page : H A L S M Y E N lE R P R Ih E HALSEY ENTERPRISE An independent—N O T neutral— uews- paper published every Thursday, by W m H . A A A W H H E I.E R W. H . W u k k i .KR Editor. M as A. A. W HEBLIR Business Manager and Local New t Editor, 4‘ Subscription«, $150 a year in advance Arrearages. »2 a year. Transient advertising. 25c an inch, per manent, 20c. No discount for tune or «pace In "P aid-fo r Paragraph»," 5c a lin e Noadvertising disguised as news. OCT. 6, 1721 Brownsville Briefs FULL OF SURPRISES Mrs. Ed Sawyer and sops H a rry fizzle. T h a t is why the farmers are organizing io r economical self. and E dw in visited relatives in Sa­ lem and also took io the big Ore­ His Nuptial Race Not “for Maid­ protection ae never before. gon fa ir last week. M rs.-H a ye s of C raw fordsville visited Brow nsville friendt last There was a national cham pion­ week. ship autom obile race jn the Sat. • The Presbyterian Bndeavvr »o- Joaquin va lley Saturday. Tb. ciety gave a very enjoyable district fo o l-k ille r was there, but he baggei •chool social Monday evening. IN S IP ID 8(fO RT8 SEEK MYSTERY Of CAHOKIA MOUND Married at Spokane, Wash. Mrs. I va 8. P orter o f Washtucna Wash., and John G albrelh of Sweet Home were m arried at the residence of D r. Haggaman of ens” but “ Previous Winners.” • Spokane, at 2:30 Sept. 24, Dr Haggaman officiating. The bride was dressed in silver Instead of Getting W idow W ith OnS Prof. W. K. Moorehead to Open gray and wore a corsage bouquet Child, Got Woman W ith Seven | Illinois Relic of Prehistoric of b rid e ’s ro es. Im m e d ia te ly af. Children and Two Husbands. Inhabitants. ter the ceremony refreshments were New York.— M eyer M so er’s m arital served to the guests, a few imme­ life was Just one surprise a fte r an­ diate relatives and IriendB. After other. v isitin g friends fo r a few days i0 He told the Supreme court about It W ashington and Idaho, they w ill when he asked for sn annulment of go to Sweet Home to reside. the match and recited the list of un­ M rs. W. D. Wasbburu tig« in o nly two. Aside from from hi> Portland last week vis itin g among i ll luck the a ffa ir was rather in. friends and enjoying c itv life for ii lereeling, but tboee who made tb- few days Phone 205 She expects to spend fastest tim e, and went clear awav the w inter in F lorida w ith her Exploration M ay Develop Inform ation expected events that came to him a fte r H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore Oct. 7, 1921 in to e ternity, were ignored by tin father. of Surpasaing Intereat to Archae­ The Shedd v is ito r says th a t a t the he wus duly wed. ologists— Greatest Structure judges, who declared another fei When he m arried Becky M auer, he Mrs. M cClain, m other of Rt v fa ir io th a t place “ the canning of Kind in W orld. low tbe winner. T H E BEAR G A R D E N A M M cC lain, pastor o f the Pres­ says, she represented herself as a wid­ demonstration by tbe Halsey and ow with one child. Surprise No. 1— byterian church, came over from Lebanon clubs was w orth a lure« On tbe same day 1000 peopb East St. Louis. III.— Probing o f the M r. H arding is too much of a . g Eugene tbe latter part of the week Another child came to the home, call­ mysteries of the great Cahokia mound audience.” participated in a baseball rio t a ing his w ife “mamma.” for a visit at the manse. gentleman to te ll congress a ll that Surprlge No. 2— Second child came near this city has been begun by Seattle which was, broken up bi In order th a t Oregon shippers of Prof. W arren K. Moorehead of And­ he thinks about its d illy -d a lly in g Mrs. A n d y K ir k , South Main along later, also child of wife. the police before anybody wa- “How come?” asked Meyer. over, Mass., upon the suggestion of canned goods and dried fru its umy street, is recovering from quite a and inefficiency, and he declares the Smfthgonian institution, univer­ be accorded the benefit of low rates k ille d . Those kinds of sports di painful illness of several days, "Thought you only had one child?" th a t i t has accomplished much, "Oh, I m erely forgot to tell you sities and sclentlflc associations. W ith to compare w ith the reductions re­ not cause as mucn excitement a- and so it has, allowance being Mrs. George Hume drove a quar­ a corps of experienced assistants he cently published from C alifo rn ia the b u n tin g of w ild game in tin tet of friends out to the J. H Sam­ about this one,” said his wife. * made for tbe incoberency, ine ffi­ Surprise No. 3— T h ird child, also w ill open Cahokia and the chain o f 72 points, the Southern Pacific coin, open season, w ith tbe ¡doiderita uelson home east of town T hurs­ added starter, comes along to live w ith other mounds In Madison and St. C la ir ciency and incsrnpeteocy of the pauy has announced, effective No­ counties which furnish the most re­ k illin g of numerous hunters bi day i,o sp-nd the a lle iu o o n w ith mother. vember 3, reduced rates on canned most ornery, quarrelsome, self Mrs. Samuelson The company Surprise No. 4— Fou rth unheralded m arkable memorials o f N orth Am er­ mistake. ica. Exploration may develop infor- goods aud dried f r u it from points seeking aggregation of m isfits that Infant adds Its e lf to home circle. consisted of Mesdamt-s Joseph The decadeot horse and tbe like “ How much o f a fam ily have I F ’ 1 m atlon o t surpassing interest and on the Southern Pacific lines in Hume^ S. C. H unter and Charles were ever convened outside of Oregon to Galveston, Houston Meyer. value to archaeologists. wise decadent horse race have los- B urr and M is- Burr. The ladies asked bear garden. Surprise 5[o. 5— ’T h e re are tw o 1 Covering 1« acres, the Cahokia Pott A r th u r , Orange, Beaumont’ interest to an even greater degre< report a d e lig h tfu l visit. Whenever a measure of real im more." said the missus, and the fam ily I mound, which Is 100 feet in height. Is Texas, New Orleans, L a ., and Now F our county trucks have been grew from the one listed child to i the greatest structure of Its kind In York, via the Sunset route. p -rtance has come before th a t bodv than autor acipg and football. Th« ‘ d the world. It was supposedly a re­ it has been kicked around, amend only bloodshed it produces nuw-s. busy several days h tu liu g consid. seven. Archaeologists esti­ Surprise No. «— M eyer discovered ligious temple. erable gravel to the Browtmvide. days is evolved in settling tbe af­ ed here and slashed there and sent m ate that the settlement of the mound thnt Mrs. M auer had two other living Halsey road. I t Was at firs t thot from committee to conference and fairs of those who gamble on tl e to be the in itia l step tow ard m ic- husbands and then he decided to let builders numbered not less than 150.- 000 inhabitants at the height of Its from one house to the other u n til events anil who are the bigge a d tiu iz in g , but la te wa“ I a-ne l the Supreme court put an end to his prosperity. Office 1st door south of school house fam ily surprise party. p a rt o f the game. th a t the numerous ‘ ‘chuck holes’ its author would not recognize it if At First Agriculturists. “It Is a case o f fraud and misrepre­ Hslsey, Oregon. were being filled and the road put sentation,” he said In asking annul­ T he size o f the settlement site, as he met it on the street, and usually Dealer in Real Estate. Dean Straub declares that n< io good condition fo r w inter. ment. “ H ere I thought I was getting It can be Imagined from the ruins, fails of passage after a month or Handles Town and Country Property. the agricultural type of much of ‘ lie a widow w ith one child and I find smoker shall get any of the- U Dairymen hereabouts are busy tw of time and immense sums of work In flint, such ns the great spades G ive h im a call and see if he can fix that I got a woman w ith seven chil­ O. student loan fund. these b ea utifu l autum n days fillin g the people's money have been and hoes almost peculiar to th a t v i­ you up. their ^ilcs w ith the be»t of m ilk - dren and two husbands.” “ The amount spent for tobacc cinity, and the rich alluvial bottom­ w isted on it. producing feed. LIKE “4TH.” AT HELGOLAND land combine to show that the Caho- The days of Czars Cannon ana by tbe average smoker is in exces klans were probably at first agricul­ By the caving away o f the em­ of 150 a year,” said Straub, “ am Rend in the bouse and of able if turists. They probably fished and hunt­ bankment near the south end of Continuous Blasting In Dism antling it is fe lt th a t if a student reali ed to some extent, hut they, doubtless, not desirable leadership in the sen the bridge the water main was ex­ Big German- Fortress Sounds E le ctric H a irc u ttin g , Massaging depended for th e ir subsistence upon Like Celebration. The ate are in the past The law m ak­ needs help, he could elim inate th i posed and caused to leak. th e ir labor In the field and th e ir sta­ and Shampooing. Sound as Mayor, some of the c ity d ids and ers are split up into so many fac item of expense.’ ’ ple food was unquestionably corn. C leaning and Pressing. Helgoland, Germany.— Every day Is new d o lla r! tbe superintendent of the pum p ng It Is believed that the appearance tions and “ blocs’’ (hat, w ith each station "vie w e d ” the situ atio n and a Fourth o f July celebration on thia of the bison resulted In the abandon­ < oeckmating others, th eir p rin c i. little rocky Island. And not a "safe h id the damage repaired. ment of agriculture and the develop­ und sane” celebration at that. The smoking of cigarettes in pub p tl fu iction is to draw salary and ment of the chase, w ith the result that Mrs. Grace Goodall h is returned A t sunrise the 1,000 German work­ lie by women is a m ark of the un the community became nomadic and mileage. to Brownsville) after an absence of men who are dynam iting the pet fo rt­ gradually crumbled and dispersed to derworld, nnd exceptions like Mrs During the present presidential several months, and she and het ress and naval harbor o f K aiser W il­ the fou r quarters of the continent. ATTORNEY A T LAW liam set off th e ir blasts. T he bom­ Longw orth, who ptactices the vie laughter, Mrs. J u r n 'r . w il, reside term and the two which preceded Believed to Have Com* From Mexico. 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank BJd’g, bardment keeps up througout the day. it very little constructive work has and Mrs. H arding, who condones i together in Mrs. G o o d a ll’s pr ,p- T he preponderance of evidence so Charges of T N T make the w ater I d erty on South Main street. fa r discovered Is tlm t the people of A lbany, Oregon. been accomplished, except under in a frien d, cannot change the rule the harbor spout up like geysers In At the last meeting o f the c ity Yellowstone park and the big gun pits Cahokia were worshipers of the sun. the urgent donmnds o f the presi­ T here Is so much about Cahokia thnt W hal to p r in t” [in a newsp’ council Dean Morse was ch .-e n as on the summit o f the rocky c liff give Is sim ilar to the works of the Aztecs dent, and in a ll three o f the terms Amor A. Tussi ng an occasional roar like Vesuvius and Ex superintendent of the c ity water that the conviction Is forced upon the the charge of “ im perialism ” has per] can h ee um im d up in : belch great clouds of black smoke system for the ensuing year. He student that It was from Mexico that pand payrolls, m inim ize politic» and pulverized concrete. LA W Y E R AND NOTARY h eu made by the opposition to began his new duties Oct. 1. these people came to the Mississippi encottrago investments that niai* For two years more the w ork o f de­ the adm inistration whenever he ts i'i payrolls ami diunerpails, an valley, bringing thetr religion, th e ir Ned Callaway and wife were vastation w ill continue. I t took the priesthood, th e ir corn, th eir rpode of B rownsville , O regon insisted up in action. make better markets for the ferine, state fa ir visitors last week. kaiser eight years to build the great life and th e ir middle order o f p rim i­ Discourage the tax-eating profe- Wilson's “ w utchfiil w a itin g ” in fortress and harbor which defended Rev. A. M. M cClain and Ruth the Kiel canal and afforded Germany's tive civilization. Polities is alwavs askin Practical Shoe regard to Mexico was condemned sion. EVen If the exploration of the Cnho- the people to Vote to mcrlgsi-- end 8, C, H u n te r and wife visited navy a base close to England. I t kla mound Is not followed by any Im ­ Repairing. by lepuhlican spellbinders, and cost Germany 50,000,000 marks (»12,- Eugene Saturday. tb eir future earnings and incom- portant discoveries. It Is certain thnt democratic spellbinders in tu rn The overburdened taxpayer has i 500,000). The cost o f dismantling, Pine the control by the state w ill be given A business course, inclu ding which Germ any also must bear In ac­ hurl anathemas at H arding every money to employ labor or spen greater momentum when the people of ypew riting, has been introduced cordance with the terms of the Ver- Shoes a Speclailty Illino is are brought to a realization Dress tim e an American is muidered in on newspapers, - O egon Mauufs- ' sallies treaty, w ill probably ba about in the high school. Also a teach turer. of Its archaeological value. the southern republic, which is 4.000,000 gold marks (»1.000,000). rs' tra in in g course Up to the present tim e the Cahokia 501 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon, --------- ’ -------------------- often. and other table-ltke turm nll In the Mr*. R H Pyburn and sm s o Blanch W rig h t of B row nsville H arding has the help of a few Brownsville were passengers S«, has married C arl S m ith. MAKE PRETTY DOILY HOLDERS group have not been explored much more deeply than the plow and spade real statesmen, like Herbert Hoo­ urday to Albany via Halsey. Mies M argaret Dawson, well Old Piece» of Cretonne May B t Put can work. ver, the biggest American of today, nown here, is teaching senool in j to Good Service; Several Sets Tw o doors north of the hotel. i nd Hughes, aud he is hatted by io n o lu lu . None Too Many. FINDS COAL VEIN IN STREET a ll those who are politicians in ­ Am prepared to do a ll kinds of W. P. Eluiore 1» s till fig htin g A housekeeper can never have too Property Owner Can’t Mine It for stead of statesmen, which*is • tna shoe rep airin g. Satisfaction guar­ hig (laving asaggsmeut as ille ga l. ninny convenient little dolly cases. A F ear of Destroying Buildings jo r ity of the little fellows who are a n te e d . pretty set could be made out of cre­ of Great Value. (Continue.! oti page 8) ra ttlin g around in big berths in tonne, using the odd pieces^ Cut four JEWETT the COBBLER. cardboard circles, cover w ith cretonne. congressional halls, Pottsville, Pa.— A rich vein of coal, PARIS SATIN COAT FOR FALL ] O r tw o could be covered w ith cam- two feet thick, was found under the M r. Harding once expressed fa ' hrlc or anything th a t could be used curbstone of H a rry Lord o f North DENTISTRY D a. H a r o l d E. J a c k - ! for a lining. Tor for “ I'overntnent by p a rty .“ T h ird street. T here la no doubt that sou 3O4-JO5 1st Na­ Rlue used as a lining I* good, as and his loyalty to the organization V • u the vein contains thousands of ton* tional Bank Bntldin, Albany, Oregon. the blue helps to keep the dottle» prevents his retraction of that IS h e r e b y g i v e i of coel, but It cannot be pained, as white Join one each together by such action would weaken buildings W ith o u t pain. L ate nerve, overcasting the edge, then do the same tenet, but in the great tasks that r t n v P P i ’R O fl O f p e r s o n s o f great value. w ith the other two. Run elastic blocking method. confront him hv fs-ls the need of 't he had to buy. T hat is why the s Nice wood h(Ube»«ektti train toQre|ou was a ^x< uw a»in|s I F.*gy V Rgle C V C n r ii* B eil M iackley ARCHIE CORNELIUS In the shapes of fall hats. Newness, however, lies In th eir coloring. There are beautiful, soft bluet and many shades of not such aa thiwe that verge on the raspberry hues and other reds touched with mauve. E xp ert workmanship. Evening Frocks In Bright Celera. F lu ffy taffeta evening frocks la lovely bright rotor» are shown for the benefit o f the debutant*. A eriaa-crea* pattem of sieenee trim s this estin eeat for late autumn ear, A bread »riental *a*b I* tb * eel* faeton i ng. Watchmaker and Jeweler 'batches and clocks a specialty. Halsey, Oregon. P u b lic ty p e w ritin g done. Trim m ing Blue Serge Or f'nar«» white (nerbine stttrbtng t* Ì again used ■ greet deal as trimm ing • • blue serge drc**»a, -------- .... .1 . I E n te r- prise office. M rs . A . A . W H E E L E R .