A M a n f o r th e A g e s (Continued irom page 3J he hated. a i ^ y z ,hi d “ * * nny r -re lr nas moved. Our inlnds begin to heat about In the «ndlacov FARMING FOR LIVING URGFP ered countries looking for It Some, nJ- " hich <•’ * h,m ‘he how we got It loented each man for If Mora Farmers Would Produe- newg W hat They Need for Homs Use bin,self.” Markets Would Ba Bettor Tor another space they hurried along “I was over to Beardstown the day ] without speaking. velao and McNeil got off the steamer | More farm ing for a living should he " I tell you, H arry, whatever a large brought them home with me. Kelso lumber of Intelligent folks have done and there w ill he less risk of _as bigger than hla trouble. Said that tgree.l upon for some genera,Iona la poor markets. I f moat farm ers would he ways of youth were a part of the ■io— I f they have been n ilo w e d ito .d o produce what they could for home ns» «Mt plan. T h o m s ' Thorns!' he said the markets would be required to take heir own thinking." said A b e .--“ It's less nn»l as a result there would b» ■ ney are the teachers of wisdom and ibont the only wisdom there is.* ho am 1 that I should think myself less strain on them. The way to have He hnd sounded II a kevnotfcof the markets Is to save and conserve whs' r my daughter too good for the like ew I'eniocracy. ’ yon have. Use your markets nob net it is written that Jesus Christ So. under the lights of -heaven, when It Is necessary to sell the sur :d not complain of them ?'” peaking in the silence o f the night of plus you cannot eat or feed. npenrtrnble mysteries thejJ Jour- “ Have you heard from h o m e r Abo ere a a big lesson In It for both of ern signalized more than a desire for thing of that sort * «o' ** preserve the s w ^ H v e " “8 " ‘member rest In the weary travelers, fow Just wood, but thia practically has gone out of use. Experiments show that theae then a cycle of their lives had ended. Abe read «he letter. H a rry s ., mo- paints do hut little good, aDd ¡.gain, they ure somewhat 'njurinua to the .;“ r i H1SJ Ow|y hl" head bent for- (To be’ continued) allage, says the Michigan Farm er •i d until his chin touched his breast W ithout paint a wood alio w ill laat fm Abe said with a tender note In his a great many years. »Ice as he folded the le tte r: > This man Is well along In life He W ANTED uju t youth to help him as you have how he takes It and she's the only •» Id he has. There are millions of '* > girls In the world for you to Eine boose from.” (second hand) I know It, but there's only one Blm •“'so In the world," H arry answered •ournfully. "She was the one I h* * r t from home of R!m., know." “1 w ill." «aid Sarah. I t was nearly two o’clock w ho Samson, having fed and watered hl horses,, got Into bed. Yet he was t before daylight, next morning, ai singing a hymn of praise as he kindle the Are and filled the tea kettle at ness o f her parents and declared 11 she was very happy. "Too had! Isn't It?” said Sai when Mrs. Waddell, who had coir.e • with her husband one evening to brh this news, had finished the story. “Yes, It kind o' spyles the place said Samson. "I'm afrnld for Jin Kelso— 'fra ld it’ll bust his fiddle If don't break his heart. H is w ife alone now. W e must ask her to co.i and stay w ith us.” "The Allens have taken her in said Mrs. Waddell. “T h a t’s good,” said Sarah. “I'll j down there tomorrow and offer to • anything we can.” When M r. and Mrs. Wnddell h gone Sarah s a id :, “I cau't help thin Ing of poor H a rry . H e'w as terribly love w ith her.'* “ Well, he’ll have to get over It that’s all," nald Samson. "He's youi and the wound w ill heal.” It was well fo r H a rry that he w out of the way of all this, and enter upon adventures which absorbed i thought. As to w hat was passing w him we have conclusive evidence two letters, one from Col. Zacha. THylor, In which he says: "Harry. Needles Is also recoiium tn ed for the most Intrepid conduct u- scout hnd for securing inform ation o ove(t” great value. Compelled to aband<> I es, but you'll find another. It his wounded horse he swam a rive »oka serious, but It Isn't— you're so ATTORNEY A T LA W under fire and under the observatioi young. Hold up your head and keep of three of our officers, through whos, 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank Bld'g. -’"Ing. You'll be happy ugaln soon." help he got back to his command Maybe, hut I don’t see how." said Albany, Oregon. bringing a bullet in Ids thigh." the boy. W ith no knowledge o f m ilitary set "There are lots of things you can't vice and a company of untrained men ee from where you are at this present Abe had no chance to win laurels it noment. There are a good many miles the campaign. His command did no •head o' you, I reckon, and one thing LA W YER AND NOTARY get tn touch w ith the enemy. He ha, ou II see plainly, by and hy— that It's his hands fu ll maintaining a decent re »Il for the best, Fve suffered a lot my- gard for discipline among the ran B rowksvii . i . r , O regon *e f hut I can see now It has been a frontiersmen of his company. help to me. Tlmre Isn't an hour of it I ’d When the dissatisfied volunteers he willing to give up.” were mustered out late in May, Kelso They paddled along in silence for a and McNeil, be'ng sick w ith a stubborn time. fever, were declared unfit for aervio "It was my fa u lty said H arry pres W IL D E Y L O D G E NO. 05. and sent back to New Salem as soon eutly. “I never could say the h a lf I Regular meeting next Saturda» as they were able to ride. Abe anil wanted to when she was with me. My H a rry Joined Captain lies' company tongue is too slow. She gave me a light. of independent Hangers nnd a month chanm nnd I wasn’t man enough to or so later A»e re enlisted to serve take It. That's all I've got to say on with Captain E arly, H a rry being unde, (hat subject." a surgeon’s cure. The latter's wound Some time afterw ard In a letter to Office 1st door south of school house was not serious and on July third he his father the boy wrote: Halsey, Oregon. too joined E a rly ’a command. I often think of that ride down the This company was chiefly occupied river and the way he talked to me. It In the moving of supplies nnd the bury­ was so gentle. He was a big, power- Handles I'own and Country Property ing of a few men who had been killed fui gliiin of a man who weighed over d iv e him a call and see if lie can fix In small engagements with the enemy I hundred pounds, all of It bone and yon up It was g band of rough-looking fellows muscle. But under his great strength w as a w Oman’s gentleness; under the In the costume of the fro ntier farm and workshop— ragged, d irty snd un­ dirty, merged clothes and the rough, shorn. The company was disband»'! brown skin grimy with dust and L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S perspiration, was one of the cleanest July tenth at W hitew ater. Wisconsin H A R R IS B U R G LHBANON souls that ever came to this world. I where, that night, the horses of Harry Phone 35 Phone 15 and Abe were stolen. From that point don't mean that he was Ilka- a minis­ Branches at they started on their long homeward ter. He could tell a story wuh pretty Win T Tem pleton, Mgr tramp w ith a wounded sense of de­ rough tu!k In It, but always for a pur­ Irow nsville Phone 106, F rank K irk , Mgr cency and Justice. They felt that the pose. He hated d irt on the hands or • lelsey, Indians had been wronged, that ihe on the tongue H e »oved flowers like greed of land grabbers had brutally a «-Oman. He loved to look at the violated th eir rights. This feeling had stars at night and the colors of the been deepened by the massacre of the sunset and the morning dew on the meadows. I never saw a man so much red women nnd children at Bad Ax. A number of mounted men went In love with fun and beauty.” They reached Havana that evening with them and gave them a ride now A l 1 work don e prom ptly an,I nnd then. 8ome of the travelers had and sold their canoe to a man who ■(-■i-oiiultly. P h o n e N o . 2rtV. kept boats to rent on the river shore. little to eat on the Journey Roth Abe and H a rry suffered from hunger and Ti ey ate a hot supper at the tavern and got a ride with r farm er who was sore feet before they reached Peoria where they bought a canoe and In the going ten miles In their direction. morning of a bright day started down From his cabin some two hours later they set out-af»,ot In the darkness. G L A S S E S F IT T E D the Illinois river. “Going home la the end of all Jour­ BY They had a long day of comfort In Its current w ith a good store of bread neys," said Abe Ss they tramped along. G RADUATE "Did It ever occur to you m at every O P T O M E T R IS T live creature has Its Rome? The fish of the sea, the birds of the air. the beasts P R IV A T E O F F IC E I of the field Snd forpst, the creepers Io F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S the grass, all go home. Most o f them I turn toward It when the day wanes. R R IC F .S R E A S O N A B L E The call of home Is the one voice heard f M. F r e n c h a, S o n s j and respected all the -way down thy ALBANY ORES. line of life .’ And. ye know, the most ! wonderful and mysterious thing In na- ! ture Is the power that fool animals ' have to go home through great dls- , tnncea, like the turtle that swam from i m in is t k atom s N o t ic k of Hearing ol ¡he Bay of Biscay t/> hia home off Van r.nal Account. I Dleman's Ijtn d Somehow, coming over Noitce is hereby given that the final > In a ship, he had blazed a tra il through •ccount of Amor t\. Tussing as adinini-- rator nl the estate of ile n rie tla G uilt i (be pathless deep more than ten thou- ' sand in lies long. It'a the one m iracu­ loril, deceased, has been filed in the lous g ift— the one call that's Irresist­ bounty Court of l.tnn County, Slate ot ible. Don't you hear It now? I never Oregon, and that tha 3d dav of October. 1921. at the hear of 10 o c'ock A. M. Us down In the darkneaa w ithout lias ortn uuly aopointed by said court thinking of home when I am ew»y.” or the hearing of objections to said "And It’» hard to change jrwtr home mal account and tha settlement thereof vhen yon ie wonted to It," »aid Harry. it which tim e any person interested In "Yea, its a little like dying when you ».ud tstxie may appear and file objec pull up the roots end move. It'a been ons thereto and contest the same Dated and first published Sept 1 1921 iard on your folks." AM O R A. T C & a IN G . This rem ark brought them op to the A d m in iirato r afore-aid greatest of mysteries. They tramped In silence for a moment Abe broke in upon If with theae words; Notice of Appointment of Ad­ “I reckon there must he another ministratrix home some« here to go to a fter we Notice is hereby given that th e on- have broke the last camp here, and a lersignrd by an order of the Count) They Had a Long Day of Comfort In kind of a bird's com pass tn help ua 0 >urt o f Linn County, Oregon, has find It I reckon we'll hear the call of been sptiointed adm inistratrix of the Ita Current. It as we grow older.” estate of Joel B Huston, deceased All and butter and cold meat and pie. The He stopped and took off hla hat and person* having claims against «aid es- prospect of being fifty miles nearer looked up at the stars and added : t,te are required ta present them within ix month« from the date of this notice, home before nightfall lightened their " If It isn't so I doo t see why tha with the proper vouchers, to Ihe under- hearts and they laughed freely while long procession of life keeps h arp'” » Abe told nl his adventures In the cam on thia subject of home I think I see a gned at her resilience in Halsey in Linn Connty Oregon. palgn. To him It was all a wild com the point of the whole thing I t isn't Dated and first published this lath edy with tragic scenes dragged Into It the place or the furniture that makes dav of August, 1921. and woefully out of place. Indeed he It home hut the lore and peace th a t a M M H U S TO N , A dm inistratrix aforesaid. thought It no more like wsr than a pig in 11 By aod h^our home Jan t here A- TUSSING, Atty, for Adina. E i'^ ip g at>4 th a t w at |t.&4 ,,f S-FOOT SILO *. ___o . G. COLDIRON. C C. B R Y A N T Amor A. Tussi ng I. 0 . 0 . F. Peterson S2ST“ Dress Shoes a Speciality 501 Lyon at.. Albany, Oregon, S h o e R ep a ir Shop Two doors north of S K I’ I. :s. 1921 HALSE? E N T I R l'R IS E BIG FORTUXE IS UNCLAIMED Jots a n d T it t le s Treasury Department Helds 383 000.- 000 for Liberty Bondholders In Aeeumulatad Internal (Continued from page 1) Washington.— Uncle Sam has MS.- 000.000 of some people's money wait* Ing In the Treasury department for them to come and get It. according to the latest figurra o f outstanding temporary Liberty bonds. This sum represents the Intermit due holders of temporary Liberty bends who have not exchanged their bends for permanent coupon bearing securities on which the regular Inter­ est la paid. The figures show that there are 7,471.171 separate tempo­ rary bonds of vurlous denominations, amounting in »1.182,730.200, still In the hands of the owners who have not exchanged them for coupon bonds House Dashed Down Hill When Steel Cable Broke A two-atory frame house "ran away" In Glencoe, a Chicago suburb, when a steel cable broke. Workmen engaged In moving the house across the street stopped it only a fte r It had taken u wild flight. Tlie dwelling, owned by C. N, G illett, a hanker, was raised on ro lle ri and skids for the move­ ment, As the building stood on top of a steep hill, a steel cable snapped and the runaway flight began. The flight ended nt the bottom of the hlU. The house was v ir­ tually undamaged. the hotel in Real Estati W ith o u t pain, blocking method. L a ie nervi. The promised crushed rock to the dust on Second »‘ reet has come. Rev C. T. Cook and fa m ily and I,. Straley and fam ily are pending their vacation at New- >ort. old down E. B Penland and wife, aceotn- •V’ " d by Mrs. Philo S ia rr. went | to Newport laat week for a short m ug. Thursday n ig h t fire destroyed •J. L . Avera barn near H a rris . | hu g, w ith 40 tons of hay and some ii chinery. Mrs. C. M. W a rd , who had been | visiting at the home of her graud- ■< n, K irl B ram w ell, left lor A l- any Friday. Hugh Leeper joined hia fa m ily I Friday at MoCredie Spring«, where they are camping out. Mrs. B y . | erley is vacationing w ith them. M r. and Mr». 8. H . Baker of Brownsville motored over F rid ay • ud took train for Salem for a | »usiness jau n t. Dean Tycer was hauffeur for them from Browns- ilia, I combining business with pleasure. Come again. The open season for pheasant» from C e \ 15 to O c . 31. . J. W MOORE i S R e a f E s ta te a n d r in s u r a n c e * W W W W W W k V W t W W W WWWWWW» Mr. and Mr». C. D. L in n and laughter, Mrs. Clarence Karns«, with the la lte r’a little aon Cecil Tatoee, of Long Beach, C a l., ar- I rived Saturday from W ashington, where they have be*« SH O R T TERM P O L IC IE S proiect you againat lost nv fire on your hay, grain, clover and other seed hit any length of tim e1 desired. P o lic e , w ritten and delivered on day of application. Kates on request. C. P . S T A F F O R D , Resident agent American Eagle Fire Insurance Company. Mb*» A* 1895 IN S U R E IN TUP. O LD R E L IA B L E 1931 F armers ' fire relief association OF BUTTEVILLE ORE. »49,73T 64 Caah Surplus Capital on lu l) 1, 1921, »• 033,361.00 Insurance in lorce Rates F irst class, 25c: aeron.l rlss.. Vie per » lis t SCOTT & SIMONS LEBANON, OREGON O nly authorized agents lor Linn County. P u b lic ty p e w r it in g d o n e . E n te fc p ris e o ffic e . M rs . A . A . W H E E L E R . Glann Peebler of A lb a n y . 21, married and with two children, vas arrested Sunday on com plaint >f lR-year-old . Eva Carnegie, laughter of a neighbor, th a t he had »ntered her room at m idn igh t and ittempted an assault. There are two rural m ail routes ont of Halaey. G ra n t T aylo r has b«en deliveries and cnllertinft on ne of these for over 20 years »nd V. H . ¡Robinson on the other for '•re than fourteen. There se«ma • • he an element of aticlc-to-atfcre. ■ in the character of these men. The th irtie th annual convention of the W . C T . U . a‘ A lbany last week re-elected Mra. Krnm« A rc h i­ bald »a president, Mis» Grace Duver vice-pre ident. M ra. Dora Davis corresponding secretary and Mra. Cecil W ilh elm treaaurer. M r* M in ts Allen was elected re­ cording secretary. An increase of 250 member» was reported, Browna- Yille winning a flag for the great­ est increase, 39. J. W Moore ha» got out a neat little folder describing some of the Li h i county properties he has for al». I t w ill be deatributed among be homvteakara whom tha state h nnber of oommerce w ill bring 'hia month and wherever elee he • htrilre it w ill do the moat good. Of eourae It Is a handsome Job, for It was printed in the Enterprise of- flee. w . J. Ribelin is on deck also with a folder pointing out some of the bargains th a t investors in Mother E arth can find around Halsey. And the boom in buying land is ju st ahead. The opening day of the county fair w ill be “ Portland 1925 fair la y ” and boosters from the me- rop ilia w ill provide entertainm ent »■vlurea I t has also been desig­ nated a« home-coming day for ex- reaidenta of L in u county. L in n county ex-service men have Iteen flocking to the commu­ nity house at A lbany for a week, m aking applications belore W il­ lard L. M aika, county bonus com- int««i<>n attorney, for th eir share <>(