BREAK UP BOY ROBBER GANG A F a ta l Accident M i’«- Mildred Bryan, daughter of Mr. and M r* *. John Bryan of Monroe, died at 12 30 o’clock tbi* morning, following an acci­ dent at 4 : 3 0 'p m. Wednesday. Misc Bryan, with her parent*, wa* visiting at the home ol her alsler, Mr*. G. T Kitchen, and wax rid­ ing on a bundle rack with her fa­ ther and Mr Kitchen. The latter had just got off the wagon when the team started to run. Mr. B r i­ an jumped, at the .same time call­ ing to 'hie daughter do do the same, but she stayed with the wagon until the team hail gained a good headway and when ahe did jump was thrown to the ground with such force that she suffered concussion of the brain and prob­ ably spinal and internal injuries. Miss Bryan was boru in Lam county and wae 22 years old on the 19th of thia month. She i survived by her parents, two si-, tsrs, Mr*. Jean Kitchen of Halsey and M ‘ S Leona Childers of Mon­ roe, and three brothers, Del me and Dale of Eugene ana Darrel of Corvallis. Funeral seivices will be held Saturday » t i p m. at the Bovee undertaking parlors at Corvallis ; interment at Belfouulain. Additional Brownsville News (Received too late and cut down to the capacity of the p rin tin g force.) Prof. Raymond Baker and fam­ ily were over from Albany Satur day and succeeded in rattling a residence for the school year. They got the West place in SoU'b Brownsville and w ill move in soon. School begins about Sep­ tember 15. After the clean-up work at the cemetery, Wednesday last, when nearly twoscore citizens volun­ teered their services or hired sub­ stitutes. the ladies served a flu e picnic dinner at noon, which thoroughly satisfied the ravenous appetites of tbe worker« with such toothsome viands at f ie I chicken , roast beef, potatoes and gravi, pies, cak**s, etc. After dinnei Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Dough­ erty were made a committee to formulate plans for a t aasocisti > toe»re for the cemetery. Charles Poole of the undertaking firm of Wright i Poole has bought the residence property on the soul I aide, known as the Olson place, and rumor a t)a he inttuds found­ ing a hospital.. < The member* of the Prcabyterisn congregation have planned for this (Tuesday) evening a combined re­ ception to their new p»*lor, Rev A. M McClain, and fam ily and a “ fa'ew«ll” to Prof. Weber and fam ily, who go this w, ek to H ar­ risburg. where'be w ill have charge of the schools next year, and to Dr. Kent and fam ily, who leave soon for Portland to make their future borne. There is a rumor current iu Rrowueville that Rev: T L. Jones, better known as Pa her Jones, has had his eyesight restored through the medium «4 prayer- H i* pres- etit home is ■sonuiwheSe in Wash­ ington, hut for «evera I years be was a resident o f t h i ^ p la c e . When last he left here" h t * was almost en­ tirely blin d ? " 3 ' “Bulls” Capture the Youthful Chief Who Promptly Turns State’s Evidence. Two of tha Band Are Beleod at Tholr Datka |« School—Juvenile Dalin. qutn^r Charge |* Qroataet Injurg, to Their Pride, New York.— “W ell, bulla, I gneas you got roe right. So long as I » going to do a bit. I ’ll turn state's avt- deuce.” With this announcement conehed in correct criminal terminology, "Pad­ dy the Kid," leader of a unique rob­ ber hand, prefaced the strange atory of his outlaw outfit’» actlvltlea from the date of organization to Its disband ment, following the arrest of It» five feurlcss member». "Paddy” waa ad lresslng detectives In the East Twen y second street station, and what he aid waa corroborated by others of the gang. Read their story; you w ill Ire surprised. First permit an Introduction— Un -ring: Leader, Patrick Murphy (Pad dy the K id ), fourteen, of No. 817 East Twenty-first s tre e t; Joseph Agaaaam (Jliuuiy Valentine, alao Tbe U t tli W op), »even, of No. 846 East Twenty first street; M atthew AgostlneliH (S kinn y,, nine, of No. 81« East Nine teenth street: W alter Mlchaelaky (Tin Polack), ten, of No. 34fl Flrat avenue and John Riibsha (The Ham m y), wh< lived up to his “alias" and refused t< give any Information about himself. Wop." Well, a long time ago— so long th Gang Applauds “Tha L ittle gang hardly remembers It— thes hoys saw several thrilling moving pit tures (the story 1« now being trans m ltted from the gang through Detec­ tives Meyers and Glllman) and then tried out a few “stunts." “G o lly !" waa the unanimous cry after Josepl had opened a soft the boys fount somewhere, “tbe little wop la a Jimmy Valentinet” And the detec lives say they «ere right, only he dOe the trick hy listening to the tumblers fall. Organlxatfon followed w ith a capita stock of one pistol “found" In * r automobile. Courage Increased will repeated successes until, for the la»i 30 days, residents Wound and to The p iv in g o ' Spaulding avenue has tieeo completed sod work it now in progress on O 'k and Rail­ road streets. The contract is sup­ posed to t>e completed try S«pt. 18- On the 24th a celebration will le pulh-d off. While here visiting his daugh ter. Mr». Evr'S Stanug'd, Rev C . M Cline, a former pastor, preached in the Baptist church Sunday. Calf-Hare-Pig-Fox-Dog Cried Just Like Baby Parts.— An anim al born mi a furn^ at Gran1 New First Nat'l Hank Bid’g Albany, Oregon. Electric », U'qgchat X-RAY MONDA’ BARBER SHOP A N D JEW ELER , H \R R IS Pressed. L O. O. F, Write W. L BUTLER, State flame Warden Burghduff • nd District Deputy Hawk«-r have been sued at Albany by D. F. Went for 8303 for 40 otter skin», 5 coon skins, 11 skunk skins, a cal skin, a liear trap and 30 m ill traps which Hawker co.,(heated Chiropractor DR. R. (1 Good camp grounds— plenty of good Smla Cleaned and water and »awed wood—one table for esch camp—Ixakets furnished to picker* LAUNDRY SENT AW a V ERK E. W ill pay the prevailing price Grocery atore on plsce anil meat d e liv ­ ered every day. W ill inret train» and move pickers in and on* F R E E ! F R E E ! 1.10 acres on high trellis and clean yards sperr Workmanship, Haircutting, Ma»**g,in and Shampooing. Gleaning and Pre a E. C . M IL L E R A m o r A . Tussing L A W Y E R AND N O T A R Y B rownsvili . k , O rkgoh Clock» a specialty. G ive ns a trial. W. J. Ribelin Office 1st door south of »ctnol house Halsey, Oregon. Dealer E V E R Y T H IN G O ptical in Real Estate Handles Town and Country Property G ive him a call and see if he can ft L Peterson Repairing Pine Dress Shoes a Specialty M)I Lyon Street, A lb in y, Oregon, you up. C Y C S T R A IN *1» the Cause of Maqy * * H U M A N IL L S remhta If you r eyes give yon tn o ym g «our gtagses are anno; a SEE BS, We can Relieve You hy k robber baud Meyer« and Gill- man were ««signed Jo capture the out­ law«, but had no auccea« unto the other day when passing the Standard Ona cnrnpany’a plant at Twenty »ecood street «nd Flrat avenue, they heard Murphy s a y : “I t ’ll be a efnch to crack thia crib. This factory 1« eaay to get In to ." / A little lefer the officer» saw Mur­ phy »fart to climb the fire aacape. It waa the beginning of the end Tfiey captured the outlaw before he reached the third rung Murphy told the name* of the rest of the gang and two of them were arrested at their desks in a public school. Whew ’ he whole outfit had been rounded up to the East Twenty eecood street etatto*. a charge of Juvenile delinquency wa* registered a g a in « them. This charge res the greater! injury their Jiride suffered. Jeetpk L ift His f c a i i t Merna. Every memhed .qapesred proud of hta “ellan" and Jifla to. the leaat dla- concerted by «rreet. / Joseph three feet tall s n l w*tgh?n< ponr.d« ’o’Tth^i^ o b ’t 'S S ’ ■i need to carry a loaded gun. j » seph volunteered, but tt fo< heavy and I left It home. My father baa It now." _ _ "W ell,' commented another member -I gueas wq ll W R I G H T & POOL1 L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Phone 35 Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville. Win T Tenipleton, Mgr llaiaey, Phone 166, Erank K irk , M gi G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T L. Boyd has ordered his paper ».•nt to the following places on specified dates, therefore we are sure he is enjoying a wonderful vacation. He first visited in Sc- bastopol, Cal., then to Harpers, Kansas, and on to Lake Park, Ga , where he and Mr». Boyd are now tnd will be for a lime. The largest advertisement in the Enterprise this week is that of the Blaine Clothing company. W hy do they do it? Because in the film ’s many successful years in names« ti has learned the v lue of advertising and in a long xperience with the Enterprise it ha learned that tois paper reaches buyers. Mark and George Carter of Le- ore. Cel., cousins of W . O. arter of this pises, were visitors • t the Carter home several day* Ingt. week. The last meeting of W . G. with M ark was 35 years ago, tnd with George about 15 years. Mr*. Mark Carter accompanied her msband. They came here from Canada, where they had visited relatives for a few day*. They are in te re s te d in vineyards aud re- (timed home because the crop wa* ripe and ready to market. Jay W. Moore wa* in Albany Friday as the representative of P R IV A T E O F F IC E Haleey when thia town. Browne- F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S ville, Harrisburg and Sb-dd were F R IC K S R e A S O N A B L K represented iu a m a tin g with M r. Notice of Appointment of Ad­ Quayle, secret»'y of the state ebam- F . M . F R E N C H 8. S O N S ministratrix ■•■r of commerce, und A C. Schmitt A L B A N Y O R E O . Notice is hereby given that the aa- nd other* for Albany to consider dersigned by an order of the County j the reception to be given the home- Court of Linn County, Oregon, haa , •V .A A A A A A A A A A A » been appointed adm inistratrix of the seekers’ extursion from the rast A ll work done promptly an estate of Joel U Hustou, deceased All when it asses through this part of Phone No. 269. peraout having claims «gainst said es­ reaaonably. the state, which will probably be Jots an: J Tittles tate are required tQ p t them w ithin it the time of the state fair. The six m o ith a from the date of thia notice. I "iginal plan, which would have with the proper voucher», to^the under- j D R E . S. D O N N E L L Y (Continued (rom page t) signed at her residence in Halsey in bad the visitors at Ralem one day Lina County, Oregon Surgical diseases of Mrs , rdii« Cnrnelitw i* visitii g and at Eugene the next, has been Dated and first published tliia IMth elativa* neat Eugene. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat revised and they may visit Halsey. day of August, .1*21. M M. H U fcTflN , OLAasgs F irv e o Mrs. Mo’ hbinweg was very biny A kind letter received from Mrs. A dm inistratrix aforesaid, .Voilncrday gelti ig reailv I" sen E. A, P, LaFollette of T a ; ette, SOI First National Hank Bldg, Albany AM O R A. TL’ iS IN G , A tty, (or Adnax •xck the »tale library book*. Id ho, with check inclosed for au- - n»r year’s subscription to tbe W c e a n n tii h e lp but p u b lic ly »» ■interpriee, was one of the pleasant rest o u r tlia i k l to I lie RO'id S •X(ieriences of Wednesday. M r*. is r it a n w h o has »o * r * c i » » « '' LaFollette state* that her son* iip p lie d ne w ith b e a u tifu l b io m-. Kenneth sod George are very busy Wednesday * e heard ot t»< taking care of an acre each of >'i»fniiieiit widows id Halsey, ea< I ijiening watermelons and canta- whom put eight cords of woe»u sent for D a iry Pans - - 60 g In Canada thistle patches in Many out-of-town people a e ,inn county and Fred N. W il- W ash Basins - - - 60 subscribing or renewing their aul - iamson, county club leader, haa T h e s e prices a re b arg a in s c o n a id e rin g th e quaJ acriptiona to the Enterprise. Wa