halsey ënterpr tse Jots and Tittles « 8 8 FOUNDON STARVING GIRL and their exhibits will be on dis­ play. They will also give a lunch at noon to raise money to pay ex­ penses Short Stones of Happenings in Linn County Generally Every one entering the cooking exhibit will receive «• The Fairies' A Good Beginning Has Been Made in the Much-needed and in Halsey Particularly Cook Book” from the Pisher Flour- ------ - 7 Improvement of Linn County Roads usoner Put Under Observation mg company, who also offer a 49- M ikf Ethel Quimby left ou Wed­ 0 - W. Frum drove to Port'aod pouod seek, a 24-pound sack and nesday's train for Crane, Ore When Mental Quirk It iUcisday on business connected a 10-pound sack of flour ay prizes. 1 hough there ia no hope of soon where she will (each home eco­ *>tl> again establishing his feed Pilone to the superintendent of making roads in Oregon strong complete that amount of rocking Scented. nomic» in the high school. Miss end chopping npperatioue in rtus before tbe winter rain« drive them this division and make sure of the enough Io support any toads lha off Quimby graduated at O. A C. last city. Icoiok book trucks will he able to cany, as year. Halaey will be glad if they suc­ The superintendents will be glad being done in Ne.v Y o r k elate, the C. E. Smith lost a valuable mare ceed. We should like to see the Mrs. E. C. M iller and Gilbert last 1 1 ueedxy. The animal was to know lieforehand what you in . paving and macadamizing of roads uwful dust (or mud after the rains) spent last week visiting her sister. injured in a runaway and bad to tend to exhibit. If you cannot in this state is making good prog­ 1 on Second street held down by u Mrs J. H. Griffith of Albany’ tie killed. Police Matron FinUa Roll of etllo on reach the proper one, phone to an- ress and toads up io ten tons are coat of rook. And when the as. Last Saturday they went to T a i- otb-r or to Mrs. A. H. Quimby. tolerated by iho stale laws, pro­ Mis» Hazel G'llliford was in Girl A fte r She Had Made an O ut­ phalt conies, if it ever does, O joyf gent, where Mrs. M iller’s parent- town making ai rungemsnt» to at­ The superintendents are : LJve- vided tbe speed is low. cry About Being Robbed— live, Mr. M 'lle r and Tom joining tend the Halsey High School and Grading from here to Harrisburg •«ock. J. B. Waggrner ; poultry, Six big trucks are spreading Lodking for Work. them S'inday. • Monday they riJ, . will finish with one semester. Mrs. Lorena K ize r; agricultural crushed rock on the route from for the new pavement isgoing ahead tored to Albapy w ith Mrs. O M. M v York.— Lieutenaat Puts looked products, E. A. K ’zer ; textile«, Shedd to Hslsey, and the contrad- rapidly. Next year it ia expected Ted Porter departed the last of Higbee and tyok in the shriner»’ up from his work behind thy desk In Mrs. B yrd Wagg.-ngr ; florql, Mr«. ors are so optimistic as to expect to Haleeyites can go to the county the week for Colorado Springs, as iliy West Forty sevenrt| street police reunion • seat without going off the pave­ Minnie Kizer ; cooking and lalàir- a delegate of the Curvallis chapter M allon nne day to see a w hile faced ment. saviug devices for household, Mt». Mrs. M. V . Koontz returned to the convention of the Kappa Black and W hite Fad young woman clinging (o the rati, re- Frank Bond and Mrs. Chester A resume of work in the county Wednesday from about a months' Theta Rbo fraternity, Since the Grande Seiualns— the Ips Kunllpg him tim idly. Stickles waa in the Portland Journal Sun­ vacation in Tseoma, whe re she bs? portant race week which closes 'he "Pig««».” she said haltingly, "I am ---------------1------ M r . and Mrs Karl Koppe re. Paris season— set the fashion of black day, under a n Albany date, from a sister. She visited in Albany tuih iyj All I have had in two week» ■ nd whits, states a Freuch fa« hl an which tbe following statements are w th Mrs J. K. Haight. Mrs. I turned to Eugene Sunday after a has gem a piece of ply and a bottle Shots from Shedd. visit with Mrs. Koppe’s grand­ w riter. It la natural to Bud the magpie taken: of ginger ste. I am very hung— ” and K<>ontz indulged in clam digging mother. Mrs. M E Bassett and her volte trailed off and she sank te Maiket road work in Linn county Kay Haniiitou spent Friday in colors almost universal at B iarritz. w h ile at the coast and enjoyed aunt, M rs T. I , M a rk s , Bui down here In this exotic corner of thia summer of a cost of 8118,000 the door. ? Albany. other coast delights. She says the Basses Pyrenees new fashions are ia being completed. Several roada Mrs. S. E. Frum and Ray Frum Had Gene W ithout Feed. she b»da fine tjnie but was glad Ralph Appelgale and wife, re- launched— the fashions of tomorrow. have been graded aud rocked ao and family of Brownsville and to get back bn pie. By thy time the lieutenant reached siding near Sucdd, became This Is specially tha case lq thy tbe that they will tie in good shape James Thompson and family of the front of the desk sfce way uncon­ parents of a nine-pound boy, Sep­ month of September, as then the for years, under tbe supervision of A reunion of the Troutman fam­ Albany were guests on Sunday of\ scious. wyaltby Spanish beauties make ex­ tember 6th. ily was held at the D, I I»om last week at the (), W. Fiun Policemen cared for the via,tor un­ . ohn R, Penltnd, county road- tensive purchases for th« w inter sea­ til the arrival of a doctor. He dlag master. home at Harrisburg last Sunday home The teaching staftfo „ _ tbe year is The party motored to H«t son at M adrid F W. Roberta of Portland, pr|n- C- A Troutman and family, P I risburg. where a picnic dinner was nosed the case as m alnutrition. Except for the grading and p ar. People are still talking and quairsl- A fter she had been revived, the girl oipal, Mrs. Birdelia Clark, asets'- lag over .Mrs. Smith Wilkinson s arous­ ing work on the Pacific highway Troutman, and family, Sam and enjoyed. told the police ahe was M illie Benner. ant high school; Mry. Elsie Tom­ ing toilette at the Grand Steeple­ between 8bedd and Harrisburg, Tom Cooper and their wives, Roy Mrs. E. S, Marsters returned j tw yu|y four years old. She tald ahe kins, seventh and eighth grades; chase In Paris. A very Important the maiket road work haa been Cooper, all of Shedd, Mr and Mrs. W illiam Burton of Albsov, Mr. last I hursday from her trip t< had form erly lived with yn aant In Jer­ Miss May Stoddartt fourth, fifth group of Paris elegantees. women who practically the only permanent sey City. Three weeks ago ahe cyme She teporta tin and sixth gravies; and Mrs E. direct the styles rather than follow road work in Linn county thia and Mrs Charles Bolsitiger of Crater Lake, here, hoping to find employment. She The district road funds Pori land, Mrs. J F. Isom and road.« in good condition and h had never worked before, shy added Roberts of Albany, primary room. tfigro, expostulated loudly against ibe year. most interesting trip . Introduction of sensational eccentrici­ have heen used in patch work on childr'n, E 0. Isom and family " h a t little money .Miss Renner had (Condeused from the Visitor) ties from Loudon on a Paris race John D. Wood of Tangent was a was soon gone, and since the had and M and Mrs. D. I. I-oin, all Cyrus Arnold has returned to course; they «aid— and I think they roads which needed improvement of Halsey, participated A general business visitor here Wednesday. 1 walked the streets In the day and slept Los Angelea and will work in the 'e re right— that such exaggerations badly and the fund» from the In hallways and parka nt night. good time was indulged in. orange groves till tbe Bible insti­ .onld certainly take away from ilie count v road bonds which have been K. B. Mayberry and family re­ Find Roll of Bill«, ham eter for flue and cultured taste »old this year, in the same way. tute opens. M'ss A lta Hayes returned yes. | turned Wednesday morning from Five miles of the main road be­ which has heen hull» up by the heat Atlas Renner was hooked on a charge their vacation at ¡seaside and Cun- ■ terday from Stayton, where sue Miss Kathleen McCarty ia home dressed artists In the Rue ds la Falx tween Albany and Brownsville of vagrancy and sent to the West had been employed for the sum non beach. have been improved. One stretch Thirty-eighth street station, where from Washington and pinna to at­ and Place Vendoiue. . nr r. She will enter high school Mr and Mrs. J. E True and there la a matron. At that atatlon tend 0 . A. C. this winter. Tbe dress parade lu which one inod- of mad 21 mile» long extending as a senior at the eoinnoencemmt i Mrs Starr motored to Albany yea- there came a surprise for the police. Mre. Thompson was given a sur­ »1 took a prominent part was ha-sd northward from the Ash Swale of tlie fall term. The prisoner made an outety. declar- i terday. prise party on her birthday on entirely on black and white schemes schoolhouse has been completed Ing she had lost her money. The mannequin went ao fa r at to wear and another 2 | miles built this the 28lb. There were present : One A daughter was born on the 2o'b one white and one black ehoe— her summer lie» south of the Christian Wallace bberling and bis «islet. n ia tia n , believing that lack /¿»food Mr. and Mrs. H Freerkaen, N. P dreiy and even her parasol being «11- o, August to M r. slid Mrs. Brvan I Miss Dorothy, accompsuied b. had brought hallucination, sought th M vlded between the two colors. It was church, which stands about one Perry, who reside netr this city L M Srhouboe, all of Portland quiet her by telling her she had no Crume. B. V Crawford, T mile south of where this road in ­ money The prisoner Insisted and Acheson, O M. Thompson, Henrv an absurd costums and «everyone tersects the road running on a di­ Mrs J. M. Porter left yesterday d ro v e to H tlie y S a tu rd a y n ig h t, raised such an outcry that the matron Halverson, John McKercher and laugl eff at I t r e tu r n in g M onday n ig h t ih rect lin i between Tangent aud searched her. W rapped’ In a tiewapa for a visit with relatives in Port­ wife, R S. Acheaon, Msry F Bui the famous zebra dress worn hy S h e r io g « were fo rm e r re s id e n ts o land, C r*wford. Clara Thompson, Sarah the model was really cleverly a r­ Lebanon, th is v io iu ify and v is ite d f r ie n d - Another big improvement m«de Crume, E. Abisbapi and wife, ranged. Black and white atrlpea ev­ Mayberry m the P. |. In a tent in Corvallis while buib.. Lebanon Crabtree road about one locating the joint, causing severe faun w si of ,town to the hom». mile north of Lebanon; about »4 bruises, Mr. Cummings was re- Penfand farm, between miles of road between Shelburn W J. McClelland has bought niov-d to the hospital at Harris­ and H -r ti bu g. and Mount Pleaaant, this road be­ the blacksmith shop of Stan lev burg for Ireatuieu', (Cent ued on p*ge 51 ing north of the Mount Pleasant Hemy. •ebool; a road about four miles L. C. M dlsr and fam ily have long txtending from Scio to a point moved to Albany. south of the Mount Plea»ant school, and a road three miles long run’- uiiig east and west south of Mrs. Umstead Migrates Brownsville and extending from Halsey lost one of ita old reel- Model of Black Satin W ith Narrow the Pacific highway south of H al­ dents when Mrs A. V. Umstead Edge of Black Velvet. Ends of sey to tbe road running south took her departure last Tuesday Shadow Lace-Edged Veil Ceught from Brownsville to Rowland. W ith Large Jet Rings. fur California, where she will In Another market road which will c ite permanently with her daugh­ reel dlemnnda. A large white «atln be completed toon ia a stretch of ter. Mrs. Umstesd di«posrd of m I h e t irlm tn -d with large plu ne* Here I j mile» on a road leaving the bar property and holding« here, at B 'a rritz the rage for black and Pacific highway about one mile Bha Waa Unconscious thus severing m -ttnial ties that » b ite la most artletlcuiiy expressed. north of Tangent and running 8 't- One seas the Invelleat thing« on the per about tbs young woman's waist would bind her to H al-ey. westward on what is known as the ahe found a roll of hllla amounting to ctmo here about 40 years ago and Granite Plitge and nt the C a s tlR * Lake Creek road. »4W has remained in Linn countv th - This last phase of the case waa told uioet of that t me. In the West aide m u M where Miss I d 1883, with a party o(-about Kenner was taken, t i le igaglstra'e forty, ahe left Jefferson, Mo., for very sour. Applications usually an her journey imo Oregon. About not made more frequsnriy (ban once ten miles thia side of Hood Rivet In four to six years The usual appll- the immigrants encountered the HALSEY, O R EG O N atmn varies from one to two and one- fearful snow storm of 1884 and for talf tons an acre. a month they were frozen in and almost buried in tha snow Thet Your Bast ran out of proviaions and starva­ intereat paid on time certificates of deposit Suppose the m ajority of men today tion faced them, when thirty c iti­ We invite your banking business week each In hla plac» and putting zens of Hood River sad Cascade forth hla beat effort to do hie duty— Ixicks, each carrying thirty pound« C. II. KOi )M Z, Pre*' D TA YLOR, Vice-Pres. « h a t would happen’ Just this there of tuppliea, with frozen feet and would be many strange line» of con B. M. BONO, Cashier hand«, came to tbe rescue. The«« due«, no doubt, but no one can ques tlon that thia would be a better world. Samaritans carried out the word of li«trees and Ilk) GLinausen were Everyone is buying gingham, the all-year fabric, Laughing Gas an Old Dloeevery. collected and. sent out with pick« Laughing gas waa dlacrvered u. and shove s to attempt to dig the more than ever row that it lias established itsi lf ITT*, hut It was not until 25 year» in oaf. Finally thirty cars among genteel materials. So handsome are the te1 thet Sir Humphry Davy made the prisoners 4 provtsiona and thirty engines «„creation that ft might he need for new patterns in ginghams that they are instinctively surgical operations I t *as not really manned with a large crew of men recognized ia appropriate for wear on dress occa­ employed as sn anesthetic until nearly bi ckad tnam out of the snow. Mrs Umstead states that there h alf a cee’ -ir- '»tee sions, yet they are again surprisingly inexpensive. ts b ut one member, besides herself, Is a good place to deposit your saving«. « p e r /m U t it t r e it on aaving» Cool, washable dress ginghams are here in abund­ F air Not for Granger« Only it ba ia etill living, who located in Sept. 16 it tbe date for tbe com­ this part of Oregon, and his name account« that ran three m onth*. «1« mooth^ d) a y e ir. In te re d p«id ance to celebrate National Gingham \\ eek. munity fair to be at Charity grange ia Elmar Tnue. Many of tbe old «em i-ann ually. ~ J ball. Thin is achievement day timers will mine Mrs Umstaad and (or three club» io the oommuiiitj bar laavin| i t generally regretted FAINTS IN Mending Our Ways STATION Beautiful Ginghams THE HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and ^Surplus $34,000 At Prices Very Interesting The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ M. V. KOONTZ CO. Md»* »