of agreement in her eyes. Then came up from the barn the ragged little lad of No Santa Claus band— now a sturdy, bright-eyed, handsome boy of twelve. - The horses were put out and all went In to supper. After supper Brlmstead showed models of a mowing machine with a cut bar six feet long, and a plow which would turn two furrows. "That’s what we need on these prairies,” said Samson. “Something that’ll turn 'em over and cut the crop quicker.” . "Say. I’ll tell ye.” said Brlmstead as If about to disclose a secret “These great stretches of smooth, rich land Just everlastingly ram the spurs Into you and keep your brain galloping. Mine Is goln’ night and day. The prairies are a new thing and you’ve got to tackle ’em in a new way. I tell you the seeding and planting and mowing and reaping and threshing Is all going to be done'by machinery and horses. The wheel will be the foun datlon of the new era.” “You’re right,” said Samson. “How are you gettln' along’’’ “Rather slow,” Samson answered “It’s hard to get our stuff to market down In the Sangamon country. Our river Isn’t navigable yet. We hope that Abe Lincoln, who has Just been elected to the legislature, will he able to get It widened and straightened and cleaued up so It will be of some use to us down there.” “I've heard of him. They call him HonesfAbe, don’t they?” “Yes; snd he Is honest If a man ever was." “Is he going to marry the Rutledge girl?” was the query of Mrs. Rrlrn stead. “I don't think so," Samson an swered. a little surprised at her knowl­ edge of the attachment. “He's as hum- ly as Sam Hill and dresses rough and ain’t real handy with the gnls. Some fellers are kind o’ fenced In with hum llness and awkwardness." “The boys arming here are all e fenced In," said Annabel. “There’s nobody here of my age but Lanky Pel- ei8, who looks like a fish, and a red­ headed Irish boy with a wooden leg." The Peasleys arrived and the men and women spent a delightful hour traveling without weariness over the long trail to beloved scenes and the days of their youth. Every day's end thousands were going east on that trull, each to find Ills i»ot of gold at the foot of the rainbow of memory. . Before they went to bed that night Brlmstead paid his debt to Samson, with interest, and very confidentially. It was a long, wearisome ride hack ta the land of plenty, over frozen ground, with barely an Inch of snow upon It, under a dark sky, with a chil­ ly wind blowing. “After all. It's home,” said Samson, when late In the evening they saw the lighted windows of the cabin ahead. goats for Saturday evening, oi. which they w ill entertain the A number of students enrolled freshmen. M any of the frosh are during the week, b rin g in g ibe to already showing signs of fear. Reporter, J. B, ta i attendance up to fo rty-n in e . 'he freshman ciass is unusually FLASH BURIAL RITES TO SHIP >rge. Tbe senior class bas seven uetnhers, and there is also one Vessel Minus Prayer Book When Fire­ post g rad i ate, Ercel Sneed. man Dies Gets Full Ritual Class meetings were held on by Wireless. Wednesday, and the election of dicers was as follows; Liverpool.—During a recent voyage Senior class— President, Grace of a liner from America, a request w as | K irk ; secretary aud treasurer, Ger- received In the ship’s wireless room Jilitje Cook; reporter, Alba H ayes; from another vessel asking for the transmission to It by wireless of the iijscn t, A ltierta Koontz, Junior class— President, Clarice words of the burial service. The reason for this unusual request inu rle y; vice president, Anna was that a fireman on hoard the Cana­ ] te in ric h ; secretary and treasurer, dian government steamer Canadian lanei Boggs; reporter, Pearl Pehrs- Trapper hue! been tukiai 111 on the voy­ son. age and had died, ami the captain dis­ Sophomore class — President, covered that there was no copy of the H arold M uller; vice president, prayer book on board. The Carmanla operator telegraphed luth Erum ; secretary and treas­ urer, Milford Muller; reporter Eli- hy wireless the whole of the burial service. itl McWilliams, Freshman class— President, T ru - nan Robnett; vice preside, t, L ila Dudley; secretary and treasurer, Plays Hearts With feula h M cKern; reporter, Agnes Chandler. Names of 23 Wives The girl»' glee club held its first Guards at Slug Sing prison, neeting of the year last Friday Ossining, N. Y„ re|airt that L. ind began pi act icing M onday un­ A. Schaeffer, a prisoner serving der the supervision of Mrs. B M. a sentence for bigamy, has an Bond, soprano, and Mrs. H enry taken radium silk Into the scheme n. their calculations, and with some verj attractive results. It is presented In the lighter pastel shades and, when made on the simple, prescribed Hues and trimmed with some bits of hand­ made lace and ribbons to add to its charm, It api>ears a real creation. Especially are the long chemises giaal in this material, ns they are often called upon to do duty for petticoats an well. Handkerchief linen Is used, too, for the smarter pieces of under­ wear. It scoffs at silk and holds It­ self in a quite superior class. One of the events of Paris Is the Bal de I’Opera, and this season, they say, the costumes and the colors and the designs were lovelier than ever they had been jit Hie past. As for color, the fuchsia shades nnd royal purple, with royal red, were the favor (ties, being so brilliantly beautiful •hat It Is believed they may sel tbe color note for the smart ones of the season. There were numbers Aipon numbers of long, hooped skirts, and the domino costumes were sc ex qulsitely fashioned that they offered all sorts of suggestions for the capes especially as to the calash hoods which have already been handled sparingly. Laces were made up In every sort of guise, and an astonish Ing number of the hats were done In irlcont shape. The new idea Is to make many of the sleeves long nnd straight and wide set Into armholes that almost succeed In reaching the waistline. J. W MOORE S J ie a l te sta te a n d i n s u r a n c e A Question that is Easily Answered i a what to offer your lady friend in the way of refreshments. Just bring her here and treat her to some V>f our deli­ cious ice cream. That she will like ii goes without saying. Besides, »he will appreciate your thoughtfulness and gen- erosity. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Smith Bros. Market * SHORT TERM ; POLICIES protect you against loss by fire on your hay, grain, • clover and other seed for any length of time desired. Policies < written and delivered on day of application. Rates on request. £ C. P. STAFFORD, Insect It Reported In Great Nurnbere and Doing Much Damage by Looeening Sheaves. always on hand Also other Meats in season. CRICKETS CUT GRAIN TWINE A warning agiimst the cr'ckete which chew the twine on grain sheaves and thus iiu se loos of the grain is 1» sued bv Stewart Lockwood, cxtens'on entomologist at the Agricultural ■ ol- lege of North Dakota, who says the Insect Is being reported In great num­ bers throughout his section. new »Ml twine. If poaslble. •ays Mr Lockwood Otherwise, »nek tbe twine In a solution of one part urpentlne and one part pin. t*r, two or three days _______ Fresh and cured Meats | Resident sgent American Ragle Fire Insurance tom paay. Public typewriting done. Enter­ prise office. Mrs. A . A . W H E E L E R . i I SEP I . iq2i 1IAI.SKY KN I EMPRISE 1 /(1 Ä E. E White, mayor of Browns- Shedd Shots v ille , and wife were in Halsey Sun­ George D ann-n had the m isfor­ day, tune to have one o f his cows c rip ­ Helen, daughter of M r. and M rs. pled so badly th a t it is feared that A, C. Arm strong, left F rid a y to she w ill have to be shot. enter the U nive rsity of Oregon. Tbe com m un ity fa ir was a grand Simon Reesor, who has spent success There was a large display of everything that goes to make up some tim e south o f towu, has gone to F ry station, east o f A l­ a first-class fair. bany. M »x E lder had his tonsils re­ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baene and moved and a t the present w ritin v is not doing so well. Dr M arks son A llen, accompanied by M r*- of Halsey was called in Sunday K. C. A llen and W. A- A lie n , vis- ittd at the M . E. M ille r home at morning H arrisburg Sunday. We w ill say this much fo r the M r. J. T. Beene of T a ft, Cal., d ra ft-t"a m judge at the com m unity fa ir He has something to learn, arrived Monday m orning and w ill like the rest of us. We would ad­ spend a few days looking after vise the honorable gentleman to business matters. learn the difference between coach County School Superintendent horses and d ra ft horses. Geer is ready to re m it to a ll dis­ tr ic t clerks who have filed th e ir Mending. imnds the apportionm ent from the Elecfrtcliin’s sticky black tape ex 112,872,74 state school fund in te r­ ■ellent for mending breaks in pipes or est money. howls If the weak spot ’s In a pipe, H arrisb urg neighborhood raised wntr- »he tape around It tightly, 1 vav- uig a generous amount on each side, 1130,000 worth of hops fo r sale th is if tt.ere Is a crack In the bowl, run year. -tie tape ulong the crack. The Halsey State bank has taken a default judgm ent agaiust W ill­ iam A. H ahn fo r <308. Jots and Tittles R. B. M ayberry and fa m ily (Continued from page 1) drove to A lb a n y Sunday and spent M t. and Mrs A. C. A rm strong tb e day v is itin g relatives. spent Thursday in A lb an y. Mothers w ishing to enter babies H arold Stevenson and wife were in tbe better babies contest at the over from Brownsville Sunday. county fa ir may do so by w ritin g J. C. Standish and wife were or telephoning to or v is itin g the passengers F rid ay for Portland, Red Cross headquarters at A lbany, where they visited M r. Standish’s givin g names of c h ild and parents, -on Everett. They cane home age and Bex. Monday. Newt Cummings, who has been N. T Sneed and fa m ily and W. confined iu tbe local hospital w ith I, Norton and fa m ily drove to A l­ a broken ankle, returned to bis bany Saturday, in te n t on shopping. home near Halsey Tuesday-— H a r- ritb u rg B u lle tin . Dr. and Mrs. E. W . Barnum of The H arrisburg B u lle tin says; H arrisburg were guests at the C. P. Stafford borne Sunday evening. "O n ly a few from H a rris b u rg a t­ tended the Lane county fa ir last Miss Nettie Spencer departed the week. Was a tim e when hundreds last of the week for Yoncalla, from here would go, but th a t was where she w ill again assume her in a day when the fa ir manage­ duties as teacher in the high school. ment spent a few d ollars fo r ad­ H enry Lance, who lived here for v e rtisin g .’ * Same here. Few peo­ five years, returned last F rid ay to ple from here were beaded (or Eu­ his present home at D onald, just gene or seemed to know much about below Salem, after a week’s visit it, and we are just a h a lf b ou r’ a ride away on the 8, P. here. Something unusual was the A . Anensen, baker o f Browns­ ville, le ft Saturday for Portland, showering of a young benedict a t where his faYnily reside. H is wife Junction C ity last week, when be had ju s t undergone a serious received numerous pieces ot w est­ operation and he had been sum­ ing apparel and "enough s ilk socks to keep the males of the species moned to her side. provided down the line for several Mrs. J, T. C u rry, who lives 2$ generations.” W h y not? Have a miles east of Halsey on the Davis shower for the groom as well as farm , le ft Saturday m orning fo r the bride. I t would be welcome, Leona to v is it her daughter, Mrs. and the joy of selecting things fo r M innie Cruson. a man would cause endless fun. M -ses Powers and Johnson, We a ll know how they would ap­ teachers of Brownsville, went to preciate these things, they are a l­ A lb an y Saturday, via Halsey, on ways so glad to receive C hristm as a shopping expedition. presents, especially cigars and Mrs. Andrew Brown and Miss neckties. W ilh e lm in a Corcoran of Halsey R. B. M ille r and w ife and c h il­ took in the Khedd fa ir Saturday. dren, C u rrin , John, Ione and Mrs. A - Price and baby son Hom er, of Halsey attended the were passengers Saturday to the celebration of the wedding of Mr, and Mre. A r th u r W igle in H a rris­ Sb»dd fa ir. burg recently. Mrs. H a ttie Patterson and Mrs. Laura Shorey of L is Angeles were Mre. James West, who has been a rrivals on Saturday's tra in , and liv in g at the B ye rle y home fo r the were met by W A. Shorey, s past tw o months, le ft Saturday fo r brother and son, whom they had Brow nsville, where she w ill v is it not seen for ten years or more, her daughter, Mrs. Jake Acker­ whose home is in H olley. A fte r » man. dinner a t the hotel they motored Mrs. Ellie H averland and fa m ily to H 'd le y . The ladies bad been returned to B ro w n sville Sunday lo u rin g as far east as Chicago and to reside. were on th e ir way home M r. D alrym ple o f the in te rn a l Mr. and Mrs. D. 8 M cW illiam s and son E llio t, accompanied by revenue service came in from Shedd Mr. and Mia. W illia m lH . W hreler, S aturday evening and played over motored lo Brow nsville last F r i­ Sunday to do business in Halsey day n ig h t and took in the fa ir. M onday. They loUlid a large crowd out to W . J. Carey got home last week enjoy the evening exercises, con­ from a v is it of several weeks w ith sisting of speeches and other rec­ hie daughter near Roseburg. M r. reations. Ib e pavement is surely Carey ia older than the Enterprise a great improvement to the little nan, but he does not show it in c ity and there is no doubt but nia looks. B iow nsville has broken away from tbe obstructionist* who have pre­ L. V . Chance and wife spent vented prfigress for so m any years. Sunday w ith friends and relatives Last week tbe type played tricss in A lbany. w ith the Enterprise. Am >ng other E. B. M cK inn ey and fa m ily things a wrong figure strayed into were week-end guests o f friends ia a local item about a m illin e ry Corvallis. stock and insiearl of "O c t 1’’ it The Women’s Study clu b last read Saturday, Oct 7 0>'tol»er 7 was not Saturday, A period got Thursday afternoon held a brief into the fee demanded for a tto r­ business meeting for the purpose neys in a divorce «nil and made it of electing a president and plan­ read 11,50 instead of <150. Thoae ning the work for tbe coming year. M ornhinw eg was lawyers were not a« modest in Mrs. G. W. i th eir demands as th a t Then the elected president to f ill the vacancy ' tdanket on the press, which, hy the caused by the resignation of Mrs. wav, does nof go on tbe press bed, B M Bond. Flans were made for crawled from over a portion of tbe the sale o f tickets fo r the lyceum e d ito ria l oolutnn and made it un­ course, the first num ber to tie given The program com m ittee readable, w hich may have been a Nov. 2 re lie f to tbe readers. Tbe E nter­ Aas instructed to aelnet a course The n ext prise is a sheet which, before its fo r the year'e work. rerders see it, goes undej the b la n ­ meeting w ill occur Oct. 13 at the ket on the bed, but it never stops home of Mrs. O. W. L au bn er, at which tlm v vseb member is re- ‘ o rest there.