PAGE S E PT HALSEY ENTERPRISE H<‘ is employed doing road work here. J. C. Bryan and wife, whoae daughter Mildred was killed in a runaway accident near Halsey re­ cently, are visiting with their too in Eugene. J. A. McCullough of Albany paid the Enterprise office a pleas­ ant call Wednesday and renewed hi* subscription Mr, McCullough has been a reader of the papei since its foundation and compli­ mented the publishers on the pa­ per. He visited at bis farm, wbicb is occupied by Frank Hadley. Mr. M'Cullcugii lost 24 tone of uninsured hay in the recent fire. T hey will go away to school as children. T hey will re tu rn as y o u n g m en and women. You w ant th em to, b u t you also w ant the childhood m em ories. P h o t jg ra p h s o f th e children nev er grow up. "cants” that she seut to her eons. Many thanks I t is not always that our dreams copie true. Mrs Andrew Brown spent today in Albany. Harry Park of Brownsville left lor Albany via Halsey today. W ANTED F IR E ! J. W. MOORE Real Estate and Insurance, Halsey, Oregon. -Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Winniford. ecoots tunned by Mias Marie ttuaed, Mrs. C P- Stafford and A driar Goodbeod, drove to Albany Tues slay eteiiing and attended th band concert. The Winniford and Mr Uoodbro.f will leave the last of the week for Crater Lake park aud Union. Mrs. W, C. Bass, who has been ill for some time, was removed to ♦’ e hospital at Albany Tuesday, where, at last reports she was do lug nioely. Rev Roy Achora, Mrs E. J. Forsythe and daughter Irene, am M'»s Sarah Simms of Woodhuri spent Thursday at the home o Mr*. Callie Frum. On Friday, so companied by Mrs. E 8. Mar«ter of this place, they departed for ai outing at Crater Lake park THE COOI NESS BETWEEN THE1> won t last long if the coolne«» happer to be some of our delicious ice crea: * I t w ill prove to be the finest they ev tasted Tuesday evening the Knterpris. force were most agreeably sur­ prised by isceiving some of thoe» d licious melons from Payette Idaho, that we read and dreamt'1 o( tasting last week when we heard from Mi*. La Follett* of that place. Thev came in a crate of th» No matter how bred y u may feel, a dish of oi war C lark's i< CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. H A L S E Y G ARAG E fcr bargains in Tires and Tubes of all sires Kepatnng on all makes of automobiles and tractors our specialty A goo, stock of accessories and Kord parts on hand at sit times I f we do not have what you want we w ill get it for you Prom pt attention given to trouble calls Geo. Shew suffered quite a se­ vere injury to his foot Thursday evening when he alighted from th, M. O. Banish automobile befor> the car bad cotne to a full stop Mr Shaw was thrown to t he ground and the wheel passed over bis fool, which has been causing him much ptin since then. Brownsville Briefs HALSEY GARAGE Foote Bros. Props. 8-FOOT SILO (second hand)' 0 . G. COLDIRON. FRY EGGS WRONG: SHOOTS IIP SHll Modern Equipment Expert Adjustment A perfect fit guaran teed. ALBANY e ORE-ON Lively Doings on the Steam­ ship Carolyn. C arteret. N. J.— T he profound qnes on of whether fried egvs should he ooked on one or both aides started B, .eonard, a Jamaica negro mess boy of le steamship Cgjplyn. which docked -ere recently, on a aeries of adven ures which Included shooting up the •hip. escaping from his Irons In th" irig. Jumping overboard, swimming ishore and making good his escape. H is adventures are probably not nded, fo r the police are looking for dm. T he last seen of B. Leonard was »•hen he drove away on an automobile nick from Prince's Bay, Staten Island. • here he came ashore. Trouble W ith Cook. "The trouble really started «oon a f­ ar Ihe Carolyn left Boca Grande, -'lortda. on her wav north," explained "hlrd Officer W illia m G. Kelly, who vaa In charge of the steamship at the lock In C arteret. "Leonard was the Tier's mess boy, and he didn't get long well w ith the cook, V. Donm aro Thursday morning he went Into the ally and ordered eggs ‘turned over' 'rled on one side. "Leonard got mad and there was an argument, which caused the cook to ladle out some hot w ater and throw It at him. Then Leonard rushed down to oilers' quarters and came hack w ith an autom atic pistol. T he cook ran w ith Leonard at his heels, shooting. His first shot missed, the second went through the left hand of M. Charlton, the steward of the ship. The third went through my cabin. “Capt Alonzo Nash heard the shoot­ ing and hurried down w ith C hief Offi­ cer J. E Evans. Leonard saw them and became quiet im m ediately. H e handed over the autom atic and then he was put In Irons and sent helow. Jumps Overboard. “Yesterday morning, when one of the men went to hia breakfast, he fonnd I eonard was m tu ln g . Some one had Judge Bingham decided that W Snap Shot D. Washburn must pay hie paving Drug Store. assessment. Albums, Ringo's Rentable houeea have not been Old papers, 5c a bundle at the in auch demand in Brownsville for Enterprise office. many moone. Talcum powders and Freckle The city council has accepted the paving on the south side as be- creams. Ringo’s Drug Store. ing up to contract and or ered Brownsville and Drifted Snow payment. flour at D. H. W ill Templeton, who has been very much out of health since December last, went to Etigen» Friday and had D r , G 'lllion re­ move his tonsils. Medical author, ities think possibly the heart trouble from which Mr. Templeton has suffered had its origin in dis­ eased tonsils. S tu r te v a n t's. tu rn ed hom e in ih e even ing . H ’P picking I* ¡a n in the Hume ' McHurgue yard Monday. People from Halsey direction «tirelv had a hard lime getting in ­ to Br iwntyille while paving near h” bridge on the no-tb side was underway. Talk about detouring! The mixing plant of the street paving company has been off the job a good deal of the time during the pa»t week on account of broken machinery. This condition seems to have become chr iuic. How­ ever, the paving is going forward •lowlv, Lewis Dougherty and wife of Portland, where Mr Dougherty is taking a four-year course in den­ tistry. were guests of big parents. Mr. and Mrs. R P. Dougherty, on Halsey avenue the first of the week. Some of our people are planning on gotng to Hood River district »oon to pick and pack fruit. H L Almon has gone home t<> !‘hili>math and Ch»rle* Poole is "setting ’em up" in the Time* Ace. S-pt. #. J R gets, * ' Twin Buttes 7, N . M Sbrode, near W alterville, Lane county 8, M i'itiel Eno*, mile and a half west o, Browurville, Jersey Go*« T A Hover, mile nnd a half northwest cf Halsey 10, George Lusby, three miles east of Harrisbuig 12. S. R-cser. two mile* s. with west of Halrey 14. F Ptiettnk, near Shelburn 1«. J C Walton, Ihtee miles northeast of Halsey 1 » . 11 Vicker», near O ik ville •?". w Hi il|. ne«t Talbot Barber shop— Karl A. Bram­ well proprietor. Suits cleaned and piessed. Laundry sent M ndaya. For Sa'e— Full blooded Rhode Island pullets; also a cross between R. I. reds and brown Leghorns. Mrs, W ill Carter Rev A M McClain, the new Card of Thanks I a’ tor of the Presbyterian church, We are so grateful to all who was delightfully surprised Sunda assisted or offered assistance at the morning hy a visit from hi* motliei time of accident, death and fu­ aud two brothers and llu ir faun neral of our Mildred. lie*, all of Eugene. They arrived M r. and Mrs. J. C. Brvan in time to attend Sunday school and family : d to hear Mr. McClain preach " e of In* excellent sermons Thev M r. and Mrs Cox, who came out from Kansas to Brownsville to visit their niece, Mrs. James Fer­ rell, lik» 0 r*gon sn well that they hive rent d the Mr». M cH trgue place, just west of town, and will farm next year. Auction Dates THE I'VBLISHLRS PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS NEGRO IS BAD ACTOR BEN T. SUDTELL’S It costs frem 15 to JO cents sn inch to set sn advertisement in tvpe and correct the proof and place it in the tvpe page foe printing. If current pri ea are paid (Or the work th e newspaper that gets less not receive la ir wages for that work and throws in the while paper, press work, folding, mailing, postage, etc., foe the subscrip­ tion price w ill not cover these items. One wati can com net a smalt country weekly. doing practically all Ihe o»k himself «ml keep ont of ja il, while charging less than 20 cents, tmt he w ill not make fair wages and he w ilt not p u n t much news . We belters the people of this com munity, when they realize the situation, w ilt support a Best class weskly newspaper W e see slak­ ing our investmenl on that hsltei and endeavoring to give them such service. sod we have enough faith in the people io aspect a response in incom ing subscriptions a n j sdvertiss-nents that wit) enable ns to make the Enterprise more of e «access than it «vet het been South No, 23, 11:31 a. m 15, 12:24 p. m 17, 5.49 p, m Brownsville’s A g ricul'u ril E x ­ Dr. E. W Barnum, dentist, at hibition September 24 promise* to be an interesting and important Hotel Halsey every' Tuesday and event, The committees are devel­ Friday. oping plans da’ly. For Rent— 60 acres good farm Mess Boy, Put in Brig, Escape? The four Samuelson brother* land, house and two barns. See started the middle of last week in Mrs. M. E. Bassett. Irons and Swims Mile their car for an outing in the to Shore. Rainier national park- For sale—Cedar shakes and Paul Kent had a fatewell party Posts. Load lots delivered. at the home of bis pi rents Frida v Browosville Winehouses. evening. About twenty of bis young friendB participated. Dr. For rent or for sale - Houses and Kent and family expect to be in farms in vicinity of Halsey. Question of W hether Eggs Should Be Portland in time for the opening W J. Kibelin. Fried on One or Both Sides Causes of school, Sept. 10th. Dr. Thompson vishes to announce o his many fro ml* and patrons th it 't ie win continue his regular visit* each mouth as usual, and may be consulted at the heal hotel Tues- day, S“|'l 6. He will he phased to meet both old and new patrons and look after their optical ueeda on that date. T kes one Back to Pirate Days You will he transposed to the picturesque day» of pirate ships, of mutinies and gay romance, in M ar­ ion Davie*’ latest Paramount pic­ ture, "Buried Treasure," which will be featured at the P.ialto theater next Friday. More than $250,000 was spent tor the lavish Joseph Urban set», the hiring nf thousand* of extras and tile star's jewels and costumes. It is from F Britten Aueten’s story ooncern- ing the theory of reincrtrnalion, published in Hearst’s M igaxine. Peoria Points Mrs. Fred Frady took quite sick Sunday. Dr. Marks was called. She is much better now. Mrs. Archie Knighten is sick with quinsy at Brownsville. 8be weut there to havs her throat Heated and was not able to come home, but is exp-cted io • l * w dsys. - Miss Eugenia Clark is visiting her mother, Mrs. J 8. LaMar. A big barnstorming stunt is be­ J W LaMar and wife went to ing carried on by Brownsville scribes. A city councilman has Corvallis last. Sunday to meet Rev. and Mr*. Retee. who were comb g m interest it» the barn. home from Newport. ». T R U S S E S North l& 12:04 p. m. 24, 4.34 p m 14. 5:27 p. m. Hammond McRae and Car! Proebat*! paid the county 925 each, Admittance Here 5 Cents on inyitation ol the game commis­ a Liue sion, while Ernest and Kenneth McRay and Frank Waiilenburg Fly spray, Ringo’s D-ug Store. accepted the county’» invitation to board twelve days, free of charge Carbon paper for sale, Enter. at Albany They had been fishing prise office. without licenses. Ringo’s Drug Store. O. W . Frum and family visited relatives near Brownsville this week. No ten vtlle. ,7 he re s a P h o to g r a p h e r in Y o u r 3 o w n . One hundred hooks were added to the library shelve* Wednesday from the state traveling library. Mrs. Charles Luckey and child TOTS FIGHT HUGE OCTOPUS of Crawfordsville went out todav on the northbound train for Port­ •a lia s Bey Whose Slaters Belabor It W ith Oars and Rescue Youth land, where they will visit for a Mr*. Guv N Hatterlee and little time. A fte r Flares Battle. _____ B daughter of Klainaib Falls were Boreka, C a l— Word reached here arrivals on Tuesday'» train on their Tuesday morning while getting wav io Brownsville, to visit het breakfast at the Mark Curtis place that a lfl-foot octopus was killed parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles near Peoria, where she was work­ at Samoa, Humboldt county, a fte r It ing, W illam ina Corcoran was badly had seised In Its tentacles eight-year-old Holloway. George Peterson, son of a tug captain scalded on the leg. She waa pour­ According to the reports the boy Mrs. E. B. McKinnev aud little ing hot water in the coffee p, t was standing in shallow w ater at the a n t i took train for Albany lues- when the pot overturned H r beach when the octopus attacked him. day, where the little chap will see uncle, Tack Curtis, brought her Tw o older slaters were paddling a physician about bis tonsils and home and at last report she was about In a b oat adeno'os. getting along very wall. H la screams alarmed the gtrla and Mrs. Sara Galbraith of Sweet they beat the sea monster w ith their , (L e ft over last weak.) Home was a passenger on Wed­ oars. George Drinkard of BrowusviP* nesday's train from Eugene, where T he octopus lashed out w ith other she had lieen under the care of a was very much in evidence on the i tentacles and wrenched sn oar from the hands of the younger sister. The physician who removed her ton­ streets of Halsey today. other gjrl, using her oar bayonet fash­ sils and adenoids. She left foi Mrs. W. H Robertson, acuilt in Corvallis, <■ here the disease 1« always present where thev intend .to m.ik* their i.»d from which seed may be derived home a* soon ss it is completeJ. 1 or »a extensive outbreak in other . arts of the -o r ld . One of these epi •ethic centers (a In Mesopotamia two •re I d the regions of the Him alayas . 0 the fourth Is located in Cganda. Africa 7t»e figU* against plague Is eeceaaerlly a fight sgaioat rata and UtU GtfigstA UN A Lon * W ay Off. O a r Idea of zero to worry about It the appalltnc race suicide reported among the tribes In the Gaboon area of Central Africa — Kansas City Star. •HWr’» ©l*v*r I mu -