PAG E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E 11 - , AUG UST 25 1921 Camel Going W ithout W ater. SECURE BEST HARVEST HELP An ordinary camel w ill carry Its Government by understanding park 26 miles a day for three days ! Rovers a rt Usually Efficient but They without water, while there are some government by that w ill go without w ater 50 miles a An independent—N O T neutral—news­ bee tnperceded Are Liabla te Leave Before Crept paper. published every Thursday, Are A ll In. dictation.’’ What has become of day for flva days. A specially trained by W k H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . camel will carry a rider a hundred government by party? W m . H. W m m i .U Editor. mile» In a day. It lifts the legs on the 1 Getting help for the harvest rush Is Mas A A WMBSLSn Business Manager a problem which Is best faced weeks same side at the same time, like a and Itocal News Editor. Ashes Clean d a is e s . In advance. Grain, and orchard har­ pacing horse. A m ature camel w ill For cleaning glaum*, which have con vest seasons bring to many aectlons carry a load of a thousand pounds. SabacriMoas. »1.50 a year in advance. talned milk there Is nothing equal The animal Is not full grown until Its large numbers of traveling help who Arrearages, 12 a year. to wood ashes start with a crop In the South and sixteenth or seventeenth year. Transient advertising. 25c an inch, per­ work north with the season to the m anent, 20c No discount lor time Canadian border. These workers are or »pace usually efficient through long ex­ In " Paid-for Paragraphs, ’ ’ Sc alin e Noadverlisirig disguised as news perience, but they are likely to feel . ---- the urge of the road and leave before H A L S E Y , L in n C o , Ore A ug. 25, 1921 the farm er gets hie crop stl harvested, obliging him to pay a much higher rate to secure the remainder of the crop U N E T H IC A L "K H IC B ” before it spoils. W herever efficient Aug. 29, Ed Slorti, one-half mile north of Brownsville local help can he obtained. It la to No word »«• ever more abused 30, A. B Clement, near Sweet Home, Stock, etc,, and 140- be preferred to the rovers. » HALSEY ENTERPRISE BEN T. SUDTELL’S Auction Dates then the word "ethics.” The or. g n zed doctors of the country have prescribed some extrenielv unethical rules which they label ‘ ethics.” One of the*« wae illus­ trated when the Osteopathic con­ vention et Cleveland charged Dr. Russell with "violating ethical standards” by answering questions which he was required by the lew of the land to answer in the no­ torious Stillman esse The New York Herald says "Th e Oeteo pethic association cannot set itself above the law.” But it tiiee to do so A few years ago a health officer in Eugene made an effor, to en­ force the lew which requires doc­ tors io report all birth» at which they assist and all deaths of their patients. The doctors who had been ignoring and defying the law threatened to ostracise him from the profession for thus questioning their superiority to the law of the land.* An I they systematically make war on any member of their pro­ fession, who, knowing something that would he ol lieucHi to the ail­ ing make, it known through tin press, unless he can get the public ity free of charge. The latter kiud of advertising is not branded "unethical.” acre Farm 31, A. McCrae, near Jefferson S’ pt 1, John Hunter, two miles east of Halssv, big sale 7, N . M Sbrode, near W altervill«, Lane county 8, Manuel Enos, mile and a half west of Brownsville, Jersey Ccws 9, T. A. Hover, mile and a half northwest of Halsey 10, George Lusby, three miles east of Harrisburg 12. S. Reeser, two miles southwest of Halsey 14, F. Prietrolc, near Shelburn t 13, J. C. Walton, three miles northeast of Halsey Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H. Sturtevant’s. Dr. E W. Barnum, dentist, at rfoiol H»I**T every Tuesday arid Friday. For Rent— 60 acres good fam land, house and two barus. S< • Mrs. M. E. Bassett. Mr Byerley, at the creamery, will furuish crates to those wlr sell him blackberries. Ever meet a cougar? Perbap- ou have, but probably it wu- dead. Or a live one may have go) ibug goat, or your lamb or some­ thing. It is wise to traps, and if perehance one is caught it is ab. The Growler, One Nobody loves a rag ehewsr. A ■olutely untamable, usually. moth hasn't a friend In the w orld!— hi» been haiued aud taught to act Cartoons M a g a s in * • on the stage, and at the Rialto to­ morrow everiiug in ‘‘ I'he Man of the Forest,” you can see this and other wonderful things. Fall Styles are Arriving PERCH BAIT FOR BIG RATTLESNAKE The fall of 1921 class of clothing styles are now ready Plenty of newness. Splendid variety. Also Texas Fishermen Bring in Queer Stories of Encounters With Reptiles. Á ’ ----- A n itin . Tex.— Stories of battles w ith rattlesnakes and stuinp-tall mocca­ sins sre brought to Austin by nearly every fishing party which has been on eutlngs to the many fishing streams In the mountains west of Austin. But the most unusual tale la told by an aggregation of anglers who have Just returned from a camp on the Peder­ nales river, 86 miles west of this city. In this party were several men who have been up against many ra ttle ­ snakes, but this Is the first tim e that any o f them made the discovery that a rattlesnake fed on fish. According to the story a throw line halted with small perch had been put out Into thv river. One of the party, fishing w ith rod and reel, la te r hnd ulled the throw line p artly In *o -e t It A Huge Rattlesnake W as Pound on the Book. out of the w ay, and In doing this one hook, still baited w ith perch, was left hanging above the w ater. The next morning a huge rattlesnake was found on the exposed hook. It Is stated that the snake was as large around as the arm of the average man. The snake was killed and the perch, which had attracted It to the hook, was found In the reptile's mouth. The crop of snakes, especially (he rattlesnake species, is larger this year than In years. This Is attrib u ted to the past mild w inter. Moccasins swarm the sm aller creeks and there ! are moccasins in the larg er streams. T h e Colorado riv e r has it good sized I quota. W h ile many of the snakes I seen In the streams are the harmless I w a te r snakes, there Is an abundance : of the rusty and poisonous species of ■ the moccasin Can’t Kiss W ife In Swimming Pool, North Bergpn, N. J.— I f a man must kiss his wife, lie should not kiss her In a public swimming pool. M atthew M arquard, th irty years old, became a f­ fectionate w ith his w ife M argaret, twenty years old. In a pool here, and appeared In court on a disorderly con­ duct charge. Not Handsome, but Hears W ell. Copenhagen.— When King Christian visited a little town In northern Schleswig, a German woman remarked to a companion as they were passing the k in g : “You can't call him good- looking. anyhow.” T he king turned and answered In German, “but his hearing Is excellent.” TI vf stwi sh am pre 'The Man oc the Forest ' at the Rialto Friday nigl.t the 2lth, will be a Clean, wholesome Drama j t '■ ’ of outdour life. I t it th rills and «<,spent from beginning to end. w i lt tome start-^ lin g situations Thst ere fresh to the screen Pathos and hntuor, red-blooded thriH? and tender love scenes succeed one another an bleed into the whole, m aking this big spe­ cial photoplay one of the fi e t ad enture documenta ever offered. The American Farm B tirs g u i» organising a co-operative plan foi marketing dairy products The e c ■ operative schemes sre moves in the tight direction »nd if they can he conducted njih adequate busi­ ness ability and without graft th*» will dn much to elevate the fam. lug population Can thay f Z A FOPt'LAR N E GREYS VTORY 7 * r ‘M A N S F O R E S T ' A tnM civr ta le o f to*« and a d w n tw e w ith an all star cart ir u h id ir g Robert Me Kim Claire Adams Carl Gantvoorr IM.W W »vn BHAAS Rialto Friday ZANI car. pkttw s t x fiODKJNSON P O L IC IE S protect you against loss tn fire on your hay, gra n, clover and other seed for auy length of tim e desired. Policies w ritten and delivered on day of application. Rites on request. , The national W C. T. V. con tent ion in Sen Ftancisco last «s i launched a war against tobacco If they can accomplish as much n the next fifty years In thia oruead* a* they did m the lest fifty fn> prohibition a great economii waste in the nation will have b*e> eliunneted. The froridepce Joufoal saje 5 C en ts policeman at target practice, lodged In the neck of Andrew Serenclk, sixteen years old, who was Just diving off a pier for a swim. Other swimmer» carried Serenclk ashore and rushed him to a hospital. Heattle is considering ths instal lat'on of trackless trolley cars fo the municipal street railroad, to d ■way with the heavy expense ol maintaining rails. it ie hope*' thus to solve the problem of jitney competition which has made the street car ayetom a losing propoei. lion. Ths Chicago grain gamblers ate doing all they can to discredit th* Oo-operstivs pro­ ject hr hearing the market w ill ■II their power. A d m itta n c e H ere a L iue For Sa'e— Full blooded Rho-.l* Island pullets; also a cross between Policeman at T ergal Praetiea Hlta Bey R. 1. reds and brown Leghorns. W hiting. Ind.— A bullet, fired by a Mrs. W ill Carter Four girls who had escaped from the girls' school at Grand Mound, Wash . were recaptured and taken to the police station, where two matrons from the reboot came for them, last Thursday. One of the women said to one of the g irle ; “ You dirty little brat, you haven’t any brains.” It is not Strang* 1 it girls run away from a place wnere such women have authority If (he law provided that even Person insane enough io commi murder should t>e imptipenso fo- Ilf*, without the possibility o' psrdnn, for the protection of the commnnitv, fewer cunning mur­ derers would feign or plead ID sanity, PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS C. P. STAFFORD, Resident agent American Eagle Fire Insurance Company. *****» *» *» *******» A » iS **v M N A P v H P *ito e <»-»*-* A B * * * * * * AB*» Public typewriting dene. Enter­ prise office. O w irA l 19 IP »nappy ideas, new colors, big values that w ill certainly suit the young men, I he men in business and professional life. W e know in there days that price is a consideration to you. and you w ill agree with us hat we are effering wondeilul values. W e have onr clothing priced at ^ e present market price. No suits held foi ______ old prices, but everything goes at the new low. prict [ blain CLOTH inoco J level jpnsxBmfc The store with a square deal for every customer Mrs. A . A . W H E E L E R . IN S U R E IN T H E O L D R E L IA B L E FA RM ER S’ F IR E 1921 R E L IE F A S S O C IA T IO N OF B U T T E V IL L E ORE. »49,»37 M Cash Surplus Capital on In ly 1, 1921. R * te* 48 033..951.00 Insurance in force P’ vst class. 25c : second class, ,10c per »100 SCO TT & S IM O N S L E B A N O N , O REG O N O nly ruthon’xed agents for Linn County. *»•