Y a q u is o f Sonora. The Y aqui In d in ns. In Sonora, th.- ! tro u b le m akers o f n o rtliu e s te rii M ex­ ico fo r generations, belong to the Sami | fa m ily as the Apaches, some w rite rs say, w h ile o th e rs assert they are re a l'y more A rte c tiia n In d ia n . makeshose wear Proper Care, Expert Says, Will T h e y w ill go a w a y to s c h o o l as c h ild r e n . H i t ’.y w ill i e t u r u j^H y o u n g m e n a u d w o m e n . You f G. R. Wallon and J B W a o n brothers, visited Eng. ne T n e s d a i H A. Renninger waa in Albany Friday. w a n t th e m to , b u t y o u a ls o w a n t th e c h ild h o o d ) m e m o rie s . 1 h o t ig ia p h s tit th e c h ild re n n e v e r g ro w up. Mra. Edna Geer took office F ri­ Three thousand people are pick­ day at county school superintend­ ing hops at Seavey'a yards, near ent. Corvallis. W ANTED The grading of the Pacific high­ Mre. G. W- Mornbinweg went way is finished to w it h in a mile of Sunday to Newport for an indefi­ , / h e r e s a ‘f i / i o t o g r a p / i e r in V o u r ¿7ou>n. Harrisburg from here. nite visit, Judge Bingham has been as- (second hand) How tw o p airs o f s ilk hose m ay be Mrs. L. W. Byerley departed signed by the supreme court to pre­ Monday for McCredie Springs for >. made to last an in c re d ib ly lo n g tim e O. G. C O L D IR O N . side at the Brumfield trial. the w earer w ill take the care o f an indefinite stay. h em th at the average m o to rist gives The municipal electric light and An effort is to be made to drsin ‘is autom obile tires, is explained as power plant at Scio has been com­ the overflow laud on Pennywiukte •»l ows by the s ilk sto ckin g e x p e rt- rs th e r a w k w a rd in a ersw d, so the Cummings, of thia place, who it pleted and put in operation. creek, east of Albany. hen the m o to rist buys a tir e he napping b rim has come to take its w ry ill. R H. Cornelius and family ‘list necessarily p ick out the r ig h t Two doors noith of the hob place T h is hat is o f black velvet Miss Edith Forest, the new Re I ‘*e, o r It would not lit his rim . He Mrs. L. E. Walton returned spent labor day in Junction City Groea county nurse, has a-sumed _____ ___ The Ain prepared to do all kinds ot knows, too, th a t I f he gets a size slig h t- trim m ed w ith tw o c a lls lilies. •>nd last Sunday at Soda Spring checkered blouse gees very well w ith from Newpoit Saturday. i he duties of her office. Mr. Cornelius is our depot agent. s h o e r e p a ir in g , Satisfaction guar- J larger, called an "oversize tire ,” his the hat. day via Halsey for McMinnville, I Mrs. Addie Osborne of Eugene car w ill not only rid e easier, b u t the a rite» d . O n e car of lumber from Salem >vne an all-day guest Monday of w h e re M is S t a n a r d ’ s p a re u ta liv e . tire wHl last longer. and one of shingles from Wheelc. The same rule is the firs t one to FELTS, FALL HAT FAVORITES J E W E T T th e C O B B L E R . C uria was in Albany arrived Tuesday for the Valley Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ribcliu of this fo llo w when silk hose are purchased. it t. Thursday a n d Friday of last week. Lumber company. I f hosiery Is bought on e -h a lf size larg- Fabric for Headgear Crowd« Velvet The thirtieth annual convention M ra . H .’ Wayne b t nerd and Back; Displayed In B rillia n t U a . H arold li. J ack ­ er than one wears in cotton o r lis le T J. Conkrighf, brother of Mrs lhe w earing q u a lity Is g re a tly In ­ children of Brownsville left Tues- M V, Koontz, who has been hei ol the Linn county W . C T- U. and Winsome Colors. son 304-305 isi Na­ 'invention will be at Albany to­ Miss Gladys H unter of Shetld for some little time, left Saturdai morrow. tio n a l Bank B u tld in . A lbany, cí regó n A U tile sew ing Is the next precau­ B e in g co n siste n tly In co nsiste n t was an Albany shopper last F ri. for Woodburn, for a stay of a day tio n to take. Each In d iv id u a l wears seems to be Dam e F ashion's m id d le The Pomona grange persists in day. W it h o u t pain, or two. Laie nerve out his stockjngs in a p a rtic u la r place name, and the most fiai grant of har is demand for the recall of Cuiu- blncki ng method. Some in v a rilily get a hole In the la te st a tte m p ts to prove ? fills Is Infant mortality must be ligli missionere Pierce and Butler if Mrs. George Hayes and two sons the rig h t large toe. w h ile others su ffe r fla u n tin g o f fe lt hata, note« a fa sh io n a’ Scio. A youth of 75 name were in Harrisburg last Week pick, ney do not resign. « HI. boles m the heel o r on the bot- w rite r In th e P h ila d e lp h ia Record. In Dugger has just retired frrttn pub i g h< ps f 'on. o f the sock firs t. Because o f a lit - o th e r years velvet tro d closely on the i b iu g the Tribune and anothc School Principal Weber took t e 25-cent hole o r “ ru n ,” $5 w o rth o f heels o f stra w , b u t th is year, an Inter­ Mrs A V, Ullibtuad left f ATTORNEY AT LAW o ssi s s irin o f the residence, as well s Ik sto ckin g Is la id aside. T he idea Is, polated number, fe lt, makes ve lve t California luesday to reside with io t h a t town, named Plummer, 89 i- "f the position in school, va- saws Ids own wood for exercise 201 New F ir-t Nat'l Bank Bid’g 'hen, to remedy, o r prevent, th is 26- w a it back o f the w ings to ta ke Its her daughter, ated by Principal Gooding. ent hole before It appears. W ith tu rn a lit t le la te r. It ie a sit gular f.ct that Lin. Albany, Oregon. rd ln a ry sewing s ilk weave o r d a m Mrs. Dell Hinson of Springfield I he f< rem st Jersey breeding count T here are p le n ty o f reasons. I f you Arthur Wesley and family and round and over the area w here the look fo r them , w hy fe lt should be as a guest of Mrs. Andrew Biown 'n the state if not in the o u u trv be Sturtevant family left for Cas­ mle usually appears. T h is w ill re having such p o p u la rity r ig h t now. ast Friday. Amor A. Tussing has no cow tearing aaaociarioo cadia last Saturday evening and u force the s ilk In th is place so th a t Perhaps the c h ie f reason lg the colors emained over labor day, Mra. H. S. Winkleman and Linn county Jerseys are in demato he hole cannot get a sta rt. In w hich th is most b e a u tifu l o f hat LAW YER AND NOTARY fa b rics comes. T here Is som ething hildien left for Corvallis Wedi.es- io al, directions and test record Runs, o r "Ja cob ’s ladders,” can Hugh Cummings, former resi­ would enhance the sale value o also he prevented In the sto ckin g so about fe lt. Its p lia b ility , Its s o ft fay to work in the hopvards. dent of this place, now buyer for f Brownsville. u n til It w ill stand alone. F la v o r w ith Halsey, < ’regon tw o hath tow els and allow ed to d ry o F r n t n is p ro g r e s s in g r a p id ly Halsey Monday ami received 75 «lowly. n illa and s t ir In o n e -h a lf pound Dealer in Real Estate. S tockings should never he hung In va M u Lee Anderson of Corvallir O-orge Drinkard of Rrnwnavfl'e mp baskets for the Cole & W il- >f m acaroons w hich have been broke Handles Town and C o u n try P roperty ‘ I ■ an arrival o.. Sziutday lor tin s busy with tha carpenter worl ams hop yard. Picking began the sun o r In a b rig h t lig h t at the In sm all pieces. No su g a r la needed, G ive h im a c a ll and see if he can fix w indow to d r y — Illu s tra te d W orld. dontlay with about 100 pickers, as the m acaroons sweeten s u ffic ie n tly ' seek end wi n her aunt, Mr.- •nas been arrested for stealing a L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S ribbon w orn about both wrists tied <2650.CO and the amount reported ing stood. G ayly Hued M a te ria l In Keep- atcb and a ring some time pie- HARRISBURG LEBANON In d im in u tiv e bows is considered q n lte raised is 95524.00 • ng W ith F inish. viously. Phone 35 Phone 15 chic In Paris. T hey say It muat Don’t advertise to help the E Halsey enjoyed a moat delightful Branches at worn w ith the em pire ta ffeta frdek •rnrise. Advertise to help yo Mias Mona Bond recently went Side draperies on a w indow tend sln.wer Friday night which laid tin, B ro w n s v ille , W ill T T e n i| le to n , M gr m » w so much In favor— to kaffh in the '»usinesa The Enterprise has ad. o Jerome, Arizona, where she has to shut o u t both lig h t and a ir, so they I lust to a certain exteut. More picture, so to speak. Halsey, Phone 166, F ra n k K ir k , M g r vertising space to sell and would ucepted a position as supervisor re a lly are not desirable. A room, es­ Would have been welcome, ike to «e|| to you, just as yo p e cially a co lonial room, done I d soft f physical education in a number colors ca lls fo r a note o f b rig h t color f the city schools. The semester Mrs. Anna Cuthbert of Camaa, vould Ijke to sell good“ to us. b" Bad Enough as It Was. near the w indow . T he newest way to The baby was s ittin g m his go-can iVaah., arrived Saturday morning ve don’t huv your goods to help s of 10 months’ duration. obtain th is w ith o u t the use o f over- and Jack was w heeling him up anil to spend the week end with M r \ on, but because we want them. Mrs. Charles Poole of Browns­ drnperles Is to m ake y o u r c u rta in s o f down the sidew alk. Some men pas« t>. W. Mornhtuweg of this city. We sell advertising to those who a p la in net and then em broider them Ing asked him I f the baby was his know that it pays to buy it, Rnd ville motored over last Saturday A ll work done promptly a m In gayly colored wool. B rig h t, old b ro th e r Jack looked at him a mo- M's. E E Gormley and littl. just see how the heavy advertiser» t • visit her sister, Mrs Bert Clark, fashioned flowers lend them selves to "le n t, and then s a id : rea«nnahl v. Phone No. 269. •»ho with her daughter Georgina " S u re ; Won granddaughter of Halsey »pent th. orosper1 th is purpose. s o u ld n ’t catch me h a u lin g a »trance week end at Harrisburg with rel­ accompanied her t i Lebanon and I f you have never trie d em broider tld a ro u n d .” Halsey is a lively little pig e emained there for the week end. atives. M r. Gormley joined than Ing w ith coarse wool you w ill be su r­ these ds'S The whirr of th >ater aud returned with them. Harry Chance left for Portland prised to see how q u ic k ly the flowers r odaaw the bur-r-r of the ma. * Conunjf. om. " grow under y o u r fingers. A good way donday morning in answer to a G L A S S E S F IT T E D Henry T. English and wife ar­ hinerv in the warehouses, th F sih e r, ’ agio a lit t le boy thought to get a design Is to adopt one fro m BY rived from Eugene Friday and will long rows of farmers wi'h th»ir ylegram from his sister, Mrs. M ay a piece o f c h in tz you happen to fancy. r i'lly . as he watched Ida p a re n t to I '»x-’upy the house recently vacated great loads of grain waning their •uchs, in which she stated that GRADUATE c i his notes and a rr.m ge th « slides Yon can get both the o u tlin e and the Mr. English is the urn at the warehouse doors, the er husband, Joseph X . Fuchs, O P T O M E T R IS T c o lo rin g fro m ch in tz o r cretonne. A n ­ c i a parish e n te rta in m e n t, "w h y Is by L. Boyd. new principal of the Halaey school. rains filled with reluming v s e s - •>6 y?ars of age, had passed away • th a t when you spend y o u r ho lid a y o th er way to get a note o f color In P R IV A T E O F F IC E •in Bunday. The widow and two the H o ly l«nd you a lw a ys give a y o u r cu rta in s Is to select a net w ith A. M. Dalrymple and O. C. ionist«, the vnung people coining children, May and Viera, survive. F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S a n fe m le ctu re on It? You o rq a r do a large design and o u tlin e the figures Davis, both of Eugene, left for that to town ready to enter school soon Hie funeral was Tuesday afternoon •i.en you have been to F a ria I " — Leo- In colored wool. I f the room Is blue P R IC F S R E A S O N A B L E place Saturday, coming from — sll this and many other signs of in Portland. no M o rn in g P o s t am i w h ite yet a w h ite net w ith block Brownsville, where they had ju s t returning normalcy seen and heard. M. F r e n c h & S o r design in It and o u tlin e th e block» In A number of people are on their S. T. French of F. M French A finished their special tax drive. ALBANY OREG. blue wool. O r I f the room is done In Way to the hopfielda and soon all Sms of Albany was transacting soft wood, tones o f bro w n and tan. Mr. and Mrs. E. B Curts of w l l be ready for winter. business in Halsey Friday. His you can use ecru net and orange wool. A A A A A A A A avn A A Nasnville, Ora., passed through firm bas been in business 43 years, Cream net and green wool m ake an­ Mrs. M C. Rond and h»r niece, but It is safe to say he hasn't, no nere last Saturday on tneir wai (C ontinued from page i f A hmixistratos ’ s N otice o f H e trin g of o th e r ch a rm in g com bination. to Coquille. Where they are per. Aiise Lavelle Palmer, and Mr. and nailer at how young au age he be­ n d Account. Red Pearl spent Tuesday in-Al- manently located. Mr. Curt« wa> Mrs. Balf Bond visited the latter’s gan. I'be firm is one of the long, N oitce is hereby g iv e n th a t the fin a l any. formerly depot agent here cousin, Mias Mau le Henderson, at standing patrons of the advertis­ i'> io u n t ol A m o r o . T u s s in g a t a d m in is ­ SLACK VELVET FALL BONNET They also ing columns of the Enterprise. tra to r o f the estate o f H e n rie tta G u lll Mr and Mrs W. H. Bean spent Mre A. T. Giugett and little Albany last Sunday. font, deceased, has been file d in the visited “ Auntie” Amanda J o h -. abordav in Albany. -- daughter Keith Louise of Corvallie, H Zimmerman, wife and great L- u n ty C o u rt o f L in n C< n tity , State of Mrs. D Taylor and soti fcaw- who arrived last Saturday for a son, th" only colored woman in niece returned Ihursday from a Oregon, and th a t the 3d d a \ o f October. Albany, who was ‘‘mammv" to i'f-1 , at the hi u r o f 10 o 'clo ck A. XL. rence spent Tuesday in Albany. visit with their relative«, Mra. M Mi«» Henderson when she was a t*o-weeks vacation touring in their has been d u ly a u p oinled by said co tirt B. Fox and Mra. Nancy Palmer, for the h e a rin g o f ob je ctio ns to said M is * Maude Henderson of Al child and who recently celebrated car, visiting relatives and friends, left for home Tuesday morning, final account and the se ttle m e n t thereof bnny arrived Tuesday for a vizi her 88th birthday. They visited in sll driving about 1000 miles at whtch tim e any person i (crested in Geo’ g* Dannsn, Rodney Savage, with the Bonds here. also Mra. Bond’s son. G. T H -ck- and finding g »od roads most of the said estate may appear and file nbjec- Roy Commons and Tom Hender- ensmith, and wife and tbeir daugh­ way. Antoug places visited were tons th e re to and contest the same. Clifford Carey left Monday for ttieColuuibiahighway, Hood River, ♦on, all of Sbedd, left Tuesday ter, Mrs. Janie- Ewing, and chil­ Dated and firs t p u b lish e d Sept 1 1921. Portland, to take a physical e l ­ morning in a car on a hunting dren, who are vi/itm g from Wei e , White Salmon and Goldendalc. A M O K A. T U S S IN G , imination, as he desires to take a t r i p to Lost Lake aud into the aud they also spent a, week with A d m im tr a lo r aforesaid. Idaho. vocational training at Salem thia Mohawk country. a brother at Toppenish, Wash., They expect year. He expects fo take a high to return tomorrow. There is not enough business in and made a short visit with a Notice of Appoint met t of A'*- -ch"ol course, Clifford is one of They J ’i|«ey to support a first-class brother at Vancouver, miniatratrix Mrs. Amney V. Davidson of our returned soldiers. along the way and feel n e w s p a p e r, but e n o iig b advertising camped - - -z — ,r . Browmville left on Saturday’s N otice i» hereby g iv e n th a t th e nn- 1 hree^of the boys who tried to northbound train for Salam, where comes from outside the town to we re"«shed after the trip, dersigneiV by an o rd e r of the C ounty C o u rt o f I.in n C o u n ty, Oregon ha* ----------------- a tte m p t. cob the Halsey h-ink pleaded guilty she will be permsuently located warrant tHe publishers’ Fifty thousand blanks for mak­ been appointed a d m in is tr a trix o f the «ud wete turned loose on parole after makings visit at M erlin, in The local advertisers, however, ing application for the state loan estate d T jo e l B H uston, deceased A ll in the hope that they may reform. southern Oregon. Mrs Davidson sre showing the right spirit. Not and bonus which wa- voted to persons h a \in g c’ «inis against M id e s­ The other was permanently ,re. hag just returned from Newport, more than three ot th e m h a v e o b ­ Oregon’s ex service men by the tate are req u ire d to present them w ith in six m on th s fro m the da te o f th is notice, f irmed with a shotgun at the time where the has put in the entire jected to the rise in prices which people last June are now being w ith the proj>er vouchers, to the u n d e r- we find necessary to the produc­ distributed to American i-egion of the offense The turviviog bois season. Those aoenmnany ing signed at h e r resilience in Halsey m tion of such a paper aa we think posts, of which there are 104 in pay the coats of arreat and oourt Mra. Davidson from Brownsville L in n C ounty. Oregon. the conditions in the community the state. , .. ith the request that proceedings ---------------, -------------- Haled and firs t pu b lish e d th is l* th were M'aees Geraldine Davidson warrant dav o f August, 1921 The subscription list, they lie giveu to all eligible ex- Mrs. Fred Hsor.g and child • • • and Henrietta and Mason Bishop hich h M M H U S TO N . fallen off fully one-half service men. Only an unexpected of Salem. Mra. Davidaon became rived from Portland last Friday to A d m in is tra trix aforesaid Hu big hata. Iffitn. Stiff on me a r j in the last few years, is increasing »uit to test the constitutionality of A M U R A . T U S S IN G , A t t y fa r A d m x. visit at the home of her father, B. a new lubecriberto the Enterprise. Save Much Expense. 8-FOOT SILO Ringo’s Drug Store. Shoe Repair Shoj DENTISTRÍ C. C. B R Y A N T A. Petgiscn I. O. 0 . F. W. J. Ribeiin F. M. GRAY, Drayman. I Jots and Titts I the law will now prevent paymeut