2 .a >. SEHT. 29, 1921 quested to give in verse au acoount of her vacation. H a L o EY Carl David was in from Holley •he forepart of the week, bringing • big load of oats for O. W. From. R H. Kenady of Cottage Grove father of Mrs. Ringo, arrived last Leonard Satchwsll of Shedd Saturday for the week end with about 19 year. old. has had a seri relatives. ous attack of lobar pneumonia C. H. Koontz and family mo. ti n T i>e,BAUre ru,1," n« from 1031 I tored to Corvallis last Sunday and l IS He was improving at la« after many detours reached their reporta. destination Mr. Koontz says the B'»rn, a boy. Wednesday at tb roads are in far from perfect con­ home of Dwight Smith who live dition. near Brownsville; a girl, Wedneg W illiam C K irk of Rrowosvill» day, at the home of M. V Red •nd Mabel B. C la u sen , an A ’bsny ford of this city. D r Msrks we schoolteacher, were married tie attending physician at both births other day, Two sons of L E Pennell I y Quite a delegation from Albani man L . 14, .„ d W illiam Lotus took in the Calapcoia valley fair ¡2 years of age, of Shedd hav. hriday and were profuse in their •-een sufferers with typhoid fever praise of the fine exhibit of stock, for the past three weeks, F ut ar* grains, fruits and vegetables. now on the way to recovery. R A IL R O A D t im e North ~ M .i/a t7 v ’a No. iS, 12:04 p. m. £ o u > p ta tio * 24, 4.34 p. m »4. 5:27 p. m. yaea Cr,a„ , Pond’s, Clawood, Melba, Wistaria, Daggett and Rauis- delle. •7«W „ „ J , 7 ~ c /e /. e r , a m , , PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS South No, 23, 11:31 a. m 15, 12:24 p. m. 17, 5,49 p. m Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Carbon paper for sale. prise office. S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS Enter- Rialto Theatre Friday moUfl gold ffnld 4 —J____ used . < in c* 7 «•»ormoua dredges tain sections of California £ ■cooping up the earth with £ precious ponteoU. l* _ 1 ¥ F For sale—Cedar shakes . „ a The delivery window of the For S « le -Y ea r-o ld fiir slab (Posts. Load lots delivered d HBaey poatoffice is open Suudavs block wood, $2.50 per tier; fir block Brownsville Warehouses. grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 wood, |3 oo; maple and oal£ $3 50 S tillm a n ’s, Purola, Othine to 12:35 and 5:15 to 6.30 p. m. Hdl^ y - B^w'nVvdi; Double btrengih. For rent or for sale-Houses and Warehouses Chas. Sterling. ¿7a c t &ou>Jrra farms in vicinity of Halsey d W. F. White brought to this Creme de Camelia, Camelline Remember the Enterprise has a " • y * brar‘cb marvelously loaded Robertine. J. Ribelin. with blue damson plums It can phone at last— No. 205. ^uugt h- seen in the Enterprise offi-e • Barber shop— K arl A n , Pompeiian, Clawood, Purola. ..dow for a few davs, and is In Wallace Reid’s new Para- ■7a/cum ‘i ‘o u ,d ,f , worth going to see The bunch mount picture, ’ T h e Hell Diggers ” X ^ op,i or-(, 8uU,’ cieaued«“d I pressed. Laundry sent Mondays, 2o inches io length, weighs 3 F rH T Hmde’ Honey and “Almond o° R ia R o ‘ h ea U e pounds 10 ounces, fruit and all Friday, Mr. Retd has the role of a Lotion, nd is but about one-third of an ,\fedhen “r char8e ol • flotilla officeUnd~ Sid,COmb’ E ° ‘ « P n .e Oriental Cream inch in diameter at the largest nt hell diggers.” Lois Wilson is p i rt. leading woman and a supporting Mrs. D. C Holbrook and baby Owing to the large number n For Bals-—One k AJ eXander 'Broun George Drinkard and wife of Frank " r of Brownsville left for Oregon City voting groves jug int, • A i r 1’ ’ « • “ • a calvas. A bargain cow and foui Brownsville celebrated their 80th F Ross, 3 »¡let . ” Mondav and expect to be bearing, the walnut harvest nov «»st of Halsey. wedding anniversary at the home joined la'er by ber husband and m progress promises to he the larg I -f their daughter, Mrs. J. 8. Me- remain there permanently, »st in the history of the industn PÄ em Mahan, Halsey, last week. George For Sale— A few barred rock .Ben T. Spdtell .n d wife war, in Oregon. It is ex,*ected tbs' cockerels, 0 . A. C. and McDonald Ronald Reed, well known mtis visitors here Wednesday and sole 300 tons will (>e gal tiered in the yourself. .»Oca box,at my is boss of the building of the From 1 ••ram , at 12 00 .piece, 8. J. Smith .* n » l ° E ' A ’ S t,rn e «- M r Sud Ci*m *1 ? ? " Kev’ W W warehouse which has already as­ Willamette valley W alnut grow of Shedd, has been appointed as log is fast, assuming proportions orchard at the ferry H ar­ sumed shape and ts about ready th im 10* ‘ hat 00 October 5th .1 lor the fireproof roof. y sutant instructor in the school of that will place walnuts in the list risburg. Ore. Call phone 206 aud give us your the Albany fair there will be a mtis.c at the U of O, M r. Reed of major products of the slate, for _______ <’• k MORRIS 7 horseshoe pitching contest and Mr. and Mrs. W. H Shorey 6 f news items. made a hit here when he appeared it is expected that the tonnage of Halsey should be represented; as Holley left on Wednesday’s train on the Chautauqua circuit Iasi outs produced will nearly double h . r e ' X " nUmbr ° ' indiyid«aU H you know an item of news ?r ihe state fair at Salem, and f o r i T ' " ’ B,aie ,air at 8a|«n summsr. nere wbo are experts at it. This «sch year for a time. phone it to No. 205. cont^t will begin at 10 a m ? nd sale. From natural heeler » l° ’ son “ Dal,a"- Manv people who get mad at Teams have Halsey correspondence Tues parents, of Brown t in - « < ' • . h . Boyden . v» D ro w n *» Old papers, 5c . bundle at the continue all day. what the newspaper says about u lle entrained for Spokane, Wash day’s Alhsnv Herald: Miss c le. Um” • n le re d from Wood burn S-- Lnlerprise office. them should got down ou then Wednesday after receiving a tel, * •na Smith, Law, nee Taylor and GEORGE DANNEN, u •„?®r v a , l , , »Dd Albany. For marrow bones and glve devoir grafc that her folks were seriously Brownsville and D rifte d Snow 'he W illam ette valley champion- Helen Armstrong are at the IT, of Shedd, f im ’ thaiigs for what the newspaper b ro n w h .lf^ H “ lard Ackerman flour at D. H . Sturtevaut’e. > Miss Donna Robertson and M ,p i “j a «e wiH b* given knows «b„ut them Rtld doetj|>, brought h -r over in her car. Lawrence Wells are at the I ugetie In ... . »ne story of i prin’. — Yaquina Bay News LTmaii Marsters is Corvallte lady trying out the g .m< Bjlile university. Roland Mark« .*» ur?i‘ A ' C Ralph Pear tree of Brownsville .. and av-eragini Î* Willamette University. Marie who was cashier for the Warre.', ” X u ,W r 6V6ry Barnurn. dentist, aod at ................................ one day thia week H Tuesday v H| 81 ll,e University of Construction companv, has re W hlU^h" ° U‘ ° f 5 each ‘*“ c M m'AI On’ 'n ÍIIÍP Merr,am » lurned to his home in Portland, as L lady U ? * made n " er* her ai h« » •» thi« t the Albany college. M ,sg Net. v ilk WOrk ” con‘P,eted in Browns- « t T h ! T 8.," ,° ^ r t iead7 Ptfnted feat tbs escape be. a the E iterprise office. In small a l l ? »h6' left 8atUrda7 ,or Von- fore ber name was learned. lots, ten cents each. „ .» „ X , " l’ l«h whli i* i . ,eW t ° f ‘ h08e ,rom *h o took the state fair: Glen, The Enterprise wante an ener. .. Do you notioe tbs fine adyertis I rum. Delos Clark. Clarence M, ge tc eohettor of subscriptions aud ¡ng patronage the Enterprise is en Subscriptions; too, Kern. VVayne Robertson, Rev ( gatherer of news in every nearby nyingf communtty. Write us ana we wiB increasing in number every day U. Allingham, who liv e r ., im ° k^ ani fam ilV’ Miss Haz «ram we, tell you how to make a little J JM the people will support a -isiti'r“8 ° f H ab ey’ was • Monday a m i n * y ‘ M " / V,*da E d i,h K “ b - < spen ling money. We want news fl"ga. newsy p.per, .„ d we are Mr h • ncoura*»d tb«o ever to put i r an i re“ a " '1 MrH Job" P>” letters mailed every Monday. John Salasli, our genial black forth every effort to give then er and many others. oíd f o r * ^ *? i P Wi‘h a aeriou* *hat they want. See ourj eight- J h e P«vcment dance at Brown« old for seve.al days but is O K page issue next week V. ' ,e. Was »’Rbtly participated io •ow. • be band arriving very late. M r" G w. Mornhinweg’s En. ’■avor class of the M. E.Church Linn county people took higl u but "" b ' a jolly Tuesday evening Ir n m n ir nen they motored out a mile o» w . . ? N n U. eenC° Unties’ L in ' mre and indulged in a supper of n hit6" / trl,n,n'"*?s. cooked I he seven homoaeekers from *he '■ hot rocks in t he o , „ middle west who made good are in * r " ’ p "— . " » • ” t Oregon and some of them hive '»« as long as we |ive visited or will visit Linn county. M r-. Roger Cornelius and cbil «n visaed friends in - •ly Friday Clifton C :«rey returned Friday T * Perm ittedin ^ e tio p o M d ’^ m I W. Ringo’s Drug store Apples ScOtch Shepherd PupS M a le s $5 I . Sat BOYS’ SUITS ••1SX.Su S K r ¥ Ail vfiil? (JC Brunswick TJiai W ear For the tug-of-w ar, the scrub ball gam e, shinny or for an yth in g everything boys do there’s nothing like our boys’ suits. First in work, first in Play, first with the boys and their mothers too. vetting by Oiegon Electric from m"nity building The levi oints north. H r ' r r 'T prom,ae and now ? ^ L , Sr'rale’’ and f»m ily moved i» »kCb* ra Of Bro’>"«vil)e are firin, '■«• ^eek from their farm easJ of " V ! PF° JT aI1 ,be ”“ * * of am **"" into the Mrs. Mt The Joys ” ' T ; ..............’’•»ton s Orchestra iS t Peck’# Had Boy - sn"1” ', ' ^ Mt . .............. ««button,.........S,ri“d M* ,e I"o41. Spanish Dance (Violin Solo) ................................ f’eycka 30516, Impromptu in A Flat, rfano .......................................... Rote?’» 13027 / Pale Moon, Baritone ........................................— -«-odowsky I Mah Lindy ' ou.......... " ." " " t ' .............................Richard Bone Iff 1 13016 Minstrel Boy, Tenor ............................................. " J' ’ " I When Irish *■ ye» are Smiling;.” ” ” .......................... re c O Z Ph° nograph can P,ay Brunswick W oodworth D ru g Co. ^ h s ^ i *B0h.mor"'Bg until noon. i i p u re w o o l s u its th a t '« o k nice a nd W E A R , p ric e d a t ^ ••o r F $ 1 0 to $ 1 6 .5 0 n f . A.,II' W° O1 »“ H». W ith tw o p a irs o f k n ic k e rs , a t $12.50 to $18.50 l« - p r « í « S X . “ S ^C LO T H n^T co] '' b° ” ' The Htorr with a «Qiiaredeal for even customer. H Porter l.ft by morning until he noon JP*>y cup will given . a . «¡it . I "eaday inurting for 8 a ,elJ1 «"d an engraved silver spoon as n a ,d i <4 ° f g -- . i ■ vO flu . second * rt7e ,m h" l ubi’ h' Children e)tb' b'«ion »f the state r. He was accompmied by his Iowa: ’ M i”. Gertrude. M ^ C 1 Boy six monthi nd Stafford of this cilv and I f 12 months of age M i.,» ,. S e e , M ■ 2 G irl six months and h«» been a guest at the Dean home 12 months of age. for som -tim e The l.tte r thiee 3 Boy IB months and drove on to Portland that afternoon 24 months of age. 8 ub.cnbers save 50 cent, a ve, r ! ® irI 12 months and I p h.P" ,h * v P»V >n advance for the 24 a months n os - of sge. P;".krpn” ’ Arrearage»areeharged I »m* 1 B?y Boy 24 ni< months and »t the rate of 4c a week Th* ’ ' M months of sge I P»v >2 at the sm? months and 1 d Ihe year, but they lose 50c and 3° " ,o'',h " »g« We gam nothing, for hookkee,,jng M months and ^ o lle c m g , nd oivasion.l had ®f •M « eat up that half dollar so ° ' r * 36 '»ontha and " d li.m Nelson, . | ••• f , ^ d a v ^ h iÄ ^ was there for the fair. ALBANY. ORE.J I “ . r £• H eer.w ed 24 m o n t k T o T ^ ALLACE REID LN he Hell Diggers . *** ’ 10 your heart for •yrapathy foT „ „ hravea, m ggte, . aver fought I Piclur,. HsroW Uojd; tUinkow lal«nd Next week f,om * " “ L»«t of the Mohicans” ' r"m 18 ' Each child w.H b . given , tificate of examinatiou. and ear filin g by one hand H« has been solicited to perform 10 Other cities. t t a c 2 .r ,,f'” r * * ” ven • nncate of award. Also C°“ ” t •°°« ««• b-g tpweial tnuJpVr1^ ■ î îs r g s r g ^ . The Affair> of Anatol ” RIALTO FRIDAY