The County Fair Shedd Shool Agricultural Clal« Hold Prominent Place- • h e I at nur Feedeth AU.” CAiiiu-ULLY PREPARING POULTRY insures higher M arket price su it 1,0' to i eütn ; day», durlrir which time she will under observation. US W IVES BEST b • • h o ttie a ttice buck. Tbev re« • i the »lee: q u ite n u itie ru u a lie Triangle lake country. OF PALS in Mrs M ay Robnett left Friday to v is it her eon Carl, who ia wotk- That- O. M . P lu m m e r, n,a»>sg A> m ixture thoroughly with a Two Young Women M arried to Same ’ttg for the Southern Pacific oom- of the P a cific In te rn a tio n a l I. v . . pump will give a very flue misty puny at M yrtle Point. Man, on Friendly Term s a t H ut- Block E x p o s itio n C om pany, is I),, spray that will cover the plants but band Aw ait» T ria l. b in d the I. m i c o m ity fa ir an-l w i'i nm run down ,)ie stalks and thus dis­ Graveling of the highway in the give it b i, hearty a>ipi»nrt, wan an figure tl e steins. •Gy has started. Tourists detour f'hlcago.—Two pretty young women Since the disease Is carried over (turetl in a le tte r received by A . C wives of Edward Breuer. aw ait the »> way of Peoria. S c h m itt, secretary o f th e L io n w n ter on .he seed and in the soil • Hal of their h tis lir d on a charge of Where diseased celery was grown the Lite Penny W inkle thrashing C o u n ty F a ir assoc a tio n Ttm le t­ bigamy. The wives are the best of previous year, It Is Im portant that new ■otvtpany was about the first to pals. te r enclo-et! a c h e c k for M- P in,,, sod he used in the seed bed or the old in is h thrashing for the season, I Breuer, formerly an arm y serg.-ant n ie r’g su h n crip tio n , to , stock «oil sterilized by .-airuui, steam, nor hot w ater or , — - • i-j • t , left Ills first wife to go west In Evans- in is liin g the run last Wednesday, L in n fa ir, and in clu d e d words o f fo™ alin solution and th at dlnease free Ion. III. he met. wooed and won Miss seed t>e planted. a p p ro va l a n d e n c o u ra g e m e n t Mr». Nora Coates, telephone Frieda Shoen. A m o n g o th e r th in g - M r. P lu m Iterator, is hack on duty alter a “W h a fs the use of being Jealous?" iner sa y s: DON’T crowd growing chick iisked wife No. 1, who was Miss So­ cry enjoyable vacation spent at “ A b I said la st year you now | Newport. p h ie Itii. hr of Syracuse. N. Y. have perm a n en t b u ild in g s erected Where Space Is Limited Youngster» "It would not do one hit of good to w hich sh o u ld m ake y o u r fa ir one ' Beccms Overheated, Causing g> I angry an»:, besides, I could not dis­ o f the best d is tric t fa irs io th i- I Preparing Poultry Under Modern Condition« for Market. O utbreak of Colds. like Frieda. She is n dear.” A u c t io n S a le western c o u n try . Y o u r fo u n d a ­ (P repared by the U n ited State, D ep art Growing chicks must not he confined tio n was la id a q u a rte r o f a c«»i. which It is packed, and Its condition— m ent o f A gricu lture. 1 We have sold our farm and will »ell to Changing the Basle. tu r y ago and I feel sure those old to crowded quarters at night. If they Noi a day pusses that ins|iectors Ihesc are the points tlia^m ak e u rep- Two preacher», »me white nnd th» the highest bidder at public auction on are. the» will become overheated and ututioi) for the shipper. employed by city, state or federal gov­ pioneers w o u ld he very proud of Ollier colored, served rural charges ii th e Edwards farm, 4 m iles northw est of this. In turn, will lead to the develop ernm ent, do not condemn food of one w h a t you have done d u rin g th e Mississippi which were coterm inous Tem perature to Maintain. donroe, 18 m iles south o f C orvallis and 2 ment cP e l d s of lA lcli It Is very difii past y e a r. Breeders and fa rm -rs cult to rid the flock and which may kind or another because It Is unfit for The tem perature of lilc k e n s whep I li»‘ negro re ta ile d a conslderalil» miles west from the Pacific highway, on human consumption. Sometimes this and the people in g e n e ril t r i'm he carried along through the summer Is due to deliberate udulteratlon, an they arc alive u loti d ek eeg Fahreq- larger alary than tils white bn,the heit. ib is must be reduced a fte r kill- who asked him If It was not Ills cus S a t u r d a y , S e p t . IO , t .r v t o ...O ,,,, ■ -„•..„H ...., ,« s r « - loin to expel Ills members who fulled ■» « . ¡ X ' ; L r "> •» - - I w . r . « j ¿ . “ ^ ‘• " 5 ? ^ P> pay. “No, boss," he replied, “we Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m, : J tow Iiig winter. proper packing, neglect to consider | hauls would not III;,» to put the (papal on In refrigerator cars. The time Hew can one tell w hether or not tem per;-hires to lie encountered I know th a t yo u are going to In ' L iv e s to c k a money basis. We gets them to have s p le n d id ' c lu b e x h ib its , for the chickens liHve enough mom? On« i I'auspo; ting from point of origin to inquired to chill fowls usually Is about subscribe, ar.d If they don’t phv we HORSES - I hours, and Hie packer must he suit th e reason th a t y o u r c o u n ty is one ef the best Indications Is the confli destination, or failu re to consider the Unit the body cavity, as well as the turns them out for lying.”—Memphis 1 brown Mare, weight 1450 pounds of the o u ts ta n d in g ones not o n ly tion of the plumage. If the plnmag- tune which must necessarily elapse ' ’olnn I 1 bay Mare, w eight 1.100 pounds Is bright and clean It Is a good slgi before the product Is likely to reach skin ami flesh, are free from heat lit in the sta te of O regon, b u t in the 1 bay Mare, w eight 1400 pound» fore tile birds leave the chill room th at the birds are doing well mid hav» the con miner*’ tallies. f U n ite d States, fo r o lu b a c tiv itie s 1 brown mare, w eight 11250 pound» H elp I s G«t N ew s Failure to observe this requirem ent icon) enough. If the plumage Is soil»-, 1 »orrel Mare, weight 1000 pounds All tnls eutuils not only great loss Is responsible for much of the Ill-con In m y o p in io n th is one feature h.v droppings. It la un Indication tba In answer to o u r in v ita tio n to 1 Saddle Horse, w eight 1050 pounds should be em phasized more than there is not room enough for all Ml o o! Ì U‘ b< r' ,lcC“ M dimmed poultry found It, the public 1 Sndtilc Hotly. price« deniunded of the public, but m arkets. The range of tem perature » a ll on us nJ n u r office q u ite e any o th e r. Y ou m ake the young them on the roosts, ...n» with .. the resol also it endaiifèrs thu» public health» l« i niitii d. too, is small. Below .10 ,le n u m b e r of I lie ladies of H alsey did H JRRSBY CATTLB people o f today know th a t y o u r th at some are compelled to rest oi «nine unworthv '» a n d we were ve ry glad to mee „ ......................F ahrenheit .he flesh frosted; fa ir is s tr ic tly b ehind th e ir e v e 'll* (ho floor beneath the roosts and tliu> I w h i m ' .. occii.sinnnlly 4 two-year-old Heifers, freshen next a itlile lips through I n sp e c tio ii „„d Is above 15 degrees Fiilirenlielt deem them . Hut there m e m a n y tnori «prinjr ecome soiled. and in ien years o r sooner the» •ci ved as food- Enough food pr.xjuels | proceeds too rapidly to permit of long 12 Heifer Calves in th i« lit t le c ity th a t we i l o s i t e I A trip to the growing hooves aftei w ill re tu rn io you a h undred fob, lark will also determine whethei spoil every »»eel; to form a »erj Ini hauls to distant m arkets. Of cours- got ae q n a in le d w ith fop o ttr nm in the way of e x h ib its and in te r, B r e e d in g E w cm portnnt part of the amount needed by (he birds can be frozen after the» arc nough room Is being provided. I u a l h o i e lit. We desire to sen, 2 JO eat. the people; and practically ail of It »hilled, and so shipped, and this I; « here Is not space enough ro th at nl • tit a No. 1 paper, nnd in o rd e r I 170 Black Faced Ewes “ 1 feel sure you w ill agree w it' might he saved through Intelligence er.» excellent plan, especially If the the chickens can And room on th, (•o Cotswold Lincoln Ewes lo so we must become b e lte r uc me th a t the L in n c o u n ty fa ir ’ aj»tl c a l c oil the p a l l of the producers la id Is across u hot country say the roosts, the q u arters are too crowd» 6 Oxford Rama Let us in on a ll you - ..... . In Hie I „.p art,„cut of Agri- q ila in le d . success w ill add g re a tly to th nd some of the chickens must hi “," 1 ’•|,lKIH-rs. ch u rch .a ffa irs and a ll social d A fter your chickens nre fastened uud culture. 10 GOA I S value of o u r own P acific I n t e r n , taken out. If nil can And room oi toga Tell tis o f y o u r goings ant tio n a l. I t is re a lly an in te rlo c k the roosts comfortably and if thi .read y lo kill, It w ill | ay you to study Packing for M a rk e t •omiugs. L e i a ll do th e ir ehar< ing proposit on, as o u r stoekhold. bouse Is well ventilated, the quarters the methods of killii :. bleeding, pick­ U llr m I m p l e m e n t s If Is custom ary to pack broilers with tow ards the m a kin g of a new« are not crowded and the youngsters ing, chilling ami pa.-l 'ng d e s i rlb cl ers, io m< st case«, are id e n tical the b r e a s is up. and the feet hidden. p ip e r. 2 .lt^-inch Wagons fully in huietiii of »-| em lstry circu­ -liould do »veil. The Oregon E le c tric ana Sou, I. 2 Milwaukee Mowers The prevailing method Ht present la rs: 3. How to PI, k C hickens;" 52. A fine lit t le la d y once came I r r n P acific ra ilw a y s have an I Milwaukee Kake “How Io Wrap H oads"; III, “ H o w to »»her,- refrigeration is available. Is to >ur office ^ o h ive her paper 1 7-foot McCormick Binder Bounced th a t reduced fire s w ill l> CONCRETE FLOORS ARE BEST Kill and Bleed M arket Poultry." Is­ paek th»' elib ki-ns In small boxtvs hold­ 1 corrugated Koller cllMogi -1 h l T n w address. A s itr made to A lb in y and re tu rn fro sued by the I mpii, tnieiit of A gricul­ ing a dozen each, hut small boxes su it­ 1 I)i»c Promote and Protect Health of All ture. these elrcilai-, niny he hail hy able for one or two chickens hnve re­ for a neats n > e of hat le a vin g to»v a li p o in ts in L in n and Bento I buggy ?he »V<,|| great d ig n ity declai Farm Animals and Increase Prof. 1 Hack counties d u rin g fa ir week. application lo the division of piihlh'a cently been placed on th e m arket. If its for Farmer. » »I She liu ii not come to th a t ol 1 2-horse C nltivator F a ir c a ta lo g , can be had fie Hons. flie man wlm hopes to suc­ tin- b u s in e s s is i<, he perm anent the 1 CJover seeder the farm c to put her name in Hie pa, fro m the seen , at y, A . C. S c lm i.i ceed should know everything possible »ontalners should carry 1 12-inch Gang Plow A concrete hnrnyurd mnkes a fine ahoul Ids propose») m arket, and Its de­ name or the name of Hie ahlpiier If h she was not th a t k in d of A lb a n y . la r r o w s, Plows, Platform Scales, G rin d ­ exercise lot In all kinds of w eather mands. the farm has no name. An attractiv e v >m it». She also atao'd th a t ’ sh stone Forks, 1 Cream Separator, etc, and always affords a dry spot for th adwerti einent on the box Inis a great had live d in th a t tow n fo r t h t r t > Broilers in Demand. SPRAYING CELERY TO anim als' b»*d. Every shower wash» HARNESS deal to do with marketing, a fact years ami Ii n l never been g u ilt O rdinarily the demand 1s for broil proved long ago to the satisfaction of the surface clean and flushes th 2 sets Work H arness yet of h a v in g her nam e in ill - ol tliive siz e s---«¡nab broilers, shrew d husin» ss men. I set Light H arness PREVENT LEAF SPOTS droppings Into the manure pits. f '.i > p e r.’ ’ util I rollers and large hroiiers. n-ete yards lighten the work o f th I »et Single H arness Small package- are becoming more She h id live d in th n sa»tm to w i Utah broilers weigh, drttssed. front 1 Saddle and Bridle housewife, as there Is no mud to h and more popular. Two layers of '<>r l l i i i t v years and had new iree-qi'arters to one pound; small on the walks and kltch, I’erins—520 and. under, cash ; over Application of Bordeaux Mixture tracked oilers, the size most In demand the chickens In a box are being er sulphate) and 4 pounds stone llnte the growing and plowing under Killed With Aid of Paddle Stack Straw So T hat It Will Not to 50 gallons of w ater. Is the cheapest legumes. All stable m anure Is to h and Flashlight. Be Breeding Hole. M r. a m i M rs. N ew m an are III F O R SALK and best fungicide for the purpose. utilized, and on the older, worn soft- ne-v 'M'cupants o f ih». C ('. f) ;r || The spraying sliould he liegtin while of the East and South some commei Cutw orm s sometimes give consider The num bers of stable files can lw a >n lem iiH'til. registered M r N « w n i'in h t- the plants are still in the seed bed nnd clal nitrogen ma.V he profitably nsert ihle trouble- If the nights are cool an, kept do»vn by rnring pro|a*rly for been w .-rkin g a t (he Di< kaon ra iu li S'earlings. Tlie»e are exceptionally continued throughout the season. The Following n crop that Is a heavy nltr, the »venther unsettled. A g )K)d w » ' stable refuse and by pro|a*rly stacking Hi» >» tie arrtv>',| mg. fine, lltrilly fellow» Also 20 head sprayings should he more frequent gen consumer with one that Is a llgh' 1« g et rid of cutworm s In th.. gm-le. or otherwdse di raising of straw In a fo r «on « lim e . l tegi*lere,| BK R ED IN G EW B3. Tue»iL,» o f last week. during moist, cool w eather favorable user is good farm practice. Is to go o u t II) th e »-venlnt a fter darl way th at will not mnke It attractiv e Priced to sell. to the deveJopment of the leaf spots « Ith a flnsld'iYit and paddle nn,t kl’ a « a breeding place for the film. WALTER STAFFORD. It C o n n er and p a rty were the pests. They may l>e found on th Meadowview, Ore. Flies cause much distress among ani­ lu n H ie r 'e» r lim it T h a y Address Jui clion City, route 2. Shedd Farmer» Get R esults n trfare at work at night. It will t«k mal.» and al times heavy loan«». Con hut a short time to get rid of ent trol measure* are described In Farm A C H e y in a n , c o u n t v agen vorms In th,- garden." This Is a q u id er«- Bulletin 10!»7. Il can be bad fre, r c p ir i- th a t tin ' most o tiia la n d il »•r and more reliable way Hiny usln of , hfirgo by writing Division of pitl»- piece of work done in his count poisoned mash. llcntlon«.-W ashington. 1). h i J u ly was on the drainage p ro i I ect in the Sfiedil c o m m u n ity . 1 | GIVE HARNESS PROPER CAR BIG VALUE OF FOREST TREES project, was organized in to Ihr< i Xu« group«, one m ar llie out let, one i* Mad» ef Good L eather and Heavy M aterial Supplied for Ute on Farm, the n iid d 'e , and ooe at ;he up| e Enough Set Will La«t for at Such as Poles and Wcod—Pro- »*nd. Least Fifteen Years. tcct Live Stock. The firs t g roup w ill do its wor in Sep'e nh«r w ith , “a m s at d Harness made of good leather and Forest trees grown on the farm ad»l heavy enough for the work require,; to It* value a n l beauty. They supply •crapers. T he second g roup wt is of It will Inst for many years If enred m aterial for farm use, such a* pole- have to do its w ork hv btaakii needs, for profa'rly. It is more «wonomlcal to post* and corihvood; »nd I afford w ith powder am i the tim e w ill d buy harness th at is t#a, heavy than to »heifer for live stock, a n a protect pend on when the m tte ria ! can I buj that »vhbh 1» too light for , flP Crops and building* from the hot secured. work W ith good care, h i n , « , of th, wind* of sum mer and the cold wind« T oe upper g m n p ha* alread prep»-r »eight and quality will i»*t flt of w inter. M oreover,, they often can in p lrte d its work bv th e ti-,e least 15 years, end In many eases h a r­ l»e grown »uccessfully on »oil* too poor four team« and a 'x men fo r 1« I m p le m e n t S to r e ness at d on the farm lias been | (l or on sliqie« too *l -ep for the success­ day*. The co m p le tio n of th is pa lervl»-». for 25 »ears or longer. ful pKMluction »if the ordinary ngrtetil- I t he p ro je ct w ill low» r th« wal» tural crop*. Mistletoe Custom* fro m »»tie to tw o feet on 1H00 ecr» Mistletoe, w hen n ol^uspeii'led It, th. -f la n d . It was estim ated h sir, Is regarded by the «uperatilKMia APPLY LIM ESTO N E ANY TIM E > -me and the agent considers tl. a* fr harbinger of had luck The e I. '.«timnte conservative, th a t tl. an old reason for hanging a bun * Uvt ally Dons to Best Advantage in value o f th i* 1800 acres o f la» I j of mlvtb'toe In Hie center of 11.«* room Lata Summer When Teams and ,a» b»en iucreased 110 an acre. Men Are Available. a custom whiili bad nothing frivolous I about It In the first plneo. Balder, i In K<-andlnat Ian mythology, was killed , Lim estone may he applied at any Imprsaalvs. * and team s are a avall- hy an arrow of m istletoe. On his )«• tim e when men no.. .«*■■■>» v m i- Mr». P c f l iw r frelating her expert | Ing restored to life It was promised h,,t ‘Ws nsnnlly is done io best en»-e»)—“ Yea. my dear, and we saw a 1 that the plant never again would per- advantage In late summer, fall or early volcano. You know—one of those petiMte evil unless It touched the winter. It will seldom. If ever, pay to Hsalthy Stalk of Cslsry. Highest price« paid for Beef, pork, Veal and M allon. R m U i UJ-'U. -, n ■ II. -MIL,. mountains which (j overflow« with earth. ( put on less than a ton to the sere, and *u ta before you «ell. T g ■ \ ;?•, ; * - " « ”3 A. L. STEVENSON, MATT WILHELM, EDWARD BROS., Owners. SI lots from She Id. 20 Shropshire Rams Harvest is Over J Now in the tinif to begin another year by lret- tiiijr new ¡nipl<*n)entH, such aw j I. H . C . T illa g e T o o ls ¿ T r a c to r s * No ' Hi • tin e to use them. Give us a call for your fall i G. W. Mornhinweg W B m Y & M c K inney L IV E S T O C K B U Y E R S I