liALSHY KN 1 EKPKlSK « even crawl toward the house. T-C PAID-FORJ’ARAGRAPHS log whined and seemed tc indicate South North that he would help. Thereup, n Admittance Here 5 Cents teous treatment and moderate Sunday evening and attended No. 1«, 12:04 p. m. No, 23, 11:31 a. m. Mr. Newland clung to the bg chargee at the Halsey garage. Baptist church at that place. a Line 24, 4.34 p tu 15. 12:24 p. m. creature and was half pulled home, O c t o b e r 13,14 a n d Mr». Mary C. Fish, 78, died at 17, 5.49 p. 01 14. 5:27 p. m. The annual Red Cross baby c lin -1 where he finally managed to call a Work wanted —Any kind of Plainview Sunday. you can b u y tw o> ic opened Tuesday at the commu­ J 5 doctor on the telephone. common labor. G. B. Gage, at A car crank (not the two-legged nity bouse in Albany w2.50, tw o H o t W a t e i Every lad and lassie have close-fitting capes that form the enjoyed it? Dr. (3. H. Kent and family vis certified seed available than ever long straight lines, while the next gar­ of Halsey will have the very time ed Sunday in Albany with Mrs .B o t t l e s f o r >2.51. By reading the chapters of the se­ before. ment may be developed In wide, out­ of his or her life at the Rialto when Kent's mother and sister. rial on pages 4 and 5 of this week's standing circular effects. There are this big historical picture is shown A n ti m a n y o t h e r v e r t Smallpox cases are reported at Eirterprise and the Lincoln page At the Presbyterian church many charming raodela and those built Friday. Albany, but that is nothing new in our supplement you can learn ’u s e f u l a r t i c l e s . T h i s is lunday morning, in connection on the lines o f a cape are popular. It in Oregon as winter approaches more about Lincoln*» first love, ‘o n e w a y t o s a v e m o n e y . vith communion service, eight Is quite certain that there w ill be no Cherro flour. See advertisement The casps are popularly called Ann Rutledge, than you could in new members were publicly re- difficulty In expressing Individuality on front page. 12 25 per sack. ‘ ‘tilipino itch” and are quaran­ any other way. In the furs we w ear next w inter. I ceived, tined and do not become epidemic. It ta apparent that black fu r gar­ M V . Koontz Co., Halsey. About 150 individuals enjoyed Grandma Cooley and Mrs. W. ments w ilt be especially favored. Ray Logan, well known here For Sale— Year-old fiir slab the elaborate cafeteria dinner at the IC. Cooley visited at the Drinkard Handsome models In caracul, baby but now reeideng at A'hena, made lamb, Hudson seal and astrakhan are block wood, >2.50 per tier; fir block Christian church last 8unday. It I home near Harrisburg a few days. a hunting trip to (lie Canadian plentiful. N ext to black the gray furs was served on the Iswn and a grand Mr. D. is a sou-in-lay of the elder w ill he In demand, so there are charm­ wood, 13 00; maple and oak, $3.60, Rockies and rame home with aome Brownsville time was had. At the regular Mrs. Cooley and she remained for ing models In mole and squirrel. O f delivered Halsey. LOST fine trophies He and two com­ Warehouses. Chas. Sterling. service in the evening there wae s t longer stay with the family. course, the beautiful mink coats and panions exhibit the antlers of three large attendance. wrapa Will continue to be worn for moose and three caribou, the legal Remember the Enterprise has a Wh e riding his bike Sunday evening functions. lim it. Logan’s moose antlers have phone at last— No. 206. ev uinu H arry Sawyer, son of Mr. I In a running race at the count A new fu r which Is a m ixture of Reward a spread of 47 inches, and bis car­ fair yesterday a horse bolted tin and Mrs. Ed Sawyer, in some chinchilla and opossum Is shown In ibou had 21 points H ” tracked a trsck and broke a leg of C. Van letween Harrisburg and Rrownsville m inner took a heade , landinz off trimmings and Is also used In wraps Cherro flour, guaranteed to give g izzly bear o n e d iy b u t did not dran of the Vaudran hotel, broki Notify GEORGE HALL, Corvallis. th -p iv e m n 00 the crusbe I r >«k In combination with fu r fabrics. In perfect satisfaction or money re­ get him They used boats in hunt­ R Christopher’s collar bone am1 and cutting the left arm 8" eev rely neckpieces the animal skins seem to funded. M. V. Koontz Co., Halsey. ing moose and packhorsea when bruised up Philip Caron, a L<> LOST that Dr. Fanning took five aiiicbei- be the first choice. T he pointed fox they got the caribou. and fisher are being shown In large in the Pacific highway between H ila e j tn bring the wound together. Ange'es jockey. Call phone 205 and give us your m d Albany, evening of Oct. 5, 32x3% quantities, and there are handsome news items. In the Harmony community fifty Rev. Mr. M artin anti Rev. Mr models in sltka and w hite fox. Mrs. W . A Ringo is the prcn< people ga hered to observe the cull­ possessor of a fine new elect r Roraoaugh, representatives of the I ing of 15C brown Leghorns by w.i«lier received this wepk “ Every American in whose veins American Sunday School Union, : FOR MEDIUM SIZED WOMEN It. « County Agent Hevmsn Mrs. ordered through G W Mornhn flows the blood of our forefathers were here a few days in the inter- Sprrtt reported the following re­ weg of the imp'erfient store. Tli wants to see the thrilling picture, sit of their work. The former Reward Phone 166, Hslsei sults: In seven days previous ti­ ifoes not mean that the aforessi "The Last of the Mohicans,” at spoke in the Baptist and the latter During the last week m Octuuer y ili the culling 150 hens laid 351 eggs laiiy will do washing for anyor the Rialto tomorrow eveniug. - -----; ' tin the Presbyteriau church They at the deiiionstialion 70 hens wen beside her own familv, but it d ><- an get the daily ( J r e i i ' O n i a n relate some almost incredible in- put into the cull flock and during mean that her work will be the it a year If you know an item of news itauces of ignorance of the Bible <>r ‘ ally and Sunday the seven fnllo i ¡1.4 days the 80 se lighter. Go thou and do liken le phone it to No. 205 md all religious experiences right for for knt liens hud 31 ! eg«» while ihe i;re iu Lilin county. Save coat of money order and corre 70 culls laid only tour eggs VV'th Mr. and Mrs E. N. Warmoth aponilence by (landing subscription ti Cherro flour for aale at $2 25 per The Presbyterian people are ar­ the Hock almost cut in half nearly of S'lent arrived today. J. W. R E d o R Mis sack at M V. Koontz Co ’a, Halsey. as many eggs were received tin War.noth is the daughter of Grant ir leaving it at the Enterprise offiee fo ra n g in g to ceebiate the twentv- fifth anniversary of the dedic? on Seven days following the culling as Tayl >r and a cousin of W ill K ir , turn. Cooper’s famous book, "The of their house of worship, wh h the even days previous. PO R SALE, and lived here most of her life. Last of the Mohicans," is used in falls on the 25th of this mou J Pirat clasa second-hand school work, and seeing the film, Mr. and Mrs. W A. Ringo, with I). Wesley of Halsey went to Rev. J. E Snyder, D D , whow.. the youngsters are doubly tm- friends, motor«d »•» Krnwnsvilli ) Al'iam tod »y to take in the fair. pastor when the church was buil , pressed, and their interest in lite r­ lempleton, D. D , Reasonable price. Enterprise office. Rev. H arry ature is stimulated. It will be at itev. James Thompson and Rev the Rialto tomorrow night. George Pratt, all at one time mem Mrs Hugh Leeper was a passeti tiers, but now in the active mini . Old papers, 5c a bundle at the ger today to the fair. try, have indicated their intentim Enterprise office. Mra. Ruby W>tzig. niece of Mi to be present and assist, and the Philo Starr and Mrs. Penland, wl occasion promises to be one o' Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at has been visiting here, left tor hr great interest to the congregation Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and home at Park Place, Oregon city Friday, Fred McHargue and family ar today. Trespass notices | ready printed rived in Brownsville S -turday af This ehle little black velvet hat Is at the Enterprise office. In smalt Mrs. Etta Githens of Harrisbur; ternonn with their household ef» visited Mrs. |. C. Bramwell a' feots and several cows, and tl e not designed for tall women. Huge lots, ten cents each. Halsey today. same evening transferred th r bows of black velvet, lined w ith w hite Buy h o m e p r o d u c ts ellk, constitute the trim m ing. B u y fo re ig n p r o d ­ goods to the Charlie Haud farm, For sale—Cedar shakes and Mrs. D. S M cW illiams, wife ■ f fiuti i n s u r e a fu ll p a y near Holley, which they bav- Posts. Load lots delivered. our local po.-dmaster, returned hou e u c t s ¡u id it m eans Brownsville Warehouses. recently from a a visit at the hou e leased. The cattle having been oft LEAVES THE FOREHEAD BARE e n v e lo p « * af H O M E ? b r e a d l i n e s a t H O M E. feed two days were corralled on o: Mrs. J. H. Culp of Albany, New Coiffure Difficult to W ear and le the Washburn place for rest and Suitable for Only Certain For rent or for sale— Houses and feed until the first of the ween Types ef Faces. farms in vicinity of Halsey. I HE TOr l u s t u r ur'OSSUM M r McHargue is a nephew of Mrs. W . J. Ribelin. Joseph Hume and Mrs. Ida H an­ I t Is to he noted that there Is an sen and came in from Marshfield. Increasing tendency toward coiffures A daughter makes her home with which leave the forehead bare— »0 Barber shop— K arl A. Bram­ her aunts and attends the Browns­ much. In fact, that one questions well proprietor. Suits cleaned and whether tt Is not being carried a little ville schools. Laundry sent Mondays. too far. fo r It la a difficult coiffure to pressed. Mrs. Eliza Robe, Main street, wear and there are many women who I South Brownsville, accompanied are not of the type to attem pt It. W ith When Mr. Stivers, p as to r-o f by iter son-in-law, Elias Ma raters, certain faces tt Is Ideal. One young living oo the Brownsville Halsey woman a t a Parta fete, for whom this the First Christian church at.E u- arrangement was most charming, was 4»ne, took the pastorate he aston­ road, came Sunday to see the new a blonde o f the romantic type, a fact I great grandson, boro to Mrs Mi • which she accented cleverly by dress­ ished old fogy members by speod- | dred Sm ith, daughter of M r. and ing her h air In the manner of the ng hundreds of dollars in dtfiver- Mrs. Marsters, the last of the week. heroines of Balzac, w ith a little tising its services in the newspa­ Mra. Smith's home is in Klamath ■'heart-breaker" enri drawn forw ard pers. He still keeps up the prac- I Falls, but she has been with he to the middle o f the cheek, vastly be­ ice. and the church has doubled I parents for for several weeks. M r - . coming to her type of heanty. She md trebled its membership and Kobe is a widely known pioneer if w ore a girlish frock of w hite mousse- last Sunday its Sunday school at­ I the coast country, having come line. w ith a fichu and Individual little tendance was the largest in the »istory of Oregon. I west with her husband, the la:e sleeves.— Vogue Rev. R Robe, when there were Just Lika a Relative. I comparatively few settlements in Laudable Ambition. A little girl,« being asked a t the Oregon. She has passed her 8 8 'h M arjo ile — Do you know what I'm clo-e of her first day at school how birthday anniversary and for 73 she liked her teacher, replied: “1 •tng to do, Roete? I'm going to be ears she has been a devout mem­ •t.m't like her at all. She's Just as <*>k here when I get a little bigger, ber of the Pretbyterian church, in ■nicy to me as my mother.”— Boston nd then I can boss mam ma.— Edin­ burgh Scotaman. which her husband was an active '• -nnscrlpt. I leader for so in my years. S 1' “ a remarkably well preserved for 'lie of her years, and thoroughly en­ Presents the drsmstrzation of I. Feni joys life. Her life has been a bei - more Cooper * im m ortal American story, edtetion to this community ano | every other where she has lived. OCT. 6, IW1 H Ä L F E »' K A IL I1 0 A U U M E ¿Aerati Ic Sale [Dunlap Drug Co., " Yellow Shepherd DOG (J. S. Chain Tread TIRE and Rim. $7 •P’J Sewing Machine L IN N C O U N T Y FA IR. W E E K W h ic h ? Let us make a wise choice. You will find Oregon-made products as good ind in many cases far superior to others. Remember, we have no sweat shops in Oregon, but in their stead modern san­ itary factories, where heahhy employes enjoy their work. Let the word O R E G O N products l>e on every buyer’s lips. Oregon pure Wool Shirts $4. .50 Men’s Oregon Wool Suits M A U R IC E TOURNEUR $18 to $25 Men’s Oregon W ool Overcoats $15 to $27.50 Bergmann O r< gon-made Shoes Made for Oregon wear. Prices $9 to $18 The «ture with A t»«piHre dotti for e v - ery customer. ALBANY, ORE. The wise woman now Is taking thought for her w inter wardrobe. Hers is a charming fu ll top coat of Australian opossum. Tba fu ll lines end the “runs” of the 'poaeum pelts efford especial Interest. An Economist. “Are your boy s tastes expenstvef •Not alw ays," »aid f arm er Cornto»«et hcpcfutly. have noticed that Josh « m ild ra th e r hear a 50-cenf Jazz eerord than the highest priced grand opera that the phonograph a ffo rd *.' top«. V Last of the Mohicans The exhibits from the Calaponia Ivsllev fair, contributed bv Browns vi |e, Crawfordsville and Hollev, Attracted much attention and fa­ vorable comment at the conntv |fa ir. A historically truthful version of this world- known story. .» A picture every school boy and girl in Halsey should see. Also a good Comedy. Coming next week A Rrownsville dispatch in the 1 Oregonian as vs of Cyril« Newland’» D ally Thought I never, knew any man In my life who could not hear another's rnlafor ijo e a perfectly Uko a Christina. • « «vw V • v — THE After the attack of the preacheis |on he American Legio i'e commit aitv building movement the Odd Fellows' lodge and the Ladies' I Study club gave