa one family with upon the daucing floor, and «raon, left for Betid, via Halsey, Saturday at you." »he »aid. W e are now equipped to do B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G Prom pt at- its favorite daughter about to he them a blind folded dancer moved a morning. “Why?” H arry aaked. ’ tentiou given trouble calls at any place or time. heat he might, to music, the objaci “Because I have to get used to being crowned with good fortune, greater The Southern Pacific lias paid than she knew. Now that she was le i ng to execute an Intricate dance miserable, and; Just as I begin to be *40,474, as the last half of it . Linn stricken down, their feeling whs more w ithout breaking the eggs. The mush reilgned to*Jt, you come along and than sympathy. The love of Justice like the arr-ingem ent of the eggs, aJ county taxes. make me happy, and I have It all to the desire to see a great wrong so was proscribed. do over again.’’ B. J. Carey journeyed to Salem righted. In a measure, was I d their The young man stopped his horse. Saturday, expecting to go to east­ hearts when they sought news of the Not ■ Goddess. “I hadn’t thought of th a t,” he said, ern Oregon later. little sufferer at the tavern. Nemesis—not a goddess, but any with a sad face. “It Isn’t fa ir to you, There was no shouting In the street, Nearly *100 has been paid to 1 wife who has discovered an Incident 1» it? It’s rath er—selfish.” no story-telling tn the dooryanls, no •y ! in her husband's life which he would youngsters as rodeut bounties by “Why don't you go to B rlm stead's, Jesting In the stores and houses, no Just as soon have forgotten.—New the Harmony Farm Bureau. . Bim suggested. “A beautiful girl over merry parties, gladdened by the notes there Is In love w ith you. Honestly, of the violin, in the days and nights without any injurious efiects, for it is York Sun. Miss L illian Barber left Satur­ Harry, there Isn’t a sw eeter girl In o f Ann's long illness all made of the purest materials, and is day morning for Eugene, where all the world.” fresh everv day. The purity and fresh­ Samson writes In his diary that Abe she assisted in the Salvatiou Army “I ought not to go there, either,” went about like a man in a dream, ness o f our cofectionery has always been harvest festivities. said the young man. (C o n tin u e d from page 1) with no heart for work or study, lie out strong point and it has always “W h y f It three young girls kissed Fatty Ted Porter was a Corvallis vis­ spent much time at the doctor’s office, found ready favor with lhe candy eating “Because I m ustn’t le t her think feeling for some straw of hope. Arbuckle for killing Virginia Rappe itor Sunday. public. Ju st try a box and be convinced. that I care fo r her.” how many would have kissed him One day lute in August, as he stood It is the best candy made. E. H. Russell of Portland was if he had killed half a dozen wo­ So It happened th a t H arry w ent on talking with S a lt is o n Traylor In thi with Blm and Abe' to th e little house street. Doctor Allen called him from transacting business in Halsey men?. I d Hopedale. Saturday. . his doorstep. Abe turned very pale G. W Shaw was out Friday for They put out the horses. T he girl as he obeyed the summons. Mayberry A McKinney shipped the first time after h i. accident. came and sat on her fa th er's knee. “I've Just come from her bedside,’ their usual carload of bogs on Be has a prospect of (complete re­ Harry sat down by the aide of Abe on said Doctor Allen. “She wants to sec j Wednesday. covery. the grass In the oak's shadow. you. I’ve talked It over with her p ar­ “It’s a Joy to have th e little girl ents, and we’ve decided to let you and Judge Hingham dismissed five Howard Brothers brought a car­ back again," said Kelso, as he touched her have a little visit together. Y et; out of six divorce complaints pend- load of clover seed last week from her hair with his hand. “It Is still us must be prepared for a great change V W V W W W W W W W A A f - W W W » i ing in his oourt Monday. Eugene aud had it cleaned at the yellow as a corn tassel. I w onder It In Ann. There's not much left of the Skirvin Warehouse. Isn’t gray.” poor girl. A breath would blow her % ■% . % * * * a a a a a a a w a a a a a a wwww-www W-'WWWW Mrs. Belvary Logan, who spent “Her eyes look as brig h t as ever away. But she wants to see you. Il the summer at C"rvallis, returned A. J. Heibel has rented h i. farm today," said H arry. to her home in Halsey this week. southwest of town and will sell may he better than medicine. Who “No compliments, please. I want knows?” stock and farm ing equipment at Roland Marks came home from you to be dow nright m ean,” Bltn pro­ The two men went across to the auction next Tuesday. j 0. A. C. aad spent the week eml tested. tavern. Mrs. Rutledge and Abe tip­ i with the doctor and his mother. County authorities are not cer­ Kelso looked up w ith a sm ile: “My toed up the stairway. The latter en­ Now is the tim e to begin a n o th e r y e a r by g et­ boy. It was Leonardo da Vinci who tered the room of the sick girl. The I There were 128 babies in the tain that Sanderson’s bridge can ting new im plem ents, such as said that a man could have neither a woman closed the door. Ann Hut- ¡clinic at the county fair at the he saved by blasting obstructions greater nor a less dominion than that ledge was alone with her lover. There openiug of examinations Monday. from the Santiain hut have blown over himself. I hold th a t If our were none who knew what happened them out. The new Frum warehouse is young man are to be train ed to tyr­ Mrs. G. W, Mornhinweg and son anny In a lot of little nigger king­ Now is th e tim e to use them . Give us a call ¡ roofed in and hammers are waking Charles. Mrs. Andrew Brown and v -.r - doms, our democracy will die." 1 the echos with the finishing strokes Misses Hazel Gulliford and Geral­ for y o u r fall needs. Abe made no answ er. He w as al­ on the building. dine Cook were Saturday visitors ways slow to commit him self. Did you notice the lions in Rin­ at the Salem fair. "The N orth la partly to blam e for go’s advertisement with their heels what has come," paid Samson. “I Miss Isabel Gulliford arrived ' in the air like kicking mules? from Salem Friday evening, re­ guess our Yankee captains brought I They are more sedate now. over most of the niggers and sold them turning Saturday morning. W hile I m p le m e n t S to r e to the planters of the South.” M r. and Mrs. Blakely and two here she was the guest of Nora and “There w as a dem and for them, or little sons of Dixonville passed Pearl Pehrssou and Miss Anna those Yankee p irates wouldn’t have through Halsey Monday on their Heinrich. Miss Gulliford later brought the nlggerg," H arry answered. way home from Portland and left for her home in Portland. “Both seller and buyer were commit Salem. ting a crime." Oscar Lee and wife, accompanied "They established a great wrong Dr. C. T. Norman of Albany by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. and now the South la pushing to ex was in towu Saturday, testing a Fandrem, visited at the home of «a tend and give It the sanction of law," carload of cows which a Mr, Short Mrs. Lee’s parents, O. R. W alker eald Abe. “T here la the point of Irri­ had purchased for shipment into and wife, last Saturday, W hile tation and danger.” Idaho, there they tried their luck at duck “I hear th a t In the next legislature I POLICIES protect you against loss by fire on your hay, grain, Miss Isabelle Gulllford returnhd hunting. an effort will be made to endorse sluv clover ami other seed for any length of tim e desired. Policies to her home in Portland Saturday, ery,” said Kelso. Dr. Harris’ advertisement on written and delivered on day of application. Rates on request. “It Is a dangerous subject,” Abe after a few days' visit with her sis­ answered. “W hatever happens, I ter Hazel and other friends in the first page last week referred, as printed, to persons who needed ■hall not fall to express my opinion Halsey. chiropractor attention because they of slavery If I go back.” Many of our people journeyed had “ overfed.” The doctor wrote “The tim e la coming when you will W Resident agent American Eagle Fire Insurance Company. to Salem last Sunday to hear the ‘•overlifted,” but the printer would take the bull by th e horns,” snld 5 T .k f f J jM? f i t 1“ V f — * * Whitney chorus of boys sing. The not have it that way. Kelso. "T here's no fence th a t will az ilay was fine and a large audience keep him a t home.” “I hope th a t Isn’t tru e,” Abe an T, J. Skirvin last week shipped a attend ea. swered. Linn Club Boys at State Fair club booths were a center of attrac­ carload of vetch seed and one of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Söderström of Soon Mrs. Kelso called Blm to set tion. Italian rye grass to the Dickinson Linn county’s club liooth at lhe the tablf. She and H arry brought It Viola Childers of the Charity Portland were week end guests of c mipany of Chicago. This rye state fair was awarded third place homemakiug club won third prize Mr. and Mrs, C. 8. Fuller, near out under the tree, where, In the cool E ntered the Room of the Sick G irl. gras* seed was the first ever|aetit Halsey recently. The Söder­ shade, they had a m erry dinner. in the face of hot competition from for her exhibit; Marcy E. Gather ström* took in lhe state fair at Sa­ east from Oregon and may make When the dishes w ere put away. In that solemn hour Rave the two— ail over Oregon at the state fair. of Waterloo won second for home the opening of an important in­ one of whom was on the edge of Percy B rlm stead arrived with his sis besutfication exhibit and Rachel lem on their way home. dustry in this state. ter Annabel In th e ir buggy. Blm went eternity, and the other was never to Multnomah county was first and Betts’ canning exhibit won third It A. McCully, wife and two out to meet them and cam e Into the speak of It. The only record o f that Clackamas second. Raleigh Templeton and Charles She is a member of the •ons and hi» mother, Mrs. A. T hour Is to he found In the face and Linn county club exhibits at place. dunryard with her arm around Anna Kizer exhibited their sheep from MoCully of Eugene, were in Halsey I^ebanon club. spirit of a great man. bel’g waist. , the state fair were awarded prizes for several hours Saturday on their Rowland at the state fair and did Years later Samson wrote In a let­ “Did any one ever see a lovelier girl as follow *: way home from Salem, where they well and took them to the county than this?” Blm asked, aa they stood ter: Farm Bureau Generoaity Holstein calves: Paul McCart, M r. Templeton had been attending the state fair. fair this week. “I saw Abe when he came out of the up before th e dinner party. That the Linn county Farm Bu­ tad 11 Cheviot sheep and M r, “H er cheeks are like wild rosea, her tavern that day. He was not the Abe third, L u 'la McCart fourth. Six pairs of finely wrought steel Jersey calves: Clarise McCon­ reau has been generous in its 1921 Kizer had a large number of Ox­ eyes like the dew on them when the we had all known. He was different. There were new lines In his face. It nell, second; Harvey McConnell, policies is shown in the fact that horse-hues were givett the winuers ford Downs. sun is rising,” said Kelso. in the quoits pitching events of A?>e rose an d , said. “The day Is was sorrowful His steps were slow. fourth. it has endeavored to help the non- the Linn county fair. Teams rep Farmers in a district running passing. I’ll s ta rt on with Parsons He had passed out of his young man­ Angora goats : John Scott, first; hood. When I spoke to him, he an­ Arnold Zysset, second; Lucile Som­ mem*»ers as well as the members. resenting Salem, Woodburn, (Jpi- front the Lake Creek church near­ and the pony and read my stint afoot You come along In a few minutes. By swered with that gentle dignity now mer, third; Marian Gilkey, fourth; Thus in the tuberculosis eradi- vallis and Halsey »lid three teat»* ly to Peori«, between the Oregon the time you overtake me I’ll he ready so fam iliar to all who knew him. From 1/OHA Zysset, fifth; Rpy Scott, cation project every farmer in the from the Albany Moose lodge com­ Electric road and the river, have that hour he was Abraham Lincoln.” to get Into the saddle.” combined to shut out hunters and peted. sixth. county is given an opportunity to Ann passed away before the month H alf an hour or so a fte r Abe hod are posting several hundred tres­ Shorthorn calves: Irene Quim­ The seven homeseeker* from the have the free test, although the gone, H arry 's horse, which had been ended ami became, like many of her pass notices. “ Sportsmen” are by, first; Dellis Cornutt, second; In middle west proved to be six sight­ kind, an Imperishable memory, whinnying for his mate, bounded out Farm Bureau has initiated and too careless aitnut what they shoot Clifford Cornutt, third, tu division of the young seers and one homesekeer At A l­ of the stable and went galloping down her presence the spirit promoted the project. bany they said they liked Linn at snd farmers’ stock suffer. Com­ man had received auch a baptism th at four the road, having slipped his hazter. Every wool and mohair grower county belter than anything else plaints on this score come from all Shorthorn calves: Katherine “He will not stop until he overtakes henceforward, taking thought of .her, he was to love purity and all clean­ Pugh, first /John Quimby, second, w as given the opportunity to they had seen. the other horse,” said H arry. When they were >ver the country. “You can ride with us,” Annabel ness. and no Mary who came to his in division five. affiliate with the marketing asso at Brownsville a telephone call For the two-page supplement to leet with tears and ointment was ever suggested. Shorthorn calves: George Dan- ciation. But this association was came for cars to bring th e n here, this week’s Enterprise, which gives 80 the young man brought his sad­ to be turned away. organized entirely through the ef­ hut there was no response from interesting details of lhe early life nen, first, in division six. dle and bridle and put It under the Two-year-old shorthorns: George forts of the farm Bureau. Halsey. of Abraham Lincoln on one page (To '•« ■ ue •' •eat of the buggy and got In with When the poultry culling dem­ Hannett, first. and on the other some interesting There is a big row on over a Annabel and her small brother. Shorthorns, in which all exhib­ onstrations were promoted there These three paragraphs were in type gossip about the duke of M arl­ road used by Frank Lynch aud Some tw o miles down th e road H ar­ its competed: Dellis Cornut t first, was no distinction made as to borough and his family, our read­ ry found Abe standing between the for the last page la»t week but there was not room lor tnem: Berkshire hogs: Loyd Miller, where the demonstrations were other* to get out from their homes ers are indebted to the Portland horses, holding the runaw ay by hi* across land claimed by Thomas W illism Preston died at Moun­ first; Kenneth Sm ith, third; H ar­ helil or who were invited. Journal, which published those forelock. T he la tte r was saddled and tain Home Saturday, aged 77 and An extensive rodent control cam­ and Orbison Lowell near H arris­ pages as a part of its issue of Sun­ old Koon, fifth bridled, w hile the buggy went on burg. Lynch claims the road is a was buried at Brownsville Monday. Duroe Jersey pigs' Floyd M ul­ paign was put on this year. H alf ahead. He was a civil war veteran and len first ; Gordon Gilkey, second; of the farmers who received pois­ legal county road. Barricades have day, S«pt 26, and to the accom­ "T hat Is ■ wonderful girl." said been built, dynamite exploded, modating spirit in which the big H arry, as he and Abe were riding had lived at Mountain Home Harold Mullen, third; Norval Gott, oned barley at cost were net. mem- I ba'beii wire installed and shotguns daily has helped a little country wen!v.five years. ! h , hers of the Farm Bureau. along together. “She la very modest fired, and the controversy is before j weekly to reproduce them AW» Whenever drainage projects ate and gentle hearted.” M illard Shel- the county court e n d in another Alfred Steinhauer and wife of “And as pleasant to look at ns the Mr. and Mrs promoted non-members have been form before Judge Bingham I« ". flowery meadows.” Abe answered with s t t accident this week while Greenleaf visited W illiam Wheeler just as welcome to participate in M illard Shel- 0De Sheep, Division 2: *1 have promised to stop there a ranking her car, breaking and wife, arriving Thursday even­ Because be had previ- the benefits as member«. The Mctlnxiist conference is in oi"tb« hones in her’ rigb? arm " ¿ ^ ¡ y ^ o n a first, winch draws a few m inutes on our way bach." Practically all the expense of session till* week at Forest Grove ing. when the old people were at “It la possible Blm could get a dl Marks was called andI she is get hp A. C. summer school the boys’ and girls' club work, and Rev. C T Cook, of the local the printing office getting out the vorce.” said Abe, looking down ,ing along as well as can be ex- » p Not finding them at which is costing nearly *fi 00 for second prize of church, accompanied bv R«v J. 8. Enterprise. thnugtitfully at the mane of his horse. home, the visitors stopped at the every hoy and girl enjoying its Green, former pastor fiere, R e V . C S. Fuller and son *10 m cash. “I'll ask S tu art w hat he thinks about ' "V k - Friday Charles, who live 3* mile, south- » * P . D .m .o o »' Donald Shel­ benefits, is given to children of F G Drake of Drain and T. H Hotel Halsey oVer night. It when I see him again.” b o w n .V B r o w n .v ill., motored to night they whisked W h a le r, nonmeinbers. "I hope you'll see him soon." first. east of Halsey, accompsnied by ton, Resides these benefit, the ex­ Forest Grove in Mr. Cook’s oar over to Browo.vil . *»>«r. many Linn county’s livestock exhibit "Aa soon as I can get tn Spring Mrs Fuller's mother, Mrs. S. K fleltj.” wasthe largest at the fair o f its ecutive committee and many of the Mrs. James J Morgan was choann friend, of the oh er co up Robb, who has been visiting here N e x t day a letter came from D octor kind It occupied two cars in ninety-six community project lead­ electoral delegate from Halsey and greeted and a feed .«, t he H .tel Rthelin reserve. The Brownsville was enjoyM. Mrs. Allen, telling him that Ann was far for the past two weeks, left for shipping. er. have given unstintingly of their W. I - . There they will gone with ■ dangerous fever Both Portland today. The Linn county team won prize time and paid their own tVanspor- latter will attend later tn the week. Steinhauer is Wheeler s grand­ Abe end H arry dropped thetr work visit relatives before Mrs Robb from Dran J Cordley of the O. A. tatioo in order to promote com­ It ie sincerely hoped that Mr Cook daughter. They lilted the appear- and went home Ann was too sick to takes her departure for her home ence of Halsey and the gentleman munity interests. Halsey Garage, Foote Bros. Props, CANDY A Child May E at O ur Candy Jots and Tittles J. W MOORE S /\.e a t te s ta te a n d sn ra n ce Harvest is Over $ I.H.C. Tillage Tools»Tractors G.W. Mornhinweg CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. : SHORT 1 ERM : _her lover. . _______ - —---- | in Wichita, Kauns. C. P. STAFFORD, C., and the Chanty buiuetuaking will remain here longer, as he has {¿ade good as » pastor iq Halsey. s in rssi*'1 his pleasure at the w u f-