i • O f A z L JL ALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEV. LINN COUNTY. ORBGON VO L. I X Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County General), and in Halsey Particularly Ercell Sneed spent Wedneeda X A McCann am i wife of Mc­ Coy paid H a l-*? a vi it Monday in Albany. serkuin » location for business. Mrs. George Hayes journeyed t T q 6T went on to Eugene in the Albany Tuesday. afternoon, expression an intention B. I. Carey left on WednesdavV to interview R A M cC ully ab ut train for Ix>weU to visit one of bis bis building. sons and faintly. Mrs M 'ld re d Sm ith of K lam ath M 's . R E . Cox left on Tues Falls, daughter of E. S. Marstera, j a v 'f train fur Eugene, to spen< with two children, arrived lu e s - several days visiting friends, day morning tor an indefinite visit Field Editor Henry E. Brow with her pareuts. of the Breeder’s Journal was a $ ed Profe-sor Brown, a teacher of ne-day caller at the Enterprise o' Ione, ami Ida wife, accompanied fice by her sister. Miss L i.y Marster«, 1 Miss Erm a Keen returned frm arrived Monday evening at tin a two-weeks vacation at Seatti- Martters home for a short visit Va. cotiver, B C., and Poril»' with the uncle and aunt of the Wednesday. ladies Miss Marsters is on her G tlb er' M ille r returned Thtv way to her home a t P ix le y . Cal d»v from a few days' visit w I Miss Janet Boggs, who lives six his friend, Richard G vrnjo bst. miles west of town, e n te rta in e d a Brownsville. number of the yn un g -r set last Editors of exchanges in otln Tuesday afternoon w ith a jo lly towns which told about the il* taffy pull. Those favored were ■truction of “ the’’ big warehoii* Misses Nora, Pearl and Grace in Halscv ought to see the stri" P -h rs s in Merle S traley. eraldine; • — e Pehrssm, traley, G Geraldine Cook D t’nu . Robertson and H a z e l, " f come dal y'and un- aud Isabel G u lifo r d of Portland ” K"°"U S k ,rv '" ’ M r and Mrs B J M arquis, Probably Postmsster Speer will and two sons arrived from New be more * keerful'* of Ids money port Monday night and spent th> He has been in the habit of taking idght with M r, and M r’ . L C it from home to the olfi e and leav­ M erriam of this place. They lef' ing it on a table for hours. Las' on Tuesday's m r-cu«. - tra ,< in for their horn. Sunday, while his back was turned, „t Rogue River Roy Creasev picked up the sack ' containing 1143 82, and n ude off M r. and Mrs Frank Porterfield with it. He divided with K “n-1 end two sons o f Eugene were call* nelh Riggins and they spent 111 ol era on the Wheelers Tuesday, on the money, which they have re- their wav from Cascadia, where funded. Creasy was arrested Tues*- they h d be*n a week. The ' j as ’ -»a -- - for — - — --------- dav and the rest of the loot re- p rterfields were old neighbors of covered. Speer is postmaster a' t.b e Wheelers when they lived in Tangent. Eugene. <2f Lower Prices N o t S p e c ia ls o r R ee D u c tio n s b u t lo w e r p ric e s fo r m an y S ta p le s a t m ar­ k e t p ric e s : Good grade Bulk Coffee, 4 lbs. for - - $1.00 Bulk Macaroni, 12 lbs. - 1.00 Libby Pork and Beans, 2 for .25 M. J. B. Tree Tea, 1 lb. for .50 Pie Peaches, 21 size, 4 for 1.00 White Soaps, 20 for - - 1.00 Tomatoes, solid pack, 2]s, 1.00 6 for Extracted Honey and Jar, 3 lbs. - • - .70 Snowflake Flour • * 1-75 A good Broom ■ • Work Shirts - - - .75 Bib Overalls - - ’ A ll less 5 p e r c e n t fo r c ash M. V. KOONTZ CO. N O . 52 SEPT I. 1»« “eto lined to represent a constituency of over .•00.0*1’• But there la no au then tie reeved of tbe number fo r tbe early year», tbe Insurance propoaal. eentalntng an estimate. It to thought and the 18*7 estimate •'elng regarded nm as tbe number of Union soldiers liv ­ .MiM Genevieve W o lf and M » ing in the turtsdlcrton of the state de­ luth Richards, both of Seattle, ar- partmen is represented at tbe coevee- iced on Thursday's train gn rou'e H».n For instance tbe adjutant gen era l’s report at tbe 1R7O encampment. o Brownsville, where G v ,rfPS W o f e *e n there were 39 departments, aays • seriously ill with pneumonia. It to -abeolutely Impossible for me to j Th'S issue completes Volume 9 furnish anything like a correct report j f the Enterprise See t.«w m a n y of the present membership.’’ : .»w subscribers you can induce tv Dscttns Constant Sines 1990. ‘ommeuce with volume l t f Rver» In 1890, however, reports laken is dollar received belpe to make s autheetlc state that the membership was ere. 488 tbe highest mark record better newspaper. fcd From 1878 to 188« the growth We have not received tbo-e was rapid, being from 12.000 to 85.000 ^en ty-tive requests for the publi- annually Since 1880 the decline has ation of the weekly Sunday- been constant except fo r a 3.1XO gain - -hool lessons. If you want to »e- In 1900 said to be due to prospects liein, say an and help make up of favorable pens!.« legislation. Sub­ sequent enrollment figures from the he tw enty.five.’ time tbe G. A. R reached Its senlth When you buy an article that to the pvesent time fo llo w : Prole-sor B ik e r of the Browns ill« h gh seb mi and fa m ilyflro ve er fr on Brown-ville today, ae­ on ps lord by Mrs. Bea-’ ie Porter i Albany, sb o baa been V to ltin g ou have seen advertised in this aper you w ill do a f»v*W to lb" 'u b liti er and also 'o th • adve - iser it you w ill m u t o n ba» ng seen the advrrlisen.eu'. Th­ ornier w ill be pleased lo have tic ict mentioned th at you read tb. dvertisement, an I tbe latter w ill ■e glad to know wh n his adver isement bring« e-ults I t is told ol a Halsey busine- aan that, after granting long redit to a '•m tom «r. he lo-ned th - ante man money with which t< .ay the fre g h i on a shipmen' rom a m ail order house of goo,I bich he wou d have been glad imeelf to sell for the cash ib a cut to the b'g city for them m you im agine a m ore perfe.- monatration ol geueruut a llru - iii ? M any a young man ha*, by in islry and in teg rity, f om a sm» -ginning built up a succe.'fu laineas Such an attem pt is tw­ ig ma>mes. Not one of them w ill h ive ss than 15,000 in ready ca«h to nveet, which fact strips the ex ireiou uf a ll semblance of a p a rti f sightseers a tt acted by special tes of fare and »tamps it as a und business proposition. The parly w ill detrain at O ntar- Or , and from there w ill view ye country at cloae range from a l-e t of autos. I Each b a C ll W U ilU U U ltJ lo V community is expected » to irnish transportation to the ex- irsinnists from tbe last stopping ace. s . if Halsey wants th»m to «.sides the claim * of this section a location for h >mes our people then shot him self dead. The’ tragedy occurred In Mm» Btan cha’a "studio." The woman was found lying on tbe floor w ith her face and neck deeply slashed. Cerreseno had been laboring for «ome tim e under the belief that the fortune teller had bewitched him ahd Indlanapolto. — W hen the Grand Army of the Republic holds l»s annual reunion this year more than 10,000 of the O r l l war veterans who attended the encampment of 1920 w ill be count- I 1 ed among the missing, as the ranks nave be«n depleted to thl» extent through the last year. The total membership of the G A. R. today to 93.155. while Ita member­ ship In 1920 was 108^58. The total membership to scattered among 4.445 posts In every state. Ohio. ' vtth 10-241. has the la rg e « member ship, with Pennsylvania secooil with 9.122; New lo c k third. 8,795; Illinois f o r t h . <5.888; Indiana fifth. 5.94»; Massachusetts sixth, 5.356. No other state has M H o og more members. Property owned by a ll posts 1» valued at 82.075.027. Including » a t estste worth «02.841 Members In the old Corfederate Matea total ai«pcoxiroetely 2.200 T be G. A R. » a t organtxed In Il l i ­ nois In tbe spring of 1888 W ko Its originator» « e re to a m atter o f tra d i­ tion. rather than of record, says the report made to the national encamp tnent In 1889 by K . P Chipman, then adjutant general of the national or­ ganisation. F irst Post I" t « * - —There ran he no doubt that thq late Col B F Stephenson of Dec«, Beqan Stabbing Vletsusly. fu r 111, was one of the prune movers." aays Chipm an’s report "Being rerog- other members of the fam ily several - olned as such, he organlxed the first of whom have been 111 of late post at Decatur. III." H e walked thto the Blancha place, By July. 1886. there » f t 40 posta whipped ont hla raxor grabbed the woman and began stabbing vtdnealy In ruinóla, representatives of which t In m n ren tlo n and organized the at her head. She struggled In his arms te department. Stephenson waa to a window and began screaming state Policeman n t r hy common consent the provisional fra n tic a lly for help eomman-ler In chief, and pests were gerald rushed op and found her lying organize,! Io other state«, te-n ltfng In helpless under the window w ith the the first national en< atupment being salesman standing above her prostrate held at Indianapolis. Noverobqr 20. form. A fte r the Indlanapolto raeven 1*88 Fltxgerald arrested Cerreaeuo and lion tTilpm an record« that "posta seem then harried down to summon an am to have sprung up as If hy magic In hulsnce When he returned !>» found al! parts of the North " hu» «RTadda Cevrereno’a lifeless body stretched there was no record of progress Ten alongside that of tha woman on tbe state» w ere represented at the In­ floor dianapolis encampment. 21 «tafea In 1887 24 In 1Ó88 8T U> l« 8 A -h a v lB g Marked W ffaraoea 2 . W r>»’ * / _____ I t i so hard ta spread a gaod H At the 1889 encampment » mutual community, »» — easy m iin in n /. • and — — -V — life Inaura nee scheme was. proposed through a ra __ belT< said th a t the O * R had spread m eaal«* mump«, smallpox. tt 240 one member». In 1887 It had been 'h lc k e r,-^ -! \ n d llo».— Atchtoo* Globe « )d tilt the «’ »te dejsH m ents ----g> will«» Sweet Home and Lebanon is made from the county seat Prob- ably Ihe olher towna named w ill be eimted drat, ao th a t the neat lap of the tr ip w ill be from here to Harrisburg. M r. Moore lays stress on the fact th at Halsey has stronger in ­ ducements lo offer homeseekers than almost any other spot in the state. W ith soil and clim ate un­ surpassed is tha ad dition al fact that while all over the state prices of farms have been g reatly advanced in recent years, here in the Halsey region they are s till offered a l just aixiut the former figure«, n o tw ith ­ standing the (act th a t we are on the main lines of railroad and on the paved auto road th a t stretches from northern W ashington to southern C a lifornia. I t cannot be imagined th a t the community w ill ------------------ miss thia oppor- -- ----------------------- z ----------- . v_____ tu n ity to show thia attractive see- lion to these Im m igrants who come with money in th n r hands seeking to purchase homes and help de- velop our wonderful resources. onnto Lauria. C a tc h S o a k s In M o u a s T r a p . Annie L au rie was the oldest o f the Middletown. Md —John W. Slglsr three daugb ecs o f Sir Robert L au ria ‘-aught a copperhead snake In a mouae home in L«cuat V a lle ,. \< * M ax w .lto o , U> lhe cou nt, «N K irk - trap a» h it G-siilHMsphr AL.'sWlanri ih r our« 'cudbrlght, Scotland. In lTtlfe 170» she m ar­ southwest of M iddletown ried James ’•'erguwu, of Cralgdarm ch, T h e r e p t ile m e a s u re d b e tw e e n 2 H and the was the mother o f Alexander and 8 feet In length M r. Sigler also Ferguson, the hero of Burns' song. killed a black snake near his horns “T b e W histle.” The song of “ Annla which measured 5 feet 9 Inches In l-aurte" was w rttts a by W illia m D o u r length. las of n o la n d . In tha stew ardry o f Kirkcudbright, hero of tha Bong "Wto­ ll« Was a W antoo W ag .” New York — Coder the delusion that a «pell bad been cost over his house­ hold by tbe woman. Pietro Cerreseuo. a -alcsman and fath er of four c h lld im ’attacked w ith a reaor and killed M ary E Blsncha. ifcowu as "queen of H u h ir r y street fortuna teller»." and A about a Browoa- way tha Brow.».- W ake« Up. Finds Auto Hanging on Bed Post Delaware. O .- How would you like to be suddenly awakened by a crash and find an automobile hang'ng on your bed post! Such was the e ip e r le n c e l,evt Nackel who resides three miles northwest of Ashley on the old Mansfield road Na'kel was »ranted hy the noise of the automobile crashing through the w all of his resi­ dence and Into hl» m om loomed and glaring headlights of the a u to -’oblle. The car collided with the bed upon which Nsckel was sleeping and shoved It across the mom to the opposite wall Nackel’s housa Is located at the end of n short detonr road from the state road to the Mans­ field road The men failed to make the turn at the end of the road and crashed through the w all of Nackel’s house. No ooe was hurt Several Birds W ith Ona A Virginia editor threatened to pub­ lish the name of a certain young man who waa »een hugging and klaalng h girl In the park unless hla subaenjh tlon to the paper waa paid up Ih a week. F ifty Bine young m «_ and paid up tha next day. while even paid a year In advance.— Tha i [a h o r C ia rte * (San Tran n ac o ). gseeto Oreeew A young Greek, whoae home to la Athene, was a visitor io 'h e caplt’d. and after making the round« of tha different apartm ent» end d ew in g tha beautlea of tbe nave he «aid he had seen al* tha flrast buildings In hla ha­ d e * country, hut nous of them could compare with K e n t u c k y a capltcl tor beauty and Megnnce o f c o r.s tru c tio n .* F ran kfo rt State Journal Remember There's a L im it. "Every man to In tltle d te hla ow* opinion," »aid U a d a Eben "B ut d ar sin any use o’ your p u ttin ’ yah own Idea of what de tim e o’ day ought ta be sgln dat of de gemman d at’s ta n ­ nin da ral oad Irate." THE HALSEY STATE BANK H ALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $34,000 Interest paid on time certificate» of deposit We invite your banking business II. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR. Vice-Pres. B. M. BONI), (’«shier The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ r » ! place to depos.l »our savings. 4 percent in le re . I on m v.ngs Is s account, that run three m ooliin.»«» . math» oe a year. I a tercet paid sem i-aanually. * Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On (Hand. Also Other Meats in Season.