Z l’AGE 6 HALSEY UNfÜRPtUSB AUGUST 10. 1W1 FACE FAMINE IN NEWFOUNDLAND We do not know what skuUuA- gery Bro Hinman perpetrated in teach the seventh and eighth Dudley Henner visited Albany tbe Brownsville Tim e* laet week Saturday. grade«. We have not seen a copy. B I Carey returned to hie home J. C Standish and wife went to Mr. and Mrs. John Groee and in Salem Monday morning Portland Saturday and returned Mrs. Mary Boyle» of Brownsville Mr« Eldon Croee returned Iron Monday. accompanied by M r. and Jlr«. Her Portland Monday morning I Ihe Community Punkin show oert Hale of Athena, took train Doctor Grenfell, “ Angel of L a b ra ­ They dor,’’ Issues Appeal for Re­ Chester Lyon« has nineteen boys cornea off at Junction City Septeru lor their home Saturday. were in attendance at the funeral on hie big brother farm at Leb. ber Ti, 28 and 24. lief of Fisherfolk. of the mother, who pa»-ed away H a l some one in your neighbor­ aneu. recently in Brownsville. Mr. and Mie W. C Skelton i f hood sold a piece of properly? Miss Laura G Lovett of Havre, i L*ha ion ware Brownsville visitor Tell the Enterprise about it. M o d i., has been visiting her cone-1 last week. Dr. and Mra. E. W Barnum of iu Everett EmJ Slanard and wife| Mre. J Roger«, who lives nea> Harrisburg drove to Poitiand Suu- of Brownsville the pare week. Be­ Hunger and Companion Miseries of here, spent several daye last week day to spend eeveral days visiting fore coming to Oregon she toured Poverty Are Acute Because the In Albany. friende. through Galt, Cal , aud other pla­ Fishermen Have Been Unable M r, and Mra Tom Goodman of ces. Miss Lovet is an ex-ejperin- to Sell Product of Labor. More complaint is heard about Brownsville spent last Sunday at tendent of schools in California, the Harrisburg ferry than about tbe home of Arthur Carroll of and was in Halsey betwen train*. New fo rk.—Dr. W ilfred T. Gren­ the one over the Styx. Priceboro. fell. "angel of Labrador," has Joined Only .04 of an inch of rain fell forces with W illiam Willard Howard, When the pavement on Second Mrs. C. P. Stafford left for Eu­ in Linn county in Julv, according and the Christian Work of New York, etr--et is finish'd less traffic will gene Saturday morning to visit at to the records of F M French. In the campaign to relieve destitution stir the First-street dust. the home of Dr. Spence, a relative, United States weather observer at iu Newfoundland by providing a mar­ Albany. There were three cloudy ket for the codfish upon which thou­ The probate court has appointed returning Sunday. Tbe maximum tempera­ sands in that country depend for live­ M. M. Huston administratrix of Evidently the old fire devil ie no days. the Joel B. Huston estate reepecter of Bunday. He did his ture was 92, recorded July 23 I lihood. Hunger and companion miseries of biggest job of tbe year, thus far, in The minimum was 41. poverty are acute in Newfoundland be­ Kenneth Hnebv of the U. of O, Halsey on that day. Ruth Quimby, 15, and Irene! cause the fishermen have been un­ preaebed at the Christian oburcb Mrs. Minnie Harlaw of Eugene Quimbv, 18, daughters of M r. aud able to sell the product of their labor. Sunday morning and evening. passed through HaUey on bar way M rs À. H Quimby o, H«l»ey, be­ Dr. Grenfell came to New York a few Mia. M B. Tavlor of Crawfords­ home after visiting her uncle long to the Canning club, the days ago from Labrador whither he ville was a recent visitor of bar Jamer Bond of Albany. H'>me-rnaking club and tke Sewing had gone after a conference here with aia er, Mr« Southern of Halsey. club, all of which are maintained Mr. Howard, director of tfce New­ M r and Mre Wads Spurlin of in tbe Charity grange neighbor foundland relief work, and Dr. Fred- J. B. Sparry of Brownsville vis­ Priceboro drove to this place Suu hood, iu which they live, and also erick Lynch, treasurer of the fund. ited Lebanon relatives last week a* day of last week and «pent the day to the t-h-dd Shorthorn Cal, club. Fisherfolk on Verge of Famine. he passed through on hie way to ith Mrs. Jtalph M iller. | Dr. Grenfell reposted, finding de- Grading operations on the S .idaville. j plorahle conditions among the fam­ P. J. Forster drove a well a» Pacific highway between here ne™ and ilies of the fishermen, and the Indus­ his new home on First street Sat M>«s Eleanor Tetrie of Browns­ Alford station are pr greasing rap­ try of the country tn a truly sad state. v ille was a summer viainor Iasi urday. Got pleuty of water at 40 idly. The proposed right o, wav He says : “I have just received a M r. Slate of Tangent did will necessitale removal of geveral message from Mr. Ed Grant of Blanc »« k of Mre. C. B. Spencer ol fret. the job. Lebanon. buildings in tbe Alford district and Sabton, Labrador, asking tf I can help Mrs. Lincoln Overton and littl the building of a trestle and bridge. there, as ‘great destitution prevails.’ Mr. and Mr», George Maxwell on of Harrisburg were passenger Right of way has been already se­ I am afraid that It will be very serf spent a week recentlv with Mr. I sent him a couple F rid a y morning to Purtladd, where cured and fenced from south of tbe ous by winter. Maxweli’s sister, Mrs. Alvin Smith, medical treatment will be given F re l Burkhart farm to the city of hundred dollars to fit out some few fishermen. who lives In Albany, Inuits of Harrisburg. the little boy. “At Twllllngate only one-half of the Mi. and Mrs. W. H. McLane of A number o, the Halsey boys normal number of fishermen are being Mrs, John Thompson and fam Shelburn were here to atleud the ly of Tekoa, Wash , left for theii were out last Friday soliciting; fitted out. The savings are being funeral of Ur. Philo Starr. home Friday morning after visit­ funds for •‘the ole awimmin’ hole” ; drawn steadily from most of the banks, both In the outports and In St. Evergreen blackberries are be- ing friends and relatives in this and for improvements about it j Johns. I have that on the evidence They propose to have a spring­ locality since June. giiioiug to go to the oaDoeriet of the bankers. We are starting the When in town, get the habit of board amt a slide 25 feet long and new hospital building at Tw-lllingate. Luey continue producing till the 18 feet high at L»k« 0x1«, which tall rams spoil tueui except wnere dropping into tbe newspaper office That Is a help." and resting a while and have a chat they cltaim is an ideal place. ; Doctor Grenfell Is planning to tour pinched by droutu, with us Bring m an ua little an They contend that it will be fully through Newfoundland on his relief Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sweariugen cial, church or (rgteroal news note as snisfactory as the oue at Albany mission. ol J he Ualiee were ta k in g a trip and h -Ip make the column« of the and the expeuse of that trip and Mr. Howard, discussing the discour­ tirougb the valley ta il week, com­ bom« pwper interesting. the time consumed will be much aging reports from Labrador, com­ bining buainesa and pleasure. The more thau mads up for. Cotne on mented : “Twllllngate Is the largest and most More rattlesnakes have been n, l>oy*; the water’s fine. Swearingena are former Browua- prosperous place In Newfoundland out­ killed in Linn countv this summer vilieitee. At a family reunion at the horn- side of St. Johns. I f Twllllngate can than in any single summer for Mr. and Mra. John Morgan ol many years fit out only half her fishermen for the Borne have been of Mrs Hugh Leeper July 31 eleve Oakesdale, Wash., who have been killed near Plaainview, some near out of thirteen children gathered season's fishing. It la a tilack outlook for the rest of the island. Blanc Sab- visiting friends and relatives here Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Freaent were Josie Clement o, Ta Ion Is an Important fishing port at lor auwe time, left I >r Long Beach, Hnllev. and three were slaughter­ omu; Eltba Turner aud Le the entrance to the straits of Belle Wash., Monday morning for a vie ed at a county rock crti»h»r in th> nhedd o, Albany; Clara Nvlam Isle. it bef >re reaching home. Charles Davis and wife and Ahi Charity grange neighborhood east Foresees Severe Winter. Melson of Shedd; Kate Smith M r«. Dean Morse and little of Harrisburg. " If destitution prevails there now, Harrisburg; Johnnie Ito«-and Wi W in fie ld of Brownsville were I hesitate to think what Doctor Gren­ Mr. and Mrs R. R. Tbempb- □ avis aud wives. Charles D iv guests of Mrs, Ruth Clark, who ie ton and daughter Bessie of Browns­ fell will find as he goes north. nd wife and Georgia and Alt “Much of the destitution could be viaaing her mother, Mrs M S. ville were over from that place Hrs. Robuett, Margan-tte, L u ’ill- relieved If one of my ships could leave S 'ithmii of this place.Mre. Clark, Saturday, accompanying Mr. and Donald, Rai tmmd and Eldon D for the Labrador coast now filled to i hose home is in California, ami Mra W. E Couey and daugber is and Davit Young of BreWn the deck beams with flour, vegetables, lure M irse weie jehoiiuialas and L-i'a of Ashland, who had spent vtlle, Hugh Leeper, Alva Leepei molasses and fishery salt. A dollar g a u i i-d at the euuie time several weeks with the Jempletons Leonard and Elinor Leepsr h i of help now would he worth $10 In Saturday Mr« W. A- Ringo en­ The Coueya left on the morning Lloyd and Georgia Byerlef ol next winter’s Inevitable famine. “Soon the suffering people are tertained on her husband'« birth- train for Ashland Halsey hemmed In hy Ice." dsr »ith a dinner at whieli plates The committee Is now engaged In a fin Editor Wheeler end wifs and program of relief which will aid the Mra, Ringo’s cousin as guests of starving Newfoundlanders and at the the occasion were laid. The din­ same time provide food for famtflee ner waa fins and all went awitn- made homeless snd suffering In this minglv, but what we don’t know country on account of thé Colorado ie Juathow old is Ringo ?- flood It Is offering the fish for sale yoke straps ara sufficiently heavy and , Lightning Flash Msatursd. strong for the work required. A run- 1 No doubt lightning flashes vs n „ away team cannot he controlled with thickness but one photogrsphe* ,» weak rains, nor will weak tugs and cently was eatimated. from the •)>, straps stand heavy work. tha trace It left on a photograph aBg the distance of tha tower It struck Dally Thought “By the work one knows ths work- from the camera, to be only onwfipg of an Inch, not much more than soma min.”— De Ln Fontaine artificial electric sparks F IR E ! DREAD APPROACH OF WINTER R II Robertson, lierry grower of Brownsville, with bis family drove over Saturday morning w hen hi» daughter, Mrs a Niven of Calgary, left for her home after a five.weeks virtl. during which h attended her aiatar Jessie's w tiding Mr Robertson is well p eased with the new paving. M ik e your ow .i ham* a center for the world s greatest music T his M odel I^et everyone who reads the Rn- ; »••prise show it to a nrigbbor and , ar isp« the latter may be led to ! a bs rihe. To make a bigger and I bet ar psp-r the anhavlption list mist be tncrease l. Plug for vour own town and your own paper The Enterprise has not pain very well in the past few sears and has therefore changed hand* several times Give ua your support and we will devote whatever ability wa have to an effort to give you your Otoney's worth. An examination for eighth grade pupils will be tn Linn count v Sep­ tember I ami|7 Where schools are in «easton teachers will topervtee. Imt otherwise chairmen of school boards or persons appointed by th-m will co-ulact the examina­ tion«. Candidate« In all districts will be ellt|ible. TO PREVENT POTATO LOSSES 107 A message from Waterloo «fete« that fires are becoming more nu­ merous, savers, being in aeght on nearly hills. A large one was re­ ported on the west slope of Bald Pe'er mountain, north vest of Sweet Home There ia el«i one on tbs ridge near Wendltng, while one 1« burning on M ddle R-dge, midway between Brownsville and Lebanon. Serious Damage Results From Careless Handling at Harvest Time— Avoid Breaking Skin. (Mahogany or A s h ) with 17 Records and Equipment $ 3 3 .5 0 Payment Plan o will urrMDgo a plan to »uitf your eon- v 'piiitMift}. Talk it over O with us. V o Ib is m ach in e oi any o th e r of yotii elivered to ♦t.,u r hom o on approval, Î d toys»I to give perin m mif satisfaction. Prom pt, export, conrtootiw service with overv innclijiie u we hell. w WOODWORTH DRUG CO , ALBANY Litui Com ity P h o n o ­ g ra p h H e ad q u a rte rs for $10 for a 100-pound box, and pur­ chasers who do not want fish for their own use may direct that It he sent to the Colorado refugeea. Thus food will go to hungry Americans and the money which paya for It will go to the Newfoundland fishermen. OREGON 6000 Records in stock Growers snd shippers are responsi­ ble for much of the loss that results from shipping diseased potatoes, since a large part of such losses can be con­ trolled. if not entirely prevented, In the field, according to specialists of the bureau of markets of the United States Department of Agriculture. Serious damage results from careless handling when the potatoes are har­ vested. Too many persons. It Is said, handle potatoes ts though they were so many cobblestones, rather than a perishable product. F.ven the breaking of the protective skin frequently proves serious. Such Injury not only damages the appearance and necee- sltates deep paring of the tuber, but affords ready entrance to infection. Loss of this sort lies In every grower's and shipper's power to control, tt la pointed out. • SELECT HARNESS WITH CARE Be (specially Careful That Reins, Breaching and Various Straps Ara Heavy and Strong Select harness with care See that It la «ell made Make ear«, especially 'hat tha relna brvechlng holdback •traps, tugs or traces, belly hand« an* A re von protected ? Secure a policy from the Fidelity-Phoenix Insuranoe Company of New York and you will have reai protection. Don’t overlook your A u * to m b ile . J. W. MOORE Real Estate and Insurance, Halsey, Oregon. The Delights of the Seashore and Mountains appeal to many thousands each year. Be one of the merry throng that go there this summer for Health, Rest, Recreation aud Anusement, Round Trip Summer Excursion Tickets are now on sale to many de’ghtful places. Newport. Ideal for the family it this charming old place that is free from conventionalities. ----- Crater Lake. One of the greatest scenic won­ ders of the world is this beautiful lake of indescrib- able blue. Tillamook County Beaches. Located amidst a wealth of beautiful natural surroundings are these resorts just a few miles beyond the Coast Range. Other Resorts. Detroit (Bretlenbue6 Hot Springs (Mt. Jeffeson country), McCredie Hot Springs, Joshpinoe County Caves, Shasta Mountain Resorts and Yosemite Nalional Park, ' “ Oregon Outdoors,” o „r new i iiu.t r .t ,d and descriptive booklet, w ill help you decide on the resorl of your choice. Let us assist you by providing a copy Iree on request ¡For further in ormaticn inquire ol ticket agents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES ~ JO HN M SCOTT, General P The Dry, Parched Throat of the motor g 1 craves our deli­ riously flavored and tempting ice eream. W hy not gratify ber? Could anything be more healthful? Our ice cream is more heoeflciai than chrsnly flavored soft drthk< to sav nothing of hard drinks» which most dainty madiens an. tirely ignore. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. T a k e your repair w o rk to H A LSEY GARAGE where jo u will receive first-class service at rea­ sonable rates. In order to reduce our stock c f Tires and Tubes we are making special prices on all sizes and makes. Good line of accories and Ford parts on hand at all times, pr nipt attention given to trouble c" " 8- HALSEY GARAGE Foote Bros. “You Can Depend on This” says the Good Judge R e a l T o b a c c o fo r r e a l s a t is f a c t io n . T h e f u ll r ic h ta ste of th e R eal T o b a cco C h ew la s t s so lo n g t h a t y o u d o n ’t n e e d a fr e s h c h e w so o f t e n . T h a t ’s w h y It c o s t s y o u le s s to u s e t h is c la s s o f t o b a c c o . A ny m an w h o u se s th e R ea l T o b a c c o C h e w w ill t e ll y o u t h a t . Put up in tw o t t y l t i R IG H T CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CLT is a long fine-cut tobaci