TAG K 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E SEPT. IS, 1921 A report of doctors to the bio- behind« beds and into closets he was Joined the Majority ty o f P a ris sets forth h » » « 'b y a gentle tapping and scratcb- | Berrytnon Cummings, 7b yean two wenka ago, referring to a min­ . lo . g . . ic a l s o c ie j ia i ¡ng- Tracing the sound to. Its source old, one of the numerous pi,u, » A b independent— N O T neutral— uews- ister who compared some church a n aged p eo p le a fflic te d w ith found tbe locked tnjp k but no paper published every Thursday, retired farmers residing in haieev h a r d e n in g o f th e a rte rie e th e e a t- key. Finally tbe lock yWMed to the members with a stick so crooked in g o f g a r lic w ill re d u c e th e blo od j Persuasion of b it club and be dragged by W m . H . & A. A. W H E E L E R . died last Friday and was burnd that it couldn't lie idtll, said : W m . II. W h k k i . e b Editor. Saturday at Pine Grove cemeiny . i • . , I out the offending husband.7 an appar- pressure to n o r m a l in a w eek fa i r , „ |y ltmp anrt hroken man M bs A. A. W h k k i . kr Business Manager after Christian church service If the church gets a spineless and Local News Editor. minister, who tries to plea «a every, low blood pressure a n o u ts ta n d in g ceol air soon revived him. and he la D a u g h te r C a g e d b y Mother ¡11 oonducted by Elder Phillips 1 Mr Cumming- was horn i"n f |j. body, these crooked sticks, being condition «mung our population now lodged In a comfortable cell. Darkened Room Without S bscciptions, St 50 a year in advance note ¡n 1M45, au«i when seven years f Italian birth? more aggressive than the other Arrearages, *2 a year. Light or Air. ¡old «roesed tb"e plains with his REFUSES MAN’S DEATH BRIBE Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per members, dnmina'e him, and the parents, a. flin g hi the v ic in ity of If a pastor is manent, 20c. No discount for tnue church languishes. Fatty Arbuckle announces that H- malty in n of the picture screen as a rival com. began th u tte r strident, affecting cries etary of the national motor Iruci committee, N-ilioi al Automobile the i "convenience of a legal ha e letitor f ir 'lie l> isinaas of adver­ of "murder," and "police." Prophet-I When Patrolman Andrews of the c lamher of commerce. tisers The Kntei prise feels no and a little I jis o! popularity aie • live t een sayii g tile same Ihi- g raslem district was attracted by her jealous ping«on this score. There * W e H ave a remote. or a decade or Iwo past, but tin j frantic screams to the now excited is pleuty of room for both th > E V E R Y T H IN G 2 of «.««vc Alice nuts and «w Ann streets. Mrff. w_ block ... ain burn*, 9 2 0 census found more horses ii, | Movie houses arecmoeling film« O ptical ? he country than that of which feature him, for the pres­ newspaper and tbescraen, a* there Levandowskl told him that her hus- _ 1910. V - is for the church band had just assaulted and attem pt­ ent, and thoee who have the tsmet. E Y E STR A IN ed to murder her. She neglected to p h*toa of F -’ nrs. Is the Cause of Many mention the detail of the trunk. fty to announce such Aims are An Enrllsl-nian claim- 1« h iv e m ds H U M A N IL L S Entering the house w ith drawn re­ lik-ly to suffer in patronage, tin. Earl Heibert off)«»« Ridge, Lane volver the patrolman expected to find i«t«ntaif'-aplis o f fairies which are net I f yonr eyes give you trouble o> •i»l'»le to lb. e.«e, Put which the pho leas his akirta are more nearly co nty. was fatally shot Sunday by your glsssesnre annoying Levandowskl smashing the furnl- «ays may be recorded aa S H E US. We can Relieve You cleared than is likely without uii . Rime YeoAian of Creswell w h o I ,Ur’‘ " nd * n,' rfln < flr*- But the house ' 'he g w iphjf phofoiraphlc plate T here are was silent as a grave. A fte r cautious expected evidence. ' Bancroft Optical Co. mis -i«'k him for q deer, The I t poking the muzzle of his w eanw .nan« persons who have examined the g IIJ 1st St W. Albany. Phone A pr nt« Hi«d pistes, but are not yet coa- alio >ter was evidently the biggest vluced. INFAMOUS FAME toM vet thia deer season Herbert » as in the brush and called: ’’Look Left Over Last Week Roy Gardner has committed a out; I am com in g” Yeoman number of robberies, for which he Relist il M > l k' leave-, lor O A. thought he said; ‘It is coming.” Correct Style, Expert W orkmanship, Quality ha« SHversI times been imprisoned, C. next w«'k. as the »(-buoi < pi ns and shot as soon as Herliert came Materials, make '«fitenil-er 19 snd be has often escaped. And in sight, without waiting to notice because ill his career of crime he Mr ami Mrs. C (I. Dryden and what it wa« lie saw Yeoman said 'aughteis Mildred* und Dicksie bae stopped »bolt of murdtr a they had alreadv crippled a deer, id Mr. Otto Smith of Oregon nitudlin sympathy with him has thus illustrating the cruelty of th* >ty mutnred up and spent Sun- •risen and there are tho«e who, • v and Monday with Mr. and "sport.’’ " The violent dealing of Never In 1« Years H a , »ha Sean a Man after hts last break from McNeil's lrs. U. F Dealt. (he wicked hath returned upon hi* bland, expressed the hope that he own pate.” thing has nnr as yet been dlecr<-eie