/Í t V VOL. X ■ •/ » A y H alsey enterprise H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , Jots and Tittles D. T a y lo r spent Saturday in A l ­ u id a v fo r Seattle, wheie she w ill euter W is h in g tou u n iv e rs ity . M r. and M rs A lex Power ot M r. and M 's . French M organ Lebanon spent the week end here left fo r Eugene fuesdav after v is ­ visiting friends. itin g for tw o weeks at the home of d a iry m a n Enos on the B ro w n .v ille - Mrs. O F. Neal, Miss M e lb a ,,. N fttl and Mies L ila Dudley were j “ n” '*V mad passengers to A lbany Monday. M rs. R I. Edwards of Browns­ Mrs. L E. Bond, w ith daughter v ille was a Halsey visitor Tuesday. and son, left for A lbany Saturday, E lin o r and Florence Hover of after spending several weeks' va H a r r is b u r g , g r a n d c h ild r e n o f Mr. cation in Halsey. and Mrs. J. C. B ra m w e ll, visited Lemont Samuelson of Browns, here for the past two weeks v ille and Miss V io le t G lunz of (C o n tin u e d on page 5) H o ’ley secured a m arriage license l is t Saturday afternoon. J. W e llin g to n Cook came over from Brow nsville Monday and took the tra in for Ione, where he expects to make his home. M r. and Mrs. O. M. Peterson and fa m ily o f Junction C ity mo. tored over last Sunday to spend the day w ith M r. Cornelius and family. Dr. Cora M. T oile of Prescott, A r il., has returned to her home after seyeral weeks’ stay here d u r­ ing the illness of her father, the late A . T. M eC udy. — Eugene Reg­ ister. Mr. and Mrs. H Zimmerman drove to A lbany last Saturday on business and on Sunday m orning visited Mr. Z iinm eim an's brother near M illersb urg, re tu rn in g to H ,1- sey Sunday evening in the rain. An overdue soaking rain came Saturday n ig h t and stayed on the job, off and on, for several days. Now if the glorious In dia n sum­ mer comes the plows and harrows and grain d rills w ill plav a merry chorus all over th is p ro lific valley. Tendency to Tighten Restrictions on Hunting of Birds and. Big Game Is Shown in Federal and Stats Laws for 1821. Church Announcements W ashington.— A tendency to tig h ten the re s tric tio n s on the h u n tin g o f C hristian: b irds and hig game la noted In the Sunday School, 10. game la u s fo r 1921. a sum uiury o f Evening. Endeavor, 7. which, both federal and slate, has been Tiie Stale B ib le school c o u rt e com piled by file fe d e ru l biological su r­ vey. Am ong the n o table changes made , w ill be taken up again this year ........ the _ and we will he glad to enroll ai y d u rin g the present year was am ending o f th e m ig ra to ry b ird tre a ty desiring to take this course. Au act regulations w ith respect to bag taking the exam ination last year lim its. passed w ith good grades, witbou* T h is am endm ent provides th a t the much study outside of class. d a lly bug lim it o f any person shall now include " a ll b ird s taken by any o th er person who fo r h ire accompanies o r assists him in ta k in g m ig ra to ry b ird s ." T ills w ill put an end to the abuse o f p rivile g e s under tile reg u la ­ tions reg a rd in g the prescribed d a lly bag lim its by persons who cla im (hat b irds were k ille d by guides accom­ panying them. Waterfowl Season. The Linn County Fair Exhibits Insured in All Departments—-Two Hundred Enteries in Baby Show THE HOMESEEKERS Halsey C hristia n Church M ethodist: Sunday School, 10. Pleaching, 11. Lesson 12. Paul in th is lesson sets fo rth the gruud p rin c ip le s w hich should govern the b e ile ie r'g life , I he sum and substaupe o f w hich Is : "W h e th e r th e re fo re ye eat, o r d rin k , o r w hatsoever ye do, do at) to the g lo ry o f G od." Evening, Junior League, 8, In te rm e d ia te League, 7. E pw orth League, 7. Preaching, 8. Prayer meeting, T hursday, 8. Sunday School Lesson ,lu ls d e via tin g from the federal regulations, w hich supersede the state law , east of the Cascade m ountains, w here It w ill now be possible to hu n t m ig ra to ry game b irds only fro m O cto­ ber 1 to December 31, w ith o u t v io la t­ ing e ith e r fe d era l o r state law*. In Idaho tiie open season on m ig ra to ry game b irds lias been shortened under state law tw o weeks by opening O cto­ ber 1, Instead o f September 16, »nd extending to D eceniK i 31. ,daho KhiiSh^ Montana, A n a n ia s baptized him . and he received h is s ig h t and w a s -fille d w ith th e H o ly S p irit. Lesson 4. Paul s tra ig h tw a y preached 1— 9 C h ris t In the synagogue. L ik e «very a . ... „ ..... _ one Who Is re a lly converted he began Splendid Exhibits Insured in to te ll o f the n e w ly fo u n d Saviour. A fte r a le n g th y so jo u rn In A ra b ia he v is ite d Jerusalem w here he was h e - ------------------------------------------------—---------- — ------------- - - frle m ie ri by B arnabas w h , „ suspected | The county fa ir at A lb an y, Oct. i should be youra th a t la drawn. by the disciples. 4, 5 ,6 and 7. is gaining form. | Also, across the outside of the Lesson 5 W hen th e re lig io u s a w aken­ envelope, w rite p la iu ly the county in g a t A n tio c h had come to th e a tte n ­ From the present outlook, it w ill tio n o f the Jerusalem church, B a r­ surpass the fondest dreams of the in which you live, the upper left hand corner being the most appro­ nabas was gent to Inspect It, and see­ fa ir management. priate position. T his event in ­ ing help was needed he b ro u g h t Paul “ Baby la n d '' w ill c e rta in ly be cludes couples liv in g in L in n or fro m T a rsu s to he h is helper. Manv valuable Lesson 6. A fte r teaching a y e a r at the most suitable name for t'le Ifcuton counties, A n tio c h , the S p irit moved the church baby show, ns Miss E d ith Foriesi, presents have been pledged, in ­ to send fo rth Barnabas and Paul to of the Red Cross, assures a ll th a t, cluding a $500 A lb a n y lot. e 'h n g e llz e the heathen. T h e church from the preseut outlook, nearly F riday w ill be “ c h ild re n 's d a y ” sent her best men two hundred babies w ill be entered, and “ L in n county d a y ,” A ll Lesson 7. As Paul and B arnabas if not more, by the opening day. school children w ill be adm itted were p reaching at Iconlum . an at The races w ill surpass any th in g bee, and special stunts w ill be te m p t was made to w o rs h ip *th e m as ever held at a county fa ir. , The pulled off on th a t day fo r th e ir gods. T h e ir e ffo rts w ere fru s tra te d horses entered, in numbers, are amusement, as w ell as some for by the ta c t o f Paul. Soon a fte r th is Paul was stoned, show ing th a t Satanic greater than the lis t shown for the the older folks. Every horseman on Many special a ttra ctio n s for each w o rship can soon be tu rn e d lu to Satan­ stale fa ir. the c irc u it this year is out for the I day are now arranged for and ic hate. more ta kin g fo rm every day. Lesson 8. P aul's preaching the grace money, and b u t very little friend n f Hod to the heathen b rought on a ship is being manifested amoug The Frisco B ig Shows, along w ith co n tro ve rsy In the ch u rch at A n tio ch dancing on the fa ir grounds, w ill them, and this, coupled w ith T he question In disp u te w a s : "S h a ll speedy track, assures fast racing assist in m aking each h o u r o f the G e n lile s he req u ire d to keep the A new baru is in course of con day and n ig h t a m erry one. Mosaic law- as a co n d itio n o f sa lva ­ struct ion to house fifty additional A special in v ita tio n to the d iffe r­ tion ?” The decision was In fa v o r o f head. ent lodges of L in n and surround­ Paul, and so Paul a n d 'fin rn a h a s were Tuesday, the 4th, w ill be “ Port ing counties to p articipate in His free to begin th e ir second m issio n ary land 1925 fa ir d a y ” and ‘ ‘ hofne- iodge day events is given. N o tify Journey. •omiug d a y .” The 1925 fa ir pro­ the secretary, A. C. S ch m itt, at an Lesson 9. The S p irit fo rb a d e Paul to ta rr y longer in the p ro vin ce s o f moters have assured the manage­ early date of your in te n tio n to par­ Asia preaching the Gospel, and by a m ent that they w ill l»e here in ticipate The management takes th ia op­ vision o f h man fro m M acedonia plead­ great numbers to put oyer a rous gala day. We under­ p o rtu n ity to urge those who are in g fo r help, he was called In to E u ­ ing big rope. stand th a t this is the only day p la nn ing on h aving e x h ib its at the Lesson 10. T he ca stin g o u t o f a set aside fo r the boosting of the fa ir to be on hand e arly M onday demon fro m a young wom an resulted 925 fan by any county fa ir in m orning, so th a t special pains can In la n d in g Paul and S ilas in Jail. They me state, which has aroused a feei­ he taken in the arrangem ent of the were m ira c u lo u s ly de live re d and the n g in our favor from the Portland exhibits. ja ile r was converted. New graveled w alks have been boosters. Many have been heard Lesson 11. Being d riv e n out fro m from , s ig n ifyin g th e ir intentions made and other conveniences ar­ Thessalonica and Berea. P aul w ent to f cowing hack on home-coming ranged fo r the fa ir patrons. A llie n s w here he preached the gospel on M ars' HUI. T he re s u lt o f ills preach­ lay to meet w ith th e ir L in n county The railroads w ill 4» ve ing here whs th a t some mocked, some triends. those homeseekers in attendance, p ro cra stin a te d , and some believed. ed le g is la tio n s im ila r to the fe d e ra l re g u la tio n p ro h ib itin g hu n ting s fro m airplanes. C olorado reduced the bag lim it on ducks fro m 2d to 15 a day w h ile Kansas increased the lim it fro m 20 to 25. In N ew Jersey reedblrds were pro te cte d a t a ll tim es by being placed In the nongame class. The open season fo r woodcock was s h o rt­ ened 25 days In M ich ig an , tw o weeks in New Y o rk and one m onth in V er mont. Doves w ere pro te cte d u n til ' 1924 in Colorado, and In Kansas an open season on them was p rovided fro m Septem ber 1 to O ctober 15. In general, seasons on b ig game were shortened and h u n tin g fu rth e r re stricte d . Buck law s w erq enacted in M ich ig an , M ontana. Nevada. N o rth D akota. South D a ko ta , V e rm o n t and in W ashington east o f the Cascades M aine protected spike bucks and p re ­ scribed th a t one o f the tw o deer a l­ lowed In the e ig h t n o rth e rn co unties m ust be an a n tle re d buck, and p ro vlded th a t In tw o o f the counties o n ly residents may h u n t deer d u rin g the last tw o weeks o f the open season B u ll moose were protected fo r five years In M aine. The federal w a te rfo w l season fo r C a lifo rn ia was fixed from O ctober ) to Ja n u ary 15, rep lu ciu g the old sea son o f O ctober Id to Ja n u ary 31. the season now being the same under both federal unit sla te la w i. R egulation 9. A weather prophet, who goes l»v | governing the issuance o f federal the moon assured an Enterprise i scie n tific i m ilt s , wus amended to reporter F rid ay that there would p e rm it the issuance o f lim ite d and spe­ be two weeks more of dry weather c ia l le rm lts . S ta le leg isla tio n harm onized federal and then the moon would be right snd there would be a heavy rain. and sla te I hws on w a te rfo w l and shore And then came Sunday's dowu- b irds in Kansas and Oregon, and on w a te rfo w l in Pennsylvania and Rhode pour. Is la n d ; W ashington prescribed a sta 'e M rs. W . H . R oliertson and wide open season on a ll m ig ra to ry daughter Donna left for Eugene game b irds from Ik t o b e r 1 to Ja n u ary Tuesday m orning, whore M is * D o n - na w ill enter the Eugene Bible university and study music p rin ­ c ip a lly , along w ith other studies Mies Hortense Bennett of I'angeut, a form er resident of this place, sister o f Mrs. Robertson, w ill also take a course in the same in s titu ­ tion, and the ttvo girl4 w ill room together. Mrs. Roherfson w ill be gone several days visitin g te la tive si and g ettin g the g irls located. ) NO. J braika. Oregon and W a sh in g ton pnact- Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly bany. S E PT 22, 1921 (B y REV p . B K IT Z W A T E R , D. D„ T^achei- of E nglish B ible In the Moody B ible InetJtute of C hicago.) (tS) 1»2I. W eetern N ew sp a p er U nion.) LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 25 „ R E V IE W . G O L D E N T E X T —A s w s h a v e th erefore ep p ortu n lty, let us do good un to a ll men. e sp ec ia lly them w ho are o f th e household o( faith - G a l «1-10 R E F E R E N C E M A TE R 1A L*-G oi. «1-10 P R IM A R Y ‘T O PIC —S to r ie s « f P au l. JI.'NIOR TOPIC—S e r v in g Jesu s. IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R TOPIC —L iving for Jesu s. YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPIC —Sacrificing for J e su a Ne Miss M arie Sneed w ill leavp S a t- 1 Ginghams T w o m ethods m ay p ro fita b ly be etn ployed In the review o f the lessons o f the Q u a rte r. F irs t, a b io g ra p h ica l sketch o f the A p o stle Paul, such as his b irth , borne tra in in g , education conversation, te a ching and m issionary w o rk Second, the le a d in g teachings n f th e lessons, w h ich m ay be made p ro m in e n t by s u m m a rizin g the fa cts o f each lesson and s ta tin g the most v ita l teaching thereof. Tiie firs t m eth­ od can be used In re v ie w in g the lev sons In a ll de p artm en ts and grades snd can be easily adapted by any i teacher. m ' i i n . g lie WV-V1JIH1 f in « ) « ] w ll The second U m l ethod w i ill p re fe rre d hy m any I» th e senior and Peoria Points Pearls, Sept. 20. School started M onday. Tl children were busy h u rry in g ft'ound. D 'lto n Gibbs, W illa rd Gib Dale L aM ar and George Alien go to school to Shedd. There u rt several more who are ready for high school but cannot attend, » i t is very inconvenient to go so fa r. Every com m unity should have a good high school so the bildren cculd live at home and s till attend school. Some say u is only a m atter of tim e u n til thi country schools, churches and stores w ill have to go out of busi ’»ess. I t w ill be a sorry day foi everyone if such a tim e comes. Cleone L aM ar left Sunday for C orvallis to attend 0 A. C. F lora Barcus left Sunday for Corvallis. She and her mother are keeping boarders and roomers near the college. B. F. Austin and w ife and th eii nephew, George A llen, went Io A l­ bany last Saturday. D. C Gibbs and wife Vlbany Saturday. were in to this day, whom they are b rin g ­ ing west to look this part of the Preparations Made to Show country over, in view o f locating. Them Linn County Wednesday w ill be “ fraternal odge d ay” and the d iffe re n t J. w . Moore represented Halsey lodges throughout L in n and sur­ at a meeting at the St. F ra n cis rounding counties are planning on hotel in A lb a n y Tuesday evening mak mg this day one that w ill equal o f representatives of com m ercial toy other day’ s features durin g organizations of th is place and die f . i i r ’s four higdays. V ery ac­ H arrisburg, Lebanon, B ro w n s v ille ceptable prizes have beeu offered and Albany to make plans for the hy the fa ir association for the best reception o f the Oregon chamber of appearance of the men, largest commerce’s special train lo a d o f group o f men in each p a rtic ip a t­ homeseekers from the east. ing order, and best stunt put on The visitors are expected to a r­ b y the lodge boys on th a t day. rive at P ortland on the 27th and “ W edding day” w ill shine w ith he a t Salem on the 30th. «plendor on Thursday. Many ap­ The te ntative plans are fo r them p lie s ! ions have been received and to be at C orvallis Oct. 1 and go up uore are-expected. No. one w ill the east side, a rriv in g at Eugene know who the happy, lucky couple on the 3rd. Autos from H a rris ­ « ill be except the manager of the burg are to take them at 8 the next m atrim onial departm ent and the m orning. I f ths plans m aterialize contracting parties, u n til they are Halsey autos w ill b ring the guests presented at the gram! stand for to Halsey at 10. A t 11 they are he ceremony. The application to be at B row nsville and at Leba­ departm ent w ill cease to accept non at 1, a rriv in g a t A lb a n y at any entries after six o’clock on the 2:30 to take in the county fa ir. evening of Sept. 26, when the b al­ An excursion tra in of boosters lot box w ill be closed and the ap­ for the 1925 fair at P o rtla n d is to plications shaken up and th f v is it the L in n couuty fa ir the uclcy ones draw n. They w ill be same day, Oct. 4. lotihed on the follow ing day 'to M r Moore expects to meet the prepare fo r the big event. M tfil excursionists at Salem Sept. 80 to applications to George G . D u u m , take p art in fin a lly arranging the manager of the m atrim onial d . itin e ra ry . p arlm ent, A lbany, care of L a I t is presumed th a t about 15 at ret ary of the I,io n county fair. Halsey cars w ill be needed on the Be sure and have the applications 4tb. -ign d by both contracting parties and correct resident address so the Mrs. J. 8. McMahan was a visi­ manager cau readily find you if i t tor at Corvallis Monday. # W. S Gibbs has been v is itin g his son D. C ., hut has now re- » . r> tUrn#d to «oseburg. THE a d u lt classes. Mrs M . M F ru it fell and frac. The following Is given by way of .lured a bone in her arm last week, su g g e stio n : o u t is im p roving slow ly. L e n o n 1. Paul was horn a t Tarsus, o f H ebrew parentage B eing brought HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON Mrs. A lbert Hughes and fa m ily up In a pious home, he was thorough h #v® returned from In d ep en d en ce, ly imbued with the spirit of devotion w here th ey were p ick in g hups, to the Scriptures. He was educated Fred Frady and w ife went to at Jerusalem under th e tu to rs h ip o f Eugene last F rid a y aud returned G am aliel. T he c h ie f te x t bonk was Sun lay. tiie B lh le In a d d itio n to his relig io ns * *** tra in in g he was ta u g h t a tra d e which M ille r Morgan and fa m ily of came In very u se ful la te r, enabling A lbany stayed over night w ith Mr him to su p p ort h im s e lf w h ile preach- M ille r's aunt aud uncle, J R. Ing the gospel. F rady and wife, last Saturday. Lesson 2. In P a u l's tra in in g aa a They were on th e ir way home from Pharisee, he was ta u g h t to love his the mountains. They considered own na tio n, to love God's law , and to he zealous to w a rd God, th a t Is. to themselves lucky to be out of there have a passion fo r God snd H is w ork. before the rain, which started in Lasssn 3. P aul’s b u rn in g hatre d o f t *l s f n i||h t At Prices Very Interesting Everyone is buying gingham, the all-year fabric, more than ever now that it has established itself among genteel materials. So handsome are the new patterns in ginghams that they are instinctively recognized as appropriate for wear on dress occa­ sions, yet they are again surprisingly inexpensive. Cool, washable dress ginghams are here in abund­ ance to celebrate National Gingham W eek. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Jesus in cite d him to endeavor to stam p out the Nazarene heresy. W h ile on the way to Damascus, w ith a u th o r­ ity to a rre st and im p riso n the be lie v­ ers, men end women, he was stricken w ith blindness add fe ll to th e e a rth , and Jesus spoke to h im fro m heaven, saying. “ W h y p e rse cu te « thop m e?" The W addell boys came home from a deer h u n t last week w ith two nice deer on th e ir ru n nin g boards, one nt them the largest killed eo far this sea-on. They are try in g for a prize w hich baa been offered for the largest deer In response to the heavenly inw’ruc- k ille d , by some eporting goods (ion À lie went la Capital and Surplus $34,000 t 1 , Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your hanking business II. KOONTZ. Pres' d TTAYLOK, Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier Ih e First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is a good pise« to deposit year saving». 4 pevreut interest on aavinga accounts that run three months, ais months or a year. In te re s t paid sMu-aaa sally. Damascus where house id Albany • •- J i