Cattle and Feed H Ä L S E ? E N T E R P R IS E SEPT. 29. 1921 PAGE J ' ' " " leL vwuuU, lis rv o y McConnell; th ird , K d ith Pugh; ------------ I ‘-v v v u h c ii , m in i, RUIln F ugh;| Combined With Brownsville R»lpb Malson; fifth , R ath- »•cond, H arold Coon; th ird , Ken-1 Brownsville Briefs I enne A tu o iJ , tix th , Keuneth A r- nP,h S m ith ; fo u rth . Lloyd M ille r, Oregon Cow Tests Bring Results-Crimson Clover Toe Prof. Baker and fa m ily were Pavement Celebration oold, seventh, Raymond Duncan. fifth , Richard Davis. Tender—Silo Information Cauning clubs—F irs t, Lebanon; weak-eud visitors a t A lb an y. Shorthorn division — F irst, D ellis 1 he e xhibitio n of the Calapooia C ornu tt; second, C lifford C ornutt, second, Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tem pleton valley fa ir Thursday and F riday th ird , Irene Q uim by; fo urth , Ruth Canning club e xhih^s— Mar. h ive gone to housekeeping on K ir k Wonderful Dairy Improvement of home m. k e, there I . always the like- of last week was a yyry creditable Q uim by. . gatet Michels, fir s t; Rachael Betts, avenue. A Rain o f 4 96 p >unds of butter lhoo< ° f in le ts fo r a ir, w hich w ill ,,„,11 display of the a g ric u ltu ra l, stock | second; bene Q uim by, th ird Shorthorns, d ivision 2— First fat and 130 9 pound« of m ilk was the silage. and fru it interests of this p art of Katherine Pugh; second, John fo u rth , Mabel Rev. A. M. M cC lain and wife Robinson; fifth . C a refu l a tte n tio n should be paid to Lion county. averaged by the 2715 Oregon cow The attendance also Q im by; th ird . George Dannen Ru,h Quimby ; sixth , E d ith Long. were county seat visitors T hursday, seeing th a t th e m achinery to he used in cow-testing associations in A u ­ was quite satisfactory and the pro­ fo urth , Roy C. Daunen; fifth , C lif­ seventh, Ruth Long, eighth, F lo r­ d riv in g over in th e ir F ord. gust, 1921, over the average yield n harve stin g and sto rin g the silage is gram of sports kept the crowd in ­ ence Scott. ford C ornutt. Jesse H in m a n of the Times has of the herds tested in 1920, not. in w o rkin g condition. Corn harvesters terested. J he needlework depart­ Shorthorn sweepstakes— K a th ­ and s ilo -tillin g m achinery are frequent goue in for th a t new o oinm u uity w ithstanding the unfavorable dry / owned in p a rtn e rsh ip by several ment was attractive, p a rtic u la rly to erine Pugh. house w ith a vim th a t is lik e ly to weather aud poor feed conditions farm ers, and o f course arrangem ents the ladies, and added a great deal The Sundial. Jersey sweepstakes—Clarice M c­ b ring home the bacon. The average b u tle r-fa t yield wa- need to he made In advance to see the I of interest to the program. Connell. T he su n d ia l was know n fro m the __ more than one pound d aily, inon a ll the owners get t lie lr corn in a t th* b* the evening several hundred Mrs. Roberts, liv in g on south Hogs, Durocs—F irst, George e a rlie s t tim es to the E g yp tia n s, the than double th a t of Oregon com - season when It Is In best shape In The M ain street, had a s lig h t p aralytic copie gathered in the street (paved Damien; second, Fred Daunen; Chaldeans and the Hebrews. not in the association. using the corn harvester the bundles streei; please don’t forget) before Greeks derived it fro m th e ir eastern stroke last week, from which she th ird , Roy Daunen. should be made ra th e r sm all. W hile The cham pion cow was in th neighbors and It was Intro d u ce d In­ he Hotel Brownsville and listened For some hours her Berkehires F irst, Lloyd M ille r; to Rome d u rin g the Arsl P u n ic w ar. soon ra llie d . th is takes more tim e, the e xtra expense T illam ook association. She pm to several addresses on civic im ­ memory was a b lank is more than offset by the ease in han­ duced over 88 pounds of butler fa provement in general and the ac. d lin g the bundles and feeding them D arrell Sawyer, son of Sara iu August. couiplishm eiits of Brow nsville in in to the silage cutter. Sawyer and wife, who has been p ir ocular. M ayor W hite pre­ Th.- corn o rd in a rily Is hauled to the Crimson Clover Too Tender l i v i n g at W a lla W alla fo r q uite a cu tte r on common. Hat hay racks. T he side I and iu a few words referred while, has decided to retu ru to Tne E nterprise has been asked low-« heeled wagon is much p re fe r­ lo the p ublic s p irit the town has Brownsville to reside and has sent about crimson olover. The eer does not b ring home some do much good th is year but might ,iu i1 d h - w e s t fa rn o - rs w h o w. e x ­ Bros. blue ribbons, there w ill l>e some be clipped o u t and saved tohecon «xceediugly fine horses at the fa ir. pected to pass til rough Hulses suited next summer : The Fair at Shedd next week in search of Oiegon Some of the big hoys thought W ith , th e approach o f the tim e fo r farms Each of them had prom ­ More than 500 people attended they would see w hst stuff th e ir fillin g the silo, e x p e rts In th e U nited ised to bring with him not less I the Shedd com m unity fa ir Satur States D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u ltu re call new high-school p rin c ip a l was than 15000. day. a tte n tio n to th e d e s ira b ility o f p u t­ made of. The first to make the A letter from the state chamber ; The exhibits were in the Shedd tin g silos In shape and m aking plans test chanced to he one o f the Cal- f o r A llin g w h ich w ill save valuable of commerce, dated last Saturday, schoolhouse, and the cauning •loway boys. When Prof. Baker tim e In the rush o f w o rk. Silos are a has been received hv tb*- E nter-! demonstration was held in the to t through shaking h im he felt as c o m p a ra tiv e ly new fe a tu re o f fa rm prise. Part of its contents fo l­ h* ement. I if a ll his jo in ts were loose. You m anagem ent, and In m any cases have low : The exhibits, besides those shown c mid hear a pin drop in th a t been b u ilt less s u b s ta n tia lly th a n some I school room. “ Crop failures, lack of markets by the clubs, including a floral o f the o ld e r fo rm s o f fa rm structu re s. and general hard times have re­ display, distinguished by an elab­ H ighest prices paid f o r B e e f. p o r k , V e a l end M u tto n . Fee U Silos Need Occasional Attention. sulted in the decision of the Ore­ orate exhibit of dahlias, a com A Sweet Story Even th e best co n stru cte d s ilo w ill Halsey phone 179. Brow naville phon* 87c51. gon chamber o f commerce to can­ ina nity cooking e x h ib it and art before you sell. For over tw enty years N. T. need some a tte n tio n occasionally. Con cel the homeseekers’ excursion and needlework display. ■»need o f Halsey has been m arket­ Crete silos, w h ic h are am ong the most Clubs showing e xhibits were the ing honey. T h is year his in* expensive o f c o n s tru c tio n , re q u ire the Lsrge numbers of farmers prom­ least a tte n tio n as a general rule, hul ised to come, hut only seven were Shedd cooking club, the O a kville num rable arm y o f winged assist­ sbie to complete th eir reserva- sewing club and the C h a rity home- th e y w ill g ive b e tte r service I f the In ants has supplied h im w ith 3000 making club. •Id e Is given a coat o f special pain, lions. po inds. Follow ing are the results of the We bear more about bard times sh o u t once In th re e years. P a in t fo r He has marketed the extracted for low prices on tires. A good stock livestock club e x h ib it awards; tre a tin g th e In te rio rs o f silos is easily in the cities than on the farms, honey in Eugene, Cottage Grove, made o f ra w coal ta r m ixed w ith gaso­ but in contrast w ith the above is Jersev calves, d ivision 1— F irst, M arshfield and even in Canada. always on band at rock-bottom prices lin e and a p p lie d w ith a ta r brush. The the (act that Idaho has just wel­ Anna M cConnell; second, Ruth He get« about 15c a pound at r o o f should be Inspected to see I f It Is comed a caravan o f 88 hnmeseek- Malson; th ird . Stanley Satcbwell Prom pt attention given to repair work wholesale. w a te r-tig h t, and th e doors may w-ell be er* who came from N e w York c ity and C lairs C ornutt, tied; fo urth . A t present he has fo rty bee looked over. T h e y need to f it t ig h t Carl W illiam s, o f the Lake Creek A good line of Ford parts and other ac­ Imuses, as he calls them , and no Wooden alias. e ith e r stave o r board in th eir own automobiles. Jersey Calf club; fifth , R uth Pugh. c o n s tru c tio n , re q u ire a d d itlo n s l atten man knoweth bow many in d u s tri­ cessories on'hand at all times The grand cham pionship of Cal- AU are members of the Shedd Jer­ tlo n . T h e hoops o f stave silo s should ous little workers, w ith never a be tig h te n e d and any d e fe ctive pieces ifo rin s was recently won by a sey C alf club w ith the one excep­ •trike for better pay or conditions H a l wey G a r a g e , F o o te Bros. P r »p<*. o f wood replaced. In wood alios, par- Berkshire sow bred aod raised at tion. «nd never a holiday in the work« Jersey calves, divtaioa J- First, tk u la r l^ the cheaper ooes ai*J those O A. C*. ing season. iiiij CALAFOOIA FAIR Four Big Days T H E Y 'R E C O M IN G L IN N C O U N T Y F A IR ALBANY, OREGON OCTOBER 4, 5, 6 , 7 _ H O RSE R A CI M O T O R C Y C L E R A C IN G , EXHIBITS WORTH COMING TO SEE B ijf P u b l ic W e d d i n g Plan to SEE ALL FOUR DAYS Q O 4 Big; D a y s Harvest is Over $ I.H.C. Tillage Tools?,Tractors G.W. Mornhinweg MAYBERRY & M c K inney L IV E S T O C K 5 BUYERS HALSEY GARAGE A