VLSEY E nterprise VOL. X NO . 2 Jots and Tittles On their return they will w ake photographed ■■ M .yo ro w lta s a n e s t their home at Steptoe. Miaa How­ ee She declared very positively that ell spent several years .if h *f*g trl- she would not. whereupon the case hood K j , in " * this “ vicinity and has many was dismissed. M agistrate Dom es S h ort S t o r ie s o f H o s i n g . | B U # n C ou nty & and m Halsey Particularly 5 advised M rs Brown to bring a civil suit against Mayorowlts - Great preparations are being made for a I.inn county f»lj which Mayberry Jc Aickiniwy shipped 1 ? k ’!rip ,° r dÌDner b“i0re r“ umi"F 'altes place in Albany O e t.4 5 6 a car of hogs to Salem Wednesday. aad 7. [ * ’ Hugh Cummings of Albany was Cbirence Barclay of Tidewater Mrs. Elixalietb Bnglieh and » business caller in Halsey today. 08333831 “'id Jennie Goodman of Halsey endgh'7 i.O,« UgeneSp* nt Edgar Enger of Brownsville ar end with Mrs. I he Engl.ab’s son. were married this afternoon. „ ----------- rived (tom Rigghurg Wednesday on Henry Engl,eh, and w)f youtiK . -oup.e couple will make their home •> -■ bis way to bis h o m e. Mr. English is theprincrp,! - o 1 hiloni* th. Zelma Zelma i his sell of e d ' Amateur Campion of Pacifio '>f the Halsey high school — Eugene .m ' Y * “6 Pre?«''» •» iiT ‘ ho ^ wed- George Gentry of Brownsville Register. 8 e ''"'g^-Yeeterday’s Albauy h erald. Coast Kills Thief With Full underwent an operation at an Al A number of the men who have ,i„M 7 x ^ i,V sWada’rorth a,K* fam. b a ty hospital lest Monday Nelson Hold. been employed for the past four r of,G‘’r y“1'* arrived Wednesday E B. McKinney has been s u b -, „,OIlth. ‘ H " > '°<>r months . at 1 R r n .nJ*iu . working in 'ir ■ I» * days’ vi«it with G. W stunting in the J r iwiisytlle me > ,, Brownsville Mornbinweg and family e rj in the absence of M , TA im h: e r ^ K r ^ r t . ^ ’S ^ «• a T®. — *“ • “•«■■y- Mrs Wadsworth is the wife of the Oer- vais h mker and was a neighbiff of W. H. Steusloff of the V alley, of the m M ^Vas ca^ryin'* h m V n I ‘ he M irnlnnwegs ¡Q Oklahoma. W restler H«artbroken W h in He D ie Packing company of Salem w„s a '□ » »ling, the result of . , Frank Koontz returned Tuesday covers That Burglar Is Dead— Juat business caller in Halsey Wednee- Rentas the last load was ¿ in g 'r o m u summei’s outing at New- Wanted to Detain Him W hile n»y. ! dumped. 8 p >rt. W ife Colled Folio«. . T‘ ! * nd ,o " Ro L P’ 1 For"lPr. who bought the SLAYS BURGLAR found thief in home (Continued on page 5) 8an Francisco.— Louis H. Prosperity Smileth Y ea, th e D am e B u b b leth O ver W ith J o y on th e S tr e e ts o f S ta id Old H a lse y Halsey has truly been a lively fertile land over the Southern Pa- ourg during the p as t w eek. eifle lines to far-away consumers Second street has been patrolled have halted occasionally and set bv strange monsters which spouted out a car of lumber till the neigh­ water and coar-e rock and finer borhood of the burned Frum ware, look until the whole complexion house looked like a big lumber Of the roadway was changed in an- yard, and George D rm kard'a force Hcipation of the further improve­ of busy men has metamorphosed ment which is expected next year ‘ hat lumber into a solid founda­ 'O make this a section of a great tion and a smooth floor for the paved highway reaching from Can. new structure. 'da to Mexico And revealing the foundation of ian v*h^a°h°ii*',,«^‘ * ‘88 Power con>-1 aH thi' •«><» prosperity ,eiuhb»hh‘ i * ,,>r®eo, ® cn in have b««n lo«g lines of g rain -lad ei lhai cb.rr v ° ° d JUg8l,n* . ! he poles J wagons and trucks bringing the ...J r » 7 rn»rvelous light and products of the fertile valley soil wires to homes and shops. I to the remaining warehouses. ie long, long trains of freight Halsey is surely a buelliog little ars that carry the products of thia I city today. Ardouln land drove to Portland Wednesday Phoebe Gwens place, opposite th o f the Olympic cluh. who recently won A n E njo y a b le T r ip H alsey School Course« with me expectation of returuiug Valley Lumber com piny’s yard 'he nrnaleur heavyweight wrestling Brownsville Briefs F r" l,y - M t J“ "e. moved into Yhe property lake Ackemian and wife of <-ha,„phH,.hlp of the p Rclflc So far as the teachers of the lhe date of the community fair killed with his bare hands a man he Browo-yille have just returned last Monday. Mrs Forster hu- high school have been able to as- Mrs C B. Earl and M i.« E nma has ’ been round rifling a bureau draw er in his iron, a two-weeks vacation in the l>een visiting her daughter Mrs n id p iv in g celebration ----------- — Suieed, both of Albauy, arrived cerlain, the following courses will mount,bus near Ree.lspo'l. The, J o j Roberta ef Renton, Wash for u u * '.“y ’ to avo,<1 cI“<*hii.g la ,e r " * * Wednesday for a visit with Mrs the past two weeks. Mr. Forste i” *41 She ,d , "ir - Th« new as W illiam B. Anderson. H e leaves a motored as far as Florence. 9 i,d Ge offered to the students : George Taylor. were there .” forced to irnve leave ineir their car ear .vx,t iv English ( I ) — Sentence and entered Tuesday upon his duties s'- , i“ 1"? *'ere “rH S P'- 22 afl'l 23, «'»d widow residing here. Ardouln told the police that after an'seB io be a bummer Lnilttrsssn tfc h ,> __ tnilsaw -if _ t > . .. grappling with Anderson, who was un miles of the trip on bo-seback, for Payne. — he *-- has * . held . . - * w ith HiHitv e ra l the Halsey gaiage many lib liberal prize«. All for And Foote is position severa kinds i.f «to k, poultry and agri- armed, for live minutes he applied s ¡ ‘ he road ran ‘ ’ straight up,” ac “onto" something there— more years. Algehla ( I ) - N e w High School severe wrestling hoi,I to detain him un than one of biin. c iltu r .l and horticultural prod­ H Mrs Ardouln could telephone for c o rd in g to their veiaion. Algebra, Wells and H »rt. W illiam H. McRae and M ’e ucts will be features. of the mountains mountains □•Ip. General ocience— Science— firs First t Year U' In lhe f ■ heart ........ vxvobibi Mrs. Minnie McCord of Port, » lofa M iller of Brownsville wer ss . . h daughter of s<’i«nce, Snyder ; . --------— Manual w. of E x ­ Ne Charge |g Likely. Whi'e in the Enterprise ofii e land arrived in Halsey Tuesday married at the Methodist parson, M rs . A c k p r ilin n o r ,. I _____ ■ I a r ir v s o n to ! . . LP I . . - Mrs. Ackerman and granddnugb. periments in Elementary r-« Science No charge I t likely ever to be placed h-ether day Mr M ills and wife ,f for an extended visit with the age last Mon I iy at Albany M t«r of Mra. James West o f H a la e y . Curtie. ’ Brownsville flouring mills Ufalnsl Ardouln for the slaying po Deans and Staffords. and Mrs. McRie spout most o lh ts teaching school, and theie the 'Ice said. Geometry (Plane) — Plane and eta -d ihat they have bought over Ackermans camped For pastime Miss Amy Rogers of Corvallis | their lives at Brownsville. Mis Examination of Andersoh's body dis to,000 bushels of very choice m ill­ dosed that death apparently wa- ! J-ke gdt two deer and a ten-pnuml Solid Geometry, Durell and Ar­ took (rail, for Albany Wednesday Miller fir a lime was bo>kke-pei nold: ing wheal. They are giving the aueer the Graven Canning comp nr English (IT ) — W ritten and Spo­ fanner who raises such wheat a and also was in the employ of if, uig doubted his neek forw ard so that Miss Adams is delightfully Io- ken Engrish, Glippenger ; Century the VV.Ilia ..son home. They are now Ina throai had been preased against Brownsville Times They wil premium price ated and is so well ple-sed with he, Handbook of W riting. Greevcr M r.^ E . B. McKinney ami little make their home at Seaside, wher turning out twenty barrels of fl >ur he „'« evt. io beat. Ihey report a very satis, yea,. She does not expect to visit ogy and Hygiene, Conn-Buding- oo h«,ld on him. I horribly faolory business. Slates P o w e r Cimpauy, lowering attended to. Shocked When the policemen turned ' h -r home iu Brownsville until next ton. Mrs Bramwell wi the electric light poles W illiam Howe proposes to give him over and found him dead I did October Medieval and Modern H istory— also attend the funeral of A T the -fti, 'a" ient ‘ ' surgeon- A number of the Ackermans Medieval and Modern Times Rob­ McCullv which takes plac'e t a chance to not mean to k ill him. although I put all Mr and Mrs. Fred I’avlor of »"d will remain away several d a y / t 7 v b'8 ,jroi,en ,eF bj 'he pressure I could." I ends have enjoyed plenteous inson. Corvallis passed through H al«-. Ardou.'n has participated In a nun, y eraiuais breaking it again and resetting it ’ample« of venison and salmon Latin ( I I ) - Caesar's Comment­ Wednesday evening on the Shasta teachersNof‘ ,hel,H T n• ' Fi,lV ,e“ m8 an liegun to crumble tinder tin th ► city for a number of yeare, itc and draw. Give them a pencil Kinty cruebed-rnck trucks and lh« haiing at one time been senior "r R. A became a member of Walout avenue ha* been graded From an English Journal's report or •he firm under the name of A. T . md Hiacadim'zaii twenty feet wide I ’ * hlst-di Ive— "Tw o boxes each coo M 'C u lly A Sons. M t. McCully ts whole le g h. dozen egg,, ,-ere gh h, dispeaed of his interest in the firm c i . W P. Elmore is letter after a M r * fUsnk for the two longest -it « If w years later, since when be has ralher severe attack of heart • a r * ’ — Boston Transcript m t entered into active business Applied a Sovsre W reetllng Hold. disease. Beautiful Ginghams J. I’ Hunter, S, A Andrews and >r Bbeltoo went hunt ng in the Lake Greek country Saturday. i'bry crossed over to Nnlwn creek nd got a fine buck, co nic« home with Ed (F trs n g le r) Lewie, Harln, " le s iIna and other widely known pro­ fessionals. He Is said te have forced •«me of theea to extend 'hemselves te throw Mm. During the wgr Artouln HALSEY STATE BA N K w>>. •f’nnd in • chiatte itu tm ttio n ‘•« d a y . f *w l under th« Tonni Mon i ckrtititn A lot el B'owuiellla n«»i, re. Moofiitton tad «to nitioaiTit thi lived too lets for th li lilu e, L -'erv o n e is b illin g gingham , th e all •yeah fabric, 1 r” th an ev er now th a t it haa established itself yfltii'mg genteel m ateria ls. So handsom e are lhe IlH U i u t t • • v . . . . . . I d iie rn s in g in gham s th a t thpv are in stinctively r rf'1 C C iifr n iy < x H ts o o a p p ro p ria te e— for _____ __ ’frnized woar ____ on j ______ d re ss occa­ sions, yet th ey a re again surprisingly inexpensive. c a sh a b le d re ss gingham s a re h e re in abund- ai1' p to c eleb ra te N ational Gingham V\ eek. M. V. KOONTZ CO. ..................— ■ B le ft | t .100 I stats ta Hit Csllmlte STOLEN, OR DID SHE EAT ’EM? fa. — Trietidahlli formed Ihsidt thk walja at the ataik Womsti Claims Host Took False Teeth — She Swallowed Them, prison calmed ofl* pri«oner to hegusalf! Ms life saving* of ai.soo to « fe n d * chnvirl The heneflctsry was deslg Ha Soys. ro ti Madison, n t fed In the w ill by h it prison nuts New Turk.— The disappearance of hef. a set nf fslse teeth owned by Mra. Julia Brown and her summoning of M *a U h * Washing Machia* a. Itili, Kansa» P ity .— T h , fam ily washing John Mayorowlts. on th * charge of having «tolen them when she was a machine was used by Philip Conpei ■ lain gave M agistrate as a still and the wringer as a ____ Down» a husj half-hour In the Essex press The concoctions produced test ed 44 per cent, alcohol Cooper pxld M arket cou rt Mayorewfte told the magistrate h * a tine of (200 and la spending 00