Isn't It Strangs ? Somehow or Oder the man who Mrs P. I. 1 routiuan aud d >ugb- snores the loodeet always seems to go to sleep flrst te a Pullman car. ters are spending a lew days at Shots froiu Shedd. PAG E 5 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E a I AUG UST IS number < f years a re-ndem of Hal­ ey, was in lined Aug 1 to Flank F \\ R o b in s r e iu ’ ned M- t d a y County Agent Heyman is off 00 DR. K. H. H r t R M a •Cascadia. Harper at Kansas City. They will fro n a trip to Caacauia, a vacailou. make their home at Hamiltou, M ’ Mr. and Mrs. A D Elder vis. Mrs. A. Brock is visiting rela­ K. B Peuland and C. H . Davu For the past two years MissSoder- tives at Lake creek this week. ited Sunday at tbe Dick Farwell of thia place were in Albany Sat­ C usick B ank B uilding . A lbany -trom has been teaching the high home. I. E. Gardner aud family mo. urday. , school at M ariptha, Aricona. Ralph Dannen and wife visited tored to Albany Thursday. lames Wilson and S. C. Hunter F. E. Stewart of Liucoln, Neb., Sunday with big uncle, Ralph of Brownsville were Mouday visit­ M r and Mis. H W. Chance le­ was ¡u town the first of the week, Dannen, and family. ors in Halsey. having made the trip by auto. arned from Sodaville Wednesday ATTO RNEY A T LA W Richard Garnjobst of Browns­ Mrs, Stewart accompanied him 10 Affectation? Miss Alberta and Master M ^rtia A man who Ig unaffectedly himself 201 New First N at’l Bank Bid's Siskiyou county, C«l-, where sin Komtz leave to- norrow for a uout- ville was visiting several days with Gilbert M iller. turns out to he uncommonly like other stopped for a rest and visit M- ng at Newport. Albany, Oregon. people.—G. Santayana la the Dial. Charles Poole and Job Moore of Stewart was fffunder and first casli Mi«e Marie Sneed arrived from Brownsville were here Mouday to Stop that waste of power in your eyes ler of the Halsey State bank am by using resided in Halsey for several year «cattle Holiday to spend her va­ ee the remains of the fire. cation at her home KRYPTOKS Amor A. Tussing before selling bis interests. Miss Lilian Barhere returned Mrs Opal Higbee aud twin boys, Monday morning from Eugene, a tent of superior qnslity at a consist­ E. B. McKinney, local stock ent price. ‘lair end Clarence, visited the where she is engaged in Salvation L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y buyer, ruturued Monday from a Albertson home Sunday, Twodoore north of tbe hotel Army work. four-days trip which took bin, Am prepared to do all kinds of I B rownsvili . b , O regon Mr. and Mrs. I. E Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, who through southern Oregon, then to l«bo* repairing. Satisfaction guar- Klamath Falls, Bend and back Mr. and Mrs. E C M 'ller motored nave spent the past year in Halsey, ! anteed. left Monday morning for Long across the mountains by way of >ver to Philomath Sunday. Ceacb for a visit. Belknap spring« and Eugene. Th Martin Anderson and E jnor trip was made in company with Bennett of Tangent, called at the Z atSAA/Z cws JEWETT M r. and Mrs. Richard Cunning­ bis brother, Earl McKinney of i£. C Miller home Sunday. ham of Lebauon came over Mon­ Harold Albro. Lebanon, and Dick M iller of Eu­ Da. H arold B. J ack They Manufacturing optcian. Pine Dress Shoes a Specialty Several persons who passed thi day to investigate the fire, DENTISTRY sou gene. 304-305 1st Na­ Frum warehouse Sunday remarked were former residents hero. NOTICE tional Bank Buildin, Albany, O reg ou . I 501 Lyon Street, Mrs. Fred Taylor of Corvallis i dial they seemed to »uiell burning Albany, Oregon, Clinton F. Morse and little a guest at the home of her father hay. • laughter of Harrisburg were here Without pain Wanted Late uerve- J. C. Standish. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Byers of In ­ Mondav on their way to Albany, { blocking method. Mon lay uight Balf Bond and dependence made fa short sto| where M r Morse was to receive at wife, M a Frank Pi rtar and with Mrs. Byers’ sister, Mrs. E medical treatment. daughters Gertrude and Arnie, C. M iller, Sunday. G L A S S E S F IT T E D One nnle south of Corvalli», on W illiam Davidson and wife of Mrs. C larity Clark and daughter BY or aboui S E P T E M B E R .. A full list of losses of farmers Brownsville were Sunday visitors Georgius and Miss Cltona Smith KARL A. BRAMWELL. Proo. in the warehouse tire is not avail­ GRADUATE motored to Shedd, where Mrs. able this week, but M r. Frum at the Clinton Morse home, H ar­ Good camp grounds— plenty of good O P T O M E T R IS T Mrs. Morse is tbe daugh­ water and sawed wood—one table for S n itgzC lean ed au d P ressed. Clark and Mrs Porter were in i­ promises one for next week's papei risburg ter ot the Davidsons. each camp— baskets furnished to pickers tiated into the mysteries of the P R IV A T E O F F IC E F R E E . W ill pay the prevailing price Mr aud Mrs Earl Patton ano Eastern Star. This was followed F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cushtnan Grocery store on place and meat d eliv­ L A U N D R Y S E N T A W A Y on M O N D A T by a social hour when Gertrude little son of Seattle arrived Tues­ uf Brownsville gave a birthday din­ ered every day. W ill meet trains and P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E move pickers in and ont F R E E ! F R E E ! Porter sang several numbers, ac­ day for a visit at tbe T . P. Patton ner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1.10 acres on high trellis and clean F . M . F r e n c h & S o n s companied by Miss Smith on the home. W illiam Stetters and M r. and Mrs. yards ALBANY OREO. piano. Ice cream, cake and lem­ Eldon Cross retured Sunday W illiam Lang of Lebanon were of Write W. L BUTLER, onade were served. W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 86. from a short visit at the A. A. the guests. P. O. Bos 277, Corvallis. Ore. Phone 7F2 Morrill home at Hillsboro. He Regular meeting next Saturdai Franklin V . D. Bangs, special Dr. and Mrs. T. I . Mark« and was followed Monday by Mrs. night. agent for the Fidelity Phoenix In ­ son Roland and G. W Laubner ARCHIE CORNELIUS anti wife left yesterday morning Croose, who bad gone down with surance company of Portland, was Jots a n d T ittles in Halsey Tuesday with J. W . for an extended trip which will him. M o o re , a g e n t of that company here. W A T C H M AKER lake them to Crater Lake and M r. nd Mrs. J. M- Berry re­ (Continued from page 1) other points of interest in that turned to their homo in Portland This company had no losses in the A N O J E W E L E R , Electric Haircutting, Massaging of excellent q u alm , cut lendv for part of the state after a -hort visit with Mr Berry's recent fire. the stove, became available wlieu and Shampooing. grandmother, Mrs. M E. Bassett, The Enterprise is expecting a Mrs. R b Miller and little son the owner was moving from town. H A L S E V OKKOON Cleaning and Pre t e i ¡Subscriber« have been rushing in returned Sunday from a visit with aud aunt, Mrs T . I. Murks. roller for use in taking proofs. It will take some time to season it, with renewals and new casb-in-ad- her parents, the Spurlins, at H » r. E xpert W orkmanship; Watches and Mrs Lottie Reed of Tacoma, but after it comes the matter that vance names have been added to risburg who I ihs been visiting her sister, goes into the paper will first be Clocks a specialty. the list. The first of these from Alvin Smith and wife, Ruhy Mrs. M V. Kpontz of this city, for out of town was that of J . B. Neff Parker and Lena Brsnstetter were some time left for her home on *' proved ” and read and some of G ive us a trial. (lie typographical errors corrected. >f Log Angeles, who wrote ; ** 1 in town from Albany Monday. Thursday, accompanied by M is. Office 1st door south of scliocl h >u*e have just nceived vour paper of , . M r. and Mrs W . E Randall of Halsey, Oregon. Mrs. F. H. Porter and daughters Koontz 'he 4th and am glad you are lo­ Aeattie, Mr. and Mrs E M Stur­ Gertrude and Arnie leave today for Mrs. Neliia Bennett and Ruth Dealer in Real Estate. cated. I will be glad to note the W e H ave Eugene, where they will visit at M cIntyre of Eugene have been gis of Boise, Idaho, and M r. and Handles Town and Country Property i nprovement that la m sure will E V E R Y T H IN G Mrs. Z. N. B ird in an of Riverside, I G ive him a call and see if he can fix Dc made in tbe paper and 10 order the home ol Mrs. Porter’s father, Visiting ibis week with Mrs. Ben- O ptical Cal., arrived Monday for a visit M r. Hopkins. They will go to Alsea nett’s nieces. Mrs W. H. Robert to do so am iucloaiug a check for a y »u up. for an outing before leaving for «on, Mi«. E . C. M iller and Mr«, •vith M r. and Mrs. George Sell roll year's subscription.” E Y E S T R A IN of Halsey. The four ladies named Portland, where they will spend I E. Gurduor. Is the Cause of M any are sisters. W. H Steusloff of Salem was the winter. The Cornelius familx W R IG H T & PO O LE H U M A N IL L S D. 8. McWilliams returned Mon. ¡ L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S transacting business iu Halsey will occupy the Porter house this If your eyes give you trouble The Oregonien says; “ A paint­ lav from a week-end trip to Cas- Wednesday. winter. your glasses are annoying I HARRISBURG LEBANON sdia He was accompanied by er at Halsey who had both arms SE E US. We can Relieve You II Phone 35 Phone 15 Twelve 50-pound boxes of dy­ Mrs. M' W illiams and son Elliot, broken bv a falling ladder is called W. D. Pssley, commercial man, Branches at Bancroft Optical Co. I j - of Sau Francisco, was a transient namite was fired o ff Tuesday at who had been ermping at that re­ lucky because he had some acci- 313 1st S t..W . Albany. Phone 461 II Brownsville. Wm T Templeton, M gr Saddle butte, wheie rock is being sort f> r wo or three weeks. lent insurance. ‘ Provident’ is a aere last Wednesday. I 1 Halsey, Phone 166, F rank K irk , M gr procured for the pavement between better term ’’ The painter above Miss Calls Heslin of Portland here and Shedd thousand« of The Harrisburg, Junotien Citv mentioned bad both bones in one Notice of Appointment of Ad- 1 strived Wednesday > n her wav to tons of rock was broken in'o and Eugene cantons, I O O. P., arm broken; the other arm waa un- ministra trix Brownsville to visit Mrs John Da­ pieces small enough to be fed to will pic lie at the auto camp inju e . He was both lucky and vis, who met h e here. Mis« Hes the crusher. Notice Is hereby given that the un- j 'The ground for grounds at H ed and, falling, packed them off for safety. When for a visit with her father, T ity o f the ware, and you should take advantage cvf day companied by &arl Patton and caught his arm I etween the two he saw the danger past he quietly A Hover. family, went to McCredie springs rungs, ths weight of the extension returned the pencils to their ac­ them at o n ce. Mrs. L W Hsmpton, who has Wednesday. They will rusticate causing tbe break. Mr. McW ill* customed place. Chiropractor M l a V ic to ria Söderström , for X-RAY -------------------t____ C C. B R Y A N T Shoe Repair Shopj (D p to m o tris t. the cobbler .[ a . Peterson Hop Pickers J. W. SEAVEY’S BARBER - SHOP. I I. 0 . 0 . F. BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R W. J. Ribelin F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Hotel Halsey U. G. R E YN O LD S, ____________ Proprietor LISTEN! Cross & White been visiting her sister. Mrs. Nel­ there for a few weeks. They will . iaots was removed to the home of Mrs, Andrew Brown, one of our lie Robinson, for several days left be joined in a few days by Mrs. O. , bis brother, D 8. McWilliams, incoming teachers, spent week end lor bar bone at Salan today with relatives iu Shedd. She will B. 9taloaksr of Corvallis, and n getting along nicely.