Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 15, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    A Story for A m e ric a ,^
thought hl» Mppie
thing in t|ie world
<***» like him
fA b ii V
N ew polished-up Steel Ranges. $ 5 8 .0 0 up
w®» the biggest
" e re all a good
O u r Fall Heaters have just arrived.
i T â l s ê V
K Ñ T B r t F IT S f f
- U liï
ly ,,
lighted his csudle U n it rn rn
than It is. But we've got to tel) the
out to do his chores wh'.'e Samh
truth If it kills us."
p artly reconcile») to her new dl>an- I
"Yes; we've got to tell the truth,"
•ro ^ n
h eu’ ,h ” ther* " • many
pcln'.ment, dressed and begun ihe
Ramson rejoined. "T here'll he a ra il­
one Vo k * W° rld • " k0od 88 'h at
work o f another day.
So thev and
road coming through here one of iheaa
« sire'Ch
«re tc h of
or 4 V 2 r J
2 1
W e s t
bad . . . . . *_v e r < m r 1 0 ■
Abe and H a rry and others like them
days and then we can all get back
h âve
yOUr h0US* Tb* fo'kH L -
each under ,he urge of his own ambl
?’ l * . * ? * » •
They're a little lone * > »'S
and forth easy. I f it comes It's going
S t
Ion. spent their great strength In the
to make us rich. Abe says he expects
h dl’‘rouraPe‘1 n <*> « you make
building and defense o f the republic
It w ithin three or four years."
by Cr>lnK ovpr « ln” «P
and grew prematurely ©Id. Their
Story o f the Builders
apple w in* a” *
' * pos’i,ble »hat »he Is a sure foundation to tufiui
Sarah had a hot supper ready for
your life
what s coming? she asked.
work began and ended In darkness
As he stood w anning him self
inn „ L e t
i.” " " nB dcwn ,Bt0 » '* upon."
o f Democracy
tnd often their days were doubled by
by the fire she put her arms around
? ? r n h e re you <-an pick It up
Kelao paused to pour whisky from
and the faster you go the more danger
he burdens »1 the night. So In the
him nnd gave him a little hug.
k ^ g o i n ’a . £ d ' " f>° " , n ' ,hln* “
a jug at hts side fo r those who would
you're In?" H a rry laughed.
reckoning o f their time each year wa
"You poor tired man !" she srld.
take It.
nore than one.
'le n t that the way we heve to
h . p o ^ ^ # ,h " ,y
How patient and how good you are !"
“Let us drink to our friend Abe and
travel In this world, whether we're
Sarah went down to th r village In
There waa a kind of apology fo r
his new ambition.” he proposed.
going to love or to m ill?" the girl ask
he afternoon of the next day. When
thia moment o f weakness In her look !
1 ve got a book here that I want
“W hat Is It?’’ Samson asked.
ttomson came In from the fields to his
and manner. H e r face -eeetned to say
JLIfe* 0 ^ '
At”‘ We" ‘ 0,1 “It 18 ,1,e
Copyright, I r rln g B acbeH er
“I am going to try for a Heat In the 1« ahead We see only what la behind
supper she said:
"It's silly but I can't help It."
I and r « H o’“" ’’3’ C', y -' Takp “ h0’np
legisliituty." said Ahe.
ns. It Is very sad.”
“I've been happy all the time, fo r I
"M r. Biggs is stopping at the tavern
h« V
can‘ft>l|y «"d 'hen bring It
The toast was drunk. gfcd bv some
H a rry looked at Blm
He saw the
knew you was w aiting for me," Sam­
He brought a new allk dress and some
in water, a fte r which A h < s a ld :
You n
tragic truth of the words and suddenly
beautiful linen for Mrs. Kelso
son remarked. “I f,« l rich every time
! and h r i h " H ? rV C', y your” ,' f by
“I f you have the patience to listen
b®» face was like them. Unconscious­
I think of you and the children. Say.
fells her that Blm has made a new
an. by. The world has something big
Wherein Abe Announces Hie Purpose
I It w X eVr,rV ° ne ' f hp <
"n ‘
look here."
man of him.
Claims he has quit
to Be a Candidate for the Legle'a.
the voters of Sangamon county."
thing had fallen. H e did not know
He untied the bundle and put tha
drinking and gone to work
Blm and
J ’ p"rchlng_som e for gold
ture, at Kelso's Dinner Party
what to make of It.
dress and finery In her lap.
her mother are terrib ly excited. He
d ^ ™ e |? rfH ,n P
' P»«y «m l even
“I feel sad when I think of Abe,"
"W ell, 1 want to kn o w !” she ex­
H arry Needles met Blm Kelso on
wants them to move to St. Ixiuls and
w o rk -%
he,p me to
said H arry. “H e don’t know what Is live oil his big plantation In a hous.
claimed. as she held It up to the can­
the road next day, when he was going a n y th in ? * | h 'nK ’ ' " n ',o bp,,er ,hnn
ahead of him, I guess. I heard Mrs.
dlelight. "That must have cost a p ret­
down to see If there was any mall.
next to his— rent free.”
>,b l"e else— and when It is found
T ra y lo r say that he was In love with
ty penny.”
She was on her pony. H e was in his a haerf* *? ,l“
'* « " I he
“I don't care w hat It cost— It ain't
new suit o f clothes— a butternut back­ I shai “m all', “ K7 0UR
«nd that
I reckon he la, but he don't know
h alf good enough— not half," mild
ground striped Into- large checks.
, shall make mistakes. | expect to
how to show It. H e ’s never told her.
drop some apples on my way Thev lt
"A mail's Judgment Is needed there,
“You look like a w alking checker-
I reckon he's mighty good, hut he don't
look like gold to me, but I'm^not gol'ng
As he sat down to his supper ha
said he. " I t ’s n pity Jack Is gone
oartl," said she.
s a id :
know how to love a girl. Did you ever
Biggs w ill take that girl awav with
"This— this Is my new suit," H a rry
S B ,t nt tbe l,,n*11 Purpose."
"I saw that slaver, Blgga, get off
see an elephant talking with a crick­ him sure aa shooting If we don’t look
nswered, looking down at It.
the bout with hla big hay mare. There
“I t ’s a tiresome suit,” said she Im­
"Not aa I remember," said Harry.
was a darky follow ing him w ith an­
"Oh, I don't believe he’d do t h a t "
patiently. " I ’ve been playing checker« and Betsey playing by the bed Sant-
" I never did myself, hut If I did, I ’m
other horse.”
said Karsh
" I hope he has turned
son had gone to the woods to split
>n it since I caught sight o’ you. anil
sure they’d both look very tired. It
"Good land I" said Sarah. " I hope
over a new leaf and become a gentle
•e got a man crowned- In the king
he Isn't coming here. Mrs. Onstot told
would he still harder fdr an elephant
“Any mall?" Sarah asked.
w .”
to he engaged to a cricket. 1 don't
me today that Blm Kelao has been get­
“W e’ll see," said Samson.’
"No m ail,” he answered
“I thought you d like It,” he an-
reckon the elephant’s love would Ilf the
ting letters from him .”
They saw and without much delay
Sarah went to the win,: ,w „„d stood
.wered. quite seriously, and with n !
cricket or that they’d ever be able to the background of hla pretensions for
She's such an odd little c ritte r and
..... ................o s y .a “Say,
v e got I ’ve
, got
" ” nU,e8 IO° kl,‘*
*» »he
ook of disappointment.
agree on what they’d t&lk about. It's
she's got a mind o f her own— any­
one day within the week he and Blm
hat razor and I ’ve shaved three times , „«
Sera urnsses, protruding out
some that way w ith Ahe and Ann. She rode away and did not return. Soon
body could see that," Samson reflect-
0« »he snow, hissed and bent In the
Is small and s p ry ; he Is slow and high
ed. “She ought to be looked a fte r
a le tte r came from Blm to her tooth-
I wind. In its cheerless w inter colors
“Don't tell anybody." he warned
She d need a ladder to get up to his
purty careful.
H e r parents are no
er, mailed at Benrdrtown. I t told of
It was a dreary thing to see.
face, nnd I Just tell you it ain't purty
"They’d laugh at me. They
taken up w ith shooting and fishing
their marriage m that place and said
"How I long for home!” she ex­
ouldn't know how I feel,”
when ye get there. She ain't got a that they would be starting for St. I and books they kind o’ forget the girl.
claimed. ns she resumed her sewing bv
chance to love him."
“I won’t say anything.” she an- the fire.
I wish you'd go down there tomorrow
Ixiuls In a few hours on the Star of
1 i
“I love him," said H arry. “I think
wered. " I reckon I ought to tell you
9 0 4 tee what's up. Jack ta away, you
the North.
She begged the forglve-
L ittle Joe come and stood by her
he's a wonderful man. I'd tight for
bat I don’t love you— not so much as knee and gave his oft repeated bless­
him till I died. John M cN eil is noth
did anyw ay— not near so much. I
Ing but a grasshop|>er compared to
dy love you just n wee bit now."
“God help us and ttttike His face to i
Harry's face fell.
«nine upon us."
• That's about what my fath er says,"
"f)o you— -love—
Khe klased him and said - " Ite n rc o m
some other m an
Blm answered. " I love Ahe, too and
e v er7 tlm -
so does Ann. hut It ain't the 'hope
>e»— a regular m an—mustache, slj I hear you M v those w ords”
to die. raarrjTn' love. I t ’s like a man a
feet tall and everything. I Just tell yoc
“Would you mind If I called you
‘I ’d Like to Read My Declaration to
lore fo r a man or a woman’s love for
he’s p u r ty !
mother?' Han-j, asked.
the Voter»?*
a woman. John McNeil Is handsome—
”1» It that rich felle r from St
I shall be glad to have you do It If
he s Just plumb handsome, and smart,
Louis?” he asked.
Samson'« diary briefly describes thh
It gives you any comfort. H a rry." she
H e ’s bought a big farm and Is
She nodded and then whispered: •in s w e rei
appeal as follows:
going Into the grocery business. Mr.
i “Don't you tell.”
She observed that there were tears
Rutledge says he'll he a"rich man."
The hoy's lips trembled when he an­ In hl.« e\ es.
confidence and esteem of Ids fellov
" I shouldn't wonder.
Is he going
swered. " I won't tell. But I don’t
citizens. This he hoped to accomplish
“We are all very fond of you." she
to the spelling school?"
see how you can do It.”
by doing something which would mak,
said, as she bent to her task.
"No he went off to Richland today
, “ Why?"
him worthy of it. He had been think
Then the boy toRFher the history of
with my fath er to Join the company.
He drinks. H e Isn't respectable."
his morning— the talk with Blm, with |
They're going to fight the Injuna
"1 hat's a He.” she answered quick­ the razor omitted from It.
do more for It than anything else, but
ly “I don’t care w hat you say."
a railroad wonld he too costly. The
. . .
H arry, if she's such a fool,
The shell sounded fo r dinner. Blm i
” ?’_?? r.hWl her pnny With ,he wb,P you re ' “<*> to have found It rail s„
Improvement of the Sangamon river
started for the road at a gallop, wav- !
and rode away,
soon." said Sarah. “She does little hut
ing her hand
He unhitched his team
H a rry staggered for a moment as he
a usury law and said, in .view of the
ride the pony and play around with a
and followed It slowly across the black -
talk he had just heard, he was going
went on. H is eyes filled with tears. It gun. I don't believe she ever spun a
furrows toward the ham?
hank o yarn In her life. She'll get h e ? to favor the Improvement and hulld
He did not go to the s e llin g school I
j ing of schools, so that every' one could
teeth cut by and by.”
Abe came at seven and said that he j
learn how to read, at least, and learn
Then fell a moment of silence. Soon
and H arry would have to walk to
for himself what is In thé Rlble and
she s a id :
Springfield that night and get their i
other great books, it was a modest
“There's a b itter wind blowing and
equipment and take the stage in the
there's no hurry about the rails, 1
Abe said I f they started
“ W hatever happena to Sangamon,
You sit here by the Are and
right awav they could get to the Globe
read your book this forenoon. Mavbe
tavern by midnight. In the hurry and
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------
couldn't be Improved," said Kelso.
It w ill help you to find your work."
excitement H a rry forgot the spelling
“W hat Is that?" Abe askflt.
So It happened th a t the events of
school. To Blm It was a tragic thing, i
“I t ’s the one that says you wish to
Harry's mofnlng found their pluce In
Before he went to bed that night he
the diary which Sarah and Samson win the regard of your fellows by
w rote a letter to her.
kept Long afterw ard H a rry added the serving them."
Early In April an Indian scare
sentences about the rater.
C H A P T E R IX .
One evening Sarah and Samson, spread from the capital to the remot­
w ith H arry, went to a debate In the est corners o f the state. Black Haw k,
In Which Blm Kelao Makes History,
tavern on the Issues o f the day, In with many warriors, had erdksed the
W hila Abe and H a rry and Other
Which Abe won the praise of all for an Mississippi and was moving toward
Good Citizens of Now Salem Are
able presentation of the claim o f In ­ tl e Rock River country.) .Governor
Making an Effort to T h a t End In tho
ternal Improvement«.
During that Reynolds called for volunteer« to
Indian W ar.
evening Alexander Ferguson declared check the Invasion.
In the midst of springtime there
Ahe. whose address to the lite rs
that he would not cut his h air until
aroo cheering news from the old home
Henry Clay became President, the had been printed In the Sangamon
In ’ ’erm ont—a letter to Sarah from
news of which resolution led to a like Journal, Joined a volunteer company
her brother, which contained the w el­
Insanity In others and an age of un­ and soon became Its captain. On the
come promise that he waa coming to
exampled hairiness on that part of the tenth of April he and H a rry Needles
C harier No, k7
i border
left for Richland to go Into training.
Reserve D istrict No. 12
visit them and expected to be In
R ip o rt of condition ot the
For Samson and Sarah the most Samson was eager to go. but could not
Beardstown about the fourth of May |
Samson drove across country to meet |
notable social event o f the w inter was leave his fam ily.
Blm Kelso rode out Into the delda
a chicken dinner at which they and
the steamer. He was at the landing »1 Halsey, in the stole of Oregon, si the dose of business Sepncniher f.th loot
where H a rry was at work the day be­
Mr. and Mrs James Rutledge anil Ann
»hen the S ta r of the North arrived
He m w every p.sm-nger that came '
and Abe Lincoln and Doctor Allen fore he went away.
I Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in item .11 if anv <12? sat •>«
" I ’m going away," the boy said. In
were the guests of the Kelsos. T hat
ashore, and Rllphalet Biggs, leading 2. Overdrafts secured and unset tired ...................................
night H a rry stayed at home w ith the a ra her mournful tone.
hl« big hsy mars, waa one of them, but J. U „ , S _
government securities owned, including those shownTin items
" I hate to have you go. I Juet love
the expected visitor did not arrive „
8nd :*>• if 8nY
"Do You— Love— Some O ther Man?"
to know you're here, if I don't see you.
Keleo was In his best mood.
There would he no other steamer 4 Olh’ r t*0 " '’ ’ warrants and securities, including foreign government,
He Asked.
"Come," he said, when dinner was i Only I w ish you was older and knew
bringing passengers from the East for
' i ( <í í ^ ,,O" '
' ,ncll" ' ' “< ,h<:” e
a number of «lays.
j Slocks, securities, claims, liens, judgm ent., etc.."...................................
seemed to him that the world had been ready. "L ife Is more than friendship.
It 1« portly meat."
Samson went to a store end bought i ItanM ng house, t l ’iSiou; lurniture an I fixtures, »2,766.15 .............
ruined. On his way to the village he
"And mostly Kelao," said Doctor She ended It by saying :
a new dress and sundry bits of finery 9. (b) Am ount, due from banks, hankers and trust 'compunisla des-
trie«! and convicted It of being no lit
"Ann and I are going to the Spelling
for Sarah. He returned to New Knleiri
ignxted and approved reserve agents of this Iw n k ...................
P'ace for a hoy to live In. Down hy Allen.
"Ah, Doctor I Izing life has made j school tonight."
HH. 112.23
With u heavy heart. Karsh stood In the 12. C«»h on han<l in vault
the tavern he met Abe. who stopped
m<l due irom b ilk s ,
9, hi, n , 12, $96,740.20 .................
open door as he drove up
nimbler than a sixpence," Kelso d r
"Could you stand It to be talked to
"Howdy, H a r r y !" said Abe. "Yon
Total ...........................................................
dared. “And, speaking of life. Aria- 1 ®n,t scolded by a couple of girla till
................................»-’J«, 713.62
W ithout a word. Sarah followed him
look kind o' sick. £ o u ie Into the store
totle said that the learned and the un­ you d dn't care what happened to
to tt e bsrn, with the tl» lantern In her 17. Capital stork paid in .........................................
and sit down. I went to talk to yon."
learned were as the living and the you ?"
hand. He gave her a hug ns he got IS Surplus fund.
H arry followed the big man into
“Y ps ; I've got tff he aw ful careless."
fa) Undivided p ro fit.................................................................. .‘.»7,K76?52
down from the wagon. He was little
Offut a store, (Intiered by his attention,
“W e'll he all dressed up End ready
" It Is true." Abe lnterpo«cd “I say
(b) l^ess current expenses, in le re -t ami bices paid............. 6,569 47
fb e re had been something very grate-
D e m s h o liEPostTV other than banks, subject to reserve:
I t In spite of the fact that It slays at quarter of eight. Come to the tav‘
"Don't feel bad," he said.
tu' in the sound o f Abe's voice and the
24 D ep orits due the Sts'» of < »r< gon, ami deposits due county or cities
I'm going to have supper with
me ”
and other public funds
feel of hl« hand The store was empty.
“You? N o ! Yon are alive to your Ann. She Is Just terribly happy. John
1,000 00
we shall ever see them again,” M id 25. Ind ividu al depruits subject to check
You nnd I mustn't let ourselves he finger tips," Kelg»» answered.
M cNeil has told her that he I o v m her I Sarah, as they were w alking toward 26 D em and ce itificalc s of deposit o u ts ta n d in g ................................................
worried hy little matter«." said Abe. as
I t . « secret Don t you tall."
the door
"I think I know how the 27. Cashier's check« of this bnnk ont«t«nding iwvsble on d em an d i.
“But I have mastered only eight
they sat down together by the lire. book'll." said Ahe
t hl£ . .
wbo * rp
^ rg o tte n "
Total demand deposits, other than l« n k deposits, subject to re­
Things that soem’ to you to be as big
"And one- - the book of common
serve. item« 21. 25, ?6. 27 snd 2M
»141,144. 29
»" a mountain now w ill look like a tense, and that haa wised yod.” Kelso him know I t - . m t yet. I reckon h e ll
T im e s a il S a v iw g s D eeosirs subject to reserve sn.l payable on
-They ve probably heard .b o u t the
niole hill in gtx months. You and I
demand and siih je I to notice:
M re
be 79
went on. “Since I came to this coun­ be plumb anxious before d ie o w n . up
T im e certificates of depose! outstanding.............................
62 260 2S
bave g„t things to do, partner.
We try I have Iparned ,fo beware o f the
But she truly loves him. ih e M die for
mssoarreed If they came.'*
T o ta l of tim e anil savings depoails payable on demand and
mustn't let ourselves be fooled. I wag one-book man. There are more living
Indeed the scare, now abating had
subject to notice, items 29 and JO. ....6 2 ,2 6 0 2M (N o t to 1» extended!
« tr e In a boat w ith old Cap'n Chase on men In Americs than In any lend I
"Girls are aw ful m rlous— ndbodv
spread through the border settlements
the Illinois river. W e had got Into the have seen. The man who reads one c m tell whst they m ean" M id H a rry
and kept the people awake o' nlghss. S T A T E O F O R K »ON 1
rapids, i t w«s a narrow channel In good hook thoughtfully Is alive and
“ Sometimes they don't know whst
Samson sad other men. left In New
i “
dangerous water. They had to keep often my master In w it or wisdom.
they mean themselves. Dfteo I say
Salem, had met to consider plans for
County of Linn
her heeded Juat so or we'd have gone Reading Is the gate and thought Is the
something or do something and won
a atockade
| I ■ M . Bond. Cashier of Ihe above n .n m l (sink, do solemnly swear that
on the rocks. Suddenly a boy dropped pathway of real life."
der and wonder whst It mean«. Did you
And then there 1 tha fever an' the above statement is true to the bestot my knowledge tn d belief
his apple overboard and began to hol-
ever ride a horse sitting backwards—
“I think that most of the men I know
ague." Ramson added.
h . M
Bond Cashier
He wanted to have the boat
when you're going one wgy and look
have read the Bible." said Abe.
Sometimes I feel sorry I told 'em
__ CORRECT—Attest: C H. Koontz, D. Taylor, B M. Bond, D ire c to r .
For < minute that boy
ing m
tod yon
you doo
wQoderfqj gnd a s«vln| fact ! It | lnf
oUtaf «nd_
di t Mpow «bout It, huesOM they’ll think It wore«
Subscribe»! and sworn to befpre me this 10th day of September. 1921.
A Man for
the Ages
O ld stoves taken as part payment.
E. L. ST IF F Ao * Ä
By Irving Bachelier
?" mP "'hB, you ,hlnk "f
S iv em oney on your
F u r n it u r e
by buying < f us.
6-piece set complete, only $75
Dresser With 20x24 Plate Mirror
Dressing Table with 14x24 Plate Mirror
Chiffonier, Bed, Chair and Rocker
All for only
c Klearflax all-linen Rugs. 9x12,
only $40
Phonograph coupon with each
We deliver the goods to ycu
1 purchase
I Albany Furniture
E verything for the home
Wsst end of First st. .
Albany, Oregon
“¡''." b ST
My commission esptres 9.24-24,
D. 8. McWilliams, Notary Public
♦ I **’