ii/ib o c ï □ u r i. H A b S E Y E N T E R P R IS E and u probably dead or in ja il La- A i i i i vm len t—NO T neutral— newt- 'o ra tb u ia priuted. Not quite so hr t < U 4 A. A W H E E L E R . .. t * J iKr.ti" », |j M » year ta advance fr - d nl ,.ne ' T h e O iM i two h.U th en a« Editor .plunder in the woods near L - m iL ia Musin«« Manager r enlwf»Watb. A farmer hunting i ” * * * * ’ rih l*d UP0" H end notified '***. ° C‘0C'1 Ar,««ragst 42 a year. Mr I »y /erasing 25c an inch; per b vM 2o« No dUcount for tin.. t h. m Sat. room in g, w hen th ey want for it, the o fic era tnUHed up w |lh bird>bot SHORT SKIRTS-- STRAIGHT LINES Suyert Are Cleaving to Trail of Prwont Faihtoni for Winter Wear. w h„ (( WOOL SHAWLS TO BE WORN I - Paragraph*, " 5c a line. . > « . . < .¿¡.jog dUguiteri «» ntw» t .oy ran instead ot halting as or dered, and than threw them into Phone 205 j til. A ll the loot was recovered ®pe"l«h Wrap to Hold Favor Coming Season A rt Embroidered, Qraoa- Still less grand and glorious. Boys, 11 SHY Lina Co., Ore Sept. 22, 1921 fu l and Charming— Radium lawbreaking don’t pay. ■peuB.ng, u w j aru r e ta in m u m the grace and charro possessed by the highly coiorad ones of this season Woman h ir e found them too becom­ ing to part w ith them lightly, and they ■re nracttcal adjuncts to the ward- SISTER NATION WANTSOWNFLAG Canada With Unrepresentative Ensign Seeks Ideas for Proper Heraldic Device. S ilk for Lingerie. OWN MAPLE LEAF IN HI6H FAVOR FALLT FINDS PERUVIAN GOLD ON ISLAND Man Who Befriended Beggar is Rewarded With Key to Buried Treasure. Real Religion. T here Is ,,o anthem like a happy Hugh and no prayer so e'oqu«n , , kind act. The real reverence is , v ered by no scowl T he m m ivh , lerd< (be helping hand to need 1» dev,)Ui - Arkansaw Thomas Cat. A K C H IE C O R N E L IU S W A TC H M A K ER ROMANCE IS NOT YET DEAD Locates A fte r Search of Mors Than 8even Years Gold Hidden H a lf Cen­ tu ry Ago— Church Despoiled by Four Sailors. A N D JE W E LE R . H A LSK V , OH I CON Expert W orkmanship; Watches and Clocks a specialty. A t last reports Roy Gardner T he styles of today are on th e ir Papeete, T b ltj.— Romance la not Was dead and y itin g somewhere way to make room for the styles of Give us a trial. yet dead. Tales of buccaneering, mur­ tomorrow. At this season of the year *•- [| C. L is still with us in the brush on McNeil island; be Emblem New In Use Unauthorized der on the high seas, burled gold on ■argely our own fault— was also alive and occcsioually be we are In the painful process of transi­ I lonely, uninhabited Islands and charts and Ne Longer Represents Canada tion. but the wise ones w ill watch the and cryptograms of hidden trensure- I Im it of, almost ever)on« i ig shot at by hunters; lie had e«- sign« of the times to see how some as Five of Its Provinces Are trove are not all Inventions of imag­ «. I hers was a condderab e cap-d by swimming to the main­ fashions w ill survtwe and others be H a v in g had fifte o n y e a r s ’ Not Included. inative minds or legends of a day cast Into rbe discard. Just now, says „ i<--a a year ago, but ala* land; he bad atolen a boat and which Is long past. riu o c e s s fu l e x p e rie n c e as a New York fashion w riter, we hear Toronto.— Canada Is a "nation" but Su< h a tale Is that of the treasure i ,.i- trll is that the cost of rowed over; he naa preparing to some hardened skeptics saying that It has no flag. Herein At is unique an a u c tio n e e r . 1 h a v e d e ­ of the Island o f Pinakl, whose hiding ■ g ,»• laten steadily increasi'.lg •scape in a we l-supplied boat women w ill never depart from adopt­ among all nations. place, a fte r -« patient search of more c id e d to c r y s a le s th is fa ll. A so-called Canadian flag Is In use - j i >. going up sa m u ch as which a confederate had left for ing extreme fashions to make them­ ► selves conspicuous, or some such an­ but Its use is unauthorized and It no I than seven years, has at last been P ric e s a re re a s o n a b le . -, -nt in some parte of the him; be haj been aeeu ana recog­ 1 i discovered. And now a schooner from tique theory as that. But there are longer represents Canada It is .the I T a h iti has been dispatched to bring (in ( ’- all f o r d a te . ethers who assert that the short- red ensign of the British mercantile 1 nized on the S'reets of Albany by away the gold. I <1 nt learn economy from the two imugmaiivc ladies. He is also haired girl has come to stay, because marine with the coat of arms o f On- I that way of dressing her locks Is more tarto, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New ¡ Sailors Despoil the Peruvian Church. I rivaii» • caused by the war ? As accused of having le i the band prsetfeal and that the corsetleas fig­ Brunswick In a quarteied .shield on I A h a lf century ago four sailors, de­ P h o n e Halse.y 1 6 '5 r p up e we rip a rie n c e d a d ii s c t l i that robbed » circus jigy car in ure, w ith Its straightline clothes, ta the field of the flart serters from a coastwise vessel, wtrh qs for life, fo r the same reason. This flag, by w arrant dated Feb- I Joined revolutionists In Peru and ", , »ite change If war .trass Washington. if le s t S u n d a y *r Who knows? I f we are women, we learned of a vast treasure of jewels, Tuary 2, 1802, was authorixed by the >1 • us , v twice as much as be- rairi had ent ‘ filled a long-felt must needs conform to the changes British adm iralty, “to be used on I plate and Ingots, the property of the I 'or col on hose, we («mat of want” be would have been ac­ In fashion, whatever our inclination. hoard vessels registered la the Do- 1 church, which had been hidden In Peru Office 1st door south of school house And most of us Incline to conform. to prevent it from fallin g into the • i ir Hshioud la lad e., have paid cused of causing that. minion '• This lim its Its domain jo Halsev, Oregon. We get that peculiar feminine th rill hands of one of the w arring factions. Canadian merchant ships, as no au •na p ice or considerably out of a new frock which no other Dealer in Real Estate. Secretly, the sailors searched for the thorlzation was given te fly it on in ue lo r silk because when the Independently of the federal re- proceeding on earth can bring with It. shore. When It Is flown on land, It Is treasure, found It concealed In a Handles Town and Country Property, Buying for W in ter. uut of its Jurisdiction. In any case, church and moved It to another hiding liv e him a call and see if he can fix , i the coli"n goods dropped erve banks, b inkers of Spokane, it has not been form ally adopted by place on the coast. Western buyers are putting In you up. - not willing to put up with Seattle and Portland have raised the Canadian people and It now has 1 Going to Panama, the seafarers, at their first stocks fo r w inter. They s tic g so ebaap. Many reckon 41,300,000 to finance wheat grow­ are cleaving to short skirts and to derided limitations. I night, boarded a small schooner, mur Its shield contains the devices of dered the crew and, a fte r putting the ability of an hi tide ac- ers. Now some of the farmer« straight tines. But this Is always the in iii the prica it c sis, in- may hold their wheat till the bar- way of this period o f the season. They only four of the nine provinces which treasure aboard, set sail across the Pacific. Intending to make some Eu­ E follow closely In the tra il of present now form the Dominion of Canada. *ctric H a ir c u ttin g , M assugitig * l i a cording to its uii Itty. vest-time depression has passed. The four coats o f arms make an a l­ ropean port la te r to dispose of their fashions, as any wild flights of fancy anli i isceived a consignaieii* Billy Sunday says Fatty A r ­ loss and unappreciation. T he duty, the crowding of their devices Into so clearance papers and probably could C le a n in g a n d Preppiuc* . a • -Ja to tell at 44 50 s buckle has his sympathy. There’a and, yes. the desire, o f the New York small a space. I f the emblem was not enter a European port safely, they p " <><■ w ill be followed Just as assiduously would be a hopeless confusion of In a vessel they would charter at Syd­ p ut 4 thrin no the shelves In By No Means Uncommon. by others next season. arm orial bearings; the significance ney, N. 8. 'V., for trading purposes. »•I nt** pa r in tba window am1 It Is mmnion among i n . insane to Across their path lay the island of would be destroyed and the flag he The success of the spring coat and ATTO RNEY A T LA W And Pinakl, In the Paumotu archipelago of the adaptability of the one-piece dress lacking In distinction and beauty. in r' I i| ••$ 8 .” T h a t p>ir »"lit nave delusions of persicutlou. the south seas, and at this uninhabited ¿01 New First N at’l Bank Bnl’g, A u stralia ’s Flag. ie imik hiacue ami marked iilenty of sane people have them.— have Joined hands, the two making Louisville Courler-Jourtial. their autumn bow as a coat dress. O f Australia, when It organized Its spot they stopped and hid th e ir loot. I 1.. *- ot 48 and Bold them. Albany, Oregon. course, we have had coat dresses he commonwealth, chose a flag from 80,- One native, who observed them from Hl ns did not want to » m 000 competing designs. It has the a neighboring Island and rowed across fore this, but the predictions are that Fswor Children In Austria. Union Jack In the upper left hand cor to sec what the men from the strange they w ill be more b rillian t achieve r . - —a. S o ttg o aaall along Vienna.—Curious freaks of popu­ AUCTIONEER H. S. Winkleinan, W. J. Ribelin BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R C. C. B R Y A N T • fac’r, ,<•« are gell'ng morel it tniyi’ -<• than ev r before. ' < i turniah tbeir fa m ilie s ,ui«mobilesand silk hose and •«I f 10 ■ I,,,«a are -triking for a re in * „1 (ha war-time wage I " ile ui ...me, they, h .< v, it cost-1 li •’ -* nun.h to li ve ae ever. C«n i I" I>e blam'd for piling on will win the rn-peot of •n n rg, when he h«s that j f cu lomer«? S W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G u n o w AN E V IL ODOR E Y E S T R A IN 1« the Cause of Many I’,.I,.I.', Then Arbuckle killed H U M A N IL L S H your eye« give you trouble or Kspp. ,ia did mote to reform your gl isses arc annot tug t / «4 than all the censors iii SE E US. We can Relieve Vou ••v»r did or could. A Bancroft Optical Co. "►•itt has been aroused that d t l j 1st St. W. Albany. Phone - • , ,• » tin industry through the h Hi e I b it an effective ceti- a . is rp.iQging up from the 'L«4 ■ Iii g p «dm era declare that aVr Un I lUBIneW from going • be II ioial ruokathey must i> eliminate sensational and t p i , » hut mu-t keep actors U I "siions auvh as figure in *11 I anciecc and Hollywood 1 off ih« screens. The ingenious device of Kryp. ; » ei.t it ibe phyechokigiciil ,nk« he« donA away with the cr. hi » r ill /or cleao-iinnded movie ,nen,*d lenses and given you com- li.m u g h v e rb a l p ro te s t, ,W' ‘ " " J * e r * ‘ <* ’«»•••rpseaed. T h e ’ t cientific construction of K r v n "... bnjroott aga.ns.w b.t. ,A k. prove, them superior to P effect a Rrea* n fh « r lensps ’ n‘»ft in this powerful "h f»» p-pular eUuvaliuual io- n - j when i l seeks ’ to nc* rn ’ v io le ts our trator M thè estate of n rn rie tta liu lll b rd . deceased, hs« been filed in the in n, £ ' " " ' t c aa,t ° u .t that of i the inn td C d onntr Slate of ‘ ill« M O w giU gM . i te . Oregon a i of Dctoher i ' r 1921. igi al „ tT o} 0 o al the ,„ hour of , 10 n e|■..1,1 i . n d i i . , n khed S k . ohiections to ««id a u d its robbed th e final account and the «etllemenl thereof ‘a I. S i t , pax ra r o l fdH.OHD •* which tim e any person i'\le te o e d in I .1 i -i. i » .c * • ’ ’ »state may appear »nd file ohiec 'I g lo rio u s . O -te « • th e | to n , thereto and contest the same I • «i I n i4 ik e t “ il< * w re« h ere r • • g .d Vf» V» » S M» *hot and loll a trail e l, ilvd tu the daikneas pu Dated and first published Rant I 1921 A M O R A T U 9R ÌN G . ^ » U iie iira io f aforesaid. I. O. 0. E. W R IG H T & P O O L E F. M. (.RAY,~ Drayman. O p to m e tris t. r OAth