Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 25, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    AUGUST 25
Eggs and Poultry
Make your own home a center for the ¡?Z
world s great» st music
1 ins model
(Mahogany or Oak) $ Mz
19 Records and $
< 1
1 50 i
P aym ent Plan
W e will a rra n g e a
plan to suit y o u r eon-
venii live, '¡'a Ik it over
wirii us.
I'his m ach in e o r ¡my o ilie r <>1‘ y o u r choice
Zp delivered to y o u r hom e on approval. Guar-
Zb a n te e d to give p erm an en t s a tis fa c tio n .
ZP Prom pt, expert, t o u rte o u s service with everv
ZP m ach in e we sell.
Linn C ounty Phono-
g rap h I leadquai ters
(>C0O Itecords
in s to c k
c* ¿Jiü
-------■ ?. ~ «
latter » • « dtUn uit, bevali»« purpl«
vetch »«» not quoted In the market,
as luty Is pressed uudei vary lug con­
ditions and by balers having a wide
. j .
a -
. . .
and 8lso bec« u'»«‘- where a sale was ef
range In tension. According to the de­
Middlemen Bested bv Co-operation— rla \o rin g the rlesh feeted farmers were tempted to sen partment's marketing specialists hay
The F anner Feedeth All.”
•,ock- r**ervln« no s*e<’ should be pressed sufficiently tight
to maintain or extend the ucreage.
that the wires will hold well, sail so
The assistance of a large California that the required weights can be load­
fruit growers' association was enlisted,
E f in 2G l.>c»l egg circles io » ) more satisfactorily than the smaller j ;»nd last year 500 acres were grown ed Into cars. Difficulty Is experienced
»tat»-w i. It* egg in a ik e lin g assneia-1 ones found on young and scrawny , under guarantee, a large portion of In some sections In loadlng^ars to the
minimum weight, because the hay Is
lio n w iili c e n tra l t ffi> •«?» io P ort- cbicki ns.
| the yield being kept for seed. Tills pressed too loosely.
utid i» ih e H ep lu k e n by p o u ltry I
The character of the Inspection
Exercise affects the flavor anti tex­ year northwestern California and Ore­
f n in O regon in so lv in g th* egg-1
ture of poultry desti, as in any kind gon fanners will receive 14t4 cents a service varies considerably In differ­
irk e lm g pr«>Blenis.
T h e sto ry !
pound for purple vetch seed, which ent markets.
Besides the various
of m»at
It toughens the libers and
points a lesson for egg p ro d u ce rs the ctHinectlve tissues, and lessens the should give them from J15O to $200 methiwls now generally designated as
per acre In addition to the straw. From
n ollie» purls of I lie c o u n try ?
warehouse, car-door, plug and bale In­
amount of fat. It may also nffect thè
Ih e i- rclt-ti in O regon went or- dlsttghutlon of flesh on the carcass in­ now on It 1» ex|»ected sufficient seed spection, there Is a difference In apply­
.»mizeil in th e le ad in g posiliyy creasing the naturally strong, tough
ing the grades. Some lns|»ect()rs give
rndiicing se c tio n s an d each oper- muscles rather than the less-used, ten­
the entire carload the grad.’ of the
poorest quality of hay found In IL
In some birds, notably
tlcd in d e p e n d e n tly of I fie id h e r- der ones.
Other Inspectors endeavor to apply an
• a \ bile,' sellin g th e egg» to I chickens, the exercise can he con­
average grade.
' i flan I produce dealer» or («> trolled. Almost any poultry, however,
Some of these practices are hardly
cun safely he penned for a few days
o n s u i i i i n g cilstoiu erg su ch an ho.
before killing.
i fair to the shipper, but so long ns they
-Is and resta u ra n ts.
I hey fou n d , I
exist the shipper must meet the sltua-
The difference between Ihe flesh of
oivevei, in .it th ey wero » till h e lp -, a plniiig chicken anti of a lean one •
' Hon In the best manner possible. Unlw
-•-» an d had very lit t le C ontrol | of similar kind and age is due princi­
form loading Is probably one of the
• ver th e ir p ro d u cts
Som e eight pally to the fat present. The skill of Some Important Factors Cited most Important methods of obtaining
>r t>li i ircles n ear S alem co-oper- the fnttener. from the consumer’s
satisfactory grades.
That Heip to Determine Mar­
ted tn ro u g h th e S alem circle
gtondpo'nt, lies not only In producing
¡imager, b u t th e b u s iu ts s was so the deslrghle amount of fat at the
.»all I’, « u s not very e n c o u rag in g
least ex;»eiise for finsi and care, but
was decided to form an ex- also In getting the fat well distributed
ang - w ith offices ill Pori am i . « S t irougli the flesh rather than merely
liieli a I th e circ les could consign In masses withfn the carcass nr under
h e ir egg»,
the skin.
Such large mnsseg have Ut­
I nis onrve was rid icu led by p ro . ile value for table purposes, and un­
e d e a le r* .-f o r th ey knew ihe less they are carefully saved and used
in n er» were not u n d e r c o n tra c t for cooking they are practically wast­
ed. When tile amount of flesh Is In­
. tin- ICO - or I h e e x c h an g e ; the creased by tip» ful between Ihe libers
tie r th erefo re, w ould be able Ihe proportion of edible material Is
i o b tain th e ir su p p ly of egae by Increased, and the larger masses of
feting h ig h er prices. D u rin g t h “ meat make better |>orti<ins in serving.
g-»tot ige re ison some of ihe The quality -of the flesh is also Im­
rills p aid m ore in th e c o u n try , proved.
Importance of Special Feeding.
ol, a- they had p red icted , I lie
Cbickens fattened on a mush of
.'b a n g , p rac tica lly failed.
After .1 >».»r'- • ff 'H th e O regon grain ami milk acquire a delicate fla­
■ iducets latino ied f o i f i on a new vor. Special feeding often imparts a
oris. A sta te-w id e m e m b e rsh ip j very des'rable flavor. This Is found
In canvusback ducks, for example,
• upaig i was u n d e rta k e n an d Ih e j which are considered at their best
r l l l c e i s were uske 1 to jo in the
wl en they have fell on wild celery.
s-o.’i itln n am i -ig u a tliree-yeai Celery and chestnuts sometimes are
: in fra c t, o r m a rk e tin g ig reem en i, | used to give turkey flesh a special fla-
Birds Inlenileil for table use
lu r e ..11 lei . h ir wno.e p nduc- /o r .
>rn was to be d eliv ered It» th e »-- ihoultl not be allowed to eat onions or
iciatiou to ' e n u i '- n e d . T h e Wild garlic babltunlly, because the
in tra c t- ami th e s • go of th e sulphur compounds In these plants
li p u» p rod u ction d o . Illg th e se a. pars over Into the flesh anil give it a
01 m nit- th e uss: ciu tio n an iln- losle ohj 'etionable to most persons.
» n ta n t facto r to th e P o rtla n d
M odern inclin'd« of g ra d in g , I
ack in g anil s ta n d a id iz a t on were
I .,»¡...1 .»ml all eggs up* now can-
lie i and gr ule I in to th r e - claMes. j
Tuose of th e ■ finest q u a lity are
ASvantà-es of Crop Have Been
pu u n d er tfie D ialiio ol b ra n d •
Ivìtown for Years.
idle No 2s. w hich c o n ta in off-
tin , nuder.-ize an d
off sh rpe j
at ,• ailed o u t ; No. 3- art
I to Ute b ak ery tr a d e
T in It Is Net as Popular In Northern
•sines» d u rin g th e y e a r is ex ! States as Common Variety, Which
Is Hardier and Has Become
c ite d to a m o u n t to 2,000,0ll0
Established as Forage.
D u rin g th e p rese n t seaso n th e (P re p a re d b y (Its U n ite d S ta te , D e p a r t­
s ciaiti'it
lias sh ip p e d several
m e n t o f A g r ic u ltu r e >
ta -.t each w eek, keeping
Due largely to the Intermediary ef­
e P o rtlan d m a rk e t s ta b le and forts of the United States Department
of Agriculture. 2.400 acres of purple
- ir of sin pi n».
ket Prices of Product.
Inspection Service Varies Consider­
ably at Oifferent Centers— Few
Bales of Off Grade Hay Wdl
Hurt Grade of Car.
j (P re p a re d
b y th e U n ite d S la te s
m e ’ U o f A g r ic u lt u r e .,
D e p a r t-
While supply nnd demand are Ihe
piincipal factors which determine the
market price of a product, there are
a number of other ^factors which may
he of considerable importance to the
udividual producer or shipper of hay.
Size and weight of hale, character of
inspection existing at prospective mar­
ket. grading and the manner of Inter-
S o ld only
by dealers
The best fabric tire
made for heavy service
or rough roads —
R E D -T O P
g o n t k o l l in g flavor
P re p a re d
E xtra Piy — H eavy T read
b y th e U n ite d S la te s D e p a rt-
m e n ! o f A g r ic u ltu r e I
Dcsliulde quality in Ihe flenh of
n t eiulcd fur table use <fu|»eiid»
i the Ila.or of Ihe flush; on Ihe tex-
H f. on ihe iiniuiiiit of flush in pro-
• u lion Io the wuigtil of ihe bird; m ill
a Ihe tbstrihulion of bulb the flush
ml th»' larger masses of fat over the
•ji'cass. Other things being equal. Ihe
• It of the females usually Is milder
tun that of the male», say home
taioinfe specialists of the United
• i le s
Departmeut of Agriculture,
npouizing makes the flavor of cocks
a<re delicate, tends to produie doer
al less too It muscle libers, and In­
vases the size of the masses of meat,
peeially In the brmst.
Effects of Age on Flavor.
A g e lends to Inn ease flavor at first
dvantngcously, hut later usually, dls-
ihant .eously.
Mo-t very young
Ills have II flavor |IS> mild to tie sat-
factory for -tewiug or fricassee, hut
ake splttitlld eating us broilers or
ryers. The delicacy of flavor iisual-
. is lost In decidedly old bird*. As
tie bird grows older, Ihe proisirtlon
f flesh to bone usually Increases, at
ust up to the period of full matnr-
y. Often the large masses of flesh
ur.tl on such birds can be utilized
n u llr y
R eduction on all styles e n d sizes
A N ew Low Price on a
Known and Honest Product
You’ll Always Find”
says the Good Judge
* ft
That you get more
genuine satisfaction
at less cost when •
you use this class of 4
A small chew lasts
so much longer than
a big chew of the
ordinary kind. And the full, rich real
tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing
Any man who uses t ie Real 1 obacco Chew
will tell you that.
h«*w. S s L P B K f '
vetch Is reported as being grown thin
year for seed In northwestern Uallfor-
! nla for use In the orchards of the
southern pftft of the state, where It
has proven u superior green-manure
5 crop. The superiority of purple vetch
1 In California for green manure lies In
tlie fact that It make more growth
during the winter months and can he
turned under earlier than other legume
Purple vetch was first brought to
this country from Italy In Ifillfl and Its
advantage- have l»een appreciated for
¿agonizing Makes the Flavor of Cocks
More Delicate and Increases the Size
of the Masaes of Meat, Especially
in the Breast.
Mixed Cara Unsatisfactory.
In some sections the alfalfa mead­
ows are allowed to stand until they
contain a large quantity of weeds
and grass. In other sections other
crosses are sown with the alfalfa for
hay. When loading any mixture the
greatest care should be exercised to
have the hay loaded Into any one car
all of the same degree of mixture.
This suggestion applies also to hay of
different quality because of bleaching
or damage.
Many shippers make the mistake of
thinking that a few bales of off grade
hay will not hurt the grade of a car
hut will he accepted along with the
good hay or at only a small discount.
Unless the market Is very strong the
hay usually will he accepted only at
a heavy discount, and frequently the
whole car will be rejected. If the car
s accepted It will he taken only al the
price value of the poorest hay found
In the car.
For"best results In marketing alfalfa
bureau of markets officials caution
To ship hales of size and weight de­
sired by buyer.
To ship grade desired and not to In-
■lude hay of other grades or mixtures.
To Insist upon official Inspection
-ertlflcntes which show the actual
rrnde of the hay In the car If cars nre
dlldally Inspected hy regular inspec­
tors located at Important markets.
Origin of Various Colors.
From madder (glowing In Hindu­
stan) we obtain ihe paint color Tur-
ks.( red From Hie yellow sap of a
tree In Slam, caught by the natives
In coconut shells, gamboge. Ituw sien­
na and raw umber from earths In
Sienna and Umbria, Italy.
Selling Hay by the Auction Method at
a Mark t Using a “Plug" Method of
Inspect tn.
preting Hie grades are among the
more Important of these factors, say
marketing specialists of the bureau of
markets. United Stales Department of
Size and Weight of Bale.
The preference for bales of a cer­
tain s l v Mnd weight Is so marked In
some of ihe Important markets that
premiums ranging from SO cents to
per ton are psld for bales of the size
and '(eight desired
Bales may be
roughly classed as small, medium anil
large In size The small and medium
sizes are -t nictlmes designated as <»ne
quarter ami one-third hules. The small
bales are made In a perpetual pres-
and are 14 or Ifl by 1S Indies, variable
In length hut usually shout 3H Inches
long Medium bales are also made In
a perpetual press and are 17 or 18 by
22 Inches and about 31 Inches long
Large hales are usually made In box
presses and are about 10 by 23 by 4fl
The weight varies considerably, even
though the b iles ara of the same size,
Shropshire Bucks,
yearlings, and I registered 2 year-old
(or sale.
Brownsville, Oregon.
ng » ste re ,i
Shropshire Rams
Y ei'lfngs. These are exceptionally
lug fine, thrifty fellows Also 20 head
.1 tegislered
Priced to sell.
Meadowview, Ore
Address Jiirction City, route 2.
Two Horses
I Gray Mare, 8 years old. with a Colt,
hl. ck 4-year-old Driving or Saddle
M are.
Route 2, Halsey
Harvest is Over
N o w is Hu» t im e to b e g in a n o th e r y e a r b y g e t­
t in g n e w iin p le r n e n tfl, s u c h as
I.H.C. Tillage Tools?,Tractors
N o w is th e t im e tr» u se th e m .
for y o u r fa ll n v e d s .
A Field of Purple Vetch.
Put up i t two styles
W-B C U T is a long fine- ut tobacco
R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobaccr
a number of years, b 't It was not pos­
sible to Introduce It extensively be­
cause of scarcity of seed. In the re­
gion where It was most valuable It has
not been feasible to raise pnrftle vetch
In large quantities because of climatic
condl I ions
In the North, on the
other hand, the seed can be grown suc­
cessfully, but there the purple vetch
la not In as great favor for forage
as eoiniiinn (etch, which Is hardier and
has ber-oinf established In popularity.
To make a bridge between the two
geographically distant localities has
been the work of a number of years
on the part of the de|»artroent exi»erta.
It was first necessary to demonstrate
the value of purple vetch In the
South, and afterwards to Induce north­
ern fanners to substitute It to some
G iv e us a c a ll
G.W. Mornhinweg
I m p l e m e n t S to r e
M c K inney
Highest prices paid for Beef, pork, Veal and Muflon, See Ua
you »ell,
Halsey phone 179.
Brownsville phone 37c51,
e ite n t foi thely <^,(ouyiry. crops. Thlj