lin o s e ,* n n in K r K is K FAGH 6 of several thousand claims in No­ Harry Taylor with thy circle prior vember. to her departure for AlhaDy and ■>he was given tho honors M'-s Lily Rickard of Alford took train Tuesday for Milton, where T h e re was a small attendance at she intends to enter college fur thr he Rialto last week, though the winter. day was a good one, considering he subject. ^Metempsychosis is J. E. Bowers left here Tuesday •ne on which, like that of the for his home in Lebanon. Mr leep of the dead, there will always Bowers was a shoemaker here some lie dierenca of opiniofi, and many four years ago. will lie indifferent, but tomorrow Mr. and Mrs leau Robinson ol •veiling’« presentation of Church- Il’s " T h e Inside of the Cup ” Portland were arrivals here Tuer day Io I e ov er-mght guests of (■ •nght to fill the house. Not only «-the story one of the most popu- T. Kitchen, who is Mrs. Robii ar in the language, bnt it has been son’s broiher. They had l,ee • repaied without regard to expense visiting friends in nearby citit or presentation on the screen. artd left for Portland Wednesday Miss Effie Walton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, H, Walton, re­ siding near this city, became the bride of Wade McKee of Shedd Tuesday, Sept 6. The ring ceremony was per­ formed at the M J£. pirsonsge in Albany by Rev Mr. Spencer ii the presence of the imipediate fam­ ily of tbe bride and a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs McKee departed on the noon train fur Portland and points in Washington. After the trip they writ be at home near In dependence. in ju re d band. IV] .» * 1 IB U IB quite advanced in years, North Mr. King of Silverto^, an old- No. IS, 12:04 p. m time resident of Brownsville, war 24, 4.34 p. m crossing palms w ith bis man) 14. 5:27 p. in. bile look friends here Saturday _ __ ing after business matters. Church Announcements Professor Raymond Baker ai family moved their household fecit here Jsst week They app. to be very wide-awake people s vill receive a cordial welcome >he educational, social and r< gious circles of the cetnmunitv. Christian: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11 Evening. Endeavor, 7. Preaching, 8. Professor Weber and family larrtsburg spent Sunday w, Irownsyille relatives and friend O a r r u ic js Person U npopular. bey will always receive very c-. T alk a tive people who wish to be loved are hated; when they desire to dial greetings whenever they i ¡urn to Brownsville, where tl The Halsey schools will open please, they b o re ; when they tnlnk urofessor was for so many yea On page six of this issue yot they are admired, they are laughed a l ; September 19 with the endowing they Injure their friends benefit their he efficient head of our schools will find sn advertisement of tl orps of teachers: Principal, enetnle«, and ruin themselves.— F.o- auction sale of J C. Walton, able' Thursday of Jaet w«ek on a cot fenrv F English ; assistant prin- tarch. takes place September 16, on hi dderable mountain near Riddl ipsl, Esther Bond ; seventh and farm, as he desires to quit th occurred the somewhat rouoanti i hth grades, Agues B ro w n ; jd|J3suBJX nojsog— ajissp ajdosd farming game. It will he a Ian wedding of Dr Harney A. Dewe> • fih and sixth, Ethel Bray ; third isoni uo,u|do paipun.) jno.i s,j| ‘pjo.w sale, as can be seen by conaultin a chiropractic physician of Por ■ nd fourth, Nora Pehrsson; first »Ml ajunooojd Xeni .taip ja.vawop the bills that are out, land, aud Miss Sylvia Lee, daugl nd second, Minnie E. Cross. The •pajeoojeBng ter of Mrs. ( hariee Burr ol •rincipal says he is here to serve Mr. and Mrs Charles Hante* Brownsville. Quite a company ol he best needs of the school and who spent the greater part of th Brownsville Briefs friends autoed from Brownsville to he community. He will be glad summer here visiting Mrs. H» Riddle to witness the miptials. o meet at his residence, east of A B M iller came over from A l­ mer's parents, Mr and Mr- he hr tel, any of the pgjrons who bany Ba'urday evening to spend B W Loucks and jon ‘ ‘Bob,’’ Chancy Sir kels, lefr on M’rdne- vish to consult him in regard to Sunday with bis family, returning on west Halsev aventja, £ave been (lav’s tra in for thejr home in Dav he. school work. vllle, Ore. to his work Mond iv morning. He in Corvallis for some tlu # building James KfcWilliams has been c ir­ expects soon to re.urn to Browns­ fireplaces and doing qtber mason The Neighbors of Woodcraft culating a petition to tlje game au- ville to reside. work, He has a number of con­ tracts in the college city, ipel last evening. Two membets Ithorities for a perpetual closed aea- Mrs. John Warren, residing on ♦ere taken in by transfer and five i son for Bob White quail. He got Halsey avenue, fell from a wagon Before this item falls tinder the by initiation, after which a mu- 75 signatures in a short time. No- at the Hume hopvard one day last eyes of the reader, If all goes well, sical program was enjoved This body refused to sign Farmers re­ week and quit* serioualv injured Brownsville’s paving will have wa- followed by a real banquet, gard these birds as friends that de­ one arm. However she was too heeo completed and turned over to the kind that Halsey is noted for. stroy injurious insects and do no plucky to quit the job and went the city. It is certainly a fine im­ I t was the last meeting of Mrs. harm. right on picking bops with the un- provement and the genefai impres. •lion is that it w>ll greatly benefit the town The completed work is he consummation of many year« •f agitation. W hat About \ New Prices? You no doubt have been disappointed in what some merchants have told you were new prices, when they were not. Many have tried to hold to the old prices as long as possible in order to sell the stock they bought at the peak price. Again, some have held sales in order to make the public believe they were getting bargains when in many cases the new market price was as low as, if not lower than, the so-called sale price We have taken our loss and you can depend on buying clothing and furnish­ ings here at the lowest possible price for e are quoting below a few ■ items out ot each line with the old price and the new Look them over. They tell the story. » a 11 vvr - Laat $30 22.50 18.50 35 5 and $6 3.50 7 store w ith Vaccination for Marriage. In Sweden and Norw ay a legal mar tape at one tim e was not allowed n be performed until both parties •n if produced certificates stating that hey bore genuine vaccination marks. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cent 5 a Liue Dr. E W. B trnutn, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. For Posts. saie—Cedar shakes and Load lots delivered. Brownsville Warehouses. For rent or for sale- Houses and farms in vicinity of Halsey. W J. Ribel in. Barber shop— K arl A. Bram­ well proprietor. Suits cleaned and pressed. Laundry sent Mondays. Good Advice Germs, says the United States ubllc health service, are usually a iand to mouth affair. B etter wash •ip. Fly spray, Ringo’s D-ug Store. Carbon paper for sale. prise office. Entei- Remember thp En'nrprise ha* s phone at last— No. 205. Call phone 20o aud give us your news items. Self-filling fountain pens. go’s Drug Store. Rin T h re e W ays— A ll Sutil«. There are at least three wayM of •«ttlny about reforming the w o r ld - nil of them Ineffective— London Satur­ day Review. AUCTIONEER I la vinj; had fifteen years’ •uccessful experience as m auctioneer, 1 have de­ nied to cry sales this fall. Priceaare reasonable. Call for date. BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R THE Inside of the Cup This veek will see the finish of in the Hume-Mo H argn» y a rd . Hops are re p o rte d ■'ghtlr under weight this year “veral other vards are in o p e ra , 'on No lack of pickers is re mrted 't - p i'k in g bp com leied psVffnient seem- to have introduced the speeding bu ret the Enterprise correspond ■nt mav soon have a ' frightful ■tC'ident” to report A story that turns the dregs of life into the spark­ ling wine of happiness. We believe it to be one of the best photoplays we have shown our patrons this season, and we urge you not to miss it. G o o d C om edy RIALTO FRIDAY AUCTION SALE George Wolf.’ whose critical ¡li­ H aving .leaded to qoit farm ing, I w ill tell at public auction at my farm, known e s v as cbr *njc|ef Halsev 10. George Lusby, three miles east of Harrisburg 12. S. R-eser. two miles of Halsey 18. A B Herman, near Harrisburg 14, F. Pnetrok, near Shelburn 15, G le n n C le e k , n e a r Plainview 16, J. C . W alton, three miles northeast of Halsev •19. H B Vickers, near Oakville 20. W. R. H iatt, near Talbot 21, J. L. Anderson. Tangent 24, Furtter Grant Hsrnert, Rowland —