Farm Club A Hi vitine SI'M M ER X m ill is M excellent time to I EXT IN A A T T E E M M ANY ANY HOG HOG PF.ST^ EXT ER ER M IN V 1 U IJ / I L U V l l i e S — Charity Grange and Shedd Will Give Exhibitions- 1 ne I armer Peedeth All.” ---------------- ~~ ------ I'-M-HY 1 m I'A G E J Carbonic Gas Receptacle Does Queer Antics When Driver Treats It Rough. i New York.— Policeman Fred F inger saw a man drive up to the sodu w nter parlor adjoining the atatloii house and slart unloading a carbonic gas tank. “ Where you goln’ w ith th u tl" he asked the driver. ' Inside," w as the answer. ‘Well, have a care," warned Finger, "You never can tell— ” HOW TO FIGURE COSTOFCROPS R E G IM E N T S OF EACH CROf Risg SODA TANK LEAPS OVER BUILDING SHORT BOX COAT FOR FALL f c T * * ' ..s' Member« o l al c h il,Ire n ’s «lock 1 L e t us get t . » . h e r a . c lu ' -« In trie C ounty » r e d itu ó le t0 tr ie ,«11/ „ e ^ Z r lv tut, • r- - - . o nor of re ré iire s s n i.L x«i'»nriy. couiest fu •jr r Uw d ie h honor p ti-.e t G RA N G ER in g L in n c o u n ty m ju d g in g e t n ,e stale fa ir I he t r v . o u t w ill be In . m orrow at J B C o rn e ll 1 , At precisely that moment Policeman Finger's words were drowned in uu Medicata«, H o « W a llo w s A re M uch Lised by A nim als. Prepared hy the U n ited States m ent o f A g ric u ltu re ) D e p a r t­ Thousands of dollars’ worth o f good <>g feed goes every year to the feed- 'g of mange mites and lice. It Is town by reporta to the United States »epartment o f Agriculture T hat Is " say, a fte r the hogg have fed on the orn and other forage and put It In the vay o f becoming hams, baron or aide ,he nlntals’ bodies take their toll and re ice the victims' flesh through dlscom- urt and disekse. These parasites are :ore numerous and active |D cold venther when the hair Is thick, but »miner ts an excellent tim é to e x p r ­ ímate the pests that remain over the eason. f f in ,. condition. I t Is very Important tna the wallow be properly constructs and cared fo r; otherwise it w ill so«» get Into a filthy aud Inannltury condl tlot> Hog lice do not live long when sepa rated from the animal, hut as a pre cautionary measure all small inclose ures which «m en nave contained lo u a v lo w ures have eontulned lousv hog: i should h,,Ul.’’ b* .. 'ils ln fc t'ed he be ................. cleaned and disinfected he fore being used for a new Jot of lings The litte r and manure should lie re moved and the floors cleaned, aftci which the woodwork and floors should he sprayed with a good disinfectant. Farm ers’ Bulletin 1085, “ Il o g n ic e and Slange,” gives much useful Infor motion about the |>esta and methods o f eradication. It w ill be sent on re finest to the division of publications Departm ent of Agriculture, Washing ton. //I The short box Cbat bids fa ir to be a popular style among the younger women t h „ fall, f or it accentuates the youthfulness of the figure. Here it shown a model in navy tw ill w ith plaited skirt and box coat. S N O B A S ALL STYLES IN WHITE HATS u, T rim S a llo ra W ith Ribbon Trim m ing Hogs Like to W allow . Vies W ith Blosaom Decorated The instinctive habit of the hog to Chapeau T hat Is Larger. vallow in w M er when the weather Is arm may be taken advantage o f In W ith the great vogue for all w hite ipNylng treatm ent for external para­ It Is natural this should be popular for sites, department experts say. By felt hats, and they are with us front '(•(Healing the w ater In preperly con- the trim sailor with ribbon trimm ing farm management and farm econom- O ' tnicted wallows, remedies for lice j leg. to the hloesotii-trlniined hat of larger 'tul mange may he applied In a satls- VARIOUS CLUBS GOING GOOD proportions. The dullness and drab­ Apply Basic Factors. actory tminner with a minimum ex- ness of a plain white felt Is moro apt The money cost Is found by apply­ »endlture of money, time and labor. I f Reporte of Returns of W ork Done by to be relieved, however, by u large ing to these basic factors the current •he results from the use of medicated wax flower, a pond Illy, or’ gardenia, Boys and Girls W ith Poultry rates for labor, seed, etc. Inasmuch "allo w s are to be satisfactory, how­ No Better Crop to Utilize Vacant and O ther Lines. h.v silk fringe arranged In some uovel as It has been found that, In general, ever. It Is necessary to consider the cascade or cabmlion. The flower labor and material costs approximate Spaces in Gardens. nature and habits o f the animals to be (Prepared bv the U n ite d S tates D e p a rt­ trim m ing Is strong on all felts, and 80 per cent o f the total operating cost m ent o f A g ric u ltu re I treated and plan accordingly. unusual flower trim m ing at that, hy­ for these crops. It is easy to find this Supervision of hoya’ and girls' pout- I f c«ndltloris are such that hogs drangea. dandelion, nasturtiums, wild total when the labor and material costs try clubs I,y the United States Depart­ tony exercise cholee In the m atter, they They Are Useful for the Tabl and oats. Iip-quered foliage und so on. are known. ment of Agriculture, In co-operation nvarlahly select shallow w ater In Some felt hats have felt flowers; one, Twisting, W h irling and Shooting Up­ to a Lim ited Extent W ill Supply The figures given represent average with state agricultural colleges, was which to wallow. I f the nostrils can a very soft black felt, has mi odd Place of Potatoes— Reasona­ crop requirements for the regions wards. ■continued during the Inst fiscal ycur ’>e kept above the surface easily, the combination o f little green velvet ap­ bly Rich Soil Needed. where investigations have been made. In seven s ta te s w h ec e it,ere tvep* 1 hog w ill lie down on Its side and roll, explosion which shook the station ples, p:nk silk apple blossoms, mid I f the fan n er does not have precise hen get up and repent the operation green leaves painted upon the felt house, the soda p arlor and the whole -IP (P re p a re d by the U n ite d States D e p a rt­ records of labor and iiiuterial expendi­ >n the other side until the entire body ( district. Finger felt something In avy Itself. m en t of A g ric u ltu re .) tures for his own farm, he can esti­ Is wet. But I f one hat In ten is white, eight strike him on the leg. which lie later As u crop io utilize gard en s|tact* mate them pretty closely by taking the The proper depth of liquid In the a fte r early vegetables Intve been liar of (he o ile rs are gray. The gray vogue discovered to he a piece of the carbonic average for his own region as a basis wallow depends upon the size and vested, nothing is better limn turnip:«, that la «lying so hard lias had s sinr- tank lie nlso saw the rem ainder of and applying current rates for labor 'itim lte e o f -hogs u s in g th e wallow. i'liiiiip s should lie planted In iiio m tling cmiviilescence In the gray fe lt the tank go tw isting, w hirling and ! and materials, with due allowance for shooting upwards. i-'s we’ghing from 40 to 80 pounds, parts of Hit* country about July 25. Inn h u t. I I is II I lie fou m l III those soft any unusual conditions that may exist the wallow should be charged w ith ll the extreme Mouth as late ns tin Inside the station Uollceinnu F rank little rolled hats, dose fitting and de­ In his own case. The method of com quid to the depth of about 3 Inches, hist of August and can lie left In tli ■ mure, that fram e the faces o f our H ilbert, who was w ritin g at a desk, putatlon Is as follows: hogs from 80 to 150 pounds, 4 ground until a fte r several light frosts hobbed-lmir sisters, little lints w ith a was hurled backward from his c lm lr; 1. Determine the total cost o f labor ■kjF nches Is sufficient. The medicated or all w inter In the Mouth. They are saucy bunch of waxed bloasoms laid John Daugherty, detective, was and material per acre by applying cur­ 'fiuld should never lie so deep that the useful as a table vegetable, and Io a on one side, three saucier lacquered knocked from his comfort on a stisip rent rates to the quantities of labor ogs are afrnld to lie In It. For a lim ited extent, w ill supply the place «lullls thrust through a fold of the neiirhy, aud Lieutenant Lennhan wns and materials obtained from the In­ lumber of hogs o f varied, sizes, a of potatoes. It is the general opinion felt, or Insiii,mtlng hunches of coqua awakened from a deep sleep. dividual's own records, or. If such are 'oofh of from 3 to 4 Inches Is most f H|teciiilists of tlie United Stales De- feathers "lirusliliig the w earer’s cheek 1 " hen the policemen und detectives not available, use those given In the practicable. No medicine Rhould be partaient of Agriculture that the on one or both sides. picked themselves up a fte r Ihe blast table. added until ihe hogs have had three Black, brown or dark green, and they found the d river In the road In a Anierlean pulilic could consume iiiutiy 2. Determine the total operating ex or four days to get accustomed to the more turnips than It does, ft fact of possibly bright green w ill he the coh.r« dazed condition. They stal led In search pense per acre by dividing the cost ol wallow. It should not he kept medl- p articu lar Interest this year when for felt» for later wear The cloche 1» of the missing carbonic tank. They labor and material by the percentage L4a '•ated for more than about 4« hours at there seems every indication of a cur «gain a favorite, very broad of brim found it hud traveled seven stories figure given for each region. i trine, as tne hogs can get well soaked tailed potato crop. «nd mutcled of crown. The felt brlin up. knocked a 20 pound hall from a 3. Determine the total acre cost of In that time, and constant application For field sowing, turnips are usually ts hound with ribbon, anil a twist of flagpole and, circling over the build­ production hy adding the Interest 's liable to Irrita te the skin. A fte r hroadeasted. The p e lic u la r require rlhtiim w rili iierlmps n small bow en­ ing In which the station house |s slt- charge or the cash rent paid for the 'h at. medicaments may be added at ment Is a reasonably*rii-h soil finely circles the base of the crown. Mmnrt uaied. had lauded three flights down use of land. rittcrvnls of a week or ten days. raked nntl leveled off to avoid water Is a M arla (¡uy slin|te of black velvet ''u a rear fire escape. 4. To determine the cost per bushel Canning Club Girls Inspecting a Club olleetlng In pools. The seed should with the under side of the brim lined — S im p le R e m e d y ae Effective. or ton divide the total acre cost by Garden. he sowed sparingly. One homely rule w ith cyclamen velvet, a fold o f c.vcla- i Crude petroleum la one of the aim the yield per acre. K K 'ilS T E R E D !a to take the quantity which seems men velvet twisted about the base of Is#! club« w ith 2M.480 member!, of pleat remedies that can ba obtained The following example shows how •lie crown. The new shapes are large sufficient and divide It in half. After for the purpose, and is the only one which 12,786 matte reports from w hl-h thia method worked out In ngurlng rather than snuill— the broad, slightly that will eradicate I with lice and mange ihe seeds have been scattered on the the following totals have been com­ the cost of corn fo r silage on an Iowa earrings, and I registered 2-year-old drooping hrims alia.ling the fact» surface of the ground, they should lie with one treatm ent. No heating equip piled: Eggs set. 731,70!»; chicks fa r m : a X lO r d for ««le thoroughly. raked In. This may he done hy drag­ ment Is necessary and any kind of rea hut,tieil, 51(1178; value of products E s ti­ m ated amiable gooff w ater ran be used. The ging a piece of brush over the ground sold, $94,70’ .32; value of stock on DR. J. W . C O O K The surface should he well smoothed. A m o unt, rate. Cost. oil apparently does not Inju re the anl hand «382,277.37; exhibits held. 712: Hrownsville, Oregon. M an-hours .................... .. J7.9 Grewsrcn* Chinese Superstition. •0 35 r> ?« It Is a good plan to sow turnips Just mats If the freshly oiled hogs receive memliers exhibiting. 5,615; prizes re H orse-ho urs .............. . .. »1.1 .2» 12.» A belief e x ist! irtii--. g m * ( -|, a fter a rain, giving tlipin «iqiortunlty proper care and attention. Cnproc Seed, pounds ................ .. 9» W reived, «1,681.11. A fea llire of prog 7» for sale M anure, tons ............. . 2.2 200 440 eased crude oil, as It cornea from the •o sprout before a crust forms. A fte r H in t if ,t fa th e r or m o th e r lie -e ri- ress was the improvement In quality «•ilsly III ih>- most e ffe c t iv e w a y Gasoline. . '•I •<« o,i fro m y o u i labor by ta k it y ’ Hi I,, the C h a rity co m m u n ity s ir S e p je in lie r 16, and by doing so give pleasure to the w hole com ­ m u n ity . Has y o u r ( lu lu w o ike d b ir d i faise s o iite th irg lie is p roud of M ike h im h a p p y show ing it a t (In la ir Has the l it t l e g ir l worked pn. Ile u tly ove, her firs t piece of fauc Work nr d -d l d rees? L " t h e r #--i- I 1 -rile o th e r lit t le g irl» ’ firs t worl I you have in te re s tin g freaks i I) i lire b f in g th e m . L a d i e ^ tirin g y o u r lu s t '' ° rk o o tli in ,id e m »nd »our g> and m o th e r's chilh es w ill in te re s t lh « A verage yield per sere. ».I tone A verage cost per ton. M.SO. GOOD AND POOR PRODUCERS Owner of 8mall Flock Can Determine by Observation Which of Hia Hens Are Layers. In any flock some hens w ill be found fo he much better producers than oth­ ers. Often there are a few hens that are aurh poor 'avers that It doesn’t pay to keep them tt’here the flock 'a small the owner can determine br ibaervaflon which hens are merely hoarders; and these are the ones tc ••at. fa a iii'q u wmtdi preset genera, ion. I belt» is to be an e x h ib it of men needlew ork also B rin g y o u r-. I f you have a n y th ng in th e I , o f la bor-auving devices lo r t i housewife, plea-« b rin g it. D o n 't f irget the co o kin g , p la i *n d fancy. W h a te ve r you do bo-' show a s im p le at Ihe fa ir We aye a ll n e ighbor- aud fr-eode DEAL CONDITIONS FOR HENS Egg Production la Encouraged by Sun shine. Fresh Air, Graen Feed and Comfort. Hers lay best In the spring of t l f tear. It would he reasonable to su| pise that the nearer to spring condl 'Iona the henhouse and Its occupant- can be kept the hotter w ill be the egr production Sunshine, fresh air, gre-c ’ >od and comfortable temperature are tie ideal condition». In using oil In wallow«, about one ¡•¡nt for each pig or one quart for each grown hog Is recommended. This can est lie determined by observing whether the pigs use the wallow and vhether their bodies become wejl coat ed with oil. I f all are not well coated add more oil to the wallow. T he oil t ill make Ihe w ater dlstasteftil enough so the hogs w ill not try to drink It. Hog wallows are com paratively easy •f construction. For best reauJta, they hoqld he of concrete, sufficiently large o accommodate the number of pjg» in he Inclosure, and with one aide sthKng o give easy access The oil floating on the surface of pi<- vater limits or prevent! evkporatlon • nd the w ater If exposed ty> the mu cUng the day soon becomes sa w a n t hat hoes will not lie In It. I f the wal •w Is exposed to the direct rays oi ite sun 'luring summer months so that tie hogs w||] not lie In It. It Is advls • le to construct a shade over It ano ,e oil should he added In the evening ■il added a fte r sundown la usually u-rled nut on the bodies of the hotf •efnre noon the next day. A shady, well ventilated place should >e provided for freshly ollFd hogs All «allows should he drained and cleaned it often aa necessary to keep them sod tha surrçtiftdliip lo good saol^n tire charge of the m arketing of eggs, butter and poultry. In some states they form what are called “egg d r ­ ies for marketing their eggs in Inrge quantltles. The eggs are collected regularly by one of the members or by gome one hired by the circle. E f ­ forts are being made by marketing agents o f the United States D epart­ ment of Agriculture to teach these farm women the value of properly candling and grading the eggs so that only the best are marketed. Tapioca Snow. • Rnsk one cup of tapioca until soft and then cook until clear. When clear, add the well-beaten yolka of four egge and sweeten to taste. Cook for l'. ree minute« dissolve two tablespoons of gelatin In one-half cup or boiling w ater and cool by adding to one cup of cold water. Aa aoon as It begins Io set, beat In w ith the stiffly hen ten white» o f four eggs When sufficiently fluffy beat In the tapb a and the Jube of three lemons. Four Into a mold ue molds and set away to harden. Tha Small Envelop« Purse. A small envelo|ie purse Is of black and white headed «trips worked In diagonal style. The fastening Is ol bright graen anamel. t Harvest is Over ij < # Shropshire Rams V • .L . A oyv i <4 th e t u n e to b e jrjn a n o t h e r y e a r b y t in g n e w iiu p lo n ie n ts , k iiu I i a« eot- Î l-H.C. Tillage Tools »Tractors Now is the time t#» use them, f o r y o u r fa ll n e e d s . Give in« a call 'i G. W. Mornhinweg Î I m p l e m e n t S to r e MAYBERRY& M c K in n ey L IV E S T O C K BU Y E R S Highest prices paid for Beef, Pork, V e a l and M u tton . before you eelJ. Helaey phone 17». Ree Ufl Brownsville phon« 87c51, ÍJ