PAGE 2 H A L S E V E N T E R P R IS E HALSEY ENTERPRISE Ao independent— N O T neutral— ucwa- paper. published every Thuraday, by W n . H. A A. A W H E E L E R . W m . H. V /H K lt.o a Editor. M ot. A. A. U h w . i i Business Manager and Local New« Editor. S bncriptions, }l So a year io advance Arrearages, >2 a year. Transient advertising 2Sc an inch, per manenl, 20c No discount for time or spat e In ' Pud-for Paragraphs," Sc aline. Noadvertisilig disguised as news H A L S E V , Linn Co., Ore. Sept. 1, 1921 S E PT I. 1921 happiest when alleviating suffering season At that time the woods or helping to save life. BEAR IN BATTLE are full of fools with tir^rm s and WORSTS “ great” «vent was pollad off in Naw ferany. Don’t go hunting in tbe| open you are liable to be shot for a deer. blether Bear W ith Three Cuba Attacks A person wbo kills a deer or • Cattlemen Armed Only W ith Pocket Knife. p'leasanl to leed the hqugry __ is a disreputable pot-hunter. But one Asheville, N. C.— W a lte r Poster, a who goes out to sboot these crea ttleumn, on a roundup in the Blue ilge mountains, met a mother bear tures for the pleasure of killing is ad three cubs. a sport, coddled bjr the law— an Poster, who Is suffering w ith a badly aristocrat of America. angle«! arm, encountered (he bear uddenly In a dense underbrush and And a toll of humao live« wiped i as forced to rely upon a pocket knife out by accident or blaiued-fool hen the anim al attacked him. blundering it only a part of tba The hear, getting the worst of the coet of the game. nelee. retreated about 200 yards, Autumn Modes and Style Ten dencies Truly Reflected in This Magnificent Showing of - ' APPAREL for MISSES AND LADIE- A R O B B ER ’S PLEA CROOKED S IIC K S -there it was later found dead. Presenting Advance Styles in An old-time English robber, on A popular minister tells a story his way to the gallows, was repre­ of a man riding along tha road sented as saying: an1000 for any ister says there are some people in surgical operation a t Johns Hop- the churches who are lilt« tha stick They are always flopping bios hospital, complains that it is around, stirring up a rumpus necessary to assess rich patients Aery youthful and amart are these silk plush coate. Some are sel Their elbow* are alwavs sticking according to their wealth, because collared and others have both collar and cuffs of rich contrast­ nut ami hitting everybody who loihfi patient« ar« too poor to pay. ing fur in the newest designs and advanced shapes. Uncle Jeff Sntsw’e brother makes comes near them. one of them say: These meuibsrs profeet brotherly " I ’ve robbed the rich to serve the poor love and humility, but act on the And have brought iiisfay to death's E oqHi8l te ,ines’ rich,y trim™ed Pico Silk Plush, Salt. door." Donnybrook fair motto: “ W her­ Silk Plush, Behring Seal Plush, Hudson Seal Plush. ever you aee a head b it it .” Another fool tired i nlo moving If the church gets a spineless In this assortment of Silk Plush Coats all the advance styles o minister who tries to please every­ brush last Thursday, hoping to gel the coming season are included, and every Coat displays in an indi body, these crooked sticks, being a deer he had uot seen, and killed vidoal manner the newest ideas of the autum n—the cuffs, .that sr Jesae Scett of Elkton. The shoot more aggressive than the oth hell-shaped; the long lie-beits with handsome ornarrftnt*; the new members, dominate him, and the er was H R. Lsviaon, an ex po­ pockets that are a distinctive fealure and the collars, both plain and liceman of Portland. The season church languishes I f a pastor is fur-trimmed, either Tuxedo or shawl effect. secured who baa a mind of hit own seems as open for humans as fai deer. Is all this hunting worth and expíenles hi* convictions be is sure to graze the sore spots of what it costs? tome i f these crooked sticks, whose of \ elour, Bolivia, Veldyoe Embroidered, fur trimmed and p la it. At Brownsville an undertaker i* conception o| charity is on a par Select your Coat here, where the showing is extensive and styles com­ with that of the Huns who bad reported about to open a hospital. plete. Each model an exclusive design and typical of the s. as u’e Perhaps all those doctors over smartest styles. ■way for a time in Belgian and there were unable to furnish him French territory M few years ag ith enough subjects. Joking and straightway-, the rapping ot aside, the fact is that the under, heads begins and soon there is i taker married a nurse and she is vacant pastorate and an assort ALBANY, OREGON ment of sore-heads. No one needs look far to find a town in which tha preachers have beeu Louuded out of a majority of the churches within two years, and will lie again in tha next two. be cane, though thsv art a Ido and devout, and good church builders, they would not cringe and crawl before a self-seeking few who have ’ rked their way, by hook or by Ciook. into a leadership which is to tlum a steppn.g-stones to self, aggrandizement and puwer. Carpet Cleaning. I f the carpet must be cleaned at home, first beat It thoroughly, ano if you have a vacuum cleaner go over It that. Then make a wad of cotton about the size of an apple Cover It w ith linen and go over the carpet w ith this dipped In a 5 per rent benzine soap solution. I f the colors are dulled, sponge It In a weak acetic acid solution. T h e O th e r W a y A round A commencement speaker warns against the "conceit of le a rn in g .' Con celt proceeds from Ignorance rather than the opposite. T he more on* knows, the more one appreciates tha vast fields of knowledge he cannot reach.— Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. New polished-up Steel Ranges, $58.00 up PLU SH COATS Our Fall Heaters have just arrived. right. Prices Old stoves taken as part payment. y h .5 itw 2 i7 T p Lyon st. XL. Ò 1 IT T ALBANY OREGON $14.75 to $59.75 “Buried Treasure” W ith These Coats are 411 Advance Styles MARION D A V IE S A cosmopolitan production personally ducted by George D, Baker. con­ A story of W all-street "buccaneers” and pirates of the Spanish M ain. love ¿nd intrigue in Of New York society ; love and battle u rd e r the black flag. An adventure tale of two ages peopled by the same souls RIALTO] FRIDAY Cloth Coats University of Oregon C O N T A IN S ; T h . College o f Literature, The Science and the A r te . The T h e School o f A rchitecture The and A llied A r ts . The T h e School o f Business The A dm inistration The T h e School o f Education. T h e Extension Division. The J. C. PENNEY CO. FALL CLOTHING Fall Term Open* September 26 iti* / o f. cuHur*[ prof***lon*l *chol*r*hi* ha* baeoma ° ! i j out*t*nd'M mark* of the State U niversity For a catalogue -.«_/? ^t > t M a » t » m — Public typewriting done. Enter- prise office. Mrs. A . A . W H E E L E R . ’ <•** IN S U R E IN T H E O L D R R L IA B L R F armers - I«T1 fire rei . iee association OF BUTTEVILLE ORE. $49,737. «4 Cash Snrplus Capital on July I, 1921. $£.<113,361.00 Insurance in force ___ R*fea First cl as*. 25c; second elasa, .Wle per Jlfin SCOTT & SIMONS LEBANON, OREGON O nly authorized agents for Linn Cownty