r « H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E PAGB « was made by Miss Marion G ilkay, aged 13. C. L. Falk journeyed to Albany Saturday morning. H . C. Davis shipped a car of cattle to Portland Friday. G. W . Workiuger shipped a car. )< ad of bay to Purllaud last Fri day. Hugh Leeper and wife left Mm> day lor a few weeks at McCredi. Springs. 'I he Cornelius family moved in­ to the F. H. Porter bou.se Iasi Thursday. A U G U S T 2S 1921 are gue«te at the home of tbeir daughter, Mrs. G. T Kitchen, school class of the M E. church northwest of town. Several years and tbs teacher, Mrs. Mornhin- ago they were residents of Halsey w»g. The regular monthly busi­ Alex Power and wife drove over ness meeting was held and was full of enthusiasm, after which g a m e * from Lebanon Saturday afternoon were piayed The hostage, aesis -| mil visited at the D. S. M c W il­ ed by her mother, servedice cream liams home. and cake. J. W. Morgan and daughter Mrs. John Porter and Mrs. Karl Janette drove to Albany Monday, fiamwell entertained «.»lumber of where they joined Mrs. Morg.m, i ho was tran»acting business. vacationists who were relative he past week. They were Mrs After being vacant since the de­ Sarah Bloom, a sister of Mrs parture of the owners to Portlai d Porter, with two giaridchildren we underi-tand the W H M r. Helen and Margaret Rickey, ail Mahan residence will be occupied d Albany, and Mrs. Kale Me by O. W. Laubner and wife soon Biide, also a sister, and Mrs. Me. ifter tbeir return fiom their vaca­ Bride’s nephew, Archie Crewe, and tion. vife, who motored from Portland Friday, returning to tbeir horn Sunday. The Valley Lumber company ul H liaey received a carload of lum­ ber last Friday from Salem. Tli* Crawfordsville high school dissolution suit is dragging in Last Friday Karl Bramwell per slow length slong in the courts. formed quite an acrobatic feat Master Bert Davis of Tangent, ‘ •jest** a little bit out of bia line, cousin of Mrs H. Bolton of thi- vhen the dashing steeds'of Glen locdity, returned to bis home Iasi Chance hitched to a wagon becam- peppy” jsnd started to run away Friday. Carl scoofed out of bis barbershop The contract has been let fu nid scooted onto the scooting p a v in g (he road from Halsey lo wagon and brought the fiery ani­ Brownsville We are harking for mals to a surprised and full etop more news about it. before any damage was done to Next time, The National Growers’ Co-opers- anyone or anvtbing. (ive association announces that it Karl, let the team do a little- frol­ is prepared to at ire the wheat of icking and give us a chance for a live news note. Linn county members. Southern Pacific men have been F iid iy Alberta and Mcrtin Koonlr left for Newport to join repairing and replacing railway the rest of the family, who have ties wheie necessary as a result o' the firs of ten daye ago. been there for some time If some of the old-timers could Ben Budtell, auctioneer, of A l­ bany and E. A. Rbolen of the hgve come back and seen Lloyd Pacific Homestead were viaitore at Hilleary walls that house down th» Enterprise office list Friday street this week, ‘ ‘jest as easy,’’ I hey might sit up and take notice J. 8. McMahan returned Friday morning from Poitland, where he This is a great age. A 8. W iight and family of had delivered 230 head of cattle, having shipped them in a double, Portland visited overbhe week end with Jay W Moore and wife while decker. on tbeir way to San Francisco. The parties who thought they They are uncle and aunt of Mrs. smellsu besting hay at the ware­ Moore. house before the tire are requested to cogininuicate with the Enter- Delnra Wells returned to hei prist repoiter. home at A'pine l«»t Tue«dav af The grand jury will convene ter several «lays’ visit here w«th her Aug. 2ti, circuit court Sept. 0. grandmother, Mre. L. A. Pray. Twelve cases ars pending. The Grahsm Steele,superintendent ot Hslsey bank robbery attempt is the paving crew at Brownsville aoinug the more important. was a visitor here Tuesday. H- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Falk, with James and Dorothy, of Bu­ ll me ca ns lu on Saturday’s train for perhapi a week s visit with the Falke of Halsey as and tod (nepers I jc Kar, Bramwell aud family, Mrs. Kditn Robnett and children, Louise spd Iranian, with Mr. ana John Porter, *11 of Ha'sey, mo. torud lo Albany and back Sunday. ^ailing to agree on a price for a It '-mile etrip 60 feet wide osar A lt ird for road purpose*, the Coun'y court li.ts begun condemns *i >u proceedings against Fred B irkhart and Chester Curtis and their wives. says that the work is going oi rapidly and satisfactorily Lawyer W yatt, of Weatherford A W vatt of Albany-, was in Halse, a short time Tuesday. Karl Anderson and wile of Mon. tague. Cal., with Harry Park o Brownsville, drove over from th latter place Tuesday in time f>> the south-hound train. Mrs. An derson. is an instructor in music, while Mr. Andersoo is a leachei in a California school. They hav> both been attending the sumiue School at tile 1. of O s n i left fo their home after a short stay a the home of Mr. *nd Mrs. Park. Booster Sunday i Mrs W. A Brock of Halsey was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Guy Herman, last week. Mrs. R. L White and grandson. Burnell of Brownsville, aud Mrs Glenn H ill of Shedd and the" nephew, Donald Caroline of Red­ mond, were here Monday calling on their brother Frank, and visit ing friends. [Whose brother?] Dr and Mre. E. W . Baruui and children left Wednesday f»t few days’ visit with fnends at M Angel and Portland. M ilt Young reports building big barn for Balf Bond on bis far north of town. F IR E ! Are yon protected ? Secure a policy from the Fidelity-Phoenix Insurance Company of New York and you will have reat protection. Don't overlook your A u« t o m u b ile . J. W. MOORE Heal Estate and Insurance, Halsey, Oregon. The Delights of the Seashore (Condensed from the Times) G. D. Dawson was a Saturday The Brownsville fair will he visitor iu Halsey. Sept 24 and will be a big affair. Miss Calla Hes’in of Portland, The Scotch broom that was over- 'h o h»s hern a glr'et of Mrs John ' running the cemetery ha 9 been Davis for severs! days, left for hei [ a1 out all grubbed out Business home last Saturday via Halsey houses to«>k a half-day off to do it. and Mountains appeal to many thousands each vear. Be one of the merry throng that go there this summer for Health. Rest, Recreation aud Anuseuient, Round Trip Summer Excursion Tickets are now on sale to many delghtful place*. N e w p o rt. Ideal for the fam ily is this charming W e will pay 3c a pound, delivered at the Creamery, in crate lots only. old place th a t is free from conventionalities C ra te r Lake. One of the greatest scenic won­ ders of the w orld is this beautiful lake of indescrib­ able blue. Tillamook County Beaches. L. W. Byerley. Located amidst a wealth of beautiful natural surroundings ar* these resorts just a few miles beyond the Coast Range. Other Resorts. Oregon Outdoors, $ SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. J THE COOLNESS BETWEEN THEM I gray Mare 8 years old, weight 1350 1 gray Horse, 4 years old, weight 1300 1 Filly 2 years old. weight 1100 1 registered Dtiroe Sow. will farrow soon 7 (»ilts 3 months old 13 high-grade Jersey C nvs and lleifrrw, « Irosh, balance to freshen soon, I 1-2 to 3 y e a r4 old Guernsey Hull. 4 years old 2 steers, 1 1-2 years old 1 five h. p. Gasoline Engine with Bosch mag. I all steel Ensilage Cutter I Burrell Milker, flttinge for 20 cows. Hill equipment of farm implements, m achinery and household goods T R R M S OR SA I K—On f a m , tKMV down ; balance A to S veare at 6 per cent Persoml proferK |2<‘ anti under, caeh ; t>ver that sun» b »nonthe tim e on bank able aotee at A p r cent l.uncb at boon Bring cupe A . B. C L E M E N T , Ow ner. AddrOM Waterloo. Or»goa J. C. M AYER i i t r k Let»*»*. Ltbwnon Pho«» t ’ F i l COL. BEN T. sVDTELL Aucuowcvr, Albany. f t 1 Each article guaranteed for 20 years. J I One day only, SATURDAY, AUG. 27. $ 4- Sale starls at 10 a. nr sharp. 4 X t Your choice only w on't l»st long if the cwtncss happens to b* some ol our delicious ice cream AUCTION SALE 1 l .1* '* V " '* '* * »Outheaetof Ltbanos and.I m l * northwest of Sweat Hotn* on the M u road It cfuitiatt of seres of good b n about 50 act t in culti» »»turn; 40 acres more could be put under plow, t i nc » i d , i t t u n well » » • let«d with tpnn*> and creek» through place There is , fall that would provide Splendid power for farm lights sod machinery, also h altin g sn<1 cooking Plenty ot timber for firewood, The dw elling 1» old hut s o v ie t* «1*. of fi,e room*. Two herns, hog house, goet shed, silo. etc. Orchard and fine garden spot. Rock road to door and all rural convenience». At the same time and place the persona, prnpertt w ill he * >1 1 at auction con­ sisting of 1 | Aluminum Ware I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES It " i l l prove to be the finest they ever T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 3 0 , A T 1 0 O ’C L O C K 3) H IG H G R A D E {1-or further inform ation inquire ot ticket agents JO HN M .fx+x-M-x S p e c ia l S a le onv n^v illustrated and descriptive booklet, w ill help you decide on the resort of your choice. Let us assist you by providing a copy Iree on request John Rryan and wife of Monroe Fine 1 68-Acre Linn County Farm tAt-aft.«! J + .f.+ X Detroit (Breitenhusf) ' Hot Springs (M t. Jefferson country), McCredi» Hot Springs, Joshplune Comity Caves, Shasta M ountain Resorts and Yosem ite National F a it. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong and O W Fruni has material o . grandchildren. with Miss Helen 1 dered f «r rebut Id mg hts warehouse Armstrong, left the early p an of destroyed in the recent fire, the week for a ten-days stay al will commence at o w e to > e Belkuap Springs as a vacation a* ay the rubbish We undo Mr A. C- Armstrong left Satur­ stand it is his i> ttiitiou to er-c day for eev*ral days in O a klan d ,1 a building 75x100-.{«-t. the con­ Ore tract f ir which has not yet beei Miae Hsx»l Davia was hostess let Friday to the Last Friuay M r*. Mary Robnett Miss Heslin ,tml Mrs. John Davis Mrs C. A Biaun was in A l­ motored *to Waterloo and boa« bany last Friday to meet her Springs for an outing, enjoying it daughter, Beulah Samuel, who re­ immensely. turned from a lengthy visit at St Florence Moore. 16, Brown», Helens. ville telephone operator, and Mrs Florence Hale bas recently ‘ Frank Rush, 28, sale-ma , in St in . «turned from a visit wito her s s - ' ard’s store, were married last -r, Mrs. C. C. Aldrich of Leba-.week. nn' I Mis. W C. Elmore and Mis» Louis Howe and wife returned Gladys Clevenger of Corvallis left a Halsey last -Friday in their for Corvallis via Halsey last Mon. r from a two.weeks tiip through day morning. M -4. Elmore had mtheru Or-g^n, where Mrs. been ill for some time and thia owe’s parents live, and where was her first outing, Next week ey left their Ijttle S3n for a visit the Elmores and several others lib his grand-parents, and then will leave for a trip to Crater Laae, ikiled Crater Lake and other pick ing up the W illiam Robertses lints. Their chief complaint was at Ashland. e great amount of dust eutouu- W A D iv eu p irt, W C. Tem­ red along the way. pleton, H Wayne S anard and Mre. Velma Chipman and little Frank Cochran are the premium >n were driven over to Halsey committee for the Brownsville ’riday by Dean lyeer and took fair. Chairman Sterling of the am there for Portland, Mrs. chamber of coinm-*rcs hiaappoint- hipman is the daughter of Sani ed th i f.illowing c uninittee-: F i­ inker of Browusville and had nance, Ed W right. Dr W- J Shel­ en visiting here. ton and C. C. Sttyd r; location Charles Sterling shipped a car and arrangements, Leon M >rse, Ed Holloway, G. R. Dawson ; exhibit-, t hay to Drain last Tnursdav. Moore, , Joe Floyd McDaniels Saturday \V .. . J . . Thompson, mr,,ing took tram from H .lsey ‘^n cat. Mckercher H ry Thom Tl p- 1Y ," ? -I»'*" r Eugene to see a physictan physician T.’ " ’ .5 Hunter, N Hedlund, Jake Acker, ■out his eyes. man. Glenn Large Dr. I. W Cook. A. Anensen, linker for the Home Joe Hume and Ed Lowden; pro. ■ tuery, went to Portland Saturday gram and athletics, Jesse R Hiti- uorning, where fiis wife and two man, Dave Cook. John M iller and laughters reside. He had received Jim Fox. vord that his wife was ill. Brown? rifle Briefs (From the Bulletin) tas’ ed y u raa N o ra tts -h o w tired feel, a diah of 01 warm C lark's ice | Albany Furnit ure Exchange J > West end of Ninth at.. All any, Ore. 4 cream w ill refresh you, CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. ¡Î'SUMMER IS ON Î H A L SE Y G A R A G E for bargain» in Tires And Tubes of all sites Repairing on all makes <»( automobiles and tractors our specialty A go »>' stock of accessonta arul Ponl parts on hand at all tim e t I f w* do fict h o e what you want we w ill get it for you Prompt attention given to trouble calls HALSEY GARAGE Foote B os. Props. University of Oregon CONTAINS» The C olle*e of Luer.lurw. The G ra d u e U School Sivence and the A r t s The School of A rrhi«*ctura Tke The The The The and Allied Arts. The School of Rusineaa Admtr istrsiF-tn. The School of Ed-iration The P it e r s»or« r\v»ai/w» School School School School School of of of of of Joumoksns Low. Medirioo Music Pbvs»~al Edocotior The School of Sociology Fall Term Opens September 26 ~ c' s S F TKE »EOISTWAM U tflN E M IT Y OF QAFGON F j s m Ore A Full Line of Dr. Hess’ Dip and x ^Disinfectant, and Fly ('baser which $ J is appropriate at this season. ? m Straw and Cloth Hats ^For warm weather. Also SHOES® for the whole Family. flsSomething Special $ fh' • wi g i Bulk Cocoa 2<> t- 11». 21b 35c, 511» 75c. Ift ll»$l. £0. A Bost Grade Peanut Butter 12 l-2c lb, 51b (iOc T 1« lb f 1.10. fh D. H. STURTEVANT. 1