HALSEY ENTERPRISE V O L IX H A kSE Y. U S S C O C VTY. OREGON — ■ * = J ™ .. SO i t A V U V S T IS. I “* - ! - - ......... — Jots and t ittles eae a severe 5«t wet M rb o s bora L ifca Craafc to * r * » d the dav of i he face. iter daughter. M a . l»emaa Pal T J S k irv ia . a c c e n p i ad be 1a the afternoon M ' and Mr«. hie aivce, drove te A baby M on­ M wnhinweg ‘•Heed ta« party and Short Stone- of Happenings in Linn County Generally day. feaated or g od thing», including lehean Relief Saves Mint Thou-tands From Death ice ereaoi aisd cake. There was and in Halsey Particular!v The « tie aaugkt»r ef Mr. Mc­ alao a awiaaming fro-’ c by Starvation Laren of P xx a tu Sered a brutes H ugh one of oar pio­ E “'ly M nda« morning M r» >1 M * John h i a i i ! a* to* ( .'♦« e r a Fnday neer», combined business and of fr.eu-is »ad relativ C- B od ano Ba!f B>sad a id wif« fohu Haodeakec, who headed the (.'« a t c-rphaaagea I ¡U C- F- *£veea eft F n d a v aeon* motored to Albany aad back. pleaeuiw in bra visit to A lbany the ia a to f the week. uovtbweet d riiw tor i» ie f o f the liahed with- all tappbm eat e * mg a l ess weea ter a tew d a te ao ecmmanscatioa with the ewe la - t Friday. ■ C oatiaaed oa page ' starving v ic tim s c l T u rk is h e ra world, or w « h th a t fa r A l M » Agnee S< wver and two «»•«. eatUag at Sreatde « la w W . H Sutherland recentlr m i M who have uien at the home of M rs . v lty, has n r tt«u boo.« fr- m As a a-?melaad The H a r’ iebw'g postoftes has these heroic mea aad hi“ residence a t Albany to Mr« Sawy»r'e mother. M . a Geo. M * k - Shots from Shedd. M ino r, wh era he -a e x e rw e in g .he •weo moved te me C artw right they stack to tA efr posta T h e last Nellie T a y lo r of Halsey, who « ill well for some tim e past, e ft f •» A aurprwe and farewell party o .» tr.b a tion of f-je d a i d c lo th in g food fro m A m erica had coo»« ta sa Meek. move to that place shortly to mak- p - ’ ’ .nd F n d av. Taev w ill make Novcm b«r «. 1»JP. The Plainview high school was waa he'd for Chari«« Barton aad a mo» g th e s u rv iv o r» of T urkish her home. the r mm« in Taco-na. where Mr. It waa sot a a tfl fo a r m onths la te r fa rn ty near FavuttviUa Friday •waap-teswa. C - a t n O a t io o e fro m h at th e new goveram oata e f the S el has a poeiuoa in the enlivened by a âat fi.b t beteew*. avaaing at tla n r borne They Mr». M . V . Johnson of Salem, School. two wua i a . owe of theta a asini— th is p a r t o f th e w o rld a re i n t o g rranacaacaataa states wore aotah- iu o w to «'orvsiiis to cw nearer th - aunt of M r*. W A. Ringo, arrived whed oa a solid haaia V a t fam in e ter a w ile This» is the la ir ees tboee g ra te fu lly acknowledged aehooi “ W :nd T'Us(.** a little Ford democetrat! og ita abt ity to exer­ threatened Aa appeal was madw to Saturday (or a visit at the Ringo; Am erican p h ila n th ro p y 'C ritic a l C o aetaatln op ie.— H e w the prornp home. F o r (ha peat two weeks carrying a f j 1-grown house, pissed cise the friu caiae the sema w>i M i*’ Fraacws Farw ell bad the iced for food products in Caucasus. ' she bad been visiting M r* . Ringo'» through Halsey Monday. •he anew do The high school w a - mtafor'uoe to scald her facw quve aettoa a f Charles V. Ytchrvy. Genera parent*, M r . and Mra R. H E -w ­ Mrs. Id a M axw ell of Albany ar­ ag* of Cottage Grove. Mra W rived M n d iy for a visit with her L Wells of uear Halsey ia also a daughter. Mrs. Jeaoe Sadey. cousin of Mrs. Johnson. . .. _ M r and Mrs. Charles P. Poole John P H u n te r w ill have a sale lr >ve oxer from Lebanon Friday te of stock September 1 at hi« f a r m , M r*. Poole's m other. Mra known as the old G a liifo rd (arm , W i urn Curtis. who bad oeeo at about two mile« east of Halsey on t h , U . A Curtis hem * tooth of the Brownsville road. Bills are u>«« dunug ilia illness of the tittle out giving fu ll description of «lock .(slighter of M r. Curtia. At prea- Mr. H un ter w ill s till remain on enl n riiin g she it much improved the farm hut w ill handle less stock M. O . B>uich returned from and consequedtly do les« work. Portland Saturday night with hit W A. Ringo and wife and Misses sister, whom he h id gone there to Gladys Newton and Genevieve mpe(. She had just arrived from W ells of this place, with W . J. her borne in A ustria. L in e snd wife and W ill Hays, as­ t>. W Frum and fa m ily spent sistant poitniaster, of Brownsville, and wi e, formed a jo lly picnic Sunday with the Ray Frum faintly party to ths fish hatchery up the at the old b >uie place five naiier M c K e n s ie lis t Sunday, returning north of B Jvnsville. M ’*e Ruth about 9 o'clock in the evening. remained with them fur a visit. The distance there and back w*s about 1<\) miles They feaated and bad a moat delightful trip . en. joying the Iw autiful aceneiy and were much interested in watching the immense number of fi-h in sight W e ha ve not heard whether ■ fish" was on the b ill of fare or not. M r«. O. T r t l o r and sow Law fence were A lh an y v»«itor« M onday W h i|- playing in the field w ill anineother boy« M -»day K » n a e 'b . Hitlw son ot C. E S m ith sad wife, (|iar«ver«d an nnek|>Fo w ill stick M r nave M in«wl catae down The roads betwee- Cascad, from S c io ta vt»it b » uncle and «ad Crawtordsvilw and Hat lav an aao t. A. D. Eider and wife. -»ported eo good*-that autos mat Ire or six ailae an hour -yv»r ef 0 B. Coouer. Ralph IH n n e n , C. H . I>avid»oo and R. C- F a r- well weol deer hu ting Saturday The cruelty o f the " » p o rt” o-’ b it s other» than dam «aata e-wnwiimea A fan. n.me- d M McKee of A iiu lo « « ah> O»i* Pit a ry of Junction C ity no» Muti last week. m iataki ig him fc> a dear aod kibed h m . Sa > -boxers ought io ba forever bane rum b .a d .tn g h -aruus, even i iso only way to d • i t I* to ia» priaioo tneen fur life or habg the... W . A . A llan of H ’ Hey epn. »'«aaday ia Eugene, returning tie ««me day. The Penny W in k le th ra-hiug comp m e broke the hl-’ -ver »n t*> -aachtae, but expeets to he at work again Monday Mra. Jay W . M o o » and sow an isagbter Wok tra in Tuesday fu Eugeue day. b a n t in g A. B Clamant, ruaidiug thr­ \V Y Shearer. H a rry Poland sod Pete Troutm an went «leer Hunting Saturday. I t seems a- ’io the "bag* baa bitten quite a number of lo ci I eporta. Secretary of the N ear East R ei.ef aad H a ro ld C J a q v ith . represents trve of th a t A m ertcah re lie f ensaal is tio n ta C onstantinople. »a»ed th« Uvea e f ! • . « • « orphan children and seven A ateriean re lie f workers tv A iexaad ro po l. A rm enia, ia w hat a l the representatives of the A llie d na tloaa in C o aM a a tia o p le are appiaad t a * today. F o r Sve years th e N e a r East R elief orvnntaatlon had h a llt ap a w o rk at atervy th ro e x h o a t the fo rm e r T u rk Ink Kmptrw aad T raaeraaeasia to a point w here » « .< •« little children were b e ta * hoaaed. clothed, fed. given w edteal attendance sad taa c h t. aad o ver » * * » • others b eta * «ap­ plied w ith food T hea saddealy. oa F e S ra a ry $, last, there came h arrie d cable reports o f renewed Ik h t ia c ta Arm enta aad T ra n sea acasia. where 7 l . * l S o f three little ones were loca­ ted under the p ro te c ts » o f the N ear E. D F « rw e ll, who hss been •bn Useefe'k h it for sometime, is slo - ty im proving C. J S o e d d was i a A * b a n y »«ay. HELP! Mrs R C. B urkhart and a o * M«s d t,eh*n-'U dtvsve to Sh-d • Sa ila v aud visited Mr« B e k ­ h a n i si «ter. Mrs. H»rvwy Pugh t S ¡> Lower Prices * Not Specials or Ree Ductions but • lower prices for many Staples at mar­ ket prices: Good grade Bulk Coffee, 4 $1.00 lbs. for • « 1.00 2 for .25 L for .50 [ for 1.00 White Soaps, 20 for ra • 1.00 Tomatoes, soiid pack t 2Js, • 1.00 6 for Extracted Honey and Jar, • .70 3 lbs. - 1.75 Snowflake Flour - .50 A good Broom « .75 Work Shirts • 1.25 * Bib Overalls All less 5 per cent for cash M. V. KOONTZ CO. & S'* & A a a h ix g to a — M a jo r Genera, amee G H a r b ir d recently * r o ta te d G eneral F ara b is « '« asristae h le f o f SiaX. b a * goae oa record in upport o f the w ork o f the N eer Ea» H ei’ et 1« A rm e a ta H e «ays. la a le tte r to the N eer East R e lie f: O f a ll ’.ha h ear’, b re a k ta g Ototrea» -.hat exists ia other eoaatrles. 1 be- iieeu th a t th e N e a r East e itu a tio : « B o i l i moat appeal to o u r cha rita b le pedple T h e re are m aay thouaaads The bouse »»long-ng to Jam»- o f helpteaa orphaaa —chtldrea of C hristian parent« ta a Moslem land, MiW)Usama, wbteh waa located o who must he helped by o a r pecpl* L b s mts owned by bia brother D. if they are te survive The Ar |d . M cW ilbaina, poetiDMter of H al-1 m en lan t have preserved th e ir race 'h e ir rel'gton aad th e ir langaage aa m y, • * * moved last Moadav t e o o litio n a of distreae fo r o ver a ptopeny purchased (ran Georg« dar th o a a a a i yaara They are w orthy Aaxwell on M ain street. of a better fate than to perish, aad Tom C oakn g ht oad M. E Gard- I batieve th a t w ill ba th a ir fa te w ith s a b staatlal fla a a c ia l aad m oral i .»er wort roufaug th * Hat«oy h o t« l! oat aapport fro m tha good people of our lb i* weak, a* w«U as re p a ir. ug toe eo a a try ‘•J. O H A R B O R D . eater eoadactors on the b u iid iu , " M a jo r G eneral C 3 Army Mrs. M O . Lyon o f Stay too w»- O eceral H a r b o r i is -.«.a of the ao a rriv a l laet Moouay fc>f a vieit tru s te w of th e N e a r Ea»t R e lie f or- with bar brother, K C , tA iliia m - ra n U a tlo n bo w m akin c a g«sceral ap »¿ml for foods ta con tin s « Its w ork aon. who live« ju e t « o u tetd e of i n n « the <)«•• ' n ’ e of B ib le ta rd a T . A Hov«t is making arrange­ ment« fur a sal« of lireetuck an iarm iog implement« September b *t the Frod G. Suiiiu piacv. ahic hae recently beou sold to Ir a tb Jofaue. who w ill move oa~ to th wroporty, whiia M r B j w •« twtnil» w ill m o w to to air pi«cs io , - orated their -ecood wedding auni versary last tsaoday by enjoy-og au excellent dinner by themeelvea Monday m orning Mrs» Bond went to Eugene to consult bar dentist, returning the same day. Antua Loan« Smith returned to Shadd Monday, after viatung ia Halsey. Last Sunday Mrs. M C- Bond , pod dsujhter Mona motored to gir» M«-ac«s Tas Rsturwa. W *«hlert«ei — A M illan d itta re of CnHe Sum'« revena« I» daily endan­ gered by fire b a u r t a . Infernal Ftev enne Com mt“* loner R lalr «fated Tai retam a involving payment* o t a M i­ lton dollaro, are now houeed in flimay temporary bolìdinga, the er-ram last on­ er «aid. Hetty—Aoatie. Mr Perkins ranst be aw ful clever I I Just beard him tell •ta be could explain everything — i'aaaing Show, ________________ R a ilr o td Appehls to S kip p er» F r i­ ow lea a rtb west of ; « eat Home, going m Beaverton to reeide an M r. aad Mrs Y e m Arnold and « ill sail bis ! 6A-acre fa m track, tirile d aurh'er ep»nt Saturday aad aad m«ch nary at au d io - 3 itMaV- ni last week w ith Mr« fueaday For he* p a rtio . Arnold a s'»ter M*V- E '- r e t t Da­ lara w ilt ba found on page ». v e and fam ily o Lebanon T h *; pruot toiler baa sot yet s i. rtvad and the p rinter's devil u a t il A Word to t e W ise get tin t ia hte oefanoo» war . T h e daar «aason is yp ei. H a r­ Last week b? * e i «cd him kl? - o the auweruaomenI of the Wood, ters are waroed that it ix u n la « - worth om g cotnpwnv . H a mail- fu l— To hunt w ithout a ficeo««. eh« company offar 1" record«, ia- T» hunt deer w ith dogs. ataad of 10, w ith tba machine n To haul at aight. adverti«ad aod tban. to « till fu r­ To hunt on way g»m« refuge ther attract evatomary, gava tb - To disguiee sex of aav g»n.- prKW aa J53.5O in«t«ad of <183 50. I f ba M a id lad oca the enmpaoy to animal. \ jo be io wait for leer at or etasd h r his offer« he would ba a great trade builder B x there ht »■It lick». failed. The corrected Ydverttsa T-. sell, or offer f>r »ale. barter or exchange any gam« animal« o ' nwnt ta on p ag e3 thie week. »•He thereof Mrs M V . Jobntoo of Salem T « *b«*’t from public highwa« scant a'unday w ith bar o b s i d . « ra ilw a y right-of-w ay. M rs. W . L W «lls. sod fa m ily . To w antonly w a a tw iK jie . Mr' sod Mrs E M . B turgx. To hunt ou lands w ith o u t Ih» » t o h e w ’weo ¿ooat* at the Sehrwi I -ermissiun of the owner. -»-»e for some day« loft for Rex Oregon. M m lo r for o visit. To« 5. ARMY HLAD Sturgis«« aco from Botsa, Idaho, drs s ia rg i* sad M rs bedroll M e ASK5 ARMENIAN Al. . , -stars he cable reed N o U m lt to seed la New govern m en t promts«« setter fac tl.u a a fo r r E X activity S in fo rm e r governm ent. " A few lays Inter a fu r th e r ptteoaa pfea faL ewed Total crphann la Alexandre- ¡wi ii.» i» e SuppUaa in A le n a a lro - » 1 allow h alf rn tio a a A p ril l t d te U tA . A fte r May 1st. a o t h ia x ' • ise seven A m en caa -e iie f w o rkers in charge of th e lk .P P d lit t le eaea ia Aiexaadropol cabled a ta rt appeal: No food at say price F e r v days more aad we are Sntabed A B a l whea the i-w t re lie f «hip Q ae- naea entered the deserted h a rh o r e f Bat am oa May 1. th e re w ere |k a t taw hag» o f ( o a r le ft T h e food skip had ,-om« la tim e A m erica had saved the day— and th e l» .» « » o r­ phan ch ild ren who h ad auKered aa mach aad lost ao m ach la theta- sho rt. w ar-cloadvd live«, never haww that gaunt h anger in the robe« o f death la d knocked at the door of the er- p tan ag e at A ie x a a d ro p o l— a a d th a t A m erica had th ru s t th e bony hand k. -m e a ta O N A Oh IM A 10.001» East R e lie f C o aaalar repreeeata tlves le ft the country A ll fo r e ig n * « piled onto ships and Bed W ar threatened to scatter th e w o r t and render va ia the long, patient efforts of the N ear East R e lie f to aalvax« a whole a a tio a 's childrwa Bu: the Am erican men and w ?mna who had cared fo r these little oam were ac-diemayed They refaaed to leave under to m t-a r Jm eat. w flh hostile a rm le t sweeping through the streets w here the N ear hast R elief's AmistaiR-e ol Halsey shippers in cutting down lose and damage to freig ht ia being »ought by R. H Cornelia«, Agent of the Southern Pacific Jcompuny here, who hae made a special appeal for propM |vacking m arking aad lo a d in g H * p»i >’ « out th at loss and d a m ­ age Ireig o l claim », which oo class 1 railroad« mounted from • 905 io 191« to S IO 4 .» * . W 0 in 19J0. represent a absolute aeooomie wa«te After eett e-ueot ba* been m a le , be »aid, tio one ie better i 9 than be waa before the low or damage occurred, w hile the country ia poorer io the c lie n t of the value o f the property destroyed, (tud tkb shipper i» annoyed at the fki!*)te of hi* govxla to reach buu is good uedm The Southern Eacific company ba* maugerated au intensive cam - pa-gn among »te employee d uring the mouth of Sep emher to demon­ strate wbat can be done io e lim i­ nate lute and damage a n d ia a»k- iitg th« aa«iMauoe ol shipper» to ,« a»oatb« or a year lateeest paid «enn-aan natly. Smith Bros.’ Market Fresh and Cured Meats Always On Hand. Also Other Meats in Season.