i niift H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E í HALSEY ENTERPRISE An independent— N O T neutral— uewa- paper, publiahed every Thursday, by W m . K . & A. A. W H E E L E R W . H . W h k k l e x Editor. Mas. A. A. W h b b l x x Business Manager and Local Newa Editor. Subscriptions, $1 50 a year in advance Arrearages. »2 a year. Tranaient advertising. 25c an inch, pei manent, 20c. No discount for tun. or space In ' Faid-for Paragraphs,'' 5c a lin e No advertising disguised as newa. S E E f. 29, 1921 A rbuckle’s version of hie treat­ ment of Mies Rapp, with whose tnurder he is charged, was such th a t Sem nacher, who heard it, re­ fused to repeat it verbally in cour' but banded it to the judge in wri ing. T h is is the A rbuckle wh first declared th a t be had not be» in the room with the girl and n< has "n o th in g to sa v .” And he li Billy S unday's sym pathy! ,' a fte r dawn recently. M arla Concelcao, w ife of a workman, was seen drag F a tty Arbuckle’s wife gels much ging herself pain fu lly on her knees praise in some q u arters for c tm - from her house through the busy ing to him in the d irty scrape he tsreets to the Chureb of Our I.ady of Health, thus carrying out a vow made is in. W hether he escapes the law during the lllneRS of her husband. T h e distance from her house to or not his tnconn» as an actor will lie gone, for the public will not the church was over two miles and long before she had accomplished one- tolerate him on the screen. His h a lf o f her pilgrim age her kneea were fortune will be gone when bis la w - torn by the atones and her dress was y e n have doue with him. The stained w ith blood. M arla's husband, a young tinman, lady cannot save hie income and fell seriously III shout six months ago the fat stipend he has been paying ; and was given up by the doctors. She her. H er effort« will be love's(?) tended him with untiring care and , , I , l when It was thought that he was dy- | Ing, she prayed for a m iracle to save • • | making a vow that I f he re- We h av e a h u teu u w hose dutv ; covered she would go on her knees, as it is to read each week the c o u n try j a sign of thanksgiving to the shrine of nrwsp tpera from all over the coun­ the Lady of Health. try. There is nob a paper of any consequence in our trade territory BUILDS CHURCH IN 20 YEARS that our bureau does not get. This bureau looks over these papers and California Bank Clerk Collects Fund«, when we hud a town where the Draw s Plans and Does the W ork m erchants are not advertising in th e local paper we im m ediately Colusa. C al.—Jacob, I d Biblical Hood that territo ry with our liter. ature. It a lw a y s b rin g s result.- '’ ays. labored seven years for the hand f . r in excess ol the sam e e ffo rt p ut ,,f ltu ilie l- » .1. . . . . 1 - 1 . 1 George B arrett, a bank clerk In f o t l h tn territory where he l " « l 1 Colusa, I . Just .„„w le ttn g his 20 ye a r. local p apers. ,,f , Oj| jn ,,ullrtlns J p penney Po. b . u. I u. b. i ’ ‘‘ " x ' . '" ' Featuring Fall Economies at the J. C. P e n n e y Co. Store, Albany, Ore. The store where you profit most by paving: less. Our enormous cash purchasing power for. 312 stores in 26 states enables us to supply you with merchandise of merit at prices that mean positive savings. * O u r prices seem impossible when compared with prices elsewhere, but the great buying | power of tho J. C. Penney Co. enables us to share mutual benefits every day in 312 stores. $34.75 $19.75 $24.75 Sui ts, 14.75 19.75 24.75 Coats, 24.75 14.75 Dresses, 9.90 Grow Too Small, Owing to Inbrood- Ing. L ondon.--The famous six cream ponies, which were form erly part of the state pageantry of London, will never appear again drawing the royal coach through the London streets, as, owing to Inbreeding, the stock has grown too small for ceremon'nl pur poses and their places have been ta k ­ en by the "royal blacks." The stock of creams, however, will not be allowed to die out altogether, for the king has presented them to the army council, and In future they w ill he used as cavalry drum horses. Hom« Gardening Beats Golf. D etro it, M ich.—Thousands of De- I trotters who acquired the gardening linblt during the w a r have continued the practice o f making and tending patches of \egetnhles and small fruits until It lias become a hobby with a ' large proportion of men here. More Interest Is being taken In gardening than In golf, baseball or other sports during the summer months, nccoid ng to those who have made a study of the situation. It ia claimed th a t "p ro h ib ition d o n 't p ro h ib it" in Chicago and How would you feel if you had Charles O. F itim o rris, atiperiu- been conducting a clothing store tem lsnt of police, expoeee th e re a ­ in the sam e old town for nearly son when he declares th a t Ml per 60 years anti one of your life-long cant ol the 5000 police there ate ««Horn»«* dropped in to buy a ta il A.«., P, - » ....„ .h ,, A cleanup in the dep artm en t looms v o a ? Chicago ouay ta u u i« d r j« » I L m I Friday r»j> Humph ray, What You Don’t! ATTORNEY A T LAW O N O R A b elie v e s 'th a t’ what is worth doing is worth doing well For example, some phonographs are finished on only three sides. Y&u're expected to put them in the corner and not in the :enter of the room Sonora is finished beautifully on all four sides Its design and its cab­ inetry are extraordinarily beair, tiful You can see this t Its internal construction is of remarkably superior quality. This (if you are not a mechan­ ical expert) you can take on trust The tra d e m a rk Sonora ia y o u r iu a r a n te e The tone of the Sonora, sweet,’ mellow, enchanting, is a .oy of which you never tire The Sonora is the phonograph you can enjoy for a lifetime and which you can _ be proud of possessing ( S 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld’g, Albany, Oregon. Amor A. Tussing L A W Y E R ,AND NOTARY B rownsville , O regon A. Peterson Expert workmanship. Dress Shoes a Specialty 501 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon. M .g n iA c . n r p e r io d e n d e p n t h L Shoe Repair Shop tty le » a r y r e e d y f B erry Piano and F u rn itu re Company Two doors north of the hotel. Am prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- anteed. 957 W ilam ette at., Phone 1470 EUGENE ' JEWETT the COBBLER. DEHnSTAY tional Bank W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 66. R egular m eeting next Saturday F. M. GRAY, Drayman. night. and W R I G H T & POOLE L IC E N S E D T u N E R A L A OCT. 6 OCT. 7 A special meeting of the taxpayer» of the city of Halsey is called for Thur»d*y fve n in g , October 13, 1921, at 7:30 O'clock p. m ., at the council chamber, for the purpose of discussing the budget of the city of Halsey for the year begis- utnit lanuary 1, 1922, and ending De­ cember 31, 1922. This notice is pub­ lished in pursuance of chapter 118. laws of 1921. Estimated budget as passed by the levy- l a g board : Estimated Expenses Councilm an____ _______ » 72 Marshal, Atty. Sal., labor 172, M a y o r ______ . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Health officer___ ___ . . . 12 R e c o rd e r_____ . . . . . . . . . 50 Street lig h tin g . . . . . . . . . . 612 E le c tio n ............................... 20 W e H ave O ptical ALBANY, OREGON E Y E S T R A IN 4 Big Special Days Is the Cause of M any 1 1000 H U M A N IL L S If your eyes give you trouble or p Street fotersections . . . . »175 your glasses are annoying . ( L u m lw f ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 SBE US. We can Relieve You . , G r a q p ................................. 500 B a n c r o ft O p tical C o. <> M ain tain ing city property 85 il.l 1st St. W. Albany. Phone W Miscellaneous and labor. 202 5 »1320 HAVE Total estimated expenses Recapitulation Estimated expeuses.. . . . . . .....---A 7 5 2 0 Estimated receipts_____ . . . ______ G O IN G T O LO O SE H O R S E TH O USA ND A .1 R A C IN G ONE RATUBI MOTHERS, if defects of the e irrected in early even middle life w i find them so strained th a t the o » ti“ r will !>e deprived of much i • om fort and pleasure. eve» a re a n not life , o ld age or A M U SEM EN TS SOMETHING DOING FROM 10 I. M. TO 11 P. M. EXHIBITS WORTH WHILE Optom etrist. alb a N r S P E C IA L T R A IN »2520 Total estimated receipts .» 520 W E 'R E H IM »1320 Estimated Receipts License feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Special road tax . . . . . . . . 500 - CORNERED TURN »1000 Outstanding w a rra n ts ... G LO O M CHASER AND DIRECTORS H A R R IS B U R G LEBANO N Phone 35 Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville, W nj T Tem pleton, Mgr. (fa ls e /, Phone 166, F rank K irk . Mgr. E V E R Y T H IN G THE nerve­ Special Notice to Taxpayers F A IR WE Late I. 0 . O . F . Halsey, Oregon. I' Butldin, Albany, Oregon, Without pain. blocking method. Watches and clocks a specialty. ! Repairing. Pine Watchmaker and Jeweler AT THE BLAIN STORE 55-year Customer Celebrates Date bv Buying Suit E. C . M ILLER C. C. B R Y A N T and H.JJV 32-inch Middy Blouses — a Dress Gingham, 23c very large assortment . $1.98 9-4 Bleached Sheeting 4i <• Wool pleated Skirts new assortment Percales 14.98 #5.90 $ 6 .9 0 12ic and 174 ARCHIE CORNELIUS “You can send along a rector before j 1 tong now," B arrett Jubilantly told an Famous British H a c k l y . What You Do See Machine in the World f OCT. 4 OCT. 5 A pheasant hunter shot aud killed a heif»r near H arrisburg the oth er day aud escaped detectioi , T h at was better th a n if lie killed a n u n , as some ol them do. The open season for pheasanta begins Oct. 15, For cattle it is later, but for men it appears to all the year ^ound of late. Estate. Electric Haircutting, Massaging / and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing The Highest Class Talking Jap Crepe 33c Silk Underskirts #2.98 aud irresponsibility offered b y o th Dianelayers a re e ffe c tiv e , he w ho ahoots a man for a deer ought to be acquitted on the ground th a t a fool la not responsible. Perhaps, however, it would be better to hang him lor being such a fool as to be a public menace. W alla was another victim of the season. He handled his guu carelessly and killed himself. The num ber of hum an fatalities durin g the open season for the ' glorious sp o rt” would make game suim ale laugh if they could know tbs facta Real BARBERSHOP b LINN COUNTY h 't ilin g in Handles Town and Country Property. G ive h im a call and see if he can fix yojgup. p Denney Po. institution Elm er Yeoman ol Cottage Grove 0®5l*i of ,b# E‘“8C0’M“ church on his visit here. has been tu d ic to d (or m a n s la u g h te r | __________________ for killing E arlH erh ert of Oakridge HfllKFC lor a deer. If the pleas of insanity BAKS CREAM HORSES J. George F ran k , J r ., of W alla i Dealer All work done pro m p tly reasonably. Phone No. 269. Episcopal church — Herman Rosenheld, advertising fol. community. m anager for Sears, Roebuck & Co. H e obtained the land from a local Halsey and Brownsville mer- philanthropist, collected funds almost single handed, dtew the plans, pre- c h in is in certain lines are strongly pared the specifications, obtained the tem pting Sears, Roebuck & Co., estimates qpd worked as a laborer on and perhaps losing trade to them. the building In bis spare moments. ---------------------------------- W. J. Ribeiin Office 1st door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. ------ Brumfield h ^ apparently deenn it expedient to tu rn insane agaii A man as insane as he claims to I H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore. Sept. 29, 192 ig as great a menace to hum ani' The Oregon pavements have c o s i as a wild tiger in a city street ai about »24,000 a mile, and it will ought to be as promptly extirpate c >et twice as much to construct The ‘‘Independent Medical a pavements that will support heavy eociation," in session at St. Loin weight trucks. We shall eventu­ de lared th a t beer with a high ally come to it, but it will involve alcoholic content th a n the preset the tearing up the present pave­ law allows is desirai'le from a d<" m ents and substituting those that 'o r ’s standpoint. More ethics! will make possible the more eco­ The K u-klux terror has apper nomical heavy-truck service. We eut I y spent its force and the oni are not always going to pay fot victims seem tw be those wh every article of commerce the ex were m ulcted in an admission fe tra price made necessary by the use of light trucks on light pave­ GOES TO SHRINE ON KNEES m ent»' in their tran sp o rtation. Would it not be wise, in building Lisbon W ife F u lfills Vow She Prom­ ised to Keep If Husband new pavements, to build half as Lived. much each year and m ake it equal to the trarsp o rtatio u needs that Lisbon.— A carious sight was w it­ nessed In the streets of Lisbon soon are upon u»? Phone 205 lUurchants use th e ir txp e r.tn c e a , A New York surety eempany ss-s ip a t husband» are more bobcat ihau bachelor*. T hey've learned the futility uf lying and tryin g to get away with q cause 00 years ago today I b o u g h t, a suit of clothes from you aud I ■ thought as long as I had to have a suit pretty soon, I would like to buy it on the anniversary d a y ." j Mr H um phrey was 8 years old when be bought the suit., and he bought it to wear to th eS u n d av school class th a t M' Blain wu“ , then teaching. D uring the in ter­ im he has bought his clothes of The Blain C lothing company. well-known citizen of lefferson bought a au .t of clothes from the Blain C lothing com pany of A lbany under these very circum stances. He insisted on buying the suit of .Mr Blain personally After the transaction hail been completed H um phrey said: "W ell, 1 d o n 't need the suit ght aw ay, hut can use it this fall til w inter, of course. But 1 anted to buy the suit now be­ S E R V IC E o a t a H arold Alhro. ManuUcturiug opteian, Amount to be raised by t a x -------»2000 L. E Walton, Mayor. E. F. Cross, Recorder. C. H Koonts. Chairman Budget Com A d m ik is t x a t o m i N oTtcx of Hearing of final Account Noitce is hereby given that the fio*1 account of Amor A. Tussing st sdniini*- trstor of the estate of H enrietta Guin- ford, deceased, has been filed in lb* County Court of Linn County. State of Oregon and that the 3d dav of October. 1921. at the hoqr of 10 o'clock A 'I has been duly aopointed by said court for the hearing of objections to «*«* final account and the settlement thereof, st which tim e any person interested 10 said estate may appear and file objec- ions thereto and contest the same Dated and first published Sept 1 1921. AM O R A. T U S S IN G Adaiattrstor alort»aii