iid l.iK Y l iiK t - R L iK M ä r t . ¿1. 1921 should he made i f the posts a re a f ! H A L t o E k B A I L R O A D T IM E spruce, lie u ilo c k o r any o f th e tru e Hrs, ■ whose h e a rt wood and sap wood are N o rth Sooth about e q u a lly durable. No. IS, 12.04 p. in. No, 23, 11:31 a. m I f th e posts are to be trea te d w ith 24, 4 34 p m. 15, 12:24 p. m creosote or some o th e r p reservative. * ;27 P- m - *.49 p. m. th e round post Is p re fe ra b le to the s p lit, because o f the cam paratlTe ease SUNDAY MAIL HOURS w ith w h ich the sapwoomcan be trea te d E xp e rim e n ts at the la b o ra to ry demon­ The delivery window of tbe s tra te th a t the heartw ood raeeg on H ils e y poatoffice is open Suudav* s p lit posts do not. as a rule, absorb grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 th e p re se rva tive as w e ll as does the to 12:35 and 5:15 to 5 30 p. m. sapwood. c o u n irv m ata, shares honors with Marie Prevost, who is secu the p lo t shifts to a city where Admittance Here 5 Cents I’u rp tn, u n ju s tly accused at home a Line takes refuge. Ben returns in tri* urnph to bis village home, out Formaldehyde, Ringo's drug things have moved ra p id ly there Tbe lovely maid is about to' be "con­ store. temned to m atrim o ny w ith the Carbon paper fo r sale, E nter- wicked v illa iu and a scandal ol tremendous consequence has bro­ prise office. ken out in the villa ge church. Go i For Sale— Year-old fiir slab o the R ialto tom orrow night to b lo c k w o o d , $ 2 50 per tie r; fi: block earn the rest ol the story. The Halsey Prune Dryer wood, $3 00; maple and oak, $3.50, Brownsv He Flash lig h t batteries at the drug The Halsey prune d rye r has been delivered Halsey. tore. 6 a busy place for tbe past ten days Warehouses. Chas. Sterlm g. and w ill close business for the sea­ Card of Thanks son next Saturday. The output Remember the Enterprise has a has not be-in up to the usual annual phone a t last— No. 205. I sincerely th un k the good friendi amount but the q u a lity and size of who were so kiud to m e following prunes have been far superior to F or Sale— A few barred rock he accident, and atn glad to dtat« those of last year. cockerels, O. A. C. and M cDonald hat I am slow ly but surely re- Four meu have been employed s tra in , at $2 00 apiece. 8. J. Sm ith covering. in the dryer and five pickers have N. T . Sneed been kept busy in Mr. G orm ley’s Call phoue 205 and give us yo ur orchard. Halsey, Brownsville aud news items. A Special Notice to Taxpayers A'baDy contribute fr u it to the lo ­ A special m eeting» of the taxpayers of cal dryer. The pruues have been < Little early risers, Ringo’s drug ta c c ity o f H alsey is called fo r Thursday shipped to the C alifornia Packing akne. e ve n in g , O otober 13, 1921, at 7 Jo company and brought 9 and 10 o 'clo ck p. m „ at th e co u n cil chamber, ce»is a pound. fo r the purpose o f discussing the budget I f you know an item of news o f the c ity o f Halsey fo r the year begin- The d ry e r is owned and operated phone i t to No. 205. n in ir Ian nary 1, 1922, and en d in g De- by E. E. G orm ley of Halsey, who • —- _____ cember 31, 1622. T h is notice is pub. has owned i t fo r the past two years Toys. I.shed in pursuance o f chapter l i s Old papers, 6c a bundle at tl e 'aws o f 1921. T here are p o ss ib ilitie s In cla y as a and who has had some twenty Enterprise office. toy fo r yo u r ch ild . L e t him model years'experience in the business. E stim ated budget as passed by the levy in g board : I t may develop a ta le n t. It w ill in A fte r the fr u it season is over M r. Brownsville and Drifted Snow crimse his o rig in a tiv e genius am E s tim a te d Expenses Gorm ley is the efficient salesman flour at D. H . S tu rte v a n t’s. amuse him . C o u n cilm an ___________ $ 72 in one of our local stores. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Cord of Portland, went to A lb a n y going up to 105 degrees last Sun­ F rid a y. day. The little tot is o n ly four Dr. M arks is a t­ There w ill be 1400 in preminma years of age. tending her, at the B row nsville fa ir, today and tomorrow Leou Morse of Brow nsville a caller here Wednesday. A fo rc e d men are m aking im ­ W ith m illin e rs coming to provements about the Southern K >ontz' store on Saturday, Oct. 7 Pacific depot. and dressmakers there every Wed­ • Mesdaine-t Lesley and D in w id ­ nesday we may look for som e' dle, both of Brownsville, were call- classy wardrobes in Halsey in the j era Wei ne-day at the Enterprise I near future. office. COOPERATIVE EGG MARKETING Recent transfers among the Falk Mrs J. W . b rin k a rd arrived brother^ have placed three of them Encouraged by Extension W orkers ard from Portia ml Tuesday and is on different farms fo r the coming , I t Saving Money tor Farmers of enjoying a visit w ith her ton, year, as follows: W W Falk has Nebraska. James W , and wife. moved to the house which was va. Co-operative m a rk e tin g o f eggs, c a t n l b y C. L, J r., som etim e since, J- C. W alton haa aued M 'r t 'e when he moved III w ith hie father. w hich ts being encouraged by extan for divorce She files a cross sun A. L. has moved from the farm alon w o rkers o f the U n iv e rs ity o f M in ­ nesota and county a g ric u ltu ra l agents and denies his charge of desertion south of town t'> tfia t vacated by and asks $1.50 attorney fees, $50 W. A , and C. L. J r., has taken Is saving money fo r fa rm e rs o f Ne­ braska. A ccording to the e xtension expenses uod $25 a m onth alim ony that vacat'd by A. I, The« news service o f the Nebraska college and custody of their m in or child fauns are tbe property of their o f a g ric u ltu re , six cents a dozen, or a to ta l o f #885, was the gain made h j George Hobson G entry of father, C. L. halk. fa rm e rs o f H a m ilto n co u n ty by m a r Brownsville died last Tuesday at a hospital in A lhanv, after a brief DURABILITY OF FENCE POSTS ke tln g th e ir eggs co-o p e ra tively d u r Ing A p r il and M ay. T he co u n ty agent illness. lie resided in Browns, and the fa rm bureau helped to collect ville for 40 years. He was buried Net Much Difference Between Split the eggs at a ce n tra l p o in t and there in the Hunsaker cemetery near and Round I f Heartwood and grading, p a ckin g and s h ip p in g them Sapwood Equal. M a ii‘ >n. M r. G entry had never married. In the calf exhibits at the Shedd n o n n iiiin it y fa ir next S aturduv. L a k e Creek calf club, A-h Swab calf club and Shedd Jersey calf club w ill enter every calf owned by tbe members of these clubs. A ii miber o f other livestock c lu le o f the country w ill also enter ex­ hibits. W. H K irk , George Hayes and W. L. Norton, a ll of Halsey, mo tored up the Calapooia aliont ten miles above H olley uniF i-hnt » deer about 125 pounds in wei ht • The story teller saye thej$ "s lio i four tim 's and lid it five times.* Some Ip nte - these! Awards at the C ha rity grange fa ir were; Home M aking s overwhelmed 1 1,11 yoiT s,?,es ftche and the tears roll down your cheeks. p i Wallace Rei(1 “ The Hell Diggers” OMING SOON, “ The Affairs of Anatol ” Rialto Friday Auction Dates CLOT h T ngco 3<*pt «2. A. J. Goodman, near H arriaburg The store with a square deal for every Customer ALBANY OREGON J J J M illin e ry L a te s t S ty le s BEN T. SUDTELL’S B £A tN $2520 E s tim a te d Receipts License f e e s ___________ $ 20 Special road t a x ............... 50*) C utting M IN ’S SHOES FOR WINTER WEAR c lo ta l e stim ated expenses #1120 200 . W ednesdays, 2 to 4 Koontz Store ‘ Easley & Stewart at Browns We carry Berggmann Fel­ der Cutter, Red Wing and £ Napa fan—Shoes that we can guarantee to give you service $1320 X vill.« Tuesday evening on the \V. Missea Bernice eud Evelyn Reliildmeyer of Brownsville lei M clnesdav for Albany, where M i- Bernice took the exam ination foi O u ts ta n d in g w a rra n ts ., C. H . K oonts, C h a irm a n Budget Com Prices $3.75 to $7.75 D Mashburn field, preparatory t< taking part in the celebration to day and tomorrow. 500 ____ $2520 In the opening scenes of Mack E stim ated expenses_________ - - - - ip - - ts. ............... 5,0 E stim a te d rece 8 Mx-reel enper-comedv A Sm all Town Id o l.” Ben T u rp in A m o u n t to be raised by t a x ____ $2000 L . U. W a lto n . Mayor. - the hero; J im m y F inlayso n is E. E. Cross, Recorder. ho v illa in ; P h y llis Haver, tbe R e d B all R u b b e r B oots <• W. Bramwell and wife of Brownsville, former well.know, residents of H.ilsey, Spent Wedne day here visiting at M r Brain well s father’s residence. Mr Bramwell also called at this offler and renewed his subscription. G r a v e l................................. #¡000 W*le—Cedar shakes and M a in ta in in g c ity p ro p e rty 8.5 Load lots delivered. M iscellaneous and labor 202 B ro w u sville Warehouses. For rent or for sale— Houses and u rn s in v ic in ity of Halsey. Now is the time to buy your winter clothing. Our line is complete. We are agents for the fa­ mous Marshal, A tty . Sal., la b o r 172, M a y o r ................................... 12 H e a lth o ffic e r______ . ___ 12 K e c o rd e r.................. 50 Street l i g h t i n g _________ 612 E le c tio n _______________ 20 Dr. E. W. B arnum , dentist, at »1000 .In te l Halsey every Tuesday and S treet in te rs e c tio n s ___ $175 iid a y . L u m b e r ...................................^ 0 or Posts. Mr. and M s. Henry Brock mo tored to Le^ai on this week and re. mained several days visitin g tli K irks of that city. M is. Brock ami Mrs. Bei t C lark are sisters. An airship Ian le I Two Duroo Jersey male pigs, 13 weeks. Thoroughbreds. E ltg ib h •o registry, $15 each. H a ttie Dan oen, Shedd, Ore. Extensive Canadian Province. An area equal to th re e tim es the area o f F rance, w h ich Is 215,893 square miles, could be cu t o u t o f the p rovince o f Quebec and th e re w o u ld rem ain an area tw ic e th a t o f H u n ­ gary 24. Forator & H a rn e rt,|R o w la n d M F J. K u la , near Shelburne I” CB H ‘ o * * ' ,,8ar church 5», L C. H a rtle y , near Irieh Bend 1. H. J u n g w irth , near Jordan Charles M ille r, farm nf 545 « 12. A Eeaon. n e „ A lb a n y. * * » H O H ? ’ ie R; ° a ’ rPRi8‘ * r8d Nov. ¿ v a Z ; cattle Pac*fic I o t ’ rD-