t i n t a s g R N I R K î 'K I S K a n r r . f¿, 1921 “Where do Samhen T ra y lo r l i v e r now had his feet In the a ir again but Abe took him to the road and point the young giant clung to hip and ed the nay shoulder and wriggled back to bla "There be gate' to be a raid." said foothold Those n»cii were MMM m . “I reckon, by all I'v e heard. thrilled and a little frightened by the It H come on tonight.” mighty struggle Knowing th« strength A r a id ! Who's going ta be raid­ of the wrestlers they fejt a fear of ed?” Abe eaked. "Them T ra y lo r fo lk » T h a r be a broken hones. Each hag torn a rent S a le m . in the coat of the other they kept St. Louis map. name o' Blgge, dot,' ■02 n there was danger th a t’f o t h would stirred up the folks from M issouri e stripped. The children had begun n t. sad Tennessee on the south road bou o cry. Sarah begged the struggling Yankee who helps the niggers on ten to stop and they obeyed her. o bondage They be goln' to do som “I f any o f you fellerg think that's tegulatjn' tonight 01 Satan'II brea un you can have my place," said Abe. for a place In which he could serve loose E f yoq don't we'cb out they’I Samson. I declare you elected the them and If he could learn to serve come over an' burp bla Ijouse aartin trongest man in this county You've Sangamon county he could learn te “We II watch out,” said Abe “The Apply from all agency stations in Oregon ot the muscle of d grizaly bear. I ’m serve the atete and, possibly, even the don't know Traylor. H e s ope o f th M inim um adult fare $1.00 » lad to be quit o' ye.” «, beet men In thia county." republic w ith this thought end a Children of half fare age 50c “I t ain’t a fa ir election. Abe," Sam- rather poo, regard for hi« own In­ I ve heered he were a be men an m laughed. “I f you were rassling terest bis name fell Into bad company • right powerful. G o d fe a rln ’ man •r the right you could flop me. Thia on the signboard of Berry end L in ­ ■aid the minister ttle brush was nothing. Your heart ) coln Refore be took his piece In the He s one of the best men that eve aan't In It, and by thunder. Abe. store he walked to Springfield end came to this country and any on> hen It comes to-havin ’ fun I rather borrowed a law book from bis friend that wants to try bla strength Is w e1 A Story o f the Builder» 'less we’d both do better to let each Major S ru trt. «>me to ; I don't.' eald Abe. “A re yot ■ther alone.” The career o f the firm began on a going over th ere!” o f Democracy “ 'T a in ’t exactly good amusement, hot day late In August with Bill Berry T were goln' to warn 'em an’ heli T r a in s O p era te D ir e ct to F a ir G rou n d s fa ot for ue," Abe agreed. smoking his pipe In a chair on the lit­ •m ef I caln." It was growing dark. Ann Rutledge tle veranda o# the store and Abe L in ­ W ell, go on. but don’t e tir 'em np,’ Trains 17-18-23-24 and 28 w ill make regular atop and By Irving Bachelier coln sprawled) In the shad * of a tree | rrived on her pony, and celled Abe Abe cautioned him." "Donflt say a wort' Nos. 14 and 16 w ill stop on flag at F air Grounds. that p artly overhung It« roof reeding side and told him that the raiders abopt the ra(d. I ’ll be over there w itl fa a law book The face n(*5g- Berry ere In the village and were breaking some other fellers soon a fte r sun Special trains from Portland and from Eugene to Sa­ fa Oo.rn.kt iniM aMk.il«, suddenly gaeqmed e look 4f anime *e windows of Radford's store be­ down We-|| juet tell 'em It’s a h, lem arid F air Grounds Tuesday to tlon. A sm»ll, yellow dog ■hlcb had an se he had refused to sell them liquor. fa party egme qver for a story tellin' an Saturday, inclusive. been lying In repose beslje ^ Im rose "Don't say anything about it,” Abe a vasal« | reckon we'll have som, fa and growled M e hair rls lffc g nd with sutioned her. “Just go Into the house fun Ride on over end take suppei a little c»y of alarm apd-gptonlsh- ith Sarah T ra y lo r and alt down and For further particulars ask agents with vn, They're worth knowing." C H A P TE R X. ment fled under the store,' • w e a good visit. W e'll look a fte r In e few minutes the m lnlrte I “Here cornea Steve N'ocblee on bla ;ie raiders.” mounted b lf horse end rode away fol In Which Ab. and Samson W r s b l, old mar» w ith a lion following him.” Then Abe told Samson what was lowed by his big dog and Some Raider. Com. to Burn and p The men concealed themselves In T f I was you I wouldn't go,” ealr Stay to Repent. •me bushes by the roadside while the Berry. J O H N M SCOTT. . 1 dnlster sat close against an end of • '" b in a week after their retorn the “W hy n o t!” General Passenger «Agent. J ie house w ith his bloodhound beside election C in e off and Abe waa defeat­ - O * II hurt trade. L et the rest of dm. Before they » were settled In ed, although In hi» precinct two hun­ T ra y lo r’s friends go over. There'« lielr places they heard the regulators dred and twenty-seven out of a total of enough of 'em.” oming. There were eight men In the three hundred votes had been cast for We must all stand as one man foi him. He began to conklder which way a rty according to Abe's count as 'aw and order." said Abe. “ I f we butter on the (able fo r them. Samson lie.v passed. The men. In conceal- tn turn MaJ. John T. Stuart, a law tackled a big Job, my friend. Did vou don't there won't be any." washed and bandaged the boy' lent. hurried to the cabin and sur- j e r nf Springfield— who had been h l. As soon as Abe had had his supper know Hint every one of you could’ be wound. The captives ate as I f the> • unded It, crouched against the comrade lu the "w ar”— had encour­ he went from house to house and sent to prison for a term of years, and were hungry, w hile the m inister went alls. In a moment they could see a aged him to study law and, further, asked the men to come to his store I ve a good mind to see that you go out to feed bis dog. When the men had offered to lend him books. So he g spot, blacker than the darkness, te r a piece of Im portant business there. Jou men have got to begin hud Airshed eating Samson offered look -1 for an occupation which would loving toward them. It was the when they had come he told them right now to behave yourselves mighty them tobacco. T he oldest man tilled «¡re i. m leisure for study. Offut, his iassi d raiders. They came on with | what was In the wind. Soon a fte r tlia proper or you’ll begin to sup sorrow.” his pipe and lighted It w ith u coai he stealth of a cat nearing Its prey. i.im e r < M |o y e r. had failed and clear­ hour Abe and Philemon Morris, am’ Stephen Nuekles returned as Abe Not one of the captives had said u ed cut. T V young giant regarded ’ llonJIke roar broke the silence. The Alexander Ferguson, and M artin Wad was speaking. word until this tall Tennesseean re thoughtfully the .canty opportunities reacher s bloodhound leaped forward, dell and Robert Johnson and Joshun "You Jest leave 'em to me, M r. Lin­ marked a fte r his pipe was going; he waiting men sprang to th eir feet of the vll'age. He could hurl his great M ille r and Jack Kelso and Samuel coln," he said. '‘These be good men. “Thankee, mister. You done been nd charged. T he raiders turned and strength into the axhead and make a H I,I and John M cNeil set out for the but ol' Satan done got his hooks on right good to u » ” good living, but he had learned that in. pell mell, in a panic toward their T ra y lo r cabin. Samson greeted the ein. M is' T ra y lo r, ef you don’t mind. "M h o told you to come here?" Sam­ sit'd! a use of It gave him a better ap­ «trees. Suddenly the darkness seemed Party with a look o f surprise. b** goin to do a job o’ prayin’ right son demanded. petite for sleep than study. ' fill w ith moving figures. One o f "Have you come out to hang me» now. Men, you Jest git down on yo’ “ ’T u e re a man from St. Louis. He •lohn McNeil, „-ho for a short time he asked. knees rig ht h yar along o' me.” done said you hated the South an' had shared hl m ilitary adventures, “ No just to hang around ye. M id It Is recorded la te r in the diary that hsd hecrina a partner of Samuel H ill Were liolpin- niggers to run aw ay." Abe. the rude Shepherd of the prairies "And he offered to pay you to come i In a st»;e la rfc r and better slocked "Thia time It's a heart w arm in'.' worked w ith these men on their farms Utsn any tha village had known Rut ere and burn this house ami run Jack Kelso averred. “ We left our fo r weeks until he had them wonted Traylor out o f ,he county, didn't lie? i HUI and McNeil hsd no need of a clerk. wives at hom« go that we could pay I to the fold. Abe asked. Human Q ernd'it and W illiam Rerry «ur compliments to M r» Traylor H e did yes, sub— be suah did,” h ill opened a general store Mr. without reserve, knowing you to be a C H A P T E R X I. Ill iidon Offered to sell his Interest to answered the men— like a child in his roan above Jealousy.” fb e sod ta le notes for his pay. It igumance end sim plicity. "It's w b .t we call a he party, on In Which Abe, Elected to the Legisla­ I thought so," Abe rejoined " as net a pr position that promised "You Hie prairies,” «aid Ferguson. “For ture. Gives W hat Comfort He Can to lyth lrg but loss. The community was one thing I wanted to see Abe and Ann Rutledge In the Beginning of •nail and there were thiee other the minister hare a rasale." Hare Comas Steve Nuekles en Hie Her Sorrows— Also He Goes to s'oros and tl.ere was no other “R ill” The Reverend Stephen Old M are.” -- — ------- Nuekles Springfield for New Clothes. Hu* who v u given to drink and stood In front o f the door w ith Sarah <1 c i ma, as Abe knew. M id Berry. " I f , | n't r « reful and H a rry and tho children H e was R adfo rd ’» grocery had been so Ah« L I, had ..... not been trained to 1 B*1 prayed for plenty, u m i IU a famous wrestler. wrecked by the raiders that Its owner <•« , : . !» t f o n consequen.es - . . . of . “ . a " . n business I uts " If the customer« don't come faater " I caln't rasale like I used to could, was disheartened Reinforced by John .tife rp iP » . «n,« „ orR f ) v f (|)m 1 reckon we ll need It." said Ab«. nt 1 be w illin ' to give ye a ttvy. Ahe." I'nmeron anfl James Rutledge he Imd I“ sure « :«|y and New ' .Salem «aid as n.e-ti! could 'Finn - Howdy," ..... . -m u i nr the m in ralntyter ifter m he ■old the minister. succeeded In draw ing them away be- « ■ yr b n. MMI.Ing e l « M M consuming at t h . hitching h a ? dismount "Ton’d better save your atrength fore they could steal whisky enough to ,,,,,J , r , b » * «.. « ' v . He could ! pfl " n<* « “I his m a ra l* "Don't ba I lr - t'tiuill for ol Ha tan." said Abe Kel drunk. But they had thrown ..... Ih nut think " “' " Of * leaving ........................... the little cabin Peered o' this ere dog ñ a were tted Oo on. Abe," tho other« urged much of his goods Into the street , ?**„ I Imre were An., Rutledge and when I left home but he chawed hla “Give him a try .” Radford mended his windows and of­ Jack Kelso and Samson T raylor and I rope an' come a'ter me I reckon I f Abe modestly stepped forw ard In fered his stock for sale. A fte r a time I irry Net lies Every ladder climb- nobody feed« him he’ll p atter back to- the last year he had grown less In Berry and Lincoln bought It, giving er In the village and no the plain 1 Any P’Off tobacco!" cllned to that kind o f fun T he men notes in payment and applied for a around It a s id e Mend "A backload Of |t ," «a,d Berry, go­ took bold of each other, collar and license to sell the liquors (hey had Vpon the«« people who knew and ing Into the «tor« to w ait on th« mln- elbow They parried w ith their feet : thus acquired. respected him Abe Lincoln based hla Istar. for an Instant Buddenly Abe's lonr Late that autumn a boy baby ar- b pes Amo. g them he had found his When th«y came out th« la tte r right leg caught ttaelf behind the left i rived In (he T ra y lo r home. Mrs. l»n- 'i«lon and At I® ,, had not diminished carved off a comer of the plug w ith knee of the minister. It was the hip H o tt, Mrs. W addell and M is. Kelso or dimmed It. He would fry again his lack knife, put It tnto his month lock as they called It those davs Once ' .ime to help „ad one or the other secured the stronger man was almost of them did (he nursing and cooking sure to prevail and quickly. The while Sarah was In bed and fo r a «’ iirdy circuit rid e r stood against It " ’ He tinia th e re a fte r T he coming for s second until Abe sprang hla bow ' of the baby was a comfort to this lone- Suddenly the Darkness Seemed te F ill Then the heels of the form er flew up , l.v mother o f the prairies. • and W ith Moving Figures.'* ward and hla body came down to the T her« Is a letter from Sarah to her grass back first brother dured May. 10. 1H83, in which the fleeing men. whose coat tails the T h a t a r done pepped ray wind 'b e sums up some months o f history j dog had seized, was yelling for help. bag.' said the minister aa be got up in the words that follow ; O N O R A believe« thst 'T e ll in." m id John MeNeU and the The m inister rescued him and the doe , J ’'” t i >r<1 hRK * ' ven u" " “* * ’ on. what it worth doing is went on roaring a fte r the others other« echoed It worth doing well For have lived through the ordeal— When the New Ralemltes got to the example, some phonographs 'T call In Ramson T ra y lo r.” raid the tanks to His goodness— and am strong etj^e o f the grove they could hear a are finished on only three sides. mlnlater. r.?nn' ,1 e1” COn,lng n f thc bHh> has You're esperted to put them number of regulators climbing into At last the thing which had long the treetops. Ramson had a t»nn in frie n d . “ f° " * ,OM o f ° u r ° ld in the corner and not tn the h h . l " L mU<’h # * could. been a subj«cr of talk and argument center of the room Sonora is each hand; Abe had another, while finished beautifully on all four In the stores and heusae of New g«. H a rry Needles and Alexander Fergu­ us and ma' * ! hi* lltlle home dear to aides Its design and its cab- us and proved the quality of our ,lew lem was about to come to pass— « son were In possession of the man inetrj are extraordinarily beau­ friends. Nothing Is too much for them tria l o f atrength and agility between whom the dog had captured. The tiful You can see this « Io I don't wonder thar Abe Lln- the tw-e great Ilona of Ranramon conn m inister was out In the grove with Its internal construction is of ■oln has »0 much confidence In the fy. E ith e r o f then, would have given , his bloodhound thst was harking and remarkably superior quality people nf this country. Thev are a month's work to avoid It. This (if you are not a mechan­ growling under a tree Jack Kelso and "^"’ bO,h ,he " " » ^ r u e r , "N ow we shall see which Is the son ical expert) you can take on arrived w ith a lantern. One of Sam- and the southerners. H a rry Neeilles of Peleus and which the son of Tele trust The tra d e m a rk Sonora sons captives began swearing and g o t d " ' ° V*‘r h' 9 ' " ’ "BPolntment He men.' Kelso shouted i t y o u r g u a ra n te e struggling to get away Samson gave "How s h .ll w . resale!" Ramson him a little shake and hade him be wRh A be" 'd 'J*- ’ tOre OftP" The tone of the Sonora, sweet, mellow, enchanting, is a oy of asked. H em ’ u Kelso " n-< » * « quiet. The man uttered a cry of fear which you never tire The In . d ? . P " nd S ""”10" "I-* «Of- '1 don't cam ,” said Abe and pain and offered no more resist- Sonora is the phonograph you M . f t e ' X V i d T * 1 ln pOl,,lc* Abe "Rough and tum ble.” Ferguson pro ance. Rtephen Nuekles came out of can enjoy for a lifetime and le t. Harry read the books that he l or the grove. which you can be proud ol Bm h men aa.-eed They bent lew possessing j "The rest o’ that a r party done gone w ' . " i " r ............. " l i c n i ' l i i l i n i r r h s M •ntenfly watching each other, their ft Ve", x r upstairs to roost." said the m inister N.tn iftctnf D9rio^ trrd upnfht great hands «utreachtng T hey stood “I reckon my dog’ll keep 'em thar. We • ar* - h e r mo,her tha, she braced for a second , nd suddenly t nth better Jest tote these men Inter the py in her new home hut Berry •prang forw ard T h e ir shoulder« house an have a prayin' bee I've got Piano and F u rn itu re c»me toge ber w ith a thud it was a right smart good chanct, now to .“ » • s • ; ; “ like two Mg hlson bulls hurling their Company whop ol' Satan.” weight In the llrst shock of battle 9S7 W iU iu ette a t, They moved the raiders' horse« Foe a breath each bore w ith all hl« P lio nf H7t, S t/U R N E ' Then the party— rave H a rry Needles, atrength and then closed with bis ad who stayed In the grove to keep watch Ternary Each had an under hold The Highest Class Talking —took It« captive« into the cabin "«e arm. the other hook«. the neu b, hy sam nef" ’ Three o f them were boys from Machine in the W orld' sm uu4 « shoulder Ramson lifte d zi When going to the State Fair combine pleasure with com fort and convenience by using Southern Pacific train service Zb Zh t BOOK TWO. I Southern Pacific Lines ; «s * V 'C * • coin W iil H -*** at What You Do See 8ave money on your What You Don’t! F u r n it u r e _ hy buying < f us. Bm00«rSET«IN~IV0RY 6-piece set complete, only $75 DreRser With 20x24 PInte Mirror Table with 14x24 Plate Mirror hifTonier, Bed, Chair and Rocker -------------------- All for on Iy $ 7 ft T t 't t Klearllux all-linen Rugs. 9x12, on 1.040 ► We deliver the guilds In v. u f4- + f 4 tafc ' Albany Furniture Exchange 4 ► 4 M _ . Everything for the home ? AIHany. Orc«™ _ I- X * 444 4 44 4 4^444 4444-4 4 4 « 4 '^ ^ y ‘feí r'P •°I ( 'oauanad oc * w»» going