boy ciuiins to have taken his gun An independent—N O T neutral— uewa- away anil given h im a lic k in g paper. published every Thursday, by W m H . & A. A. W H E E L E R . W m . H. W h k b i . kb Editor. MBs. A. A. W h b e l b b Business Manager and Local News Editor. Confectionery for the Affection-ar) S bscriptiou», «1 50 a year in advance Arrearages, i J a year. Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per niauent, 20c No discount for time | or space In “ Paid-for Paragraph»,” 5c aline. N o a d v e rlis iig disguised as news. Phone 205 H A L S E Y . I.iun Co., Ore. Sept. 8, 1921 WILD FAMILY IN NEW YORK Forgetting Soap an III Omen. Stngp people regard It a* unlucky to { leave aoap behind In their dreaalug i rooms when on tour. HALSEY ENTERPRISE I f the way to a man's h ea rt is throng I his stomach, as the old saying goe then surely the right road to a woman good graces is through a box of choc« lates and bonbons. Of course only tl. daintiest morsels w ill accomplish th end—ami “ best ” means Clark's. Set, a box today to your beslest “ Where there's a candy box the the heart unlccks.’’ Parent« and Four Children Dis­ covered by Official of a Village Board. take care o f one wife. W h ile you might Lie admired for your courage, you certainly cannot he commended for your cothmon sense. My advice to you la to forget your women.” Stiller, a few mouths ago. shot Joe Romonhoff four times. He had found him In his home on several nceasl.ins Had had warned him that he would kill him the next tim e he came there. 11« was acquitted a fte r Romouhoff recov­ ered. MARRIAGE ENDS GYPSY WAR ________ A Few nights ago. M ille r told the po. Treuble Starts W h .n Gypsy K id nap, } h* S° ° n B' ” ‘r h" ....................i . n r a l had left the house. An arsu- G irl He Paid for, A fte r Parente ment that lasted all night Is suit! to Refuee to Deliver. have preceded his attack on his wife. Minneapolis.— T rib a l difficulties of OF INTEREST TO WOMEN the Adams and Yans gypsy bands ended here with the m arriage of I George Adams, Minneapolis, and A l­ Flame-colored fabrics and all the Woman Dumb and Youngatera Never bina Yans, Chicago, In accordance i shades o f red are siuurt for evening with American laws. Tby French heel bus taken on H id Seen Comb, Pencil or Paper— The trouble developed when the ( straighter lines and. like the Cuban Came From Place Inhabited bridegroom previously paid «2,000 for : heel, is now covered in leather. by Halfbreads. Transparent sleeves of a figured fab­ his bride, In accordance w ith gypsy I ric are used in frocks of ,j„rk blue custom, and came to a clim ax when j Nyack, N. Y ._Ju dg e Charles W. eerge or polret tw ill or taffeta. Haughey, a member o f the town board Mrs Anna Adams, his mother, was , u r u u g iii 11110 c o u r t n e r e , cnargea w nn Must of the large hats roll up softly of Orangetown, brought to the atten­ brought Into court here, charged with abduction a fte r 3he had kidnaped the al hack, and there Is naturally a tion of the board the condition of a «--(-«-■ . . . i » . i...— ---------— corresponding tendency to droop slight­ family named Thompson, consisting of bride when the latter's parents re­ ly at the sides. father, mother and four children, re f­ fused to deliver the girl, In accord­ Biscuit and gold is a color combina­ ance with the sale to Adams. ugees from the Interior of the Ramapo tion which often Is seen In suuirt cir­ When Chicago police advised focal mountains, who took possession of a cles. I f a third color note is desired. tumble-down shack on the edge of the authorities to hold Mrs. Adams and | olive blends well Pearl river near here recently. Miss Yans their release was sought A new trim m ing that takes the pluce Judge Haughey said that the couple upon a w rit o f habeas corpus. This of fur. Is of soft silk spikes of brown, and the two elder children, a boy of ten was dismissed, however, wtien the and a girl of seven, appeared to be suf­ Chicago w arrant charging abduction and is so like soft, weepy, shiny sea­ fering from a skin disease due to lack was Introduced to the court. B all of weed that it has been given that name. The high collar at Ihe buck of the of water. T h e ir h air was matted and «1,000 was set, and Imm ediately pro­ i dress is a feature of the latest models, they presented a wild appearance. duced In cash by the two women. and many of the long lines of the one- A r e y o u p ro te c te d ? Cams From Ramapos. T he bridegroom claims that on four piece dresses are accentuated with previous occasions he had lost approxi­ In his report Judge Haughey said S e c u re a p o lic y f r o m t h e F id e lit y - P h o e n ix half-inch wide pipings of color or that be found the man sitting on the mately «25,000 given for fou r brides, white. I n s u r a n o e C o m p a n y o f N e w Y o r k a n d y o u w ill doorstep of the shack. A fte r much per­ which were never delivered, and that Black stripes In plaid ginghams make sistent Inquiry the man finally said he Intended to observe the m arriage clever designs and are especially a t­ h a t e r e a i p r o t e c t io n . D o n ’t o v e r lo o k y o u r that he and his fam ily came from the principles In accordance w ith the to m o b ile . tractive when combined with yellow Interior of the Ramapo mountains, American law, as Insurance against shades. Vivid green and lavender losing again. northwest of Suffern. The Interior Is w ith black create delightful effects, a desolate place, inhabited by a few Mrs. Adams and the bride were ad­ and there are many tiny pln-cbecka R e a l E s ta te a n d I n s u r a n c e , H a ls e y , O re g o n . halfbreed Indians, moonshiners and m itted to ball pending the issuance of sponsored by fashionable women. “Jackson whites.” extradition papers, and the m arriage I II— ■ I II I Thompson's only garments were a •eremony followed. blue flannel shirt, a pair o f old trousers - - '— j FALL FASHION BRIEFS held up by a twisted rope and a pair of old shoes. Judge Haughey was unable Plaited flounces are used on sleeves, to find out the man’s first name a fte r as side panels and as tunics. Dog Gave Up Life to h alf an hour. H e learned that none of Rands o f gingham may trim a smart P O L IC IE S protect you against loss by fire on your hay, grain, the children had ever been to school Save Baby From Harm sport costume o f wool Jersey. clover anil other seed for any length of time desired. Policies nor hail they ever seen pencil or paper. Perfum e halls are worn around the written and delivered fin day of application. Kates on request. The two youngest children were a boy neck on ribbon and bead chains. The four-year-old son of Clyde of five and a girl of four. They were Frocks of crepe de chlnp are worn Scott o f Shady, W . Va., Is hover­ almost naked. with long circular capes of the same ing between life and death as a A fter considerable coaxing Judge m aterial. result o f being attacked by an Resident agent American Eagle Hire Insurance Company. Haughey Induced Thompson to call his Japanese sleeves w ith linings of Infuriated brood sow. The ani­ wife, who had remained Inside the hut bright georgette are a feature of ad­ mal broke out o f her pen In during most of the Interview. vance fa ll models. search of a baby pig which had Leghorns are being shown again In Woman Has No Name. escaped, and seeing the boy near­ a variety of broad and medium by, attacked him, tearing his “ Woman, come here,” cried the man. brimmed effects ns well ns poke •egs and body In several places A fra il, huddled form emerged, clad shapes. In a black wrapper, worn through at ! w ith her teeth. 1*05 IN S U R E IN T H E O L D R E L IA B L E 1921 A frock of pale pink organdie, with the elbows and knees. The woman's ' A pet collie dog, hearing the a yoke hack and fro nt formed by loose child's screams, ran to the res­ c smocking. Is a smart addition to (lie cue, attacking the pig and hold wardrobe o f the tiny miss. Ing on until the boy's mother Gray and b ro w *, which you used rushed Into the field and carried , «49,737.64 Cash Surplus Capital on July 1, 192i, to helleie you could not combine, are him out of danger. The collie, «S.O.M.J'-.1.00 Insurance in force being combined now In some of the unw illing to give up the fight, Rates: Pirst class, 25c; second elass, ,50c per «100. smartest o f dresses for fall street and the sow w ild with rage, wea r. fought -on until the dog was Long, rather straight lines are to killed. The sow was bsdly O nly authorized agents for Linn County. be adhered to, according to present mangled. Indications, with suit coats— many o f them, st least— lonfc enough to a l­ most conceal the skirt, and elaborate­ ly fu r trimmed. FLED FROM RAMAPOS CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. AN E X P E N S IV E F IZ Z L E In iheYaquina Bay News Joseph Patterson says some unflattering things about the game laws. Among them: Smith Bros. Market The present fee of three dol­ lars each for hunting mid fishing licenses or five dollars for a com ­ bination license required of resi­ dents of Oregon for the privilege of catching a trout or shooting a deer is out of proportion to the great amount of game and fish and cornpitraiively sparsely populated slate. If there are any defenders of the high fees they are unknown to the w riler. One reason for the increase was because a b ill was passed separat­ ing the hatcheries for game and commercial fish, requiring separate wardens, additional hatcheries and more clerks and office rent. Fresh and cured Meats always on hand A lso other Meats in season. F IR E ! A u­ J. W. MOORE Mr. — -, . Patterson «.».weowsag wrote W.UVÜ to the m o state B ltu r I game warden asking for (he salary HFkHHWWrsww»»eweei»a».i|i>TWttit w and expense account of the local I * deputy warden iu his luca lity and was promised a reply. A fter w aiting four or five m onths he wrote to the secretary of state and got the following figures- w w w tw SHORT TERM Salary, Si40a month; expenses J.ulr ............................................... » 90.71 A “«“ 1“ .............................................. 135.85, Sept-niber.......................................... 7997 October ____ . . . . . ________ _ 62 ( ' N o w nl-er............................................... 62.551 >)' « iiil*e — .................................... 57 («11 J a n u a r y ......................................... 76.75 **utuary .................................. 49, C. P. STAFFORD, * *2^2^********************* ? --HM#*»#. Mr. Patterson th in k * a man com- peleot to perform a ll the duties of a deputy game and fish warden could I«« employed at a much loss c o il, and a great many people w ill • gree a .th him . When the entire to st of game protection in the atate ia compared with the benefits deriv id the whole thing looks like many people w ill agree w ith him . Ih e protection of salmon con- serves a valuable food supply and »■■oii'tliing has been done in the pro, agation of trou t, hut I ey n I these items Oiegon’s elaborate fish, and game system looks, to the oh. server who does not draw any o f its emolument*, very much like i d expensive fixrle. FARMERS' FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION BUTTEVILLE O R E . O F SCOTT & SIMONS LEBANON, OREGON Public typew riting done. M rs . A . A . W H E E L E R . University of Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Uterature. Science and the A r t r The School of Architecture and Allied Arta. The School of Duameaa Administration. The School of Education. The Extension Division. The Graduate School. The The The The The School of Journalism. School of Law. School of Medicine. School of Music. School °t Physical Education. The School of Sociology. Fall Term Opens September 26 io id i« OS 51 « t c . i r r . The plea of murderer K alhie mother (or pardou f .r her aim ia pathetic and her p lig ht awaken* eympathy, hut ■ j G ip a m j, u u i that aheriff a n e n n was f fu o i lly jv S" “ Unieerelly. For . e t i l i " '(otm ," on' wrl»» THE REGISTRAR ” • UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu|ene. Or«. C O R N E L IU S aa much entitled to a leniency that Raihm did not extend to him . ARCHIE Neither did the sheriff have the benefit o f a ll doubts and quibbles iu the law. Ra.h.e did. W A TC H M AKER * n .ie^ . ■ — A N D JE W E L E R . HA LSttV, O > K O » N I bote who complain that there 1» not enough kick m near freer I Xpert Workmanship, W a ic h rt and must be mistaken, A keg o f it ex Clocks a specialty. ploded when W illia m T ra ino r a t­ G ive 11» a tnal. tempted Io tap it the other day at D etroit and broke hia arm. One who waa a follnw-priaonor C w rites that M trie liq u i was a good £ %*■ % w w w. %% W* 0 ,i(. 4 woman while eh« was in prison w -j H ave E V E R Y T H IN G G f T IC A L W h e ts in a name? Iber» era Hrmnfieids the,, ()„„ i Aleeacodu’ y bas got in to 5 th» papare by hsv.og a fight w ith Ç I •« 'le n tille f const m e t ion I I vi.ur e \ e t g ive you tro u b le v our glaevee are anndym g I’ K W e e n Relieve or k u O p t AL» A NY H a r o ld OA, A lb r o M anufacturing optcian T* 1 Possession of a Tum o.e-uewn Shack. h iiir was matted. Thompson swore at her aim, a fter she had given several laugl • he -uld »he was dumb. He told fi»«*«» H e u fh ey that his w lf« and chll- 'Irffc hud «.ever had a roThb no fa r as ' e -ciil.l -i iuemher. A fte r lid g e Haughey made his re- p«rt It y r.i decided that It would be best to r-.move the fam ily to nn Instl- tatlun. In the memory of the oldest Inhabl- lanis of mis section thia Is the first time i I. mi any of the Inhabitants of the lunvr race-set of the Ramapo tnoun- ] tains have ever Issued forth to civili­ sation. From time to tim e lawbreakers have sought the wild mountain trails " I • u pursued by the police, but once ih e . entered the mountains they have seldom been heard of. The residents of this section never go Into the In­ terior, knowing the character of the gypsy -like .Inhabitants. He of ks proves them superior th e r Ien.e» 1* the Lause ol Many l i t M AN IL U S J Took Plum Custard. Boll some plums In w ater until ten­ der, then drain and chop them. Put one quart of m ilk In a double holler Michigan Husband Made Bruta! and when lukew arm add three well- beaten eggs, one-half cup of sugar Assault to End the Visits and two level tablespoons of corn­ starch moistened w ith a little cold of Rival. tfillk or cream. S tir until it thickens and bolls for eight minutes, then Ifuskegon, M l eh.-»- Enraged over 1 move from the Are. Add one lea- alleged visits of a rival to his home, Rpoon each of lemon and vanilla PX- Frank M ille r Is charged with stopping Intel and the plums, s tir well and his w ife on a crowded street and tear A serve wbeD cold. ing off her ears w ith his bare hands. M iller gave himself up to the author­ Tailored Silk H a t ities a fte r the tragedy. T o w ear with the street tailor ”1 got tired of finding her w ith Joe nothing can take the place of the Romonhoff. That's why I did It.” was trig, tailored silk hat trim m ed with a simple ornament, or still better, with a veil. This proves the most service­ able. a» well as elegant, garniture. I h» in gen iou s d evice Kryp. tok» h»e don«' «way ^vith Ihe c e ­ TWO WIVES AT 70 TOO MANY mented Ifnaee acid given you coin- Now York Judge Telle Aged Bigamist and service unsurpaaseil. E Y E S T R A IN m««re ill the TORE OFF WIFE’S EARS WITH HANDS prise office. A yam whs scut out from B e rlin to tbn effect that a man there had kille d a doien persons and used th eir tlesh for food for himself and in ‘ veal ' aaodwicbee which he »old. And the news editors o f eome Americau papers swallowed it Some people w ill swallow I. inoet au>thing. A abort tim e ago an Albany woman swallowed an open pocket knife. Iiii|.r i« o n m H „ t, t i , M,i E nter­ Had Better “ Forget W omen.* New York.— Roscoe Reich, seventy, of \\ oofiluiven. formerly of Ruston, Pa . where he held the position of iiiiinty auditor, pleaded gallty to big- amy Iu ihe Klugs county court Kell 11 adinltied ih a i he had a w ife ! when on August 7, 191» be married Augusta Helm unil Relcb leaned heavily on a cane Jud*e M artin, in twapaadlng aenienco on the aged prig ; oner, s a id : ------------------ '•You are surely old enough to real 1 « « * 1 »»J a»au h a , hS van te d t h e j o b o f p r e s id ­ in g o v e r t l i e P h i l l i p i n e s . - Somet.mee Fatal. hU W h " * » 'F b lm .re 1. said to he c - . .i0 «**®nt.* >»l. The , ot causing death to a physlral- lng‘ aN tntf Tbr | , M,L S h‘ Wr* n ” ' * * ■'” ’ t *“ " r“”'a w hl«wdln< mother when 1 to happen to a child ; yet chll- - e n » - , h— -« . . ° P * “ d rU’ he,! t0 I , r e more •■«>>« to nightmares | than adult*.