—— - m mu search for loot. John Remmens, custodian of the old «tone church on Public square, re­ ported (hat (he thief got Into the church and walked off with an electric fan. • »pped in Hali-ey Fr day 0„ |,i* way 'o Portland. in » J Two doors UQith of the hotel ____________ I n M A(u PreP *red 1° d® *11 kinds of Mbs Fleta Livic was au Albany - I.d i Friday. Missea Hazel and Isabel G ulli- Mia. H . Bolton waa a paaaeugar ford of Portland were Halsey to Albany Friday. . _ Insect Carefully *»on)s »reeolcal , p W P T T . . . r n n D I „ „ guests this week Mr. and Mra. John Salash are D. Taylor, vice-president of lb (journiug al Caacadia. Sprays Effective »gainst Halsey Stale bank, returned from There are quite a nnnubar of va- —.— k----- _ Thunderstorm Restores His Voles. Many Other Pests. Albauy Friday morning. ant schoolteachers!) ipe in thia Da. H abbld K. J ack - Mrs. H. Bolton left Saturday ounty. son 3O4-J05 1st Na­ for Tangent, where she was a wee!- I storm shook the steamship on which tional Bank Butldin, Albany, Oregou. Dr and .Mr». Marks and aoo end visitor of Mrs. J Davis. he was traveling to visit a sister In ioland returned Friday from their Attendants F ra n tic a lly *T ry to Break Montreal. Canada. He had been dumb Without paid. L ,*lt uerve- Linn county subscribers to'ltln trip to Crater Lake park. for nine months as a result of shell Down B a rrier aa Wofnan la Blax W. C. T. U. children's home funn blocking method. Tobacco Duet Found to Bo Myat I f Frank Tindle drove over from shock received while with the Cana I ng— Act Due to Frenzy of De­ are being called upon to pay up tactivo of Repellente T e e ttA U A r- irownsvjlle Sunday to viait the Jian army m the W orld war. sp a ir In L u r id Mom ent aenate of Lead Applications Jes e Cross and Charles M o il, Mornhinweg fam ily. ' »• j Found Satisfactory. hioweg went lo Portland Saturd y P h ila d e lp h ia — A frig h tfu l and sen­ Felix Wagner of the Goodman evening, returning Sunday nigh . sational suicide occurred at the P h il­ Bros. Shoe company of Portland (Prepared by the gteU — United -------- „ —- w- e Depart DR R H H a r k is went of A grlcultur^ adelphia hospital, when a patient, W illiam Davidson ol Browis rV as a Halsey caller Sunday. Evidently the Western cabbage flea Lena Frank, th irty years old. b arri­ vine was shaking bauds wit The D. H . Sturtevant family re­ lieetle was not hatched to die by caded herself In a room, built a fire friends in Halsey Monday nmii - poison— at least by sprays of arsenics Is tim e d Saturday from the vaettion « n d threw heraelf upon It until she ing. found so effective against many crop C usick B ank B u ilding . A l « anv I pent . in the mountains at Mc- was horribly burned. She lived onlj insect peets. It may be driven away, a short tim e a fte r she had been taken R. B. Mayberry and family left ^ red>e Springs however, by poisonous applications, from the flames by attendants. ihe last of the week for Seusid M g. Jake Ackerman of Browns­ and herein lies the methods of control Physicians believe that the woman, where they will spend a week i y ville uroye o er Friday to see b< r discovered by specialists o f t he bureau who was confined to the Institution I the ocean. of entomology, United S t a i s D epart­ dottier, Mrs. James Weat, and her for recurrent InXanlty, had a lucid ATTO RNEY A T LA W ment of Agriculture, whatie experi­ Claude Davis and family joine< enter, Mrs. Ettie Haverland. moment In which she discovered that ments In combating the pqat are de­ 201 New First N at’l Rank Bld'g. W. J. Moore in the Cascadia va she was a virtual prisoner In a place th a t proof roller has arrived, The ingenious device of Krvp- scribed In Departm ent Bulletin 902, for the Insane and the realization of cation. Toe Moores got home lite r this blame the proof reader, Albany, Oregon. The Western Cabbage Flee Beetle." her plight drove her Into a frenzy ol I Sunday night. oka ha« done away with the ee- ostead of the printer's devil, for This Insect la hy despair which ended In the suicidal ■ nenled lenses and given you enm- recently published • ny errors m typography that you Mr. and Mrs, H. W, Chance no means confined to cabbage, h it fre ­ attempt. foit Mini service iinsurpaa-ed. Th. quently d,oks proves them superior Io a ll crops, tdfsugar beets, table beets and berg motored over Bunday evening Henry Bateman home. L A W Y E R A ND N O T A R Y th«r lenses hospital last February. and was treat under exception?) conditions to beans ,r . ... , i ‘o visit Mrs Wallace's parents, ed for the tem porary visits o f de­ and pea»’ The Women s Foreign Musioi . M r.| and Mrs. Mornhinweg and rangem ent A t times her mind would B rownsvii . i . k , O regon ' Dainty In Habits. ■ iy society will meet Friday »Hh- >n«y remained until ..................... Wednesday. become apparently normal, and on The beetles. It Is said, are dainty In home of Mrs Eliza Brandon with these occasion* she was greatly de their feeding habits, carefully avoiding Correspondents are requested to Mr«. W. F. W *b l as leader of thi Jected at discovering her condition. foliage that has been tprayed, and at­ mail their* news on Monday. If lesaou. Hope was held out that ahe would tacking either unsprayed parts or fly­ mailed Tuesday it reaches us Wed- eventually recover from her mental Geo.-ge A Fetsch, traveling rip n «day, when the rush of Halsey ing to other plants. Repellents such A L B A N Y O BC G disease. ns tobacco dust were found to be the esentative for the American Ty, e 1 ws is likely to crowd it out. Harold Alhro. She aioae at fi:SO a. m., the usual most effective of those tested, and of Fouuaers company ol I'urtlar Ae can set but a limited amount Fine Dress Shoes s Specialty hour for patlenta. dressed and walked the arsenlcals. heavy applications of Manufacturing optcian. vaa a caller at the Enterprise o, t type io a day. about the Institution. She had al arsenate of lead gave the moet satis­ ice Saturday 501 Lyon Street, Albafly, Oregon ways been of a calm disposition, and factory results. Mr. and Mra. C. P. Stafford N O T IC E for that reason there was never any A formula that gave excellent re­ The Halsey Cooking club, lee with their guests. M r. aud Mra. J. effort made to ham per her movements sults was arsenate of lead paste, 1 oy Mis L. Kim brell, a u d ibe H a r­ H Hmderson of South Bend, pound; flsh-oll eoap, es a sticker. I She walked undisturbed Into a serv­ risburg club, umler Miss llielm . Wash., drove to Eugene Sunday ing kitchen leading to the ward In pound; and water, 10 gallon.. H a lf of Gooding, have tiuished their work uid spent the day with coussiu. which she was assigned. this weight of powdered lead arsenate, with |x rfeci scores. They made the trip in the Skirvin W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 06. or 2*4 pounds In SO gallons of water. Dr. L. V. Schwadt, a woman phy- machine with Lewis as driver. Is equally effective, with a correspond­ alclan. was the first to leem of the at Regular meeting next Saturila Miss Dorie Drinkard of Brownr. ing quantity o f soap, to act a t an ad­ woman's desperate act. She heard • Miss Josephine Mnlkey of Port­ vill • W (S a Saturday shopper here. night. One m ile south of Corvallis Picking hesive, or “sticker." It should be ap­ a plerclug shriek come from the kltch land, who had spent the summer Mias D inkard is a sister of Mrs plied w ith a sprayer fitted w ith elbow en Into which Lena F rank had gone -egihs J. S. M Mahan and w.ts a guest ai withba^auut at Dixonville, ar­ extension, and special effort should be and upon running there ahe found rived in Halsey and spent the her home at that lime. made to coat thoroughly the under that the door had been locked. Wisps surface o f the leaves. TWB or fllree Gilbert Lawrence of Portland week end with her aunt and ancle, of smoke came through the crevlres Electric Haircutting, Massag'in wa- shot for a bear by Geu ge Mr. and Mrs. D. F Deao, sad .applications at five to eight-day In te r In the partition and she began to amel1 vale are sufficient, even In case of se­ the horrlhle odor of burning flesh H guts, an Albany boy, ma cousin, Mrs. C. P Stafford. and Shampooing Q ia rts ijlle and was taken h< a Break In the Door. M L Boyd, editor and publisher Good tam p grounds— plenty ol good vere Infestation, provided the first ap­ Cleaning and P'esaing. plication Is made promptly on tha first (h a snattered leg bone. Doctor Schwadt shouted for help eater ami saawedwood— one tabl a for of the Dallas Itam izar, waa a 8» • appearance of the Insect. and several attendants came to her each camp— baskets furnished to picker» The study courses for livestock iirday oaller at the nnterprise o f w a­ ton and the club boys and gir a here. Ha was accompanied'l)y C. 1.T0 acres on high trellis and clean ter, with 2 pounds of snap added, will soon write their club stori a H. Olmstead, also of Dallas. Office 1st door south ol school bouse yards which Is a deterrent. I t i t j m t pos­ fbr the year. Write W. L. BUTLER. Halsey, Oregon. Professor A H- Weber aod faro- f sible. however, to control thia intact P. O. Box 277, Corvallis, Ore. Phone 7F? , entirely when It occurs In Its great­ Dealer W illiam Woodfin was a passen­ • ly of Harrisburg, formerly of in Real Estate ger t> Oakland, Ore., last Friday. Brownsville, where for years ha est abundance. /. Handles Town and Country I ’ropert) In addition, It Is deslrahle. to keep G ive him a call and tee if he can fi> H" had beed v is itin g here with the whs principal of the high school, the plants th rifty and well Watered you up fm ley family. He said he had were Saturday morning callerrna Mechanical and crop traps c in he uiptd ■ iot be‘-n heie for 42 years, aud Halsev, on their way to Browns­ w ith advantage Clean culture Is a l­ • >und few here he knew, ville for a abort visit. * W A TC H MAKER ways advisable. W R I G H T A PO O L E Mr. and Mrs Earl Patton of M r and Mrs. O. W . M ornhin. A N D JEW ELER. L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R ) 'eaitle left for their borne Tuesday weg motored to Brownsville F>i. BROOM CORN FIBER DEMAND morning, after a c -uple of weeks' I day night to visit Frank Tinfile H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Phone 3S Phone IS vacation spent w iib Mr. Patton* _ _. e *nd make inquiries aa to tffe*eon- H A LSEV, OREGON Crop Compared W ith Many Other parents here aud af McCredie ! ditmn of Mrs Pansy Morris, who Branches at ... L Earm Products— M arketing J priogs Brownsville, Wm T Tem pleton. M gt had been operated on in a Port­ Xpert Workmanship; Watches and M tthoda Neglected Halsey, Phone Ififi. Frank K irk , M gt The report waa H rry W "lf arrived Tuesday land hospital. Clocks a specialty. I (Prepared by the United State« Depart­ morning from the south oil bis way favorable for the present. ment of Agriculture ) G ive ns a trial. the homo of his parents in Broom corn it marketed today hy M rs Z. M» Boardman left on Brownsville, where his brother Saturday’s train for Oakland, C*1 . practically the same methode-fn use George is seriously ill The latter 70 years ago according to statpments h ad been w o ,k in g w „1, I he Wa’r're'n Then’ e ' urn * ' l " r jo u ln /v 'e ^ v " ’; Insane Woman Builds Fire and Stands in It While Her Flesh Roasts. SHE FIRST BOLTS DOOR , .T X ." _________ , 1 ! shoe repairing. anteed. Satisfaction guar- |'IEWfcTT ,he COBBLER. DENTISTRY BEST METHODS FOR CONTROL Chiropractor X-RAY C C. B R Y A N T O p te m etrist. *. Peterson ¡SXV~ Can use a few more Hop Pickers J. W. SEAVEY’S I. O. 0 . F. BARBER SHOP S ep t. 6 E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G O ptical made by specialists of the bureau of markets United States Departm ent of Agriculture. It Is a small crap com pared with many other farm products and. owing to its limited nan, has F. M. GRAY, Drayman. A ll work done promptly reasonably. Phone No. 269. E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many H U M A N IL L S If your eyes give y,>o trouble )«Hir glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve Yon I a J1J vt . AiDany. 113 1st st. St. W. Albany. rnone Phone Spurred by the cries of anguish that " _______. came from the room, the men burled A.-» W.WW*** 46j S e a a a a ta w their weight agalnsi the door and A pmikistratob '1 N otick of heating ol finally broke It down final Account, The room w a i a ghastly sight. The Noitce is hereby given that the final woman had piled newspapers and ref account of Amor a . Tussing as adinims- use high In the center of the floor and irs o of the estate of Henrietta G ulll had set fire to the mass, She then f r deceased, has been filed in thi . stepped Into the middle of the Maze C n v court ( f l.inn C m n ty, State of 1 igure flamed n am ei ; 1 ’rtgon and that the M dav of October and stood there until her figure She fell unconscious 1 « '. ,be hf'” r of 10 " clock A. M like a torch. _ _ ___ __________ has been duly appointed by said court Just aa the attendants rushed to her L r the hearing of objections to said and tried to beat out the flames.. final account and Ihe settlement thereol The woman was rushed to the sur­ at which tim e any person l'- ’ ere»ted in ; gical ward and everything possible ael I estate may appear and file objec j was done to alleviate her agony, but ions thereto and contest (he same. her body waa lite ra lly roasted over Dated and first published Sept 1 1921 A M O R A T U S S IN G , two-thirda o f its warfare and ahe failed m command the attention of the A dim nitrator aforesaid. breathed only a few minutes. marketing egendes which have played Notice of Appointment of Ad­ such an Important pert In developing Crop Seldom Makes FrsSlaabls Growth the highly efficient syarems for the die- ministratrix en Acid Soli— Proper Inoculation trihutlon of the nsoro Important prod­ Notice ia hereby given that the un ucts. Important. fiersigned by as order vdei of the Count) Court of Linn County, Oregon, hi« Cngllsfi Needle Industry. While It la claimed hy some that been appointed adm inistratrix of the sweet clover trill grow op almost any estate of Joel B Huston, deceased Enr'lsh need lea were f ir « made at All Long t'rendon Oxfordshire, and after- kind o f poll. It seldom makes a prof­ persons having claims against said ev itable growth on aa acid aotl it la tate are required ta precent them within I • ard at Redditch. while their manu- facfure waa still In the main a home one of the moet teqpitlve crops to this six months from the date of thia notice conditio«. An application of two »ons w ith the proper vouchers, to the uniter Induatry. d U rre n t stage« nelag com­ of ground limestone or from two to signed at her residence ia Halsey is pleted In the cottages of the workers Linn County. Oregou Then three cubic yarda of m arl la usually Dated and first published this lhth «ho were generally wo>nen necessary to aerure a good crop on an i day of August. 1921. I rarae machinery; fortune« ____ __ ®*de --sometimes lost—In the > eedie trade «cid soil. Proper inoculation la l a - M M H U S TO N . t” rt* Adm inistratrix aforesaid. • • in w<.ry Other loduatry, , portsat- I AMOR A- TVMWTG. Atty for Adma , crew in B r o w n -v ill. crew in Brownsville nd contracted pnetm onia when -■is lungs became filled with dust from the paving wmk H l* con- lition is considered quite gtave. iu w B a n c ro ft O ptical Co. Her Figure Flamed Lika a Taroh. . 1 _ m ver side, her home. M ' . Boar Imsn •• a sister of M u . G F . Scbroli of this place, and is one of the three sisters (hat held a reunion here this last month, one coming' from at L I home - Frank . Porter vsw vz s has sm n i teen J W II M K lfllC u ’.w , lin | from Seattleantf Boise, Idaho, , U ons for a wick between fairs, lea ving j on" ir<*m Riverside. Every Ihrst Mfred Sava.e in charge of bis i x-J " r *°or y»ara this reunion takes hibition herd of red pulled cattle place, at one or the other’s home. ii Ihe interval between the south- Mrs M V I n k s « . a i west Washington fair near Cen. | aa?t Mrs W A Rl c o n s tru c tio n Construction t s 4 *: u h t e r , - H i. Jots and T ittles (Coatiniied from page I) Mrs. J. Rogers waa an arrival from Albany Friday. C. L. Falk was in Albany Sat- iirday. • Mrs George Starr left for Junc­ tion City last Friday morning. W . H . K irk came over from Browusviile Saturday to sea about 'grain. B. M Cuabmta of Browogvill« prises on individual«, first in aged, journey home to Salem. Mra young and calf claagua and first on Johnson is in her 7»th year, and all groups. At the southwest fair although she uses a cane for safety bis premium« aggregated |3 IH , l„ . is quite active in many ways, such tig 8 first» on individuals, Ural or. a* taking her annual vacation, go. all herds and grotijw« except calf ing about from plan« to place alone, herd and all championships ()re and looking up her old friends and gon is offering larger cash prize, relat-ve«. W hile in Tangent alia than Ibe other place* men'ioned, , wa* the gueat of Mra. W. W . and Mr. Porter will go after som^ I Rowell of them Somebody baa asked if the sub­ 8 j'’|ly, jovial crowd ol relative, scription price of the Enterprise is aod friends lo ihe nuoioer of 40 not to be reduced, now that other oolleoted at fipring H ill, whi--h ia prices have »tarted back to the midway between Independruc- pre-war lev»l. Do you know that and Albany, last Huod iy for a • be price. I I . W a year, is the old picnic. Tbo-u- from Hriaey w ere pre-war prinef I t baa never been Karl Bramwell and fam ily, Mr. rained. W hite paper coata today and M r*. John Porter, M '< E d it h abont double what it did before P.ohnet, and children. Iz>m»e and ihe war. Type coats double. Truman, and F M. M«xwe.l and Printer* wages have doubled. family of Tangent. Giber rein-1 Vet the Enterprise has )>eeu sold rives joined them at Spring H ill. 1 *1 the pre-war price all the lime. A fine dinner was served and j Jo*t remember that you get a bar« water sports were indulged in and g*m when you get the Enterprise social conversation was enjoyed, for »1.60 a year, caah in advaoce -then returning home Sunday Mrs. 8. Welle of Brownsville night the Halsey folks bad to de­ drove to Haleey last Saturdav tour by Corvallia on account of night to take her husband home to lb« burning bridge at Albany. spend Sunday with h it family,